1899年的新旧世纪之交,欧洲各国处于难得的和平时期,然而一股新近崛起的邪恶势力在首脑“幽灵”的策划下,凭借当时人们闻所未闻的先进武器,在各国间制造误会与摩擦,妄想点燃世界大战的火焰。英国政府邀请隐居非洲的传奇冒险家艾伦·考特曼(Sean Connery 饰)出山解决此次危机,艾伦虽对冒险心生厌倦,但不忍非洲大陆陷入战火,遂与女吸血鬼米娜、化身博士海德、透明人斯基纳、不老不死的英俊青年格雷、尼摩船长、美国特工汤姆·索亚组成绅士联盟,乘坐尼摩船长的鹦鹉号潜艇前往威尼斯阻止幽灵的阴谋。经威尼斯一役,联盟发现此次行动居然是幽灵安排好的棋局,一切只为取得联盟成员各自的超能本领以便实现他更大的野心,被激怒的绅士联盟前往冰雪覆盖下的北国,对幽灵的组织发起了最后的决战…… ©豆瓣
4 n$ W, A' C8 L+ [1 _A hunter, a scientist, a vampiress, an invisible man, an immortal, a spy, a beast...when a masked madman known as "The Fantom" threatens to launch global Armageddon, legendary adventurer Allan Quatermain commands a legion of superheroes, the likes of which mankind has never seen. Now, despite fighting their own personal demons - and each other - they mush join forces to save the world.
- R# k( P: `" P0 i* g
w1 V9 z! L& c( I* I; h Y- Y' S2 b# [0 p
: L0 n/ E. P5 T
: o; L. ~2 {# ` L% c
◎中文译名 天降奇兵/特别绅士联盟/非凡绅士联盟/神奇绅士联盟/绅士大联盟/奇幻兵团LXG
$ t- g- F- R; g6 h n◎影片原名 The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen7 U9 {3 `1 h# b' Z
◎出品公司 二十世纪福克斯 20th Century Fox
9 b! C8 W0 L2 M% K◎上映地区 2003年07月11日 美国
" K$ n, E- p9 e, S* J7 z4 n◎拍摄国家 美国 / 德国 / 捷克 / 英国, v! o) m% E7 E: q9 j
◎对白语言 英语 / 德语1 u0 ?' O6 x) o4 _
◎影片类别 动作 / 奇幻 / 科幻
2 }1 _& e8 Q) k* ~. O( h◎影片分级 Rated PG-13 for violence, language and sexual references.* b& E3 G# f q v
◎影片时长 110 min
3 Z9 D" Y: s8 y: W& n0 y◎IMDb链接 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0311429/& w8 s/ p7 d/ e: i/ K; m9 L) }
◎IMDb评分 5.5/10 (50,979 votes)3 l' v* {% m3 O
◎导 演 斯蒂芬·诺林顿 Stephen Norrington
' `- L# m% O9 ^4 t7 G◎编 剧 艾伦·摩尔 Alan Moore
4 d0 `1 G% O! o1 B- S0 `* m& M% O) Y 凯文·奥尼尔 Kevin O'Neill
4 W+ ]/ s5 x8 }' E( P$ n( S% O2 N 詹姆斯·鲁滨逊 James Robinson! K$ y/ B, v& t8 x
◎主 演 肖恩·康纳利 Sean Connery' E8 j8 G* W! P
纳萨鲁丁·沙 Naseeruddin Shah
h# G/ L% M: D# Q 佩塔·威尔森 Peta Wilson5 Y9 f! f. Z& L8 ?/ U
托尼·库兰 Tony Curran1 O" T* f4 q! m) \$ [8 [: w
斯图尔特·汤森德 Stuart Townsend1 D, ~4 L& q* ?/ j4 M
夏恩·韦斯特 Shane West; _' s! O2 ?7 V2 |6 _4 o. H& M
◎剧情介绍6 O+ U) b; Q) y5 L
- E$ F0 p3 u1 i. n6 N b( V
故事发生在遥远的100年前,那是维多利亚女王统治下的古老帝国,当时,整个欧洲一片混乱,多国纷争,军队叛乱,生灵涂炭。3 d9 W2 O8 u9 S/ p
1 E! w c7 }" b3 I 更让人恐惧的是,灾难中的欧洲大陆出现了一股邪恶势力,它像"幽灵"一样袭击各个国家,成群的建筑被摧毁、成批的人们被杀死……而且,这个神秘的"幽灵"还故意将自己犯下的罪行嫁祸于罹难的敌对国,以致战火绵延不熄,整个世界都行将毁灭。
9 ~" E8 S. R' c 0 t; t6 M# G7 h4 y& ?% X* N
# Y5 h/ |" V( d9 s
; e# m' P" W& i# B 妄想控制世界的狂人"幽灵",其肆意践踏的步伐越来越快,力量也越来越强。所谓时不我待,"特别绅士联盟"必须尽快阻止这个狂人的阴谋。虽然他们每个都身怀绝技,但"幽灵"却远远要比他们想象中强大,总能抢先一步逃之夭夭。而"特别绅士联盟"的七个人之间又常常闹出矛盾,每个人都高傲自负,直到最后,他们终于齐心协力同"幽灵"决战……
/ F' Z. m* \+ V
+ a; F( W0 i5 {2 c+ a; h) w) s# S 特别绅士联盟”里的七个奇能异士,都是从虚构故事中走出来的传奇人物,大部分都来自著名的小说。他们每一个都拥有超越常人、非同一般的特殊能力,而且个性迥异,在《天降奇兵》中可谓各领风骚,给观众留下了深刻印象。他们分别是:2 ^5 n# l5 j: b W2 R
2 g2 Y& n& K/ k) Q; w0 U; { _
探险家阿伦·考特曼(肖恩·康纳利 饰),身穿褐色皮衣,头戴深绿色帽子的翩翩绅士,拥有对妖魔法力的独特预知能力,武功一流,枪法尤其精湛,是整个七人联盟的首领。这个角色取材于著名的探险小说《所罗门王宝藏》,这部小说曾经被搬上大银幕,而且其中一部还获得过奥斯卡最佳影片金像奖。
