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[蓝光原盘] 深海圆疑/地动天惊/球体/天体 [蓝光原盘] Sphere 1998 1080p BluRaycd VC-1 TrueHD 5.1-JRP 27.78GB & 27.96GB

论坛网友  发表于 2013-8-18 20:26:05 |阅读模式
. _9 |$ K! W# R2 l' z3 f

1 v, O3 ~: F% [% l& D! A+ p◎译  名 深海圆疑/地动天惊/球体/天体
) L) ~7 F* G! j! U$ N) X+ d◎片  名 Sphere
9 p+ M4 p& j# _* D2 p: j1 R' X◎年  代 1998
6 R# Z  G8 O9 ?: |  R◎国  家 美国8 \6 \- J* Z5 J- q6 N( `( J% e( ?
◎类  别 科幻/悬疑/惊悚/恐怖  T' x- t" K6 M0 x6 Q
◎语  言 英语( a9 i  o: \( ^  m) Q! Z1 y# q
◎上映日期 1998-02-13(美国)9 c, z6 X) M. K( F8 @7 q2 I6 H
◎IMDb评分  6.1/10 from 91,226 users
" l* A$ m# _# @+ p' i◎IMDb链接 q) O/ c# n# V" S' [
◎豆瓣评分 7.0/10 from 6,807 users4 Y( @. X9 ?0 J0 b7 W
◎豆瓣链接* c$ {1 f8 q7 r8 a: @0 D
◎文件格式 x264 + TrueHD ! n1 {+ `7 p- A% ~- c
◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080
1 B& x3 W7 r" I; P- Q% K# w8 D◎文件大小 1DVD 27.78 GiB & 27.96 GiB
+ S# W$ l1 R. K0 l' G◎片  长 2:14:12.836 ( # K+ k) x4 a" f' D# c
◎导  演 巴瑞·莱文森 Barry Levinson
" s( r3 j; f+ ^; ]# f9 M◎编  剧 迈克尔·克莱顿 Michael Crichton6 `1 G# B7 ?" ?3 t
       Stephen Hauser7 p" d. A6 |3 W9 |& _. k8 l
       保罗·阿塔那斯奥 Paul Attanasio4 ^0 J& @+ m- J& n9 z( G
◎演  员 达斯汀·霍夫曼 Dustin Hoffman5 e0 j/ G8 L( h. T9 K
       莎朗·斯通 Sharon Stone
+ R0 U1 i$ s6 k( F. o  A       塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson( s& p$ J- O4 f+ G$ M5 [
       彼德·考约特 Peter Coyote
7 b2 _' L+ C) T& g. d, ~$ P$ g       列维·施瑞博尔 Liev Schreiber
' ]# L0 D  g  E2 G4 C2 D       奎恩·拉提法 Queen Latifah$ J; U: P6 \# P- p; X
       陆建艺 Jianyi Lu
' m, C4 F8 a7 {: N# v& g0 V  D. U       艾略特·戈登塞尔 Elliot Goldenthal4 k. d' E/ E6 g
       亚当·格林伯格 Adam Greenberg
3 T$ z) i. \% R  Z       Ellen Chenoweth
+ J9 Y- u4 D- o4 c( h- z       马克·W·曼斯布里奇 Mark W. Mansbridge
7 R$ R" }. `7 j) f( q+ Y       诺曼·雷诺兹 Norman Reynolds
2 |$ y6 h  v( J* x( I! D       安妮·库尔贾安 Anne Kuljian
1 G* O4 b" O$ k6 X0 `6 R5 Y3 C, l8 `, ]       格洛里亚·格雷斯汉 Gloria Gresham  L- }$ X) \8 p. T! ~5 S$ C) s
       June Westmore6 p- `) Z0 _3 z: a
       Mark Boley
" Q0 Z3 V# K. ?  n$ q       Marietta Carter-Narcisse
/ U! q' ^* u1 M       罗伯特·瑞恩 Robert Ryan& d$ g9 T$ d, i8 j  P. b
       艾伦 A. 安彭 Allan A. Apone  G! ]6 e- d) v( K$ `# }' E# g
       Michael White- k2 t+ z# J; k7 M( W
       Katterli Frauenfelder
6 S& \. J  F* f       Cara Giallanza3 \& H# e; s, r3 G1 K, K
       大卫·R·艾里斯 David R. Ellis9 o* x: x+ N8 _0 k* n- z
       罗杰·库帕里安 Roger Kupelian
0 E+ k$ h- Y$ R4 N0 J; w       Thomas Boland7 S2 O* q4 O' X! f' j6 y- ?: g( Q
       Lydia Bottegoni+ i9 P0 D4 ?5 w0 I, P, p9 }
       杰·库珀 Jay Cooper
: j" x0 q" S9 P, k' P0 J       克里斯·戴尔·康特 Chris Del Conte
! ]# A6 r/ p6 F       Jack Geist) k: C4 a, Q1 ]
       Richard O. Helmer" ?, T# \0 u- r& _! q7 l
       Michael Kory. z( b0 s8 `/ w* [1 K& |
       塞斯·毛里 Seth Maury. O. a$ F2 U* v7 [
       托马斯·J·史密斯 Thomas J. Smith; S% t2 Z; {- d9 `  W) `! g7 \
       格兰特·麦丘恩 Grant McCune
  ^/ s  w* N& K       帕特里克·图巴赫 Patrick Tubach
; }8 L- w  z7 y0 z; r$ J! M- e5 s       John E. Sasaki! B+ c8 d/ |* J
       David Stump    I) [8 h4 P6 E; q. U; `- L  a

