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[科幻恐怖] 大海啸鲨口逃生/大海啸之鲨口逃生/诱饵/鲨口逃生 Bait 2012 Bluraycd 1080p DTS-HD x264-Grym 10.93GB








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24xs 发表于 2013-11-1 05:27:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
7 d7 \3 o1 `- w& E9 ]
' w9 @8 D, ?1 B6 M◎译  名 大海啸鲨口逃生/大海啸之鲨口逃生/诱饵/鲨口逃生
# f& V9 c9 v, v  O◎片  名 Bait 3D/Bait/SHARK # E: y; D! q$ d$ i
◎年  代 2012
! {6 ^; j& {- H4 a8 ?  ^◎国  家 澳大利亚/中国    H7 z0 W- A) h' a/ L
◎类  别 动作/恐怖/惊悚- r/ U+ e; ^  r; z1 F: e
◎语  言 英语# ~+ Q: M' }' S& U# f" d* B  u% C
◎字  幕 中英双字幕
. S1 R+ R3 j1 ?. L: t9 Y◎IMDB评分 5.3/10 from 345 users- ~- Z: I, k* n6 k7 a0 I
◎链  接 f' w# ^% ]" {5 n7 ]0 e  {
◎文件格式 X264 + DTS
2 u3 J  g! F$ r0 Q◎视频尺寸 1920 X 1080
+ b, O8 |+ t! d◎文件大小 1CD 10.93 GB. P  i4 K8 I+ r0 m( c% z1 X9 ?
◎片  长 1h 33 Mins+ A  I4 L& x% c) j5 f5 o5 {+ C
◎导  演 金波·兰道 Kimble Rendall
. A+ w% @$ A+ I! X: ^◎主  演 沙维尔·塞缪尔 Xavier Samuel  ....乔许 Josh
3 Q4 J( {, L! }8 t1 K      沙妮·文森 Sharni Vinson  ....蒂娜 Tina ( q( Q2 G$ Z* z* \5 c' |1 K
      菲比·托金 Phoebe Tonkin  ....蒂娜 Jaimie
. Q; _# H1 ~! B+ f* K      马丁·萨克斯 Martin Sacks  ....托德 Todd 7 B- J! w- \9 j; R: x, P* T  T
      爱丽丝·帕金逊 Alice Parkinson  ....娜欧蜜 Naomi
; m9 G( k6 ^' y: A! ^3 N      朱利安·麦克马洪 Julian McMahon  ....道尔 Doyle
. A" m- h$ `/ B% b      亚历克斯·罗素 Alex Russell  ....瑞恩 Ryan' x: ?8 C; w7 S+ Z8 t% @
      林肯·刘易斯 Lincoln Lewis  ....凯尔 Kyle9 k/ r- t* Y* G) s! S+ q
      达米安·加维 Damien Garvey  .... 柯林斯
5 D; O+ T0 Z" @8 o      Daniel Wyllie  ....卡比 4 ~+ o$ c+ D( R5 }8 [3 o8 O
      Cariba Heine  ....海瑟 Heather 7 s7 e( m0 k: X* R6 G% d; t. [
      Richard Brancatisano  ....罗伊 Rory 3 E- ^# _2 Z2 Y% G1 ~
      戚玉武 Yuwu Qi 6 y4 f" g/ N9 K) s, j
      释小龙 Siu Lung Sik  ....Xiao long
. J, e7 W  A' {      彭耀顺 Adrian Pang* W/ ~6 r4 v7 U! Y4 \* s3 t# Y3 D
      古拉斯·麦克伦 Nicholas McCallum  ....Oceania Store Owner: ^2 j& U! N& m
      Miranda Deakin  ....TV Reporter! m% o, f7 [/ b3 {) G
      Chris Betts  ....Lockie
# V1 ]: z! n, {0 \" Q      Simon Edds  ....Joe the Lifeguard' G- q4 _3 E, z" x/ s
      Rhiannon Dannielle Pettett  ....Assistant Manager
) x- f6 c8 A4 f. G. ^5 l      Skye Fellman  ....Young Girl
) c5 Y( ]" c% n& Z/ J; l7 n. J5 a◎简  介        % V8 `. l  N) |0 S: x3 h
0 l, ]4 ~/ e" Z! e; C& u( d4 m2 I9 ]5 S
  A freak tsunami traps shoppers at a coastal Australian supermarket inside the building - along with a 12-foot Great White Shark. 6 C' k1 ]7 T1 n, l5 Y$ |; q4 B; K1 W9 D
. e/ z& \: I3 V* T9 }0 Y- n! l
  宁静的澳洲海滩上,宿醉的救生员乔许(泽维尔·塞缪尔 Xavier Samuel 饰)让女友蒂娜(沙妮·文森 Sharni Vinson 饰)的哥哥罗利替他去海上例行检查防鲨网的设置,结果罗利遭到了鲨鱼的袭击,罗利的死对乔许和蒂娜造成了很大的心理阴影,乔许为此对女友充满了歉疚,乔许为此放弃了救生员的工作去超市做了理货员,蒂娜也远赴中国学习舞蹈。一年后,当蒂娜重新返回澳洲后,和乔许在超市不期而遇,与此同时,超市里风起云涌,偷窃、抢劫……就在这起突发事件白炽化的时候,地动天摇,海啸铺天盖地而来,超市立刻沦为孤岛,大鲨鱼随之而来,一场人鲨大战瞬间展开……
" L0 [+ V+ P9 I1 y3 R: \" E8 i& O
幕后故事6 ]( u2 b- W4 b( [! w

