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[蓝光原盘] 情人,别为我哭泣 [蓝光原盘] Trasgredire 2000 DiY BluRaycd 1080p AVC DD2.0-KBu 16.0GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2013-8-27 16:55:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
; o/ u+ U$ H2 Y) p( J9 O& M/ o# B; S: L% _5 L$ a3 s
◎中文 名 情人,别为我哭泣
# S" Z0 b+ I2 Q+ d8 G◎片  名 Trasgredire
9 o& t% ~/ G6 V: t# h  x! k7 y◎年  代 20002 ~1 h* p) n# Z$ C4 U% r
◎国  家 意大利& q* d( }( @, E
◎类  别 剧情 喜剧  A; X/ C" {9 w9 \- U' H
◎语  言 意大利语: m' ^6 \/ _# f2 J5 i
◎IMDB评分 5.0/10 (115 votes)+ H- N# |+ O# p6 `
◎IMDB链接 ^7 T2 Z" k2 A9 u) o1 w
◎片  长 86 Minute% w0 X' {8 a! G; [# z" H6 y
◎导  演 Tinto Brass2 E+ a4 E& u7 Q/ O
◎主  演 Tinto Brass .... Man in photo shop (uncredited)
0 X. Y; c) L5 b# v      Vittorio Attene .... Luca$ N" b6 D) o9 p6 ]
      Jarno Berardi .... Matteo) E" o/ i( J4 m/ o5 A$ \. q
      Leila Carli .... Nina
) l* K3 g1 k0 s. [- f      Mauro Lorenz .... Bernard7 \2 ]: I; H( C  z& p/ i0 Y
      Yuliya Mayarchuk .... Carla$ L0 T& q- Y  W$ W
      Francesca Nunzi .... Moira5 m# l: T+ c( G
      Max Parodi .... Marion
- t! a. z  L8 y# E3 d      Silvia Rossi ....
7 z6 p; V* o" n2 v( V$ y$ B: V      Antonio Salines ....; j* {- b' Y  Z3 C5 V, A0 s1 k
      Mauro Sangiorgi ....' E  V7 a! z2 c  L2 |  p
      Alberto Passone ....1 R" ^! A; e7 q; H+ @# {
      Chiara Gobbato ...." C# ^& {7 _* b/ _* R  C8 n
      Remo Pizzaroni ....
' Y1 a% B- ]; a6 C9 X, I◎简  介" P- ]) x2 z" q3 n1 ~" f
  U4 U; `# z* H  O
9 t- T6 H2 U. b+ T  y! |$ I# ~  X% V6 I3 A" Y: a( z8 t
   While scouting out apartments in London for her Venetian boyfriend, Carla rents an apartment that overlooks the Thames. There she meet the lesbian real estate agent Moira and Moira's ex-husband Marion.8 {) w, s9 F/ B. O; g

