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[科幻恐怖] 孤儿/孤儿怨/孤疑 Orphan 2009 1080p BluRaycd x264-ETHOS 7.96GB








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24xs 发表于 2013-11-16 01:27:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
3 @- l# H2 N- x: X7 |
: K% M/ `- J  S& ?- B& @. k; f" M. R◎译  名 孤儿/孤儿怨/孤疑
1 S" W, p7 p( Z8 S+ B  [◎片  名 Orphan
& b9 q4 O7 G8 i6 u6 }/ ^- a8 q◎年  代 2009
  X7 w8 s% T. q! I◎国  家 美国/加拿大/德国/法国! x0 E1 }+ l: n0 p* |  F/ m
◎类  别 恐怖/剧情/神秘/惊悚3 R% b+ R! M' Z$ {$ Q; d8 {# W
◎语  言 英语. v+ K9 X, }- ]$ R) {
◎字  幕 中英双字
# M7 F6 l+ Y& `7 o: \◎IMDB评分 7.2/10 (8,076 votes)
9 K; d; W5 R. Y6 G◎IMDB连接 B# @: w& t* S% f* H7 Y
◎文件格式 X264 + AC3
9 G' M& P) o) M$ r" M0 H◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080  P  q5 @7 K' B  ]; u- w
◎文件大小 1CD 7.96 GB4 H9 F6 r3 ~, O1 i0 W
◎片  长 2h 3min
+ r2 k. [: J% o! \0 J6 c) O◎导  演 佐米·希尔拉 Jaume Serra& A. P3 {" e( ^! F. Z
◎主  演 维拉·法梅加 Vera Farmiga ….Kate Coleman
+ S% [* T1 l2 `4 h      伊莎贝拉·弗尔曼 Isabelle Fuhrman ….Esther, c9 \4 J( S6 \. s5 R
      彼得·萨斯加德 Peter Sarsgaard ….John Coleman; T6 x& O( `$ K) Y0 r+ ~
      吉米·本内特 Jimmy Bennett ….Daniel Coleman, B2 |+ _- L+ A) h5 Z. z
      Lorry Ayers ….Joyce# K/ y  R% J( }: A- s$ m
      Matthew Raudsepp ….Saarne Institute Orderly
+ y4 V( w" R$ \      安德鲁·舍夫 Andrew Shaver ….Injection Doctor
4 s; [" X, _# g      希·庞德 CCH Pounder ….Sister Abigail4 `# T' G" G( K
      Aryana Engineer ….Max Coleman
" M& O% c$ d1 x+ t" c% Y' ^      Margo Martindale  ....Dr. Browning: R: g! G# `& b% \/ ]8 u
      卡瑞尔·罗登 Karel Roden  ....Dr. Värava/ P/ f3 D. j- {: O4 h
      Rosemary Dunsmore  ....Grandma Barbara: `  x2 `7 b4 g( \; U1 F, B9 ~& s
      Jamie Young  ....Brenda
0 j8 f5 P/ |; o: q5 ?; l      Brendan Wall  ....Detective
! I& l0 ~) [+ K7 b9 x      Genelle Williams  ....Sister Judith
2 v7 i6 [* s5 v) E# B: [$ h      Mustafa Abdelkarim  ....Daniel's Friend #19 B* l6 W/ M" f% V  c- r/ b6 E+ f9 H" A
      Langvodon Norris  ....Daniel's Friend #25 V* c& N( h3 T& t# \5 t+ a  a5 W
      Julien Elia  ....Hospital Receptionist
3 I" b8 s: k/ S  a) i3 X! ]      Leni Parker  ....Delivery Room Nurse
2 t) h( M3 ]3 n8 F4 g! p      Gemma James Smith  ....Teacher
+ ~+ S! h" b1 E# J. |6 }# ^" k( l      Pia Ajango  ....Saarne Institute Receptionist0 t" p* }! E* @# k# A" H' [& y
      Sugith Varughese  ....ICU Doctor& D! T- r( Q- r9 B, r
      Luis Olivia  ....ICU Nurse& E! w( Z/ Y. m' i6 F+ |6 [% Z9 m
      Ferelith Young  ....Waiting Room Nurse0 X: h' l" |8 O+ i
◎简  介
1 d% v& J1 {; M" y! H6 U& q
3 U' C) c7 A* U自从痛失自己还没有出生的孩子之后,凯特和约翰就一直沉浸在悲痛之中无法自拔。他们的婚姻面临着极大的考验,这时凯特的精神状况也日况逾下,她整晚整晚地做着噩梦,并被自己以前的痛苦经历所折磨。为了过上平静、正常的生活,他俩决定重新收养一个孩子。+ ^! w- Y# R& r8 |. ~