$ |% \! }0 N2 L    蓝光电影《大海啸之鲨口逃生》由拉塞尔·马尔卡希编剧、金波·兰道导演,《阿凡达》的原班制作人马共同创作的一部全新3D视觉效果的鲨鱼袭人的灾难惊悚电影。
+ ]3 ~- y# n! ?: G( ?1 F
! x- S" A" B8 D    有关演员
: s; O: y& Y( F7 I, J4 C1 @5 B# t% y
    制作前最重要的工作就是演员团队。制片人和金波·兰道都很清楚他们需要一个强大的演员阵容,尤其是要有达到国际水准的一流团队。; \, h8 h, L6 y5 n! D
“我在洛杉矶进行了广泛的选角活动,并在美国面试了一些炙手可热的演员。在洛杉矶,他们都对这部电影很有兴趣,对这部片子的反响很大。” 金波·兰道解释道。/ R; N& _! j) b

5 c5 V" V7 I+ j& t# X1 d    “当我回到澳大利亚,我想了想在洛杉矶发生的事情,发现有很多前来面试的演员都是澳大利亚人。我发现现在有很多年轻的澳洲演员在海外都发展的很好。五六年前的时候还很难找到一个年轻的演员能符合青少年的口味,尤其是一个能吸引观众来看电影的澳大利亚演员。这证明了新一代的人才正在涌现,于是我们想要找一些具有世界声誉的澳大利亚演员。”   ( h$ ^( m  u1 `) ]! C0 D1 x. r
; ^, d  X9 b- O- F) h" z+ {- [
    于是,一群耀眼的澳大利亚新秀演员获得了参与这部电影的机会。如沙维尔·塞缪尔(《暮光之城,月食》)、朱利安·麦克马洪(《整容室》)、沙妮·文森(《舞出我人生3D》)、菲比·托金(《破晓开战》)、亚历克斯·罗素(《荒废青春》)、马丁·萨克斯(《Underbelly》)、达米安·加维(嗜血破晓),还有颇有名气的新加坡影星彭耀顺和中国人气之星戚玉武、释小龙。  k. |& e7 _% t6 v1 K

