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[蓝光原盘] 新粉红豹/顽皮豹 [蓝光原盘] The Pink Panther 2006 1080p BluRaycd AVC TrueHD 5.1-FGT 35.98GB








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kmvodys 发表于 2013-9-28 11:59:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Bumbling Inspector Clouseau must solve the murder of a famous soccer coach and find out who stole the infamous Pink Panther diamond.
5 B1 O, P5 P1 [6 d6 S
$ v; J% t0 m( T% X6 G
8 j! _7 i' b  A; E' X9 K3 `+ Y* V$ J/ k% ]. Y" w
◎译  名 粉红豹/顽皮豹/新粉红豹
# {2 p7 [! d9 N1 t( \◎片  名 The Pink Panther
0 n9 F3 z9 A) H  |◎年  代 2006
% j. o, n8 D; a/ X9 W' g◎产  地 美国/捷克' m. ^9 q* D7 I3 \' ?1 ^0 b0 K
◎类  别 喜剧/悬疑/犯罪/冒险# @) Z: F- Z& V$ Z8 S7 d
◎语  言 英语
; n& J, d/ i' Z' e( ^◎上映日期 2006-02-10(美国)
7 F% E0 v4 ?9 q# z: b◎IMDb评分  5.6/10 from 90,556 users
% A9 S, y) N2 Y9 }" x◎IMDb链接
/ U# T$ w( {+ h# {3 _◎豆瓣评分 7.4/10 from 38,067 users
$ b6 [2 z/ O6 [, T$ ?◎豆瓣链接
2 {" |2 r( ~9 W, m9 ~% I( W◎文件格式 x264 + TrueHD $ e) M- ^) N6 f5 w, g9 P
◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080: N7 g1 U) m, s. K2 @) h
◎文件大小 1DVD 35.98 GiB
; D4 Y. L& h" W+ X2 t◎片  长 1:32:01.766 ( L1 w! e- {/ i# a9 ?' `6 g
◎导  演 肖恩·利维 Shawn Levy
: g8 [. U' k" Q+ S+ F" m◎编  剧 莱恩·布卢姆 Len Blum  z, f4 d3 L1 F$ M) T* `
       史蒂夫·马丁 Steve Martin; B6 n. d# y' q' ^
       迈克尔·萨尔兹曼 Michael Saltzman% g8 [7 ]+ a; W% z4 x4 D
       莫里斯·里奇林 Maurice Richlin1 h- z& v2 j* n3 B' O
       布莱克·爱德华兹 Blake Edwards, `  q+ T! b8 v, O$ y3 B
◎演  员 史蒂夫·马丁 Steve Martin  ]7 a3 c* y0 X6 ?4 U
       凯文·克莱恩 Kevin Kline$ @+ Q- y5 Q. o" X
       让·雷诺 Jean Reno
% Q4 g! n/ h% Y4 c6 _/ O       艾米莉·莫迪默 Emily Mortimer- N" R. s, r5 P5 Z- x% D& X. P4 z
       亨利·科泽尼 Henry Czerny$ w- L9 t, V* a% Y1 U
       杰森·斯坦森 Jason Statham
" X% l- I  v5 T3 h- m2 H# J       克里夫·欧文 Clive Owen
5 z: d7 Z" L% r! a% X       碧昂丝 Beyoncé. Z8 N+ H2 ]/ @- g7 v% q4 R" j% S
       亚美利哥·普雷休蒂 Americo Presciutti8 z2 f6 b! ^* a  i- \6 J
       Kyle Willshire
; P1 r4 {: Z/ A! @+ C& _2 ~7 u9 X       丹尼尔·萨乌利 Daniel Sauli* k. d! [( p" C/ f
       安德鲁·塔伯特 Andrew Tarbet  [9 W$ X9 [* b+ o3 O& W' y  }
       安娜·卡塔莉娜 Anna Katarina
, N7 M& q: ]  Y* U& \/ J$ d  F       黄美玉 Jadin Wong! O: u* N' Y4 F4 U. s
       伊斯梅尔·彼得·卡西利亚斯三世 Ismael Peter Casillas III8 t% c; p1 Y+ g3 X
       谢拉赫·霍斯达尔 Chelah Horsdal- y* _# O5 y+ u5 l( \; {" o" A
       玛瑞娃·格兰特 Mareva Galanter/ A+ J$ h* J6 p. y
       克里斯汀安格斯 Kristi Angus4 P0 Y3 u$ {; T
       艾伦·坡尔 Aaron Pearl
5 J2 m& Y4 i4 z( I/ Y       罗杰·里斯 Roger Rees2 C; n' F7 i: ?8 w; W
       德尔菲娜·尚内亚克 Delphine Chanéac# r$ K7 h0 }) f2 R. B* P4 K
