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[蓝光原盘] 人非圣贤 Aint Them Bodies Saints 2013 1080p BluRaycd AVC DTSHD MA5.1-Pub 38G








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24xs 发表于 2014-4-23 17:47:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
( X: Q, f. ?8 E2 H
After a series of crimes leads them to take to the Texas hills, lovers Ruth Guthrie and Bob Muldoon are finally cornered in a shack and involved in a fierce shootout with the police. In the ensuing battle Ruth critically injures a police officer, and Bob, unwilling to see his love sent to jail, admits to firing the shot, resulting in a sizable prison sentence. Years later, as he slowly acclimatises to life behind bars, the unexpected news that Ruth has borne him a daughter turns Bob's world upside down, resulting in him staging an audacious escape from prison and setting out across country to track down his family.
& T4 a7 t; y: s! R( I0 A
2 Y( s8 c* G3 G, z% W7 ]+ C5 O% W
, S+ Z$ \; f, L* B1 r1 U. v$ `
( b* h; i" l4 ~) Q4 v9 o% Q% i◎译  名 他们非圣人/人非圣贤/险路迷情(台)4 j" d  U& x2 q6 ^) O( w5 V
◎片  名 Ain't Them Bodies Saints
$ L% L, J  L, a3 ]% I1 Y; Q◎年  代 2013
' b6 D& A, \+ n  g8 s; [0 Z◎国  家 美国+ G" r# x4 D# W  F" z
◎类  别 犯罪/剧情
3 |: O7 a" J. j2 J7 p& c8 d$ m& z+ z◎语  言 英语
* n) X3 A0 G1 X3 I, A1 x◎字  幕 英文……
2 u5 h9 b5 B) f2 f' P! [0 p◎IMDB评分   6.7/10 from 3,976 users    4 j; I& |9 Z$ g0 U# Y- V' J
◎IMDB链接 w. H7 Z6 ]2 o2 J1 S- u( I
◎文件格式 x264 + DTS8 A1 W  n9 z( V% n1 s8 A
◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080- W9 ]$ h8 q0 z
◎文件大小 1CD 38.47 GB
4 I: K( O; g0 N$ t% B2 L1 ?◎片  长 1:36:00.463 ( x3 m: r" y! ]5 e, G
◎导  演 大卫·洛维 David Lowery' e, L% s! g* t' N4 a+ A; U
◎主  演 Rooney Mara   ...  Ruth Guthrie ( B/ d. d4 H" T  j. H% O
      Casey Affleck   ...  Bob Muldoon
" ^0 m3 ]+ P1 N. A      Ben Foster   ...  Patrick Wheeler
) }% n* l0 D9 S1 W3 v) d      Keith Carradine   ...  Skerritt ; X2 O9 o- F- |
      Kennadie Smith   ...  Sylvie Guthrie
3 E3 j4 v2 Q4 t      Jacklynn Smith   ...  Sylvie Guthrie 9 \0 O9 ]( }0 m8 n3 Q( \8 ^# x1 ]% w7 K
      Nate Parker   ...  Sweetie ( B  F  j) D, i+ M, O
      Robert Longstreet   ...  Cowboy Hat , ~( K+ a4 l, c+ i7 M$ y6 u
      Charles Baker   ...  Bear   k, o8 Y. r' ]" y7 e9 S# K
      Augustine Frizzell   ...  Sissy ) f% g8 ?/ K9 x, P  V& w! t
      Kentucker Audley   ...  Freddy
  i. V3 ]& H5 m- x% G' [      David Zellner   ...  Zellner
- P9 A; F  ~4 |5 C+ w      Turner Ross   ...  T.C. 7 c2 k  o' a) J; ^5 t' z% G
      Rami Malek   ...  Will 7 D( |8 `! e( d! n/ u6 H
      Will Beinbrink   ...  Lt. Townes                                                            
" K% w) V, i1 F" |. x; j◎简  介
3 v( G4 ?/ A5 h* }* `3 i# ?0 k2 b
  故事发生在70年代的美国,露丝(鲁妮·玛拉 Rooney Mara 饰)和男友鲍勃(卡西·阿弗莱克 Casey Affleck 饰)之间的感情十分要好,德克萨斯州灿烂的阳光之下,就在两人都以为这样的幸福生活会持续的时候,不幸降临了。' K% T( Z, ~2 G& g  j
. o+ L7 k* k8 ~1 @" p0 x/ Y
6 K" m! W( C+ B, j& ~9 ^5 G
3 l# i' T# x, L9 H一句话评论- V! V/ L# p. c' r0 E: n  }# k
6 m: j( M) P( E, L. {' O9 i
! U2 {! `: E4 T: r- Z5 x0 A- b2 v0 Q
——The Dissolve
$ ^" w* C, f. |: F/ O; v$ M( t: {5 r  e$ X/ X. Z9 Y
9 h* J* N; U) J  }. C+ ]' {$ x/ ]! V/ q
——Time Out London ; D  a. q/ [1 U% J6 {: ~+ {' t
2 `- V; j" Q$ L" z# Q- `2 p
一部安静而美好的i电影,也是导演大卫·洛维迄今最具野心的作品。影片第一眼看上去像是一个标准的爱情故事,但渐渐发展下去,《他们非圣人》超越了原本的剧情,成就了一段关于孤独的力量的影像沉思。 + w( d1 S, a2 x! M- X
, R; R1 V% \$ Q4 t
$ _: t4 w- U) N* T) f5 I' P7 ?
. \( e5 M, v0 ^0 D3 ]9 f" U( d) A影片像是泰伦斯·马利克《穷山恶水》的剧情加上《天堂之日》的画面的混合体,导演把九成精力全都花在了营造气氛上,只有一成用在了剧本上。
4 N4 W- {2 E# T7 t) K% j- x) U
/ e. _5 M. y, B  G3 d9 p——《华盛顿邮报》
+ y) e6 s0 w) b4 A' |- R8 p5 d6 \, `* D* |# E8 e
◎幕后花絮6 D& K$ e7 i5 J3 c