# F( q, c- A+ i' x5 `; X1 v% d在当地的孤儿院里,他们不约而同地喜爱上了一个艾斯的9岁女孩。于是便收养了她。艾斯到他们家中之后,就离奇地发生了一连串的令人战栗的恐怖事件,这些毫无征兆的事情让凯特相信艾斯肯定不仅仅是一个普通的女孩,她并不像她看上去那么可爱。为了家人的安全,凯特想凭借着自己的力量揭开艾斯的面具,可是没有人把她的话当作正经事,那么等到真相大白时,这一切会不会太晚?/ q2 g) R* L; r$ V# G% O, O6 S  W
3 R( Y" ~( I& d1 b4 _
The tragic loss of their unborn child has devastated Kate and John, taking a toll on both their marriage and Kate's fragile psyche as she is plagued by nightmares and haunted by demons from her past. Struggling to regain some semblance of normalcy in their lives, the couple decides to adopt another child. At the local orphanage, both John and Kate find themselves strangely drawn to a young girl named Esther. Almost as soon as they welcome Esther into their home, however, an alarming series of events begins to unfold, leading Kate to believe that there's something wrong with Esther--this seemingly angelic little girl is not what she appears to be. Concerned for the safety of her family, Kate tries to get John and others to see past Esther's sweet facade. But her warnings go unheeded until it may be too late-for everyone.
' g7 l# K: Z7 a5 P# e; p4 y. Q  v. I6 h8 H$ V, C; P4 k
/ w+ E/ E  j% w$ L! m5 q7 D+ x' h5 l+ P* z
在勒《蜡像院魔王》之后,佐米·希贵拉尔再次拿起自己成名的恐怖惊悚片题材。令人欣喜的是,宝刀未老的他依旧足够恐怖。2 v7 R# N% ?. x4 t1 |; g

$ f8 |+ o" t$ o5 B" Z3 F——《综艺杂志》( K* a, d  E$ S' I4 J- |& {* ^
8 z3 B4 U; O* L% j
* {, h' J& g( @% r% o
1 e- [- v8 K/ X6 E9 w0 ]——bloody-disgusting.com7 u. Q! s/ G% {
7 E! _0 N. B: r& n) n8 Q9 ]
1 L3 ^+ ^" W  Y$ L/ N! [# P& ?7 p
, a9 P! h2 w" o* J4 v. F. Z—— U( i! i' E" k/ m) y

' w* R9 b% B1 Z' ~2 d. c5 m幕后制作$ u5 l. P& ~. x
) B. t3 Q  \' r6 @& T0 a1 U7 C
【恐怖片,依旧是恐怖片】' p% v$ ^- O; S: ?; h- {. t# B" ^