8 j' ?$ v/ l$ U/ B1 T5 u2 j( @8 i   本片讲述了一名叫卡拉的女子,为了获得真爱,在几个男人之间徘徊,影片中的几名男子,他们代表的是男性对女性的几种看法,导演力图通过卡拉和他们之间发生的故事告诉世人,在一个男女不平等的社会中,如果一个女人大胆地追求情爱可能会碰到的一些障碍。本片的另一亮点是,片中除女主角外,其余演员全部都是临时从片场抽取的。而剧本也就是根据临时演员对男女情爱的观点临时编写,整部电影真实感很强,如同身临其境。
: b& J3 }" ^. s: B( _) Z, V1 o( i3 `
, N1 r8 j7 V% Z% L7 ]6 v   一个不着内衣穿一袭超短裙的女郎在穿越公园——她叫卡拉波林,她的男朋友马蒂尔要去英国工作,卡拉想通过买房结婚留住马蒂尔——卡拉要去一房地产中介公司 公园里有各色人在旁若无人的亲昵,还有一个老头在窥视......
" x7 G/ p  f9 A- {* _
+ f, [3 B. p  K+ F8 M8 F8 m: s2 b   在中介公司,接待她的叫莫尤拉——戴眼睛的姑娘——自然是卡拉又看上了房,也看上了人—马蒂尔来到卡拉家,想拿条卡拉的裤做个念想——他回忆起与卡拉的第一次:那是在一条小船上,小马划浆,卡拉坐在船头。几个的士(贡多拉小船)经过,卡拉突然褪去裤——春光乍泻——不仅几个的士水手惊的落水,就是小马也心头小鹿乱撞。没一会,小马就扛不住了,扑了上去...... 小马没有找到那条裤,却找到了一个叫丹尼的小伙子给卡拉的情书。于是怒气冲冲地赶到卡拉刚租的新居兴师问罪——卡拉赤裸着开门。刚问了不到两句,丹尼的事还没弄明白,屋里却走出来刚沐浴完的莫尤拉...... 小马失落地独自来到影片开始的那个公园散心,遇上了一个变态的家伙:让他的妻子与人,他在树林里偷窥——这情景让小马想起了自己以前和一女裁缝的出轨行为 ——女裁缝的丈夫也好这口 小马由此想到了那句雕塑上的话:人活在世,爱是不需要禁锢的。更想起了卡拉的千般好处,觉得自己还是非常爱恋卡拉,于是给卡拉打电话示好和解。而卡拉在小马愤怒离去后,也陷入了深深的自责中,并且写出了严格自律整改措施.接到小马的电话,卡拉兴奋地赶到公园,并把悔过书递给小马。小马接过来扔掉,拉着卡拉向树林深处跑去......
3 e; l# X: ]4 e- X
Disc Title: Trasgredire.2000.DiY.BluRayCD.1080p.AVC.DD2.0-KBu
# i% _( g3 a1 K7 B& F/ U: ]; F) c Disc Size: 17,400,168,484 bytes1 O# J, U3 |- x9 P
Protection: AACS
, ?2 V, R# k( I7 n1 R3 ]8 m$ b BD-Java: No3 q4 d, @3 w# P
Playlist: 00000.MPLS
0 \) t) Q* ?3 L" ?* y$ j4 f) W Size: 14,938,116,096 bytes+ t0 b5 X5 G+ {+ L9 c
Length: 1:30:33.2613 ?, i8 L: P3 M3 S/ h$ b9 z
Total Bitrate: 22.00 Mbps- y9 r2 R$ I% n
Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 20395 kbps / 1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1: Y- @7 \! H/ o
Audio: Italian / Dolby Digital Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 256 kbps / DN -4dB
3 F* ^" y# Z4 L: V& ~ Audio: English / Dolby Digital Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 256 kbps / DN -4dB, |- Y9 P. }* B/ j7 ~
Subtitle: English / 27.371 kbps
" \0 p/ |6 h* L' V Subtitle: Chinese / 15.145 kbps$ j# B, E8 T2 W7 G7 n9 h
Subtitle: Chinese / 15.805 kbps
" g; D3 T* }2 K9 O7 x! y& j
  V. L& D+ x3 K# D1 D6 O0 l
Presented in an aspect ratio of 1.85:1, encoded with MPEG-4 AVC and granted a 1080p transfer, Tinto Brass' Cheeky arrives on Blu-ray courtesy of Cult Epics.. Q9 ?' B4 }) m
. r, {# w# j. ~) ^( c
The presentation is average at best, which is exactly what I expected it to be. The overwhelming majority of Tinto Brass' films that appeared on DVD - from I Am What I Am and The Howl to Miranda, The Key and Paprika - had various issues and it seems like distributors in Europe and North America are still using the old masters that are in circulation. The lone exception is Salon Kitty, which uses a high-definition transfer struck from a newer master. 4 y! z- F( {8 Y6 N

- V9 U& q7 d: j* W4 C' C- yGenerally speaking, excluding most of the close-ups where light is in abundance, the film looks quite soft. Clearly, there is moderate filtering applied from start to finish. I should mention, however, that it was more than likely applied when the master for this release was created some years ago, before the DVD release of the film appeared on the market. Color reproduction is also quite weak but not overly distracting. On the positive side, there are no traces of severe sharpening corrections. Also, there are no large cuts, damage marks, or scratches to report in this review. Now, while this Blu-ray release may seem rather disappointing, it actually offers some pretty obvious improvements over the old R1 DVD release of the film, also courtesy of Cult Epic. The improved compression, in particular, eliminates the macroblocking patterns during the darker scenes (the party sequence), and colors are also far more stable. Detail is also clearly improved, though, again, these improvements are easy to see because the transfer the DVD release uses is very poor, not because the high-definition transfer excels convincingly in the key areas we typically address in these reviews. (Note: This is a Region-Free Blu-ray disc. Therefore, you will be able to play it on your PS3 or SA regardless of your geographical location).  ) O+ z6 ^5 [: [/ V6 G- ^8 @1 \
% ^/ S0 B2 c0 b; H2 c+ H
) _' R, I$ @1 ?% v! f5 H* v

1 j% L4 d; f7 C( i' E3 n+ x: o- c: wThere are two standard audio tracks on this Blu-ray disc: English Dolby Digital 2.0 and Italian Dolby Digital 2.0. For the record, Cult Epics have provided optional English subtitles for the main feature. . F7 O) V  l6 ~4 l% k1 G+ @

( L  {; ^; {% `+ vThe fact that the release does not come with lossless tracks is rather disappointing, but once again not surprising. More than likely Cult Epics simply did not have the proper files to offer anything better.7 C$ r" Q8 P% X# i7 d- q
The Italian track has a limited dynamic amplitude, but it is well balanced and free of serious background noise and hiss. The dialog (which features some dubbing) is clean, stable, and easy to follow. There are no pops, cracks, or sudden audio dropouts to report in this review. The English translation is very good.
$ R& N) r* j4 x6 u6 F$ F( k9 F9 m) T. @' `0 E/ m


/ K; D  W" Z/ C0 e0 W/ P2 {6 }
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