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[剧情悬疑] 突然/小镇突袭 Suddenly 2013 Bluraycd 1080p DTS HD x264-Grym 11.2GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2013-9-3 18:51:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
, l* t. c- s- v: g! Y9 \
/ [, E! w3 i5 l1 M* C◎译  名 突然/小镇突袭
. ?% b( e; R! D3 _◎片  名 Suddenly  
5 u, c3 I9 l5 q; D0 h3 T! P◎年  代 2013! ~. s( O/ L$ e' z% a" U
◎国  家 加拿大/美国  , y8 R# A5 l. }* {; A
◎类  别 惊悚      2 w6 R8 i# H1 }  R- e) E
◎语  言 英语
+ p$ z8 k, L+ ]6 y, V8 t* |! y/ `* W* o◎字  幕 英文
5 E) u# ]$ {4 i& ^( a  U3 ?* `: d6 `◎IMDB评分 5.8/10 from 9 users  2 ]2 p" W# s: m% o, `8 s7 l
+ J3 `- Y" _4 D, A/ s" @◎文件格式 X264+ DTS
# V" p" O/ i  m4 ~& {0 G◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080! A, K. v6 g& M
◎文件大小 1CD 3.43 GB
( y" F% h1 L( W6 E& _) |8 \◎片  长 1:30:09
7 I4 l2 }5 D- z◎导  演 Uwe Boll
4 C7 D: h+ y5 R8 {: F8 m◎主  演 Ed Anders   ...  Virgil
: L8 l1 n4 I% ]! v* b' ~: Z      Cole Coker  Cole Coker   ...  Pidge
* |/ V( g% f& E. u      Erin Karpluk  Erin Karpluk   ...  Ellen0 A, m3 X2 E7 g' U. b# p$ _
      Brad Kelly  Brad Kelly   ...  Harlan
' r  y9 N$ i& O6 G      Tyron Leitso  Tyron Leitso   ...  Agent Wheeler
, m, q/ B6 |( S$ `0 J/ H# B      Ray Liotta  Ray Liotta   ...  Todd: K+ A/ g3 v! A: f1 \5 X% ^$ D
      Michael Paré  Michael Paré   ...  Benny Conklin, w# {- q  f  S0 E7 N0 c
      Dominic Purcell  Dominic Purcell   ...  Barren
# `2 w% j4 m" }7 a/ l      Haig Sutherland  Haig Sutherland   ...  Judd    5 Z$ ~( F6 c4 }  q
◎简  介
+ B$ w  j  a0 K8 G" L8 T# b) e$ Y0 t
  巴伦为首的四个刺客,伪造成特勤局特工去到艾伦家里,艾伦是一个因为战争失去了丈夫的女人.她家的位置很适合偷袭总统,那些人骗过了当地的警察,只有托德头脑依然清晰明了,他是个伊拉克的战争英雄,曾经和艾伦的丈夫一起服役,托德想办法杀了他们的一个手下,但被抓了.他们必须在总统被刺杀之前找到一个办法阻止刺客。。。。% y. M0 ?$ `1 Q4 J
) a" K3 q, u" a% i% m# W& k
       Four assassins led by Baron, pose as Secret Service agents to commandeer the house of war-widow ELLEN. Her home is a prime sniper position for their plan to assassinate the President on his visit to the small town of Suddenly. The men fool the local cops except for one, TODD. A washed-up former war hero and deputy who is now the town drunk, Todd served with Ellen's deceased husband and has developed romantic feelings for her over the years. But she rebuffs his advances. Todd visits the house and is immediately suspicious of Baron, but no one will listen to the ravings of a drunk. Once Todd realizes what is going on, he manages to kill one of Baron's crew, but is captured. Now he and Ellen must find a way to stop Baron and his men before they kill the President.
' v  i/ g- d2 O2 H* n, g" ~
& X; o2 i! L# a
  1. Suddenly.2013.BluRayCD.1080p.DTS-HD.x264-Grym.mkv% _- m3 e2 r$ `) B. f
  2. Director..........:  Uwe Boll9 w" M' A- p% n
  3. Writer............:  Raul Inglis+ W+ ~" F) ?& s8 L2 E* n3 K
  4. Starring..........:  Ray Liotta, Dominic Purcell, Michael Paré
    . D* N& F* |: n4 _: y* M
  5. iMDB URL..........:
    - w8 @3 }7 ^7 e/ b! P+ @& R
  6. SOURCE TYPE.......:  Retail Blu-Ray (19,0 GB Movie / 20,2 GB Full)
    ' M! _+ p7 \6 D8 U- n: W
  7. Video SPECS.......:  x264 2PASS @ 14000+ Kbps (High@L4.1); q% W/ Q/ f. h+ Y  B
  8. AUDiO SPECS.......:  English DTS-HD 5.1 3699 kbps 24 bit (Core: 1509 kbps)# D6 R' H5 l' X2 S+ k, f: R+ R
  9. RUNTiME...........:  1h 30 min
    - [# }! a# D4 b9 y0 k$ P9 b
  10. MOViE CROPPED.....:  No
    4 S% `  \0 t4 p  b+ U5 c, P
  11. FiLM ASPECT RATiO.:  1.85:1
    ! A! }3 [! V8 H6 T" h
  12. RESOLUTiON........:  1920 X 1080p6 {+ b: l5 u9 U; W: G9 s/ v
  13. EXTRAS............:  Sorry no Extras on Disc
    . ?" A7 S* d/ [. F+ R5 b
  14. SUBTiTLES.........:  English
7 d' c# Q. {# S! m+ q* I) C

  Z; \% O9 t0 {4 P, s3 [" Y


  1. magnet:?xt=urn:btih:I46T52UJQV63QD4CXKSUXEVBSJ4RKDBU&dn=Suddenly.2013.Bluray.1080p.DTS-HD.x264-Grym&tr=udp://


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