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[蓝光原盘] 迷雾/雾地异煞 [原盘DIY简繁中字] The Mist 2007 1080p Bluraycd VC-1 DTS-HDMA 5.1-CHDBits 44.24GB








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24xs 发表于 2013-8-20 15:42:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
迷雾/暮霭/雾地异煞/史蒂芬金之迷雾惊魂 [原盘DIY简/繁中字]The Mist 2007 1080p BluRayCD VC-1 DTS-HDMA 5.1-Softfeng@CHDBits 44.24GB2 G3 X: S2 r' g7 `* G! S9 j
7 M8 D' [+ |( t8 f9 x# S1 M% M
David Drayton (Thomas Jane) and his young son Billy (Nathan Gamble) are among a large group of terrified townspeople trapped in a local grocery store by a strange, otherworldly mist. David is the first to realize that there are things lurking in the mist... deadly, horrifying things... creatures not of this world. Survival depends on everybody in the store pulling together... but is that possible, given human nature? As reason crumbles in the face of fear and panic, David begins to wonder what terrifies him more: the monsters in the mist — or the ones inside the store, the human kind, the people that until now had been his friends and neighbors?
+ S7 ?% z( P& P/ o* P: o5 C/ H7 l
- u4 W( Q, L5 K" a* S; v
) |& j' W6 K0 r0 X. j  [6 [+ t, } 01a.jpg
5 C! C) S4 J* [' J/ v$ h  W& Z; g# O( B; P
【影片原名】The Mist; M7 i2 q/ }7 s
【外文别名】Stephen Kings The Mist) X0 t0 Q; b/ g- p+ U
      Nebel, Der
) @6 R$ _8 c2 F* G      Omihli, I) ?% l# a6 f' E; W. G
      The Mist - usva" Q; ?" F5 U, E, i" k% a
! v: H% P" i% e  W【出品公司】Prorom Media-Trade* O6 N- W- c" V8 m
1 ^5 v- F3 G4 c" N6 f( T【上映日期】2007年11月21日 美国2 J( d9 u3 c6 {( W) J
【影片级别】Rated R for violence, terror and gore, and language
0 n5 P$ b" s- y0 \7 c【官方网站】 I7 z5 W+ a* |: e6 F* C5 K. c# X
* _9 w3 U' w: S3 C【IMDB评分】7.2/10 (151,836 votes)+ k8 ~+ S, F2 N) \/ {# V& ]! c
【国  家】美国
! h) a0 j5 U2 s9 z3 Q+ ]【类  别】惊悚/科幻/恐怖
! i$ V/ u9 T& a! l0 P【导  演】弗兰克·德拉邦特 Frank Darabont% f0 I& h2 r$ u6 c
【主  演】托马斯·简 Thomas Jane .....David Drayton
% Y, {, P  k& w/ d, e) u; ?      马西娅·盖伊·哈登 Marcia Gay Harden .....Mrs. Carmody' o; k* [* I" L) C6 E6 j" g  A
      艾莉克莎·黛沃洛斯 Alexa Davalos .....Sally0 A: F: J2 h- c/ J( [1 c
      纳森·甘宝 Nathan Gamble .....Billy/ c4 f+ \6 ~2 U0 R  n+ Y8 g
      威廉姆·赛德勒 William Sadler .....Jim Grondin
1 X* Z' u4 _5 [0 q& B# O【内容简介】% n% A% _# ]5 {( Z$ p7 v+ G
. B) q" q9 a) [/ f) S
  漫天的迷雾弥散在一个小镇上,来的如此浓烈和突然,以至于人们都惊慌的四下躲避,艺术家David Drayton和社区里的人临时拥挤在超市内,关紧门窗,眼看着外面浓如烟尘的大雾,似乎内藏杀机,谁也不敢出去。他们在超市里等待着,等着迷雾会自己散去,但漫长的时间过去后雾却还是没有一点要推却的意思。终于有人不耐烦了,不顾大家的劝阻毅然要走进外面那个熟悉而陌生的世界。大家决定给他系上绳子,以便发生什么意外。恐怖的一幕如期而至,走入迷雾的人仿佛被什么东西所吞噬,带着绳索飞快的抽出超市的大门。这时,大家真正明白了危险的存在,虽然没有人亲眼见证——也没有人愿意去见识。一切都笼罩在不安与挣扎之中,外面未知的危险时刻让人们毛骨悚然,而失去耐心的人们也逐渐精神崩溃开始内讧,外忧内患之中可怜的是神志依旧清醒的人们。究竟最大的危险在迷雾之中,还是就潜伏在超市里……所有的一切都如同迷雾一般飘渺、虚幻。深入骨髓的对于未知的恐惧成为了影片领衔主演……
1 U" t; `1 }4 D' s. a4 r
. ]$ t- ]) L6 D9 N影片幕后
: o" R% A# i/ J* R8 N7 j2 p% c4 o" G: z# T  W' {  D
3 o! w+ B0 @8 f$ C- T  h6 X: ?: k3 _' b, C/ t2 t
; X8 P. x; ]: U  w/ t, L
6 F* D& R" h: P& z: {5 J  从那以后弗兰克·达拉邦特与史蒂芬·金交情日密,后来弗兰克·达拉邦特又将史蒂芬·金的另一部作品《绿色英里》(the green mile)搬上了银幕,此片又一举创造了过亿的票房,成为了至今为止史蒂芬·金小说改编电影中的票房魁首。在大卖座的同时,《绿色英里》再次为弗兰克·达拉邦特拿下了最佳影片和最佳剧本的奥斯卡提名,只是这一次同样是有花无果。3 f% p. @) U  l. i1 x, h