       何健民 Thomas Ho, M" q* J% G) q
       阿丽斯·塔格里奥妮 Alice Taglioni$ T1 U7 f' q) [: M8 B
       克里斯汀·肯诺恩斯 Kristin Chenoweth/ |& V! A. k. |6 z' ~% M( J
       斯科特·阿金斯 Scott Adkins
- T  I6 {2 d0 u) D) h       约翰·塞纳迭姆博 John Cenatiempo5 a$ @) Z, W3 a: ^* d3 G, H: ^
       Ralph Drischell9 F1 y, Y+ N3 t2 a0 H1 u( H; m  z5 T
       Monty C. Floyd( b+ x9 e+ O) {5 F( p0 }' `6 l
       Marc Yarrish- J! _! ?" k, a3 }9 M; ]- S) R
       Kevin Watson7 |* ]" R$ ?! d. R$ U8 c6 z
       科琳·斯特蒂文特 Colleen Sturtevant- @8 y6 L' d9 w( Y0 |. |0 y$ [0 h
       Gregory Salata
9 f3 Q& l4 U; d7 V9 s" d4 \  I       伊冯·西奥 Yvonne Sciò: p* d/ }6 N8 \' u+ Q4 S: Z/ }4 _
       埃里克·莫罗 Eric Moreau# z) J9 F6 ^: q
       杰奎琳·洛弗尔 Jacqueline Lovell
$ l7 C& T  A2 {1 Q( K: I. b       波利斯·麦戈法 Boris McGiver
6 F! g. A) ~# M0 R6 s. |/ r       查克·杰弗里斯 Chuck Jeffreys
) p8 x+ w4 Y; k3 @       Chad Gabriel
% |* }' ?/ V; A- A- b" t* F4 U5 Q       亨利·加尔辛 Henri Garcin
0 V0 m# U# n' _! {$ o' ?; k* T& c4 r* @/ t6 m/ a9 A! h$ [
◎标  签 喜剧 | 法国 | 美国 | 让·雷诺 | 搞笑 | 粉红豹 | 美国电影 | 2006
* T# C6 [/ D& l7 {, @
4 s/ @3 T& F. @  [; `; A1 t◎简  介   " T) i: i- W. ]/ c; T7 c
4 m0 `1 T4 K, L( h4 C
  国际足球教练在庆功派对中不幸中毒镖毙命,手上的钻石戒指“粉红豹”也随之失踪。谋杀与失窃案迅速成为关注焦点。破案重任落到总探长德雷福斯(凯文·克莱恩 Kevin Kline 饰)肩上。无奈中,他想到了最佳破案人选——探员杰奎斯·克鲁索(史蒂夫·马丁 Steve Martin 饰)。临危受命的克劳索与总探长指派的木讷探员波顿(让·雷诺 Jean Reno 饰)组合成为一对儿“黄金搭档”。克劳索将教练女友歌坛天后仙妮娅(碧昂丝·诺尔斯 Beyoncé Knowles 饰)列为首要的嫌疑对象,谁知调查时却对她一见倾心。
, {, y$ A9 y- g) F$ B1 p, {7 M; Z" d) S4 I# u
  一路上克劳索遭遇各种勤快,钻石贩子、黑道分子、傲气足球明星、赌场老板、风情女政客,各色人物轮番登场,究竟谁才是名钻大盗?案情的进展一波三折,克劳索该如何按时侦破这桩惊世大案,同时有效提防虎视眈眈的总探长把功劳据为己有?- H+ c) H1 W' N1 O1 }8 Z7 d
8 o/ E0 k6 w8 O6 o5 X# m" c
  When a star soccer coach is murdered and his priceless Pink Panther diamond stolen, France is in an uproar. Fortunately, Inspector Jacques Clouseau (Steve Martin) is on the case. He doesn't have a clue, but for Clouseau, that's just a minor detail. With his partner, Gilbert Ponton (Jean Reno), he careens from one misadventure to the next, leaving mayhem in his wake from the boulevards of Paris to the streets of New York. Will he seduce the pop diva,Xania (Beyoncé)? Will he push Chief Inspector Dreyfus (Oscar winner Kevin Kline) over the edge? Will he catch the killer and recover the diamond? With Inspector Clouseau, anything is possible.: b, e9 ^- ]0 Q8 y4 N
3 B7 U  l/ R3 \" M/ T* @
◎获奖情况  3 E  p& Q6 [  P
0 l6 ~! B6 s$ u3 N
  第15届MTV电影奖  (2006)2 I" d' ~. T8 u+ N
  MTV电影奖 最性感表演(提名) 碧昂丝·诺尔斯5 {- B0 E* b4 B3 t5 i) f
; S; Q6 N7 L1 k4 X4 r  p0 u5 E* T
  1. DISC INFO:9 ]! Q( A) C& C( H$ H$ e

