In the East Prussia of Danzig before the war, three-year-old Oskar Matzerath decides to stop growing--and succeeds--then finds playing his favorite toy, a tin drum, useful for tuning out things that annoy him, like his mother's dallying with their Polish boarder, the Nazi rallies his father attends, or even the advent of war itself.) ~; l. p' Q( S# ?! g
q w: T2 H4 x, U+ \
0 i% P7 D& K4 Q( F* _0 U+ U9 d+ r, ?5 h. {
◎译 名 铁皮鼓/锡鼓/拒绝长大的男孩* a' `/ e/ i8 W8 a/ ?/ W0 z2 f- F
◎片 名 The Tin Drum - Die Blechtrommel
: o& t/ y g' R0 L3 O) [& S8 R- f◎年 代 1979
; P% Q* z- J1 @. v◎国 家 西德/法国/波兰/南斯拉夫- O) V; f l# E' U
◎类 别 剧情/战争
- d/ C7 Y8 `4 p◎IMDB评分 7.6/10 (13,130 votes)+ o& @; K% v1 m6 {: C
◎IMDB链接 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0078875/
% d- d+ U5 i! X8 H& f◎语 言 德语
( Y! X) O' ? U! F◎片 长 2h:43m:31s. U3 P, G" S* H
◎导 演 沃尔克·施隆多夫 Volker Schl?ndorff
6 O$ ]6 ^- ~4 A: f" z' g+ C4 o◎主 演 马里奥·阿多夫 Mario Adorf ....Alfred Matzerath
# E v. |" N5 X& p2 j2 q2 D3 [1 T7 S" d 安吉拉·温科勒 Angela Winkler ....Agnes Matzerath
6 d1 B, A m" y8 D 大卫·本奈特 David Bennent ....Oskar Matzerath
P( {3 O7 I8 u: s 达尼尔·奥勒布里斯基 Daniel Olbrychski ....Jan Bronski. `8 L! d% s+ F* P3 R& s: M
卡特琳娜·塔巴赫 Katharina Thalbach ....Maria Matzerath
" K$ f3 P. p4 W& K 夏尔·阿兹纳夫 Charles Aznavour ....Sigismund Markus) u6 H" |; @6 R" V% \/ ~& H5 s
沃捷希奇·帕斯佐尼亚克 Wojciech Pszoniak ....Fajngold
5 q- `9 }' w$ a# B0 ] 阿道夫·希特勒 Adolf Hitler ....Himself (voice) (archive footage) (uncredited)+ B; H& R3 M1 h- j8 I S1 f v" O# h+ C
◎简 介; M3 Y" o$ Z+ B9 C' E: M
5 `6 }0 m7 a; e8 `) [3 L 外祖母安娜还未婚的时候,一个叫约瑟夫年轻人为了逃避追捕钻进她的大裙子下,而成为了奥斯卡的外祖父。母亲阿格内斯和她的表弟布朗斯基深深相爱,但由于近亲不能结婚,只好嫁给商人阿尔弗莱德。奥斯卡出生了,但谁是他真正的父亲也许只有母亲阿格内斯知道。- v2 d2 D1 }7 B' |% W" W7 {
7 e5 W& C6 U0 L1 |8 h
奥斯卡三岁生日那天,母亲送了一个“铁皮鼓”作礼物,他高兴的整天挂着它。他在桌子底下玩,发现了布朗斯基舅舅和妈妈的私情,他觉得成*的世界里充满着邪恶和虚伪,他决定不再长大。他从楼上跳了下来,结果他真的就不再长高,停留在三岁的高度。一次,爸爸抢他的鼓,他大声的尖叫,结果发现,他的尖叫可以震碎玻璃,从此没有敢再抢他的鼓。8 J3 _8 r" k g0 X
: \& }# @& s. c+ G4 |& K
希特勒上台后,父亲加入了纳粹党。母亲还是频频和舅舅幽会,母亲发现自己怀孕了,没完没了的吃起了鱼,结果由于过量而死去。母亲死后不久,舅舅也被纳粹杀害了。外祖母带了一个女仆玛利亚回来,奥斯卡和父亲都占有了她的身体,并且生了一个孩子。奥斯卡认为孩子是他的,但玛利亚成为了自己的“母亲”,孩子成为了自己的“弟弟”。1945年,苏军攻占了但泽,父亲被杀,他埋葬了父亲,也埋了伴随他20年的鼓。他的“孩子”不小心用石头砸了他脑袋,这时候发现,奥斯卡恢复了生长 ······