5 o1 x; _: K2 c9 ^# V  本片是两人第三次合作。时隔10多年后弗兰克·达拉邦特终于得到了机会拍摄这部当年未完成的作品。2004年派拉蒙拿到了本片的电影改编权,并与弗兰克·达拉邦特达成合作协约,随即弗兰克·达拉邦特便开始了剧本的改编。2006年该片的制作被转交给了帝盟影业并最终确认弗兰克·达拉邦特出任导演,托马斯·简领衔主演。2007年1月影片其他演职人员基本全部确定,随后开机拍摄,不久后影片杀青。6 S- ~1 y. O1 ?5 X( o

! x- F5 h# w6 R/ d  y7 x$ g3 H7 T# I, p9 }  本片也是今年的第二部被搬上银幕的史蒂芬·金小说改编电影。不久前大火的《1408》也出自史蒂芬·金的手笔。该片讲述一个灵异的旅馆客房,用最狭小的空间向观众展示了最广阔的想象力,奇妙与恐怖交织纠结赚足了评论界的赞誉和观众的买账,该片也取得了史蒂芬·金电影票房排行中榜眼的成绩……
( m- y2 g" x- u" ^2 E% o8 r7 Z5 h' C5 W3 k1 s4 v& t, t
影片简评% Q& z7 e& A8 E$ f

+ s" ^2 Q/ w5 K: _. b& @6 |  史蒂芬·金在电影圈内名气虽大不过在奥斯卡上却鲜有建树,提名倒是有不少可每次都离小金人差那么一步。这一点在弗兰克·达拉邦特身上体现的淋漓尽致。此前他所导演的电影中,两部出自史蒂芬·金的改编,累计拿下了10座提名,到头来却颗粒无收,自己名下也只是空攒了3个奥斯卡提名。而本片的横空出世似乎让人看到了一丝金大侠扬眉吐气的希望。一来弗兰克·达拉邦特三度执笔改编金大侠的小说早已轻车熟路,而且此前改编之作100%的奥斯卡提名率也说明了他笔下的不俗功力。二来自《汉尼拔》创纪元之后,恐怖题材电影在奥斯卡上一直也没什么作为,12年一轮回的魔咒为本片顺水推舟送上几座小金人也是大有可能。
3 l* N; z/ D2 }2 j7 }0 ]) _6 Y# K0 E
  至于演员阵容的确不是本片的看点,虽然有几个熟脸孔,但也都不是具有票房号召的类型。主演托马斯·简也只是半红不红。不过好在本片的主演其实是那漫天的迷雾与其中暗藏的杀机。导演弗兰克·达拉邦特在接受采访时曾说电影中最后真正让人恐怖的不是迷雾也不是隐藏在迷雾之中的生物,深入骨髓的恐怖到头来其实就在我们身边,来自超市中被困的人群。在不堪重压的折磨下人往往能变化出非常骇人的一面。如此看来,本片还不仅仅停留在吓唬人和讲故事的层面,而是更深入的挖掘了人们内心的恐惧空间……9 e# u4 p3 O' y

) J$ [+ N0 O" M1 {& t
( J' ], k+ ]0 X6 P) O( X# r3 X) Y: t4 A
The Mist drifts onto Blu-ray with a very good 1080p, 1.85:1-framed transfer.  This package features both a color version and a black and white version of the film.  I'll begin with the color version.  At the beginning of the film, colors are bright and maybe just a bit over-saturated with a minor red tint.  It looks very clean, though, and offers viewers a vibrant, deep, and satisfying experience to start off the movie.  Flesh tones creep up towards the red side, too, both during this opening segment and at other times throughout the movie.  Once in the store, the transfer takes on a slightly more natural look.  Colors are well-rendered, and there is a nice variety of objects to see in the store, from red boxes of crackers to the golden tint of vegetable oil in its large, clear containers.  Detail is solid, too.  There is no shortage of things to look at in the background, and even though the camera doesn't always focus on it, we can make out plenty of interesting objects and fine details that add to the realism of the movie.  Black levels leave a bit to be desired, favoring a more dark gray or blue rather than true black, and grain is most visible in the film's darkest scenes, though it is definitely present over the whole of the image.  Scenes featuring characters surrounded by the mist hold up well.  I noted no problems in such scenes.  The black and white version of the film also looks good.  The image is crisp with nice detail and depth, a little more noticeable grain in some scenes, and deeper and truer blacks.  The look of the mist itself translates very well to black and white imagery, creating greater drama, though viewing the film on back-to-back nights, some of the tension was reduced due to the film being so fresh in my mind.  Still,  this version looks great, and seeing that it is Frank Darabont's "preferred" version, I'd recommend watching the black and white first.  : ]7 G( H" m& ?0 `: N

