8 Y# w/ `* B8 o# _ y: k
' i4 A7 P3 m7 T. d
2 K2 @$ F# b& S) [' h【片 名】Broken Arrow$ O! G6 a- B' ~7 \) q
【译 名】断箭/断箭行动, V" E/ e0 L1 r7 `1 H4 x: J
5 Y3 w7 F. R0 ^; a6 V【国 家】美国
+ L- l/ R: W5 `* h0 a【类 别】动作
' W# M/ y. b+ E- n- K【语 言】英语
& j( e6 C+ s, ^【字 幕】中/英
A! C1 L9 k" F5 C3 ~【IMDB评分】5.7/10 (18,062 votes)! _5 z5 ?' `! _/ C
【IMDB链接】https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0115759/6 |. o* @: V( \7 O% L
【导 演】吴宇森 John Woo7 W! B; i$ |# ?
【主 演】克利斯汀·史莱特 Christian Slater
1 Q; ]" d" H. l2 M! A" h y 约翰·特拉沃尔塔 John Travolta1 o& }& p% q8 F7 [0 `) q- s
萨曼莎·玛希斯 Samantha Mathis
( X/ X2 q/ B: G. ^, g( ]! O% f' j 库特伍德·史密斯 Kurtwood Smith/ H0 U$ d" {/ w1 j! w3 j
弗兰克·威力 Frank Whaley
% X+ H# M- {- R1 s1 p! p 德尔略·林多 Delroy Lindo
8 c+ J( r1 E# M6 |$ b! N5 w2 n【剧情简介】
& t: F# ]1 x$ G, C+ w1 w+ w; D+ `; u$ z# u' |! U9 \8 [
狄坚上尉是美国空军一名十分出色的机师,他英勇善战,屡获殊荣,却始终得不到升职。他的好友希尔中 尉是他的副手, 但在拳台上, 希尔每次打赌均输给狄坚。在一次执行飞行任务时,狄坚计划劫持隐型战机上 的两枚核导弹,他将希尔打出了机舱,投下核弹,飞机在自然公园坠毁。 希尔的降落伞救了他一命,但他却遭到公园巡警泰 莉的拘捕,经过打斗与说服,他终于让泰莉相信了他。
- h8 C' {" g# L0 d 狄坚早已有内应和接应,他成功地找到了两枚核弹。希 尔和泰莉击毁了直升机,并机智地劫持了运载核弹的汽 车,将核弹藏到了一个废铜矿之中。但在慌乱之中,核 弹被启动了。狄坚一伙赶到,抢走了另一枚核弹,却将 希尔他们关在矿井下,试图让他们被核弹炸死。希尔和 泰莉从地下河逃出矿井。地下核爆产生了巨大破坏力, 白宫与国防部震惊之余,不得不答应狄坚要求巨款的威 胁。 希尔与泰莉分头追踪狄坚,泰莉跟上了狄坚的火车, 却被抓住。
; ]" ?) U1 B. w( ` p$ }; @9 t 千钧一发之际,希尔找到了政府,并架直升 机前来营救。但政府的军队并未能阻止狄坚,反以失败告终,希尔能孤军奋战。他与泰莉破坏了狄坚出逃的 直升机,在无路可走的情况下,狄坚困兽犹斗,孤注一掷。他启动了核爆密码,妄图同归于尽。希尔赶到,两人再次打赌,只要希尔赢了他就可以关掉启动装置。斗 智与斗勇之后,希尔最终取胜,在两列火车即将相撞之 际,他关闭了启动装置,并逃出了车厢,而狄坚则得到 了应有的下场。 在一片狼藉之中,核弹安然无事,劫后余生的希尔 和泰莉紧紧地拥抱在一起。' Q4 O3 j# M$ m! I7 c/ z: E
1 j' L' C- u3 G, z: aWhen a B-3 Stealth Bomber crashes in the Utah desert during a top-secret test run, the military quickly moves in to retrieve its two "broken arrows." But the situation spins wildly out of control after one of the pilots reveals the crash to be part of an incredible nuclear extortion plot.! Y5 X4 f6 |6 J u$ `
# I% h8 Y# Q+ l; q* w3 Q" K
Broken arrow is a military term for a nuclear warhead that has been stolen and villainous Air Force pilot Vic Deakins has done just that. In fact, he's pilfered TWO bombs, in an effort to extract a huge amount of cash from the government in exchange for their safe return. However, there's a fly in the ambitious ointment: Riley Hale, Vic's former co-pilot, whom Vic thought he had killed when he robbed the bombs. Helping Riley is gusty female Park Ranger Terry Charmichael. Together the duo uses all the artillery, ammo, vehicles, and gumption they can muster, as they risk life and limb to thwart Vic and his vile gang./ H& `" |# e# V4 }3 h3 ^; P
G' J, R% @8 Q* V/ ^4 R2 `0 W/ A6 N% D& M" k: t' B3 u Q

0 b+ s+ [5 u$ s2 N3 x; l9 C t' d1 y( V3 T3 k6 j: q5 K9 s