) K! L0 S6 V4 `% ~1 Y% I - b5 V* R- u5 x+ J! p1 @9 H) F
妖艳的女吸血鬼米娜·哈克(芘达·威尔逊 饰),身着一袭黑色长衣的她端庄华贵,让你万万想不到她竟是尖牙厉齿的吸血鬼。她一旦出手,就会把猎物抓到胸前,一吸气猛口咬下,扎起的头发也会批散开来,脸上焕发出妖艳之态,迷人而恐怖。这个角色来自《吸血鬼》,在片中米娜的造型做了改动,她平时像个端庄的贵妇,只有在杀人时才会露出吸血鬼的狰狞面貌。 " i9 u r. T5 C4 `* P
# N/ A0 c( ^8 M) B- I& Y, L- i3 r 隐形人(The Invisible Man),他是“特别绅士联盟”里一个非常酷的角色,身手凌厉迅猛,往往在对手还没有察觉之时已经要了别人的命。这个身穿金属色风衣的隐形人,和他们的领袖夸特曼一样也戴着一顶帽子,最酷的是,当他杀完人之后迎风离开,我们看到的只有一件风衣和一顶帽子在“走动”。这个角色来自H.G.威尔斯的科幻名著《隐形人》,但在造型上进行了很大的改动,可以说是七人当中最成功的一个。
7 ?4 X! c4 |. K9 }+ _+ ` * Z1 v1 [' h3 ]) O+ b
剩下的其它四人是《变身博士》里的杰克博士、《海底两万里》中的尼墨船长、已经成长为大侦探的美国人汤姆·索亚和王尔德小说《道林格雷的肖像》中的恶毒美少年格雷(斯图尔特·汤森 饰)。- v5 C) L3 R$ L# H' c
8 J% i) ]* E1 e1 J6 TDisc Size: 36,777,574,826 bytes
2 a ^2 q! \) D# lProtection: BD+0 M( `+ W2 s9 V/ u
BD-Java: Yes
; N/ W* T! r1 ^5 pBDInfo: 0.5.6
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PLAYLIST REPORT:$ [2 W4 I" s8 m) ]
. _# W) h4 M. X. q! B
Name: 00800.MPLS
4 S5 |% U. ?) P- }6 n4 P' LLength: 1:50:07 (h:m:s)
9 k, U# F2 _4 l6 p& rSize: 36,066,502,656 bytes* [3 r u- s/ [5 \( u
Total Bitrate: 43.67 Mbps% q% y* k2 Q9 y8 P; x- w+ h
& n: w6 [8 p+ n+ x5 q: k a/ OVideo:
$ z8 v* l3 r, B# M4 E0 G4 ? y" m) H6 ?$ `$ b) S) l
Codec Bitrate Description
: e7 N7 l& E; y; W. F3 n+ p----- ------- -----------
% L: I, i! q. W7 u# i* B* UMPEG-4 AVC Video 32993 kbps 1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1+ g+ }+ \' B- c$ G L& h( e) `
" b( K" k3 u) F2 C
1 O% N) n' w! Y+ z" e
5 I2 G* A$ m1 f2 qCodec Language Bitrate Description ! T5 Z: x! A' F- G' f4 [
----- -------- ------- ----------- 8 V+ v9 M8 d4 m9 h
DTS-HD Master Audio English 4231 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 4231 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)
3 ~2 O/ C9 o2 z. |8 P! tDTS Audio Russian 768 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 24-bit" f. j( b! o6 J. z, C& ^
Dolby Digital Audio Portuguese 448 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps
. d3 Q5 ?( }: Z" O" d+ }Dolby Digital Audio Spanish 448 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps$ X: Q+ H- P5 I3 O5 F( R( j
Dolby Digital Audio Thai 448 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps* K: ~( h" @6 f) o7 m0 u6 T) c0 \
Dolby Digital Audio Turkish 448 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps
& B" M1 q# Z* K, oDolby Digital Audio English 224 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 224 kbps
3 y4 U4 A/ Y+ v' k4 GDolby Digital Audio English 224 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 224 kbps
9 D# t- E$ h( [7 z+ {Dolby Digital Audio Chinese 224 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 224 kbps% H; B' X0 C; M/ k5 `