  2. ) X  {8 H' `) l1 x& @
  3. Disc Title:     The.Pink.Panther.2006.1080p.BluRayCD.AVC.TrueHD.5.1-FGT
    8 Y; n* H& E. ?! c% w( }
  4. Disc Size:      38,629,712,143 bytes
    + X& b: t4 n' {. i
  5. Protection:     AACS9 Y* e3 s& l' V3 G+ P% M+ Z5 h
  6. BD-Java:        Yes
    , \6 j. D9 k2 Q, ?8 ]
  7. BDInfo:         0.5.8
    ; H, @) K$ X3 {7 b! X" P1 N

  8. $ k* ]* f+ C) E) Q
  9. PLAYLIST REPORT:- o5 z5 \$ D% l. g* ?
  10. ! R& }2 u& P+ i  @9 n
  11. Name:                   00001.MPLS
    ; P: c1 r9 a+ i
  12. Length:                 1:32:01.766 (
    1 P  e* `- a* F! W+ T
  13. Size:                   31,524,151,296 bytes
    9 I$ L3 E( Q, i. q) y" `0 Y
  14. Total Bitrate:          45.67 Mbps
    / P  T" Q' N  m5 H

  15. # `7 @# V7 ]# E+ C9 M) F+ `" j
  16. Video:( _% `3 o, D% E  ~7 E0 e; J1 z

  17. 9 g- \0 _4 R" [/ U% d6 ^
  18. Codec                   Bitrate             Description     2 [) v7 O- a2 y' A
  19. -----                   -------             -----------     
    . `  X, B3 F" ]4 Z
  20. MPEG-4 AVC Video        33990 kbps          1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.17 b8 Q2 i  T; U0 l3 s3 c# P8 z

  21. * ^( {! h# e* Z! j( B! N3 g- |$ z+ V
  22. AUDIO:
    % ?( x' y1 i$ T

  23. & s) n2 k0 ^1 ?  s: Q3 f# k$ I
  24. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description     ! [4 W; p9 u" h4 l; p
  25. -----                           --------        -------         -----------     
    : @7 X6 l) Y1 H" z( s
  26. DTS-HD Master Audio             English         3535 kbps       5.1 / 48 kHz / 3535 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)3 Q9 c! }! b) M' u
  27. DTS Audio                       French          768 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 24-bit5 o9 ~- X" b  j1 ^5 w/ @
  28. DTS Audio                       Russian         768 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 24-bit4 g3 M8 H# x9 ?- R3 `
  29. DTS Audio                       Ukrainian       768 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 16-bit9 E/ j' B  D3 V) }
  30. Dolby Digital Audio             Czech           448 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps / DN -4dB: B5 d/ `$ V  H8 J4 U7 \9 E7 W
  31. DTS Audio                       Hungarian       768 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 16-bit8 R9 Z5 q% }6 I: {3 w% d* |7 p
  32. Dolby Digital Audio             Polish          448 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps / DN -4dB
    + O, y0 _) ^4 G- x( @2 a' E
  33. DTS Audio                       Turkish         768 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 16-bit
    : r; P  R7 z' J* u, ^