+ d' _7 ^. U! t) F. M% ]* ?" ~, r
& z& V' C5 f; M, B' y. E9 X( S幕后制作+ k! m& t: @% n( E( l
) @* R' J) T, |7 }
德国新电影流派名导施隆多夫的扛鼎力作,也是影史最著名的反纳粹电影之一。影片气势恢弘,改编自德国名作家格拉斯的《德意志三部曲》之一,以一个畸形的侏儒一生的颠簸遭遇和奇特视角来揭示整个德国民族的历史和纳粹的丑恶。这是一部寓意电影,用儿童的视角抨击成*世界的虚伪和丑陋,尤其是纳粹的罪恶和荒唐行径。有一场戏中,他躲在台子下,而鼓点声声入耳,搅乱了一场纳粹会议。影片充满黑色幽默,对纳粹的兴起作了独到而尖锐的抨击。影片荣获奥斯卡最佳外语片和戛纳电影节金棕榈大奖。& ]! `" [% v8 L7 Y
' p+ ~! g) S; e% J' L0 E V 铁皮鼓是伦勃朗式的田野风景、以及典型的德国街道、人员吵闹的家庭背景下构建的个人反抗史。小奥斯卡三岁时目睹成年人世界的丑恶,决心拒绝长大,他反抗他的父母、纳粹、舅舅、情人等等。他的反抗是内心式的,于是在他那侏儒的身材上扛着一架铁皮鼓,整日梆梆的敲着。他不仅具有可以左右自己成长的能力,还可以用他的叫声击碎玻璃。第一次是他的父母要取下他的铁皮鼓,他尖叫着,家中的钟表破碎了。这种能力开始成为他自我保护的方法,后来还用叫声在玻璃杯上刻了个心形,送给他的情人。 x$ l8 e4 W5 ^
2 n* \5 K9 B \ 当然他还和他的同伴们组建一个侏儒表演队,四处为军队慰问演出,直到二战结束。这时,他的这种能力成为他工作生活的手段。正是这种能力能够让他的反抗变为完全内心自省式的,让他成为一个拒绝进入那个罪恶的年代的目击者,一个可以逃避历史责任和危险的孤儿,一个拒绝和成年人游戏的局外人。
/ v: T$ _: f4 J& U2 ~8 x* }; W% z: p( G, i% A7 Q* [+ e
花 絮2 t" V. [( Q" [6 C
4 o9 M& V7 I) F3 S4 a9 d6 r0 _; q
· 1997年6月,在一个信奉正统派基督教组织的敦促和仅仅看了影片的部分片段之后,俄克拉荷马州州法院的一名法官公开宣布这部电影的内容涉及到了未成年色?描写(根据俄克拉荷马州的反污秽法),认定该部电影是违法的。在没有得到法院传令和授权的情况下,俄克拉荷马市的警察局没收了所有在图书馆和出租店里的这部电影。他们甚至逼迫录像店老板供出经常出租这部电影的顾客的住址,直接闯入民宅,也没收了他们的录像带。当地律师扬言任何人收藏任何一张这部电影都将被逮捕。在数周内地方法院检察官被迫通过此项声明,截止同年12月绝大部分录像带都被没收。直到1998年10月,在通过了一些相关法律诉讼案之后,美国联邦法院认为对电影带的没收是违反宪法的,并且指出电影并没有触犯俄克拉荷马州的法律。在2001年5月美国最高法院做出最后裁决,该部电影终于又可以在俄克拉荷马州租赁。( C: ]% M# j6 w% j0 X7 {$ v$ z
; `; a. j9 Z9 b8 G! G! l2 v- _! t
· 因为片中有对未成年人的性的描写,同样在加拿大的部分地区禁止上映。/ m- |* y% O+ R( R E
; P" Q; r/ v; k8 r4 E$ k" r· 据说波兰-英国籍女演员贝阿特·伯兹尼雅克初登荧幕,在这部电影里成为一名临时演员,正是由于电影拍摄的地点正好在她家门口。
, ^3 E5 L4 p) h$ q& a8 n n9 v+ l! S b" y# D6 g% C1 {7 L1 i
% }3 B5 q5 T6 Q/ W, z7 K获奖记录% [" Y ]: Y! e6 j7 E6 B% a
. O4 b$ J5 Z+ g
! W0 L! z; ~6 J, x( ?/ Y, g; q第52届(1980)奥斯卡金像奖 Academy Awards9 D- Z0 \+ A# p, N# L, I- [8 G
6 e L6 D( G! i7 Z: P4 l
获奖* s: W; C6 @; V6 x6 P, O; l# e
·奥斯卡奖-最佳外语片 沃尔克·施隆多夫 Volker Schl?ndorff 西德
& p' U; G4 e) z; @
- `7 b: s! V1 g第32届(1979)戛纳电影节 Cannes Film Festival
- _( |0 H" E1 e# M6 E
% w) u" L, d7 R. y* p* _, @获奖
, h/ y2 i* v/ r1 _7 L# V+ L·主竞赛单元-金棕榈奖 沃尔克·施隆多夫 Volker Schl?ndorff Tied with Apocalypse Now.