& E6 l+ o2 u& U0 X自从2005年的恐怖片《蜡像院魔王》初试啼声便一鸣惊人之后,导演佐米·希拉尔就再也没有涉足过恐怖片。2007年,他拍摄了《一球成名》的续集。这部电影情节老套,主题也不新鲜,并未收到业界的好评。在沉寂了2年之后,佐米·希拉尔卷土重来,带着自己最新的恐怖片《孤儿》重返恐怖电影界。
5 U; x% G0 k" g6 h9 P
' z* v* W; y& U+ g: h对于自己再次拍摄恐怖电影,佐米·希拉尔表示说:“在《蜡像院魔王》之后,我便没有再拍摄恐怖电影,因为我不想用电影类型来限制我自己。再说,我也不觉得拍摄一部恐怖片有什么意思,我在其中找不到任何乐趣了,所以我就在2年之后拍摄了一部足球题材的电影,《一球成名2》。首先我是个球迷,其次我觉得这是一个极好的机会,全世界几乎都没有什么足球题材的电影,我很想拍摄一部。拍完《一球成名2》之后,我的老搭档乔·西尔沃找到我,告诉我说有个电影可以拍。虽然是恐怖片,但是不会是简单的《蜡像院魔王》的复制”。7 ?; K! v" _3 P8 k% `; I# Y
. Y& n5 u2 Q  m8 |  L% G. k
不过电影银幕上已经有了很多关于可怕的孩子的恐怖片,除了波兰斯基的成为经典的《罗斯玛丽婴儿》以外,还有《惊魂眼》、《再死一次》,甚至是菜上映不久的尼古拉斯·凯奇主演的《先知》。《孤儿》能从这么多电影里脱颖而出么?对此,导演希拉尔说:“《孤儿》这个电影不同于以往的任何有关孩子的恐怖片,里面有很多独特、独到的东西,我没有办法用语言来描述它们。不过,把孩子放在恐怖片里拍摄的确不是一件容易的事情。有很多大人不希望看到孩子出现在恐怖片里—— 尤其是这么极端的情况。但是这只是一部无害的恐怖片而已。在艾斯的视角下,我能营造更多的心理恐慌,制造更多的恐怖效应。但是像在《蜡像院魔王》这样的电影里,我根本没有办法去塑造什么恐惧,这个电影给了我很大的空间”。
: X" L, v' ]0 d. C! M6 h) J- H: i6 c) O0 W. ?6 M; H
/ J2 [- t- `1 {
, l. ?8 `. Y4 F此次,在《孤儿》里和希拉尔合作的是数位实力派演员。曾经在马丁·斯科塞斯的影片《无间行者》中有出色表现的维拉·法梅加在影片里扮演了母亲一角。希拉尔说:“她是我最喜欢的女演员之一,能找到她来演戏是我的荣幸。她的到来,使得整个剧组蓬荜生辉。她的表演使整个影片与众不同。虽然她在快播电影《约书亚》里也扮演了一个备受可怕的孩子折磨的母亲,但是我敢保证这部电影完全不同。维拉·法梅加的表演绝对是过目难忘的。我有两个非常出色的演员,所以我能把我的想法很完整地表现出来。他们并不是为了钱才和我合作的,他们在剧本里看到了恐怖片的新元素和新理念,而且这些东西打动了他们,所以他们才会来拍摄《孤儿》”。
7 a( f1 l! s  p% o$ a$ C
7 }2 z( \- L4 w( }% h影片中男主角的扮演者是彼得·萨斯加德,这位长着一副异域风貌面孔的美国演员曾在2003年凭借着在《欲盖弥彰》里的出色发挥,获得过第61界金球奖最佳男配角的提名。对于和希拉尔的合作,萨斯加德说:“(希拉尔)是一个非常有创意的导演,他的剧本非常出众,其中有很多新鲜的东西,这并不是一部因循守旧的恐怖片。我看过《蜡像院魔王》,我很喜欢这部电影;也拍摄过几部恐怖片。这次能和他合作,我感觉很幸运”。希拉尔说: “如果说法梅加的表演让我们吃惊的话,那么萨斯加德则是我们的惊喜。在片场,他非常有感觉,也很能来戏,他把那个对死亡和恐怖孩子一无所知的父亲演得恰如其分。有很多人批评说恐怖片里的演员只有一种惊悚的表情,我觉得这是很片面的,如果他们看了萨斯加德的表演之后就不会这么说了”。
6 P* I1 A) i7 u$ P) ?) ?4 w3 z/ p+ g- Q
7 ^( w# T2 s4 h. Y) y' @
' ]1 h6 {9 g; H7 R; O% e7 i# p! J; U. e5 n8 H0 l
( [# D/ r! R( Y6 b! J/ A
Orphan features a surprisingly strong 1080p/VC-1 transfer that prides itself on striking textures and impeccable detailing.  While Jeff Cutter's palette is steeped in under-saturated primaries, subdued hazels, and pale skintones, Warner's presentation is both consistent and capable, perfectly capturing every nick and spatter that graces the screen.  Esther's paintings pop in a third act reveal (undermined only by garish blue lighting that threaten the integrity of the transfer), blood boasts a suitably pulpy appearance, and a late-game blaze licks to life with convincing menace.  It helps that close-ups and wide establishing shots look fantastic.  Every pore on Vera Farmiga's nose is apparent, every sliver of stubble on Peter Sarsgaard's chin is crisp and refined, and every object, near and far, is wonderfully defined (without the assistance of any distracting edge enhancement).  Moreover, the picture doesn't exhibit any artifacting, source noise, ringing, or crush.  Blacks are deep, delineation is impressive, depth is absorbing, and DNR is nowhere to be found.  Honestly, I didn't expect so much visual oomph from such low-rent genre fodder.  If you're one of the faithful few who enjoyed Orphan and its wares, Warner's Video transfer will make your purchase worthwhile.   
8 z' {  C6 X! U7 Z2 {3 ~$ R! Y! @' g# H/ r2 t