Dolby Digital Audio Hungarian 224 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 224 kbps
+ m' ~+ K, H/ p; A/ ?3 f. {
4 F+ A n5 H. c& W6 ^SUBTITLES:8 g: k0 ^9 A3 E$ J5 z0 P6 R
$ d& T2 X, v5 v& C
Codec Language Bitrate Description 0 K: Y2 [" E u) x
----- -------- ------- ----------- + V5 O. z) k) ~ r# o
Presentation Graphics English 20.435 kbps
1 Q) m! M n8 q) @Presentation Graphics Arabic 11.333 kbps $ y4 U2 \/ B: k, @9 U
Presentation Graphics Bulgarian 19.781 kbps ; o1 |6 s% h5 `, n: c
Presentation Graphics Chinese 20.236 kbps
& u1 A+ G/ g1 Q. U4 sPresentation Graphics Chinese 17.428 kbps
& E' F- K) a$ j1 l" s8 wPresentation Graphics Chinese 17.068 kbps % z8 @" o- |, [: Q# |* V" J2 y
Presentation Graphics Chinese 51.488 kbps 8 S M. x* f; t3 ]' p, E6 N b
Presentation Graphics Chinese 45.320 kbps
- K; {* t( ]3 FPresentation Graphics Croatian 17.231 kbps : H; u& M4 d. o
Presentation Graphics Estonian 19.325 kbps
/ p2 Y) e) r9 e! o0 F& G7 }Presentation Graphics Hebrew 15.923 kbps 6 } @% }' z( _% P# X
Presentation Graphics Hungarian 21.942 kbps 9 v' R1 H( e% W2 z% ?; r. D6 T; _& w6 O
Presentation Graphics Icelandic 21.070 kbps
- ^) m7 n4 q+ mPresentation Graphics Indonesian 23.380 kbps
0 \. y, D0 y, J6 a+ A: q, j; B$ ^. BPresentation Graphics Korean 14.014 kbps
- }' [+ M& o1 d8 C+ ]Presentation Graphics Korean 41.922 kbps H" z- D4 a7 i2 w6 l' P, b" N$ ^
Presentation Graphics Korean 42.459 kbps
4 n0 @ `3 @( f* \* Z6 sPresentation Graphics Latvian 17.675 kbps , o, Z' \; U! i
Presentation Graphics Lithuanian 21.695 kbps ' x3 z+ `2 e9 Y
Presentation Graphics Polish 17.520 kbps
V2 p9 v' m' W( CPresentation Graphics Portuguese 20.663 kbps / ?+ U2 r- ~( a
Presentation Graphics Portuguese 21.648 kbps
K) r2 u# q: W+ A( p: jPresentation Graphics Romanian 20.186 kbps
! g$ u* i- y$ e- c2 ePresentation Graphics Russian 21.065 kbps
7 v( _6 k2 e; R# J$ XPresentation Graphics Slovenian 18.369 kbps
1 n) W# U v3 |/ Q6 XPresentation Graphics Spanish 20.794 kbps
" L2 R, H- B6 m: s7 J$ XPresentation Graphics Thai 20.991 kbps
3 r2 o6 V- O/ D) {% p* xPresentation Graphics Turkish 20.522 kbps
# x4 F2 }' S; C! X$ u! D! u: h7 S ~! `% q% g
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen gathers on Blu-ray with a 1080p high definition, 2.35:1 framed transfer that is as bleak and uninteresting as the visual style of the movie itself. This is a solid enough transfer, but none of its attributes come across as overly impressive. It's rather bland as far as Blu-ray releases go, which still means it blows every DVD out of the water and looks better than many other high definition discs, but among the elite on the format it is not. The vast majority of the movie takes place in dark, moderately lit interiors, and as