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[剧情悬疑] 发光体 Shiner 2000 720p WEB-DL H264-HDCLUB 3.16GB








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迅雷电影 发表于 2014-4-21 02:27:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
- u4 l$ b* F* _; H: m

$ J  @  v! B- Z/ Z( V4 r4 P【片 名】: Shiner
* R3 ?' x0 X2 q( U6 K, \, @5 R【译 名】: 发光体) n- r9 \: [' T1 Y( j
【导 演】: John Irvin
2 b* T) Q  c- ^! W8 b6 }9 A: z【编 剧】: Scott Cherry: S. D( {, j# }6 X1 q" k8 m7 T
【主 演】: 迈克尔·凯恩 Michael Caine
- W. s2 `9 Y+ j4 o( J0 @【时 长】: 99 分钟) q0 ]! Y9 P  |3 I2 I
【IMDb评分】: 6.0/10 from 1,592 users& C8 q6 |& n" l7 }2 q- N
1 J6 n) z$ X! ]【视频大小】: 3.16 GB
# d! ]* y+ z, ^. K! p* g: {+ D, H【上映时间】: 2001-07-12. U2 s" _* u1 @. ~" _9 w  s
【国 家】: 英国1 O+ ?1 c8 \5 q1 e
【语 言】: 英语
) ]. ]  l5 {( E# @/ O: j【影片类型】: 犯罪 / 剧情
% M, o" a+ t# z/ v  b【影片简介】:
+ T$ s) h/ ?' N/ [6 Q$ ?4 I
$ K5 U. k# H. ^: J; w0 x- f  Billy Simpson is a shady boxing promoter in South London banned from legitimate fights. It's the biggest day of his life, though, because he has a champion on his hands, his 20-year-old son, Eddie. Billy's put all his money on a victory, as have his quarreling daughters. But Eddie is nervous, an odd guy in a cap is hanging about, the licensed promoter Billy has hired to arrange the evening's other fights has hired dogs, the manager of Eddie's opponent looks down scornfully on Billy and on South London, and Scotland Yard wants to Billy in gaol for the death of a club brawler. When the night goes disastrously wrong, Billy tries to find out who double-crossed him.: }2 f( \: S$ u  \2 u

& f* e$ s: J# B1 |" y' {; J' s  比利·辛普森是在伦敦南部的黑幕拳击发起人从合法打架被禁止。这是他一生中最重要的一天,但因为他有冠军在他的手上,他20岁的儿子,埃迪。比利的把自己所有的钱放在维克多,暨有他争吵女儿。但埃迪是紧张,在盖奇的家伙是挂沮丧,行货发起人比利已经聘请来排序当晚的其他战斗已经聘请了狗,埃迪的对手的管理者看不起轻蔑地对比利和伦敦南部,和伦敦警察厅希望比利率监狱为俱乐部争竞的死亡。当晚上去灾难性的错误,比利排序,以找出谁出卖了他。
9 }- O, i' J7 M& q: W: g) e0 n, I; d( _/ Q, h' ^
  1. Shiner.2000.720p.WEB-DL.H264-HDCLUB% {7 _1 Z& J& \4 Y% i
  2. 6 n( P2 s7 q8 Y
  3. z' l* k( D. x$ o: [4 K
  4. : }5 H" d) ?8 t: X4 V7 Z
  5. Length..............: 1h 39min
    1 k, a) n* B  P
  6. Video...............: 1280x544 (X264 @ 23.976fps)/ P9 R) _3 W5 ?: |$ e1 O" S5 ^+ I$ Q
  7. Bitrate.............: 4546Kbps- n1 W9 W9 V: U1 [3 B) t6 b
  8. Audio...............: AC3 384 Kbps
    ! k! h& Z1 S: X! T$ u$ u. t% }$ I
  9. Language............: English' F0 I5 D( b8 x* K
  10. Subtitles...........: English% J* _) A* n5 |$ k5 q' @
  11. Genre ..............: Crime | Drama

7 m& {) [0 ~* j( V# \5 T) s* k5 |' Q2 F; C0 Z7 [* f, X$ ~

. d; }: Z+ l7 E3 ^6 S- j$ t# R- O% N, ]" A% M" ?

相关影片搜索: 《 发光体 》Related Movies


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