2 H0 a3 Y4 i. s( P& i" Z1 p5 ^: [
& P2 g+ a& J6 `+ P  ?Like most horror outings, Orphan is largely a quiet, atmospheric affair littered with sudden screams and unexpected bursts of sound.  To that end, Warner's Dolby TrueHD 5.1 surround track does a fine job handling extended silences, hushed conversations, and the chaos that occasionally follows in Esther's wake.  Dialogue is clean and intelligible, rarely disappearing beneath the roar of raging fires or the thunder of a particularly punchy handgun.  LFE output is reserved but weighty, lending power to the film's score and scares.  Likewise, the rear speakers are restrained but effective, establishing an immersive soundfield that casually draws the listener in with realistic acoustics, ambience, and pans.  Directionality is a tad spotty when Collet-Serra indulges in his inevitable third-act bait-n-switch, but it's fairly precise before and shortly thereafter.  All things considered, Warner's lossless track is a solid one that's sure to please anyone who finds something to love in Orphan.
( J9 ^7 E0 f+ D! w# T) w* v4 @/ N
  1. Orphan.2009.1080p.BluRayCD.x264-ETHOS
    8 i% _. A7 F5 |
    ; x) i) Y2 C0 g  ?, {
  3. Length..............: 2h 3min6 }: D4 [7 g$ B$ m
  4. Video...............: 1920x1080 (X264 @ 23.976fps)
    ! p5 j; i# Y; `% a/ j1 s
  5. Bitrate.............: 9256Kbps
    4 ^; b/ d3 m, ~, @# D7 h
  6. Audio...............: AC3 640 Kbps( ~& x; d+ Q8 L& c6 L' x9 k
  7. Language............: English
    6 u& o) E7 S6 N$ X
  8. Subtitles...........: N/A: ^6 c3 r1 C( `% ?4 k! l
  9. Genre ..............:  | Mystery

8 u7 W- Y6 P: [6 G' E4 L0 C
  1. gvod://孤儿怨BD中英双字1024分辨率.rmvb
    0 i: C* X0 u$ N' a* D7 ]' F6 L
  2. gvod://孤儿怨DVD中英双字cd1.rmvb
    - ?4 F) r' u" H, n6 e, P3 J
  3. gvod://孤儿怨DVD中英双字cd2.rmvb8 P) v0 \% B3 e8 `+ n+ q
  4. gvod://孤儿DVD中字无水印.rmvb% _8 w8 A5 ]4 c# ~
  5. qvod://1114244097|2EAB0FE2CAEFCDD416EECFF74745F8E3180775D8|孤儿怨BD中英双字1024分辨率.rmvb|* E0 w! D/ s; B" I% n0 \- F
  6. qvod://233467894|8837DD7C68475B6150D7BB7448794911F4CA0DC0|孤儿怨DVD中英双字cd1.rmvb|
    3 E2 ?4 U- {' s6 P% |
  7. qvod://236576199|9E4FFD7300910DAC9400E0BE8F88B79798ACD8AB|孤儿怨DVD中英双字cd2.rmvb|
    5 }9 n# L/ l- |0 B2 l* r
  8. qvod://517740067|72F9E0BADACADA13F439BD79D2EE111360CCFF1A|孤儿DVD中字无水印.rmvb|
  1. magnet:?xt=urn:btih:J4Y5DFRA6EVGXUOONNJSZ3L5ERDSOQMN&dn=Orphan.2009.1080p.BluRaycd.x264-ETHOS&tr=udp://


3 J$ f: i, a! I# y$ V: T, I/ X
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