( Y+ f4 p% K, F5 Z◎简  介   
, j' r; I9 Q" F5 E
. j' U3 u8 P4 g' \& c2 K( ]/ D  南太平洋1000尺的深海海底,美国政府发现了一艘已有300年历史的神秘太空船。当局立刻组成了一队由心理学家诺曼·古德曼(达斯汀·霍夫曼 Dustin Hoffman饰)、生物化学家贝丝·哈波琳(莎朗·斯通 Sharon Stone饰)和数学家哈瑞·亚当斯(塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson饰)这三位顶尖科学家组成的科学小组前往当地调查。他们利用高科技的实验艇深入海底进行探测。然而船体内部的一个巨大而怪异的球状体,拥有着洞悉每个人的内心世界的强大魔力,它似乎能控制每个人的思想和行为。更糟的是,一个不明海底生物也向实验艇发起了攻击。2 R( M. a6 \) {0 `4 y
+ M6 Z# {, x' C1 x: P
  由美国著名导演、编剧巴瑞·莱文森执导的科幻悬疑电影《深海圆疑》,改编自迈克尔·克莱顿于1987年出版的同名小说。本片巨星云集,达斯汀·霍夫曼、莎朗·斯通 、塞缪尔·杰克逊等大牌明星联袂演出这部惊悚科幻影片。( J9 Q: R% ~, Y$ v+ E0 q

3 H+ k' F8 H9 J/ f5 l  A group of scientists are taken by the U.S. Navy on a secret underwater mission to explore an alien spaceship. The vessel turns out to be a U.S. ship from the future carrying a golden orb that allows one to manifest their thoughts and fears.& @  S% ^: @0 E5 g8 `4 ^

' I7 R' }; r1 u( M& G" I
    & g% b9 T8 b3 l# i' J, N+ o
  2. ; R9 c) M/ z1 E& b% s! d
  3. Disc Title:     Sphere.1998.1080p.BluRayCD.VC-1.TrueHD.5.1-JRP
    + y+ R' Q+ K4 e  K6 p  H! e
  4. Disc Size:      29,832,523,287 bytes$ g1 H; Z+ p: ^  n3 K6 M  N
  5. Protection:     AACS
    # g4 F! M" b2 n6 Z) {5 N' q$ B
  6. BDInfo: (compatible layout created by DVDFab
    ( A3 u: i" d. j: C  u! i
  7. * |. c$ A. u- R% q9 T
  8. PLAYLIST REPORT:5 }* ?/ x+ G& W7 g% i# r" I* ^6 O
  9. : Z6 a1 c  N0 ~( u! U+ ]$ |. T
  10. Name:                   00030.MPLS  
    - _% Q- o4 p% e
  11. Length:                 2:14:12.836 (
    ' O& c, ?4 R9 b# \$ @' G9 K
  12. Size:                   28,874,127,360 bytes
    % ^8 Y& B: P9 h
  13. Total Bitrate:          28.68 Mbps
    ; ]# R7 |8 T+ s/ h; R
  14. 4 g, ~' |4 |; T/ o  B9 ~
  15. (*) Indicates included stream hidden by this playlist.5 L4 T& f; i7 i1 C
  16. 7 Z- h4 e6 _9 \& M; W5 O: S) W$ k7 k
  17. Video:
    # I' ]: ~7 T7 k4 i$ z( n  O
  18. , ?1 z* \& ~2 j7 T) B6 B# S* M
  19. Codec                   Bitrate             Description   
    ; u% Q. N8 ^3 Z$ v9 }; G
  20. -----                   -------             -----------   
    / V; Q3 [! j3 H3 C4 T
  21. VC-1 Video              22971 kbps          1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / Advanced Profile 3
    4 M, h7 A  {2 I" [