. N- A1 D% ^: B% m9 s' A; U
2 A, d9 \% x, N/ F  m3 N, [" N* l' N/ L" q) `+ S" Z. z
The Dolby TrueHD 5.1 lossless soundtrack accompanying The Mist sets a great tone and atmosphere for the film, but features a few annoying shortcomings.  Fantastic ambience featuring a thunderstorm that envelopes the entire soundstage is heard to begin the movie, and the track moves on to the powerful sound of a tree crashing through a window with a thud from the subwoofer.  Dialogue sounds a bit inconsistent and uneven at the beginning of the movie, coming across a bit processed and unnatural.  The track does a first-rate job of creating a nice, realistic atmosphere, however, and a spooky one at that once we become ensnared in the mist.  Listen to the scene near the beginning of the film when our characters are in line to check out in the store.  Chatter fills the soundstage, and as emergency vehicles drive past outside, we hear them panning from left to right, seamlessly.  The subwoofer also gets to work in chapter two as a strange force shakes the grocery store, although the sound does come off as rather weak in some of the action scenes.  Not to give anything away, but an action sequence in chapter 10 is noticeably underplayed, and we hear two gunshots that sound more like a cap gun than the .38 or .357 rounds the revolver is firing.  It's the great atmosphere of the track, as mentioned above, that makes this one a winner overall.  It's not just the sounds of horror that make it so realistic, it's the way the track so precisely handles everything asked of it, from that distant dialogue heard in the store, to, yes, the more action-oriented sequences in the film.  The Mist does not offer a perfect soundtrack, but aside from a few minor quibbles, it's fine.  
) }  M" S% o7 U  T. p4 G3 H# Z- M$ T! @5 r  R
    Disc Title: The Mist
* |; t$ M) M' ~& x8 G% a; z- c    Disc Size: 47,498,065,473 bytes$ f: R3 Y5 i7 D8 }. z4 u
    Protection: AACS
: A6 U; \% }( z8 ~    BD-Java: Yes
' h. e& t, `' h8 j$ b! c    BDInfo: 0.5.2
# U; y2 |3 Q/ A2 [) y8 B; W" [( m- x
    PLAYLIST REPORT:% v  S6 ]0 J1 ^; U# u! p" c1 y( X

5 F; W- y! _$ L/ w* x4 `" i    Name: 00014.MPLS' E' a& }5 A% Y$ z/ B/ |3 `, \- j. B% n
    Size: 29,558,261,184 bytes3 C7 d7 [; p) T; S" l9 F
    Length: 2:06:14 (h:m:s)
- G* F4 y" m' `1 a+ k4 _/ B- z    Total Bitrate: 31.22 Mbps4 ?" ~! u- ?; v! _" e5 M" @
. {. U' p2 a0 x: R8 Q5 l1 E2 ?9 n
2 `2 c! w) u8 h) U2 S, k/ X
, D7 S3 |/ d& P- u: |" E6 C    Codec Bitrate Description
! U6 \' j2 K$ `    ----- ------- -----------( x! z7 \6 P  t7 }( }0 r. j' A% W, k8 V
    VC-1 Video 25676 kbps 1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / Advanced Profile 3
& q) r* C# Q0 q& `- n% \, ]2 u" A9 ^
    AUDIO:4 b) r8 @- h! k# q' }& ]6 P, ~  b, N
9 W, E9 B7 D* F" [0 V
    Codec Language Bitrate Description
* m: e4 _  z& l1 ^3 r; F0 Z    ----- -------- ------- -----------+ v% q$ K' q0 B+ V
    DTS-HD Master Audio English 1695 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1695 kbps / 16-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 16-bit)
2 }; L4 J& W$ u) q% I& T    DTS-HD Master Audio German 1758 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1758 kbps / 16-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 16-bit)* H. H& o; S* N8 u9 B3 s% H
    DTS Audio English 256 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 256 kbps / 16-bit
& E- ]3 {! k& F, ?9 O+ @! `
; V  u+ C! f* x    SUBTITLES:6 u* h/ C. O1 h+ B1 W/ ?8 K2 m+ c
4 W8 u) R" R( w  a! Z8 X9 F3 y
    Codec Language Bitrate Description
3 K' n# h* `/ i) p' J' x. c    ----- -------- ------- -----------
, h& `& l7 G3 B( f+ I5 ~; U    Presentation Graphics Chinese 28.432 kbps
8 ~0 Y) Q& Y2 |% B7 \+ T    Presentation Graphics Chinese 29.733 kbps

+ V5 D6 J5 C5 P4 f
" a7 L$ @& Z) g/ q5 i' i# p' v+ ^, J4 _0 S. G8 D7 c8 V6 B
7 F" Y- ?4 M5 P! ]/ F) G# @1 c- d! J. n" B2,加入了简繁中文字幕以及国语音轨;
4 d' U- {  E; t, W- I$ w3,PD,TMT3和WINDVD2010PRO测试均可播放;
4 Z7 p$ K6 T) r5 @. }7 |
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