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[剧情悬疑] 祖鲁 Zulu 2013 720p BluRaycd DTS x264-PublicHD 5.0GB








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迅雷电影 发表于 2014-4-20 00:43:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

0 s8 A. D) t7 X# L/ q: v: p* `7 ?0 ~  @" i& D- H
【片  名】Zulu
+ g: }/ w7 ]" ~7 h" J) C9 F6 q/ G【译  名】祖鲁
9 e: l. j* I+ D! L* g【年  代】2014
" H2 N2 \* J5 r! W【國  家】法国- M! `# o- o) ^3 W
【语  言】英语
1 q" a; a  b7 R: r7 `【類  別】犯罪|剧情|惊悚
, h+ |# Y* g* P( v$ l- T【IMDB評語】6.6/10 from 1,133 users
! L& o3 B8 c3 u9 P' L% ]$ y【IMDB鏈接】
) G- y! H" ~' x1 h! m2 P, ^8 u【導  演】吉勒莫•塞勒 Jérôme Salle
7 j8 N4 Y* {. o0 r" n( b& t/ r【主  演】奥兰多•布鲁姆Orlando Bloom ….Brian Epkeen
" r- p* O- b0 I      福里斯特•惠特克Forest Whitaker ….Ali Sokhela) r4 F& _4 @% e- `1 `
      Tanya van Graan ….Tara
( k* n, _" F2 I% ~' T( |; b2 {      Natasha Loring ….Marjorie
. L& L' P5 C8 |2 B: A! q      Sven Ruygrok ….David Epkeen# U3 z/ C. O4 B
      康拉德•坎普Conrad Kemp ….Dan Fletcher! D$ v0 Q5 g3 f. V# B' n
      Roxanne Prentice ….Judith Botha# n4 L/ O( c2 _. G' w
      Adrian Galley ….Nils Botha
0 d# u/ ^: e1 Q9 Z* ?' o9 d( p      Tinarie Van Wyk-Lo. ….Claire Fletcher9 R$ {9 E) Q- R1 A+ j
      Kelsey Egan ….Nicole Weiss
9 L5 H# O& z$ e0 l# T- z: a+ d      Dean Slater ….Rick
9 X# f( I% |) {      Richard Lothian ….KZN Policeman3 ^9 ^! {; l2 A' g  P
      Patrick Lyster`
: q1 X. T, u6 }( h  ^【簡  介】
4 i4 N% s: z% k  J2 G9 r3 W
0 u8 y' F* y( _9 a8 R, q# f  阿里•努曼( 福里斯特•惠特克饰演)小的时候逃过了一场屠杀。当时名叫因克哈塔(Inkhata)的军事政党与尼尔森•曼德拉领导下的非洲民族议会处在战争状态。阿里和他的母亲幸运地存活了下来,但是和许多幸存者一样,他们心中的精神创伤一直无法愈合。到了今天,阿里已经成为首都开普敦警局重案组的一名负责人。他的下属中有一个叫做布莱恩•艾普肯(奥兰多•布鲁姆饰演)的白人警员。这个人个性不爱听指挥。艾普肯的家族曾经参与种族隔离政策的施行,但是他和努曼的相处很融洽。平时他们的工作总是同失业的穷人、黑帮和毒贩子打交道。当两名年轻女子的尸首被发现后,情况变得更加严峻。一种新的毒品和新的犯罪形式正在威胁当地的居民。在野蛮和文明相交的这个喧闹的交叉路口,种族隔离政策留下的阴影依旧在挣扎着寻求和解的南非社会上空游荡。" s& A1 s$ v5 r! a- [$ |! |

* G5 w9 N9 k# `# y2 }9 q1 m  As a child, Ali Neuman narrowly escaped being murdered by Inkhata, a militant political party at war with Nelson Mandela's African National Congress. Only he and his mother survived the carnage of those years. But as with many survivors, the psychological scars remain. Today, Ali is chief of the homicide branch of the South African police in Cape Town. One of his staff is Brian Epkeen, a free-wheeling white officer whose family was originally involved in the establishment of apartheid but who works well with Neuman. Together they have to deal with crime that inevitably exists in sprawling areas of un -and under- employed people, crime exacerbated by gangs, both local and from other parts of Africa. Their job gets even more difficult when the corpses of two young women are found. A new evil has been introduced in the city and a new drug has been introduced to its residents, including both murder victims. At the chaotic crossroads where brutality and modernization collide, the echoes of...
. f0 K- B2 j! l: e4 V: E% R6 F3 Z$ N" \7 P
  1. Zulu.2013.720p.BluRayCD.DTS.x264-PublicHD" A+ W; ~( U7 P
  2. 7 A5 z+ A% Q. c0 \7 ~7 J
  3. T: F8 l( N6 r4 P! M3 s
  4. & n2 m# E4 b& @7 `( n
  5. Rating .............: 6.6/10 from 1,099 users   
    ; a/ @; @' I4 i; f- s9 Q
  6. Screens.............: Opening Week - 2013  c. b8 m- P: P$ i
  7. Genre ..............: Crime | Drama | Thriller   
    ( F% I3 R  o6 d$ Y+ |% Y3 U; Y7 Q
  8. Date ...............: April 18 20143 w2 m* j! k* P4 @4 n
  9. Runtime ............: 1hr 46m
    9 m8 F( p; h  b/ D
  10. Size ...............: 4.99 GB
    ! e$ c0 s) u! t# A" M" M; r; t/ F
  11. Video ..............: 1280x536
    # m2 E+ ^- t" ?& d1 C" e7 D6 O" l2 T
  12. Bitrate ............: 5066 kbps (x264 High@L4.1)
    3 n: D9 ^9 P9 v+ e
  13. Audio 1.............: English DTS 5.1 Ch 1510 kbps! O* c7 ]5 z- O" z7 p1 A
  14. Chapters............: Yes
    0 M% j5 [2 r* @7 s: X
  15. Source .............: 1080p.BluRay.VC-1.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-WiHD
    ) Z# y* b1 c- H) W6 }
  16. Subs ...............: English Forced French

; N8 Y) d. p0 a( @' m: L; }* ^" N7 E/ d+ H" I
' F: [* R" C1 e4 T1 r6 K. R- H1 S

- N& [9 Q, d( E" T! L1 `

相关影片搜索: 《 祖鲁 》Related Movies


; i" |% i. |2 c* ^" {' v8 S' O
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