  22. 7 C3 ~2 R0 f* J6 o& `4 h1 b
  23. AUDIO:
    7 [/ g/ ^, i+ Y4 `+ I( s9 w

  24. 0 L. O- x9 \. k6 l% u* G
  25. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description    1 f- K% K  x" [! s2 m! ~
  26. -----                           --------        -------         -----------   
    0 c+ k" f" K) Y! A0 |# N# U8 u  p( U& `
  27. Dolby TrueHD Audio              English         2243 kbps       5.1 / 48 kHz / 1603 kbps / 16-bit (AC3 Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps)
    0 {2 C# S, [9 ]5 q  P! [* w
  28. Dolby Digital Audio             English         192 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / Dolby Surround
    ( y2 W5 B1 u" Q; e" |" q, G# Q
  29. Dolby Digital Audio             French          192 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / Dolby Surround% R: `- i4 ]# G
  30. * Dolby Digital Audio           Japanese        640 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps
    - U. K! Q" X# G# |9 S5 d4 _: Q4 M
  31. 2 `2 S' ]' p6 j& \# u) [
    ! G  y# |: l* y; R$ K& k
  33. " Y# W  }2 M! w
  34. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description   
    - h3 O4 a0 v3 ?# |/ d9 O
  35. -----                           --------        -------         -----------    5 J# `6 `3 n/ s
  36. Presentation Graphics           English         39.526 kbps                    
    " w( _9 [" x1 B1 X; ]
  37. Presentation Graphics           French          28.343 kbps                    - J, w" ~7 }4 c2 \( T* j6 C
  38. Presentation Graphics           Spanish         33.547 kbps                      ^4 B+ V: A. Z( g  M
  39. * Presentation Graphics         Japanese        28.122 kbps                    
    " v' n& |! F! M# K$ {$ `
  40. * Presentation Graphics         Japanese        38.227 kbps                    
    9 U& [& f/ ?9 s2 l$ p. E
  41. * Presentation Graphics         Japanese        1.114 kbps

4 l7 m) m) E- D4 y- ]0 [# b0 G9 C* i# e
    ; B/ S# \% g, P0 x% o* N
  2. 1 v& j: }7 }5 F, k3 c4 z$ ~
  3. Disc Title:     Sphere.1998.1080p.BluRaycd.VC-1.TrueHD.5.1-FGT  s7 D- @# b4 e* ?
  4. Disc Size:      30,024,290,617 bytes
    ( S& ?/ v3 R5 X; S6 R3 a
  5. Protection:     AACS- g+ S7 z+ @/ x: @
  6. BD-Java:        No3 T# W% \; E" ]* B
  7. BDInfo:         0.0.2
    , |2 M, b/ ?! x( d" d

  8. . o  F! y( Q' P" r% l5 W3 I7 d
  9. PLAYLIST REPORT:5 y. u3 m% Q1 D2 J

  10. 3 x& Z7 u* @  o% K
  11. Name:                   00023.MPLS3 K7 Y/ ?3 _: l+ d& ]+ [
  12. Length:                 2:14:12.836 (
    - I4 g$ g" R+ d' b. o) C; m: d
  13. Size:                   29,066,809,344 bytes
    , S# E) U) q. }1 J1 z; I  @
  14. Total Bitrate:          28.88 Mbps
    # z' v) t' L4 `, K" a/ l1 |
  15. 7 a; E: S3 X; Q8 A. p% u) s* [* f' ~7 W
  16. VIDEO:+ X3 y7 c4 O3 [# y