. x3 W! y" S7 c) b- W( x; } f) `. Q1 J3 q% k; t
第5届(1982)日本电影学院奖 Awards of the Japanese Academy6 Z2 p6 i; Z4 v; y
7 K, P" J2 ]) v3 V; S4 e0 K获奖
! P! H$ ^2 x( a. R3 z) ` e# ]4 ?! p·最佳外语片 沃尔克·施隆多夫 Volker Schl?ndorff r, M6 v7 z: [8 S4 k& q
! U. g& n; R& x' e" y/ q6 Q第5届(1980)法国恺撒奖 César Awards, France5 {. Z3 Y& U) t( }2 f
7 ~' z- n5 z6 k. o
2 s8 `' Q) u8 }2 W·凯撒奖-最佳外国电影 沃尔克·施隆多夫 Volker Schl?ndorff
; e, X5 Z2 C) I- A* i
% V* ~5 H6 K$ L; w1 d; |2 j. L . G" k0 v. P- V. W% {& w
5 }2 l7 h" Y( {7 y) p- H4 z% hPresented in its original aspect ratio of 1.66:1, encoded with MPEG-4 AVC and granted a 1080p transfer, Volker Schl鰊dorff's The Tin Drum arrives on Blu-ray courtesy of Criterion. ! r, p2 e2 J, ]" p! `7 R8 t
7 R4 J$ `' h) s# b2 M2 G6 p! XThe following text appears inside the booklet provided with this Blu-ray:, N' L( A% P6 b* Z& P/ j8 X; e
' ?; K/ y& k5 A# C# \
"Director Volker Schldorff's final cut of The Tin Drum originally ran 163 minutes, which was longer than his contract permitted; in the end, the studio and the filmmaker agreed on a 142-minute runtime for the theatrical release. Wishing, however, to finally restore the film to its original form, in 2010 Schldorff assembled and added the missing scenes based on his editing notes and shooting script. It is this complete version that is presented here. The editor for the additional picture and sound material was Peter Adam, and the restoration was made possible by Argos Films, a coproducer of the film. The completed restoration was approved by Schldorff.
, Z9 } Z8 I8 p0 J9 ~7 Z" C
; l7 W' {1 ~$ ~# TThe new high-definition digital transfer was created on a Spirit Datacine at Scanlab, in France, from a 35mm interpositive struck from the original camera negative; color grading was done on a Specter. Thousands of instances of dirt, debris, scratches, splices, and warps were manually removed using MTI's DRS and Pixel Farm's PFClean. : ]) e* A) ?7 T: R! X+ U
" U4 e/ M0 g; J- J7 mColorist: Natacha Louis/Scanlab, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France. 8 _- g% b3 S8 S# C4 i5 H4 t' `, G
Blu-ray mastering: Radius60, Los Angeles.": G5 r! a: M! V4 y$ O
7 E6 b% m! A7 R: H- D, v9 d
The basics of the high-definition transfer for the complete version of The Tin Drum, which was approved by Volker Schldorff, are very similar to those of the high-definition transfer Arrow Video used for their Blu-ray release of the film in the United Kingdom - but they are not identical. Aside from the negligible framing difference, the Criterion high-definition transfer is slightly brighter. The difference truly is very small, but there are portions of the film where one could notice the elevated brightness levels (compare screencapture #7 with screencapture #2 from our review of the Arrow Video release). Elsewhere, however, brightness and color saturation are virtually the same (compare screencapture #4 with screencapture #10). Detail and image depth are identical. In terms of contrast stability, there are no fluctuations to report in this review either. Compression is marginally better here, but the slightly elevated brightness levels also enhance some of the extremely light noise that occasionally pops up during select sequences. There are no traces of excessive sharpening or degraning. Also, there are no large debris, cuts, damage marks, or warps. All in all, I think that this is very likely to be the definitive presentation of The Tin Drum as obviously various distributors around the world have access to the same master of the film's complete version. (Note: This is a Region-A "locked" Blu-ray disc. Therefore, you must have a native Region-A or Region-Free PS3 or SA in order to access its content). 2 M* r6 s6 s" a( B% n
; {/ d% `# _" o
, {+ e: D1 p9 z) v4 P
3 x+ E( a @7 g$ k: {: R+ N
0 v/ A+ q$ _& N8 E' _' `0 L
There is only one audio track on this Blu-ray disc: German DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1. For the record, Criterion have provided optional English subtitles for the main feature.