such, black levels and shadow detail become crucial to creating a good transfer. Both are acceptable, but not superb. Also, the image falters somewhat by becoming soft in places with little in the way of extraordinary detail or clarity in either the foreground or the background. Flesh tones appear accurately rendered throughout, however. While no print damage was noticed, there is a bit of grain here and there, but its presence is minimal and certainly not distracting. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is one of the least impressive offerings from Fox, but considering the rather dark and dreary nature of the movie, there probably isn't a whole lot that can be done to improve on this one. It's still an average at best high definition experience.
1 I. v! F* u# V8 V; D `# `0 v
# G1 ~, B$ Q( h" p# Q6 M
# f$ I6 q: Z5 {8 g% R5 _7 \. C* J+ [- Q- T5 G+ G
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen explodes onto Blu-ray with a powerful and exciting DTS-HD MA 5.1 lossless surround sound track. The sound throughout the entire movie is engaging with terrifically powerful and rumbling lows, perfectly placed discrete effects, and plenty of surround activity to put a huge grin on your face, and to reassure your sensibilities as to why you purchased your surround set-up. It takes absolutely no time to become enthralled in this mix. Gunshots ring out all across the soundstage, impacting surfaces all around us. A tank rumbles through the streets causing crashes and devastation to great effect both in the movie and through our listening areas. This one is not just all about crazy action, however. In addition to well-placed dialogue that never presents any volume or clarity issues, there is a nice atmosphere created in many scenes. Check out the scene where we are introduced to Quatermain in Africa. There is solid ambience in the form of chirping insects, chatter, and the sounds of dishes and silverware being used and carried to and fro over in the background. Immediately afterwards, a shootout features all the same fine attributes mentioned above: gunfire in every corner of your listening room, solid bass, and a plenty of excitement. The sound of the Nautilus rising from below the surface is another amazing sonic achievement as the water falling off its hull returns to Earth all around us, and a rumble accompanies its rise. Where The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen unequivocally succeeds is in its sound design. It's loud but still clear, powerful but still precise, and engaging but still natural. This lossless track recreates the experience rather well, and would serve as a solid demo disc for discrete effects and gunfire.
% _& N l! B W5 L5 d |