  34. 9 V6 n% B. `! e4 N% ?$ x  R3 Q
  35. SUBTITLES:: p# P: E6 ?  ~+ M$ D
  36. 4 {0 p6 i% H9 g  K* w& r
  37. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description     + w! Q" W/ V7 H
  38. -----                           --------        -------         -----------     
    2 Q* h5 _$ B) P3 a
  39. Presentation Graphics           English         37.464 kbps                     2 U) C. j6 H/ T+ B3 k4 W
  40. Presentation Graphics           French          37.382 kbps                     7 X" j/ u2 B3 J, w
  41. Presentation Graphics           Russian         37.687 kbps                     
    2 |2 w2 p. h/ E& e' Z- Z) d2 s" Y& d1 c2 Y
  42. Presentation Graphics           Ukrainian       38.999 kbps                     
    8 `5 {6 c: S1 U) p# Q3 c2 _7 ]
  43. Presentation Graphics           Czech           35.093 kbps                     
    / Z( I  Y) \$ y% Y" m0 x
  44. Presentation Graphics           Hungarian       39.437 kbps                     
    0 T4 ^  V# R" D! _  G" S& W$ B( ~7 C. N
  45. Presentation Graphics           Polish          39.017 kbps                     5 d/ x7 O6 Y* d3 B
  46. Presentation Graphics           Turkish         40.401 kbps                     
    / q* Y7 ?: t  R1 I9 j
  47. Presentation Graphics           Arabic          20.748 kbps                     9 k$ W# Q: r, l( `
  48. Presentation Graphics           Bulgarian       31.695 kbps                     
    8 z0 S+ g8 U- F! t# v" Q+ q4 @
  49. Presentation Graphics           Croatian        34.701 kbps                     6 B" c- e7 ?+ g" ^8 l, E/ b
  50. Presentation Graphics           Dutch           36.978 kbps                     6 m! W* V" e6 U
  51. Presentation Graphics           Estonian        37.407 kbps                     
    6 C9 T* v2 _$ }+ A$ n) F
  52. Presentation Graphics           Greek           37.186 kbps                     
    3 p+ @1 d6 E" w5 N2 T
  53. Presentation Graphics           Hebrew          24.208 kbps                     / B+ O% o1 [- L$ c, e6 ]; v8 w, A
  54. Presentation Graphics           Icelandic       40.003 kbps                     
    . K+ y- P- N! u+ i4 G
  55. Presentation Graphics           Latvian         37.605 kbps                     
    5 c. V, [/ w' e" V
  56. Presentation Graphics           Lithuanian      36.968 kbps                     
    ; k& K5 I% z% c; J( j" @
  57. Presentation Graphics           Portuguese      37.309 kbps                     
    ; R1 x% Z# w, I5 r) r7 w4 D
  58. Presentation Graphics           Romanian        35.614 kbps                     
    ; K& y7 e2 l5 g" k
  59. Presentation Graphics           Serbian         35.195 kbps                     
    1 Z* W- ~  f6 }" ]- M$ s
  60. Presentation Graphics           Slovenian       33.959 kbps  
The Pink Panther Blu-ray, Video Quality   2 s! Q7 p0 Y' K$ s
( }% R' M) o# o7 n) N' y
! p; u! R  C3 ^9 l+ @% H+ L& F
Presented in 1080p utilizing the AVC codec (at an average bitrate of 25Mbps), Pink Panther has pleasing visual qualities for a comedy, but remains average next to other Blu-ray releases of films made within the past three years. As a whole, fine-object detail is reproduced well in the transfer. There's still the occasional scene that appears a tad hazy, but taken as a whole the level of detail is fairly impressive. Distance shots usually create the greatest detail-related problems in a transfer, but even wide shots of the streets and buildings in France show sufficient depth and clarity. Black levels also offered adequate depth, and I didn't notice any instances of edge-enhancement, digital noise, artifacting, or aliasing. The only two items that collectively brought down the video score, were colors and contrast. There's an unnatural level of brightness in several scenes that tends to wash out colors and create some problems in delivering satisfying levels of contrast. It gives the film a drab appearance at times, which is unfortunate given the colorful subject matter. Fortunately, it doesn't dominate the entire film and there are still plenty of lush colors to be found on the disc (the vivid green grass in the soccer match at the beginning of the film is a perfect example).
$ `' {& b5 w& |" V8 \) C# C) S( \: p3 p) d7 y" }
The Pink Panther Blu-ray, Audio Quality   * {. e$ {: R- M0 f' D0 G3 T
7 ?( {6 J6 R, Z4 w
+ t1 `# O. X7 {
There's quite the collection of audio tracks included on the disc (scroll to the top of this review to see a list), but I chose the primary Dolby TrueHD 5.1 track in the native language of English for my listening experience. Similar to the video quality, the audio on the disc is impressive for a comedy, but not something you'll pick to show off your surround sound system to friends. Highlights on the track include the soccer game at the beginning of the film, the recording session with Beyonce, and the musical number performed by Beyonce during the ending sequence. In particular, the soccer game offered dynamic spatial separation, allowing the viewer to feel as if they were sitting in the middle of thousands of roaring fans. I'm left with the impression the track is completely capable of handling surround separation, but there simply isn't much material in the film itself to warrant a great deal of back speaker use. Thankfully, the dialogue is appropriately balanced (a must for any comedy film), though it remains firmly grounded in the front soundstage and offers minimal side to side differentiation.
# B( _& O) V! ^2 q- r  M/ j
$ P- o0 ?0 G# v1 {+ w3 Z) u. ~% @  f, W! j- m* x# d) C( s
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