/ W y+ K# k9 X% [: T3 W# y. c& N' z
" d) O s" w' X' V) ~The following text appears inside the booklet provided with this Blu-ray disc:
2 D6 |5 u1 \8 W G9 Z2 ?8 }; t( Q2 M
"The Tin Drum was originally released with a monaural soundtrack. A 5.1 surround soundtrack was later created from a six-track magnetic element made at Studio Boulogne, in France, for the 1979 70mm blowup screenings of the film. The sound for the additional material in the complete version was created from the original music and effects track, a 1979 stereo music mix, and new ADR recorded at Studio Babelsberg, in Germany, under the supervision of Volker Schlondorff."7 q( [0 z" f5 _* p3 C
2 Q' P6 O& C) b, o/ c" VThe newly remastered and approved by director Volker Schlondorff lossless surround track opens up the film as best as possible. Depth and fidelity are very good, but the range of nuanced dynamics is rather limited. This is not to say that additional substantial improvements could have been made; the film's sound design is simply too modest (this becomes fairly obvious during the rainstorm early into the film). The dialog is crisp, clean, stable, and easy to follow. There are no distortions or audio dropouts to report in this review. 7 g- v1 C- G1 d; j2 K- U( U8 g7 w
" j p: w- b$ A( z
* H3 u7 b1 ~/ h; B" f5 a$ H.Plot
( F! b9 o7 s" s' Z% {2 i7 G$ h! P2 ?4 Z/ T% R
Danzig in the 1920s/1930s. Oskar Matzerath, son of a local dealer, is a most unusual boy. Equipped with full intellect right from his birth he decides at his third birthday not to grow up as he sees the crazy world around him at the eve of World War II. So he refuses the society and his tin drum symbolizes his protest against the middle-class mentality of his family and neighborhood, which stand for all passive people in Nazi Germany at that time. However, (almost) nobody listens to him, so the catastrophe goes on...7 k+ p; Z- C5 h9 f7 l+ d4 ]: @
' K% [- P! O' }* W1 s1 V" M
TAGLINE...................: The.Tin.Drum$ s+ r6 Q. H: r) E1 \$ E
GENRE.....................: Drama | War" b: V8 M: \! w M O' v
IMDb RATING...............: 7.6/10 (13,130 votes)/ R+ W" v" Z# q! Z
IMDb LINK.................: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0078875/9 X- A! l9 v4 C9 |
) X8 L O) A6 A, c7 ~9 E
' c0 s% z9 v- yENCODER...................: dong1010
" G0 \( q$ ]& I: g! O+ dRELEASE DATE..............: 2013-08-04
4 t" K: {) t, e: i$ ?" dRELEASE SIZE..............: 18.0 GiB
# m9 {- |% ]+ RSOURCE....................: Blu-ray 1080P AVC DTS-HDMA- t) J$ W; p/ y2 D2 [
% y2 z/ s$ O. Q1 J. j
' \2 ]: h$ }2 k. d2 kRUNTIME...................: 2h:43m:31s
1 w# @5 p W$ C# a! V5 X1 BVIDEO CODEC...............: x264: 2pass-L4.1 @ 14.3 Mbps6 d _$ {7 ^, z F3 j* M5 |
RESOLUTION................: 1788x1080 $ I% ]3 b; j+ g+ Y1 K8 V
6 }) F. r$ X/ PFRAME RATE................: 23.976 fps m' d) h6 F9 `+ i% r
AUDiO CODEC...............: German DTS @ 1.5 Mbps
% P3 O) ]0 ^) K. T u
2 W3 o6 a( j) t$ G.x264.Info; l/ ]& g2 O: D& s+ @
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( n/ d! P' s$ vx264 [info]: frame I:1131 Avg QP:19.00 size:2470959 j" Y, [( J1 q: L0 L
x264 [info]: frame P:43877 Avg QP:21.89 size:117694
0 F8 S/ q9 H" i2 hx264 [info]: frame B:190226 Avg QP:24.55 size: 63609
8 j' O. K& }2 U: Z( o9 T4 o6 wx264 [info]: consecutive B-frames: 0.9% 1.0% 5.8% 6.4% 9.7% 67.3% 3.7% 1.8% 0.9% 0.8% 0.6% 0.7% 0.3% 1 l1 e! Y4 X c" k
+ y* B1 X( R! Z9 [3 U
* e. F5 a; ]5 e2 P( r
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$ `3 g: l& v3 }) A
# R I2 p3 C( \9 O+ ?
3 w. S j$ A3 n- k
3 s n. R; ^+ o* H* @
$ U2 k% |. h! _7 j5 K% k
5 w+ p/ Y$ J% s, ^ 该贴已经同步到 24xs的微博 |