20th Century Fox sends Broken Arrow onto Blu-ray with a 1080p, MPEG-2 encoded, 2.35:1-framed transfer. A fairly stable image but not at all visually stunning, the picture reflects its drab earth-toned surroundings, delivering little in the way of excess color but providing just enough contrast to allow for a fine film-like image in the context of the picture's bland appearance. Detail is a bit flat throughout; even roughly-textured rock and canyon faces and the harsh terrain of the Utah desert floor don't offer much in the way of rich, lifelike detailing, nor do any other objects such as clothing, vehicles, or weapons. Faces lack much beyond basic definition, but the transfer does retain a layer of film grain that gives it an honest cinematic texture and helps make an ordinary transfer just a bit more respectable in presentation. Additionally, the image isn't too terribly littered with excess dirt and debris, though slight banding makes an entrance in a few select shots. Blacks fluctuate between a deep and dark shade and appearing excessively bright, but flesh tones maintain a neutral shade and with only a hint of excess coloration throughout. Broken Arrow looks just fine on the surface, but Videophiles won't be wowed by this presentation.
! e* M8 ]' ?: P6 Y& h" A
" `- @. z0 o! a8 R$ b: l0 O5 [
, A$ k. {; {- _2 L9 s
# b4 d" }1 e0 O* U5 lBroken Arrow zooms onto Blu-ray with a structurally sound but not-quite-perfect DTS-HD MA 5.1 lossless soundtrack. No doubt this one rocks the soundstage on more than one occasion and tosses sonic goodness hither, thither, and yon, but it lacks the pinpoint clarity of superior lossless tracks. That's not to say that this soundtrack isn't a particularly fun and wild ride; indeed, Broken Arrow delivers almost everything a listener could hope for in an Action movie soundtrack extraordinaire, the mix often wreaking havoc with powerful sound effects and hefty bass that defines the film's sonic signature. Whether low-flying jet aircraft, buzzing helicopters, or speeding trains, sound effects swoop through the listening area and traverse the entire speaker configuration throughout the picture with a noticeable ease and an exacting sense of direction. Ambient effects in the desert atmosphere add some realism to the picture but never quite manage to create a wholly-convincing 360-degree environment. Nevertheless, Broken Arrow ensures that the subwoofer gets quite the workout with a fairly constant barrage of low-end goodness, and small arms fire -- whether the rattling of an automatic rifle or the repeated thuds of Terry's service revolver -- packs quite the punch and should satisfy listeners craving a quality Action movie listen. Rounded out dialogue that, save for a couple of scenes where it plays as slightly unconvincing and detached, comes across clearly enough, Broken Arrow's Blu-ray lossless soundtrack delivers a hearty and healthy but not quite exemplary listen.
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