  17.   V% k& _. A8 s) V, E& W7 R
  18. Codec                   Bitrate             Description     
    / m5 N" e8 Q1 o. P& `
  19. -----                   -------             -----------     $ H' {- }+ {. ]4 \
  20. VC-1 Video              22971 kbps          1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / Advanced Profile 3
    1 u4 c$ F' E# ?/ z0 c! q
  21. + j2 }' w7 M- I
  22. AUDIO:8 w" a3 T# ^/ m5 t4 B- ?- f3 u
  23. 2 j6 Y0 I' h2 t
  24. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description     
    $ p/ ~/ Y( a6 d$ r) O; X" ^, F* s
  25. -----                           --------        -------         -----------     / C& C4 v0 d3 v* m$ m
  26. Dolby TrueHD Audio              English         1603 kbps       5.1 / 48 kHz / 1603 kbps / 16-bit (AC3 Embedded: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB)  _, T$ ~* N! N- i9 P9 p% Q8 J
  27. Dolby Digital Audio             Japanese        640 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB
    : b/ \8 o3 v1 Y7 n; Q8 B0 X
  28. Dolby Digital Audio             Russian         384 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 384 kbps6 Q+ ~# y. Y) I: Y2 @1 E5 {" v" m( {- l" V' |
  29. Dolby Digital Audio             English         192 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / DN -4dB / Dolby Surround
    8 _" L/ ~. u4 `5 y6 l8 Y

  30. " v+ Q# V3 b9 t! f0 c& p8 o- i
  31. SUBTITLES:! R. D* X. m% s# M( ~' r. B

  32. 4 w& W. }/ d4 Z7 s
  33. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description     
    # p- r1 t& `5 q
  34. -----                           --------        -------         -----------     : ^* k3 p, u! d6 Q& l" \
  35. Presentation Graphics           Japanese        28.063 kbps                     : u, a4 y" Q& t6 M& a
  36. Presentation Graphics           English         39.526 kbps                     
    ) N' M! A& a1 H+ |4 w' B
  37. Presentation Graphics           Japanese        37.750 kbps                     
    ; g1 V: `0 A8 w& ^
  38. Presentation Graphics           Japanese        1.114 kbps                      * Q9 B# N/ e# @8 g
  39. Presentation Graphics           French          28.343 kbps                     
    ( L/ p0 ?( k' f/ M3 B
  40. Presentation Graphics           Spanish         33.547 kbps  
Sphere Blu-ray, Video Quality   
& L' ]$ I6 j, p- N$ L0 @4 b0 W4 {) C+ z8 I7 Z# L

" f2 i0 ?* f( T; l4 f# X6 s' [As a catalog title from the late 1990s, Sphere looks great on Blu-ray, with a clean and detailed 1080p/VC-1 encoded transfer. Nearly the whole movie is set underwater, so the palette is understandably subdued—the interior of the submerged base of operations is almost entirely stainless steel, the inside of the "alien" craft is a darker grey, and the ocean floor segments are awash in deep blues. There are a few vivid colors, like the bright red flashing of warning lights and, of course, the rippling gold sphere, but the overall look is appropriately restrained. Black levels and contrast are well balanced through most of the film, though you'll notice—or rather not notice—a few crushed details here and there. Some of the undersea segments also seem a little washed out, so to speak, though this seems due to the diffuse dust and debris in the water. The print itself is just about spotless—I only noticed one white speck throughout—and there's a thin layer of barely noticeable grain that gives the image a warm and definite filmic quality. The title may not be as crisp as some modern offerings, but this is still a sharp and pleasing transfer, with plenty of detail apparent in facial textures and on-set props. Aside from one or two instances of very minor contrast wavering, there are no real transfer-related problems to report. All in all, Sphere looks better than ever.# m+ g6 E: f. J

: D/ N  }2 N1 F" DSphere Blu-ray, Audio Quality   
2 O" [+ G% H5 q
/ S) ^9 {. j' {3 @1 q3 L& L' R$ e% Q5 S4 k; g
Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle. Sphere rolls onto Blu-ray with a watery Dolby TrueHD 5.1 track that suits the film well. You won't notice a huge number of discrete effects, but there's almost always something bubbling up in the rears, whether it's subtle ambience, bleeding score, or aquatic sound effects. Water is obviously a big part of Sphere, and you'll hear it drip, slosh, splash, trickle, gush, and flow frequently in the surround channels. Listen to the plunging, bubbly sounds as the team's submarine first descends to the ocean floor and hear the deep twanging of the hull succumbing to water pressure. Be disturbed by the creepy thumping of something banging on the outside of the underwater station. Warning sirens peel out loudly, hatches seal with satisfying suction, and atmospheric, tension-building sounds roar and throb with low-end presence. Elliot Goldenthal's score is a big, Hollywood affair, with bold, bellowing horns and strings that sweep one moment and screech with staccato stabs the next. There are a couple of stocky sounds, and there's an indistinct quality to some of the bass, especially during the opening scene, but most of the film has a clean presence that's bolstered by clear, front and center dialogue. This track won't necessarily rock your world or rattle your walls, but it provides Sphere with plenty of strong, watery waveforms.6 V; J- r9 e# v
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