5 o  z; U! ]; V6 `2 S( I4 I    有关水下拍摄. W! Y0 E" x7 F+ ]& g
+ |1 p+ u6 {; b
    尽管大部分拍摄时间都要在水里,所有演员都非常感谢导演金波·兰道为了让拍摄环境令人舒适付出的努力。服装部门和助理导演总是带着大衣和热水瓶,金波·兰道放着摇滚音乐,使大家在拍戏空档时也能保持精神。沙泥·文森很享受和金波·兰道合作,觉得他是一个合作起来十分舒服的导演,“他对演员很有信心,并传递这种信念。他每天都会给我们信心让我们有自己的想法。如果他不满意他会纠正我们,但他不是那种会什么都说得清清楚楚的导演,他会都留给我们。你们是演员,那就演吧,做你们的工作,我们都能看到。我觉得这是一个很好的方式,因为这让我们每个人都有自由去表达自己感受到的。他就是这样的人。” 8 z/ m3 S1 W' g: P% m+ w* ~" N" E; v! ^
, \9 C$ L6 w. f* y
% X) o7 g$ R) P, n' _, ^
  H2 f' v& @7 J9 a% }花絮  z+ k* A0 L8 U% j
- F$ @& {8 {3 r3 L  g
·本片是首部中外合拍3D灾难大片,主要戏份分别在中国和澳大利亚两地拍摄。9 \6 G) f1 f. R4 O$ h7 F. `2 J
1 ?+ g) I( u# }·导演在片场放着摇滚音乐,让演员们在拍戏空档时也保持着精神。
5 f6 N2 \& w" @! z- M
  1. Bait.2012.BluRayCD.1080p.DTS-HD.x264-Grym
    $ J6 G9 v- S* ?" W' {5 p
  2. Director..........:  Kimble Rendall' }* O: D8 T1 v1 L" \9 R4 [
  3. Writers...........:  Shayne Armstrong, Duncan Kennedy, John Kim, Shane Krause,
    # r3 Q& y. h: d. l" G
  4.                       Justin Monjo, Russell Mulcahy 3 g3 J* I: ]+ \3 n1 }! o
  5. Starring..........:  Richard Brancatisano, Xavier Samuel, Chris Betts     9 g, `. [& ]/ V
  6. iMDB URL..........: x0 d/ S4 \: R: {/ X# e
  7. SOURCE TYPE.......:  Retail GER Blu-Ray 21,1 GB Movie @ 25828 kbps / 43,7 GB Full
    4 W- Z4 }* Y, d3 X
  8. Video SPECS.......:  x264 2PASS @ 14000+ Kbps ([email]High@L4.1[/email])
    5 e7 ], T" ^# K4 ^' K+ w
  9. AUDiO SPECS.......:  English DTS-HD 5.1 Master 2249 kbps 16 bit (Core: 1509 kbps) - z( C; i0 z# J# {& v2 _7 q
  10. RUNTiME...........:  1h 33 min/ p  A+ \5 F7 I( g
  11. MOViE CROPPED.....:  No7 R0 [/ D9 }& i- X3 V3 f* d- ]
  12. FiLM ASPECT RATiO.:  1.85:1 8 ^0 C! T8 P! T3 f
  13. RESOLUTiON........:  1920 X 1080p' B# M7 X- [; Q) ~! p) T0 I
  14. EXTRAS............:  Yes
    - Y$ V$ I; Z/ H3 v
  15. SUBTiTLES.........:  English, German+ y; N- i4 g: c0 j' t
  16. SUBTITLES EXTRAS..:  Sorry no Subtitles on Disc

% N0 d6 r% M6 a0 \$ n# |
- c: ?- O' F6 J/ J. d. ?# mBait 3D bites into Blu-ray with a top-notch 1080p 3D transfer.  The 3D image is wonderful, offering everything viewers want out of such a presentation.  First, colors and brightness aren't hindered.  The image is pleasantly bright, evident from the opening moments on the beach where sandy terrain, vibrant yellow shirts, and crystal-clear blue waters dazzle in their stability and accuracy.  Even red blood floating through the water looks fantastic.  Just as important, details are exquisite, right down to the finest skin lines and pores.  Such quality details are evident whether under the bright sunshine or low-level light of the flooded store.  Colors remain impressive even in the film's primary location; the darkness doesn't allow for a sparkling palette, obviously, but an underlying balance is evident.  Black levels are fine, and flesh tones are mostly even.  The 3D elements are impressive.  There's a strong sense of depth and length throughout, whether looking down the side of a car or in wide shots of the store and its expansive layout and lengthy shelves.  Many objects are noticeably shapely, with a real, perceptible volume and place in the film's environments.   Water level and underwater shots are so real that it seems like viewers are peering into a large aquarium.  The picture makes good use of a few gimmick 3D shots as well, including a shark jumping straight towards the camera at both the beginning and end of the film, as well as a shot of a gun sticking out of the screen during the early robbery.  This is a tip-top 3D transfer that ranks fairly high and, for mature audiences, would make a great 3D demonstration piece.
2 K( y; u5 `- b0 ]
# n0 w! R2 {! T- V
6 i5 [2 K! m4 W/ U- [
; C6 r5 @, L6 R9 I1 |9 K, XBait 3D swims onto Blu-ray with a high quality Dolby TrueHD 7.1 lossless soundtrack.  From the outset, listeners are treated to a very immersive, convincing sound presence.  Beachside ambience is quite thorough; the natural sounds of seagulls, rolling waves, and children at play gently surround the listening audience and help to seamlessly recreate the environment from a sonic perspective.  The tsunami brings, literally, a tidal wave of sound into the home theater, crashing through the store with striking potency and balance and plenty of volume but also seamless accuracy and not merely a barrage of noise.  Post-tsunami, listeners will enjoy the constant dripping sound that plays almost like a gentle rainfall inside the washed-out store; it, too, completely surrounds the listening audience with impeccable clarity and ease.  General creaks and collapsing sounds are accurate and plentiful.  Music is clear and well-spaced.  Dialogue is focused and never lost under the surrounding effects, though on a few occasions it does sound a touch unnaturally low in volume.  Altogether, this is a wonderful soundtrack that's as sonically enveloping as the 3D presentation is visually captivating.  
0 p4 I( |1 k) W$ Q! K/ d7 T
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