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[科幻恐怖] 迷魂阵/神鬼愿望 Bedazzled 1967 720p BluRaycd X264-AMIABLE 4.37GB








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mvods 发表于 2014-4-6 01:22:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

" Y' e; u5 v  B4 M( j$ O7 H3 i
; f% i6 G. r& ?/ m, ^0 c* |6 ?译名: 迷魂阵/神鬼愿望
% M& ~* ^1 R- M" M$ B# s/ d片名: Bedazzled (1967)1 G; C" M& O% C' F5 Y& J1 l( E
年代: 1967+ f! U* h# @6 M4 A
导演: 斯坦利·多南6 |: X3 B0 k2 H" @! J
编剧: 彼得·库克 / 达德利·摩尔- T$ W+ y2 i) _3 o
主演: Peter Cook / Dudley Moore / Eleanor Bron
. G" u. Q) u) z4 w' w/ P类型: 喜剧 / 爱情 / 奇幻
3 x: L2 t* |/ Q制片国家/地区: 英国' H; g5 O4 `1 W& f  y" v* S$ X
语言: 英语7 W! Q) M# ~+ O
上映日期: 1967-12-10' ], B8 g+ T  g% L- X5 e$ `
- ?" Z# i9 h! o" m/ c, X格式: X264 + AC3/ h, h1 F7 u4 q  p9 X, ~2 _1 Z
尺寸:1280 x 488
& {$ I- v/ ^1 Y: d大小:4.37 GB  O3 N4 p( q' ^( ?
片长: 1h 43min
0 p$ l. S( a2 O) X' e剧情简介
4 y$ d- t7 v6 G! E" f( T
2 c1 u0 Q8 Q0 v( ~: D# r% `- x  斯坦利.莫恩是一家酒吧的厨师,爱上了女招待玛加丽特。但是,他生性腼腆,怯于和她交谈,斯坦利感到非常苦恼,甚至想自杀,又不知从何下手,完全没有头绪。斯坦利真是一筹莫展时,斯皮高特先生来拜访他。这个神秘客提出借用他的灵魂,作为回报,给他七个愿望做为交换。斯坦利欣然同意。他连续说出六个愿望,变化成各种类型的人,来接近玛加丽特,以便得到她的芳心。可是遗憾的的是,六个愿望全部没有效果。斯坦利的最后一个愿望,是把自己变成一块冰糖。神秘客又出现了,收回了最后一个愿望,把灵魂还给了斯坦利。
+ g/ ^4 z" r2 f
- m  ]: h* ?  z: U+ S5 z  FPlot0 j! E7 ?" Q- r, [

+ v4 I2 O9 |5 x, d; ~7 q  K5 SStanley Moon (Moore) is a dissatisfied introverted young man who works in a Wimpy's restaurant and admires, from afar, the waitress Margaret (frequent Cook and Moore collaborator Eleanor Bron). Despairing of his unrequited infatuation, he is in the process of an incompetent suicide attempt, when he is interrupted by the Devil, incarnated as George Spiggott (Cook). Spiggott is in a contest with God, trying to be the first to gather 100 billion souls. If he achieves this first, he will be readmitted to Heaven./ a; i2 I& p- R8 n
$ K+ i! y! Y2 I1 V7 m, U0 W
In return for his soul, Spiggott offers Stanley seven wishes. Stanley consumes these opportunities in trying to satisfy his lust for Margaret, but Spiggott twists his words to frustrate any consummation of desire. On the last occasion, he reincarnates Stanley as a nun in a convent: whilst being specific about nearly every other aspect of the wish, he has forgotten to specify his gender and vocation, and Spiggott mischievously takes full advantage of that.7 z0 @( V" ]5 F

' f6 w2 Z5 c- d) S8 W$ s, `' b2 J& W) eSpiggott fills the time between these episodes with acts of minor vandalism and petty spite, incompetently assisted by the personification of the seven deadly sins, notably Lust (Raquel Welch) and Envy (Barry Humphries).% B9 K: I7 R* L  m3 |

- I7 C" y, Z' M' [' z8 C9 HMeanwhile, Margaret finds the noose from Stanley's suicide attempt, as well as his suicide note, and accompanies a police inspector looking for signs of Stanley's corpse. The police inspector also seems to be interested in seducing Margaret, and is dismayed by Margaret's sudden interest in Stanley after his disappearance. He is a largely amoral character who searches for evidence of Stanley's suicide only so he can seduce Margaret.7 r4 I; S* N6 H9 t
! V7 ?* m# V. k
Ultimately, Spiggott spares Stanley eternal damnation out of pity (and because he has exceeded his quota of 100 billion), and Stanley returns to his old job, wiser and more clear-sighted. Spiggott then goes to Heaven to meet God, but is rejected again, and St Peter explains that when he gave Stanley back his soul, Spiggott did the right thing for the wrong motive (making himself feel better than someone else).
- g' ~4 I$ C" p9 g1 g
* w, f# l& m2 w  bIn the closing scene, Stanley and Margaret are back in the restaurant. Stanley asks her out, but she says she has plans. Spiggott tries to entice Stanley again, but Stanley turns him down. Spiggott leaves and threatens revenge on God by unleashing all the tawdry and shallow technological curses of the modern age:1 ^; D+ m3 I* G) ^6 x
+ J- ~/ X) o2 M% ~7 ^7 |
    "All right, you great git, you've asked for it. I'll cover the world in Tastee-Freez and Wimpy Burgers. I'll fill it full of concrete runways, motorways, aircraft, television and automobiles, advertising, plastic flowers and frozen food, supersonic bangs. I'll make it so noisy and disgusting that even you'll be ashamed of yourself. No wonder you've so few friends — you're unbelievable!" 0 S% p3 G2 h5 t' A8 v6 h9 c

: p4 c2 r0 b3 u; H' o
  1. Bedazzled.1967.720p.BluRayCD.X264-AMIABLE7 _  Y9 b3 @3 W- Z6 b3 N

  2. ' a4 f% M( o8 L7 S$ S0 g8 K
    8 a8 [2 b+ |( l% o

  4. % @& b) U; _* m0 E: J  C) ~/ C) Z
  5. Length..............: 1h 43min' ?, u$ B/ T$ J$ N& S
  6. Video...............: 1280x488 (X264 @ 24.000fps). {% O, a3 P* M, z, ^; {; M4 P
  7. Bitrate.............: 6035Kbps
    1 q8 U  C, y; F/ S. j4 X' `
  8. Audio...............: AC3 640 Kbps0 O* x' f( ~; ]! Q
  9. Language............: English9 N6 ~8 q$ c% g$ o. Z  }5 l
  10. Subtitles...........: English
    8 `1 S# F% |  A' w3 P
  11. Genre ..............: Comedy | Fantasy
, T+ m8 f7 e3 L2 ^0 q
" B- A- D4 v) v- n2 O; d

- s3 c" }% T; Q. |4 u- Y" h/ g* k: B3 s, [' i; a; u3 A9 `
  1. magnet:?xt=urn:btih:SLF23FGHENSLD24JW3KPHJE22WRCQKXN&dn=Bedazzled.1967.720p.BluRaycd.X264-AMIABLE&tr=udp://



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