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[经典影片] 极地惊魂/北极惊魂 Orions Belt 1985 720p BluRaycd x264-ARCHiViST 4.37GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2014-4-6 16:06:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
5 j/ g& x* b/ G4 w8 }$ Q+ U6 K
8 c3 |# a2 b  v) ]' W
【片  名】: Orions belte0 m3 s! q1 d, y  d5 l) k
【译  名】: 极地惊魂/猎户座的腰带/北极惊魂
9 L+ |. O- G: Y$ O' X【导  演】: Ola Solum / Tristan DeVere Cole
4 o0 e, ^* Z2 T2 }2 \【编  剧】: Jon Michelet / Richard Harris
) U# L/ p" ~8 J【主  演】: Helge Jordal / Sverre Anker Ousdal / Hans Ola Sørlie2 F! X3 S# i8 F( {+ F, q9 n) q$ B
【IMDb评分】: 8.36 M+ B: t2 ?- L
# d& Z4 ?7 c8 G3 k) c【视频格式】: X264 + DTS
9 t  d. w7 C" I& N5 L# k/ _【视频尺寸】: 1280 x 688* \2 l& G! W# W( ?) E
【视频大小】: 4.37 GB$ z; V7 G, I  [: k3 Z' H
【时  长】: 1h 28min& ]  G4 `+ H' D$ g
【上映时间】: 1985-10-25
, Z6 u- X( F  _【国  家】: 挪威* h6 v8 {  _' e8 w+ G; ~: j
【语  言】: 挪威语 / 英语& G0 C* ^6 s% a3 S( \1 g8 p
【影片类型】: 动作 / 冒险 / 惊悚8 m% Y) x/ D3 b  r
【影片简介】: ( b: @9 t/ w' b' |! S

5 H6 _4 F5 D: B一个名为“奥利安之带”的小岛,由于地理位置敏感,受到俄国、格陵兰和北欧诸国的严密关切。汤米等三名挪威水手因为船只故障而登上这个小岛,并在无意中发现了俄国的军事设施,因而遭到追杀。经过一番惊险大逃亡,汤米的两名同伴命丧大海,而汤米侥幸躲过一劫。最后汤米决定把真相公诸于世,以慰籍好友在天之灵。/ ?* V+ }8 k2 M" l% Y- p

4 v5 |& o3 H! D# U+ V( TAboard the cargo boat "Sandy Hook", three Norwegian men make their living in more or less law-abiding ways along the Coast line of Svalbard. They soon become pawns in a dangerous political game after discovering a Soviet bearing station on Norwegian territory. Caught in the act, they manage to head out to sea, and think they are safe as the fog hides the boat in the waters - until they hear the rotors of a Soviet helicopter circling above.
, @5 f& l( c' H% z1 M& t# x/ F: {+ A) C) _" C( g) @0 B
  1. Orions.Belt.1985.720p.BluRayCD.x264-ARCHiViST5 V$ k2 D- {/ E

  2. ' f: `9 l5 O; s6 F" u
  3., Q5 L9 ^2 W' W4 g  W

  4. / \7 g5 I9 W& D; j; A5 o
  5. Length..............: 1h 28min
    5 \  L9 B& [7 {: M
  6. Video...............: 1280x688 (X264 @ 25.000fps)7 o# S# s+ A8 w9 w  ?6 c
  7. Bitrate.............: 7031Kbps
    $ B" |+ C% K& t/ V4 v$ ]
  8. Audio...............: DTS 1509 Kbps
    3 E& t  n1 x' @$ M$ U6 |# w! s
  9. Language............: Norwegian / English
    : p5 T1 p( |& |
  10. Subtitles...........: English
    9 x2 l! |- P7 e- |
  11. Genre ..............: Action | Adventure
$ |9 `5 y) U  {9 x; O5 N' U9 G" D

8 p8 Y. Q1 H( o0 X5 z3 c4 L3 a
  {5 w0 |3 ~$ G0 T' v- T* `6 R- s* Z/ v3 p( {+ q

相关影片搜索: 《 极地惊魂 》Related Movies

  1. magnet:?xt=urn:btih:X63D4IAUDHQUG2RT53S3U3QLOWAAAT3S&dn=Orions.Belt.1985.720p.BluRaycd.x264-ARCHiViST&tr=udp://



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