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[剧情悬疑] 火箭 The Rocket 2013 720p BluRaycd x264-PublicHD 3.95GB








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迅雷电影 发表于 2014-4-6 01:42:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

- Q3 L( r% z6 Q$ |* K% D4 M1 x4 v! O- W# X3 i" J$ `, \4 J
片 名: 火箭 The Rocket (2013)
0 c! x' h: u" o7 K7 u3 q& T导 演: 基姆·默多恩特8 r0 m. U0 n& d/ j
编 剧: 基姆·默多恩特 / Miro Bilbrough
' U& `8 {& h! M" e/ E主 演: Sitthiphon Disamoe / Loungnam Kaosainam / Suthep Po-ngam / Bunsri Yindi / Sumrit Warin / Alice Keohavong, }  Z2 [. n% M# T; Q
类 型: 剧情! I$ k+ {8 N* _. A+ l- E) P' o
国 家/地区: 澳大利亚 / 泰国 / 老挝
- R9 t$ e% r7 z语 言: 老挝语. N, H" g7 V( j) ~/ U) |8 J
IMDb链接: tt21782563 F, q: O! e+ a' V  G- h" W! S
格 式: X264 + DD5.1
: t# P3 a1 U% S- m$ @3 l9 V尺 寸: 1280 x 536' t8 Y( T* w, u
容 量: 3.95 GB
" K% D9 R: u7 U" W% P. x片 长: 1hr 35min
& r0 x& {  H6 Y# t0 h2 h1 y. a上映日期: 2013-02(柏林电影节)5 l2 I1 z) p  L' K) P
剧情简介* e+ M7 q0 u; h4 u5 ?" h4 N2 ]

2 J5 a9 Q8 r- t) j, x  Good-natured Ahlo has no idea of the tragic circumstances which surrounded his birth. His childhood seems to be ill-fated: when his family has to leave their village to make way for a dam, a terrible accident follows. Together with his father and grandmother, he is sent to a camp where he incurs the wrath of the other camp-dwellers. They soon make up their mind that Ahlo is cursed and brings bad luck. His only friend is Kia, who lives with her uncle Purple and knows all too well what it’s like to be an outcast. The group’s search for a new home leads them through the Laotian outback. Here, they come across a rocket festival that holds an entire village on tenterhooks. At last, Ahlo sees a chance to prove he is lucky rather than cursed and he takes part in the dangerous competition. The Rocket combines this boy’s moving story with a fascinating insight into living conditions in a country shaped by poverty and superstition. Kim Mordaunt had to shoot parts of his film in Thailand, to escape censure from the authoritarian Laotian government.
3 s, R7 ]) R3 z% H6 e+ V' k, v6 x; e1 \
  讲述了从出生起便被人认为是身带诅咒的主人公阿罗,在与家人迁徙到临时村落集合后受到的各种排挤。后通过朋友基亚和其叔叔的帮助,与命运做斗争,以自己的聪明和勇气最终赢得一年一度火箭节比赛的胜利,证明自己是正常人并被村民所接受的故事。, \! r2 K  q; ^; g
* c. p" ~- N: M5 I" n) m
幕后制作: |9 q1 N, [% n5 F. [& k% B3 `, A% W

2 v8 ~" ^$ O5 Q/ ]' r7 m- k' `  影片视角独特,导演基姆·默多恩特是世界影坛新生代导演代表人物之一,该片曾获得第63届柏林国际电影节最佳电影处女作提名,第18届釜山国际电影节未来景象奖提名。) S. t, M7 @8 Z! T
$ K( y6 A4 h1 c6 r
  西尔维娅·威尔斯基担任本片制片人,她的许多作品在多个国际电影节上展映。影片中两位小演员史蒂芬·蒂萨姆、朗曼·考赛娜,将男女主人公演绎的惟妙惟肖,令人印象深刻。本片出品公司Red Lamp Films成立于1999年,曾制作过许多备受好评的纪录片和电影,在40多个国际电影节和其他大型活动上展映。" `8 Z# {7 Y8 p0 @4 h2 _' Y

' C. ~" y8 ^3 [5 s/ B) x获奖记录
! ~) w+ J( U1 k. r& j
& V$ a# P3 X0 [* c柏林国际电影节(2013;第63届) 0 Y) J; z* V, Q) y7 Y; u
1 [: N: ?! R  `* I7 g/ S6 Y3 M. Q
获奖! ]* o/ p" N& g8 q" L! [
4 n8 E4 \, @7 q! M5 \) U
最佳处女作 Kim Mordaunt  : O3 H6 Y) Z9 Q/ j9 Q2 ?
大赦国际电影奖 Kim Mordaunt. B3 I' i  Y4 R) H3 }, A  m& t  T$ l
水晶熊奖-儿童电影-最佳影片 Kim Mordaunt
) Q" i0 Z- K0 l* m
0 V- p5 n* [; x
  1. The.Rocket.2013.720p.BluRayCD.x264-PublicHD
    0 H2 L" L" L+ D& o- d- }8 L" Q
  2. . {7 W: Y3 o9 D3 H3 E
    * Z4 C7 Z3 `/ [( r
  4. # a# N4 ]5 S) C+ l  r0 ]
  5. Rating .............: 7.5/10 from 659 users   4 e* _+ T4 W$ A. V% i. a: W+ \
  6. Screens.............: Opening Week - 2013
    / ^/ v6 I; L" s
  7. Genre ..............: Drama0 ~) @& t& f0 k4 i3 w; V
  8. Runtime ............: 1hr 35min
    " f& R4 ?% |7 _& v8 x; C' G
  9. Size ...............: 3.94 GB
      n1 e' S; B3 c) w% V! ~6 R# j
  10. Video ..............: 1280x536
    / L7 t2 b: a: A  j, N+ `  b
  11. Bitrate ............: ~5330 kbps (x264 High@L4.1)
    " Q' e2 ?& W; b9 S
  12. Audio 1.............: Lao DD5.1 Ch 448 kbps
    2 [' r  S* j$ N& A7 ^
  13. Chapters............: Yes, p( o" e( f* x* I
  14. Source .............: 1080p.AUS.BluRay.MPEG-2.DD5.1-ADC
    7 `- f7 p& \% w& t1 l
  15. Subs ...............: English Hard-Coded

! e8 m* f' t( S9 D2 {8 i6 [; I! i6 `1 Z! ]5 @- i2 f
; _' B) s, G8 g0 E: u# E
0 y! R# _. R9 q" H/ t" C

相关影片搜索: 《 火箭 》Related Movies


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