$ c- `6 i9 {; e$ i2 ]6 l, |# }     在今年的圣丹斯电影节上,又不乏诸多成本低廉却内容震撼的佳作。这其间便有这部《他们非圣人》。该片在影展上荣获了评审团大奖和最佳摄影奖等提名之后,最终收获了摄影奖的殊荣。这部根据真实故事改编的作品,以一种看似怀旧诗歌的体风,将上个世纪70年代时,特有的时代风范与社会特色,展露无遗。广袤的德克萨斯州,却难以容下一对挚爱的情侣,是该怪罪社会的无奈,还是因为法律的真正无情。光头影人大卫·洛维,自幼便励志做一名成功的电影编导。在最初几年的剪辑、摄影工作之后,又随一些电影剧组做导演助力和副导演之职,随后在08年终于自己执导了一部《圣诞老人》,尽管无人问津。而其在编剧领域的才华,也在这部《他们非圣人》的作品问世前得到了公认,从而吸引了鲁妮·玛拉、卡西·阿弗莱克和本·福斯特等好莱坞知名演员前来助阵。该片也最终让导演大卫·洛维如愿以偿,不但在圣丹斯影展上收获荣誉和如潮的好口碑,更让其收到了在美国、英国、法国等更广泛的市场上公映的机会。而从预告片来看,影片从画面到表演,也皆称得上是一部值得在大银幕观看的独立电影作品。1 {* d2 S5 B) D, `# O
6 d# ~) [+ O) `* F0 v
4 O1 V/ U+ q6 Z0 o( H7 E0 m3 w# {$ M/ u7 }" L0 u% ~; E/ ]
2013年圣丹斯电影节(2013)  摄影奖-剧情片 
5 |  I% b( X9 X# @7 c) a! f2013年圣丹斯电影节(2013)  评审团大奖-剧情片(入围)  大卫·洛维 8 s+ w. V  x  \$ k- Z1 m  b

: \; y' s; B$ x$ v; S7 c$ E* E7 a* r% l1 r% t0 J
+ e/ V5 N; Y, m4 k
Bucking the trend in indie film production, Ain't Them Bodies Saints was shot on 35mm, not digitally. Cinematographer Bradford Young's work is beautifulots of natural streaming light and gentle handheld camera movementsnd IFC's 1080p/AVC-encoded Blu-ray of the film reproduces it capably, barring a few minor compression issues. There are three of four spots where I noticed some slight color banding while taking screenshotsee the shadows on Ruth's leg as she cuddles with her daughter on the couch, for instanceut nothing you'd ever be distracted by from a normal viewing distance, even on a particularly large screen. Film grain is preservednd owing to the reliance on existing light, it can sometimes spike considerably in darker scenesnd there are no traces of edge enhancement or other types of filtering. On the whole, the image is a little soft, but I suspect this has less to do with the transfer than with the way the film was shot. Regardless, there's a more than adequate level of high definition detail where it counts. Color is nicely graded to accentuate golden/brown huesarming up skin tonesnd contrast is right where it needs to be as well. Overall, this is a gorgeous film with a natural, strong, but not quite perfect high definition presentation.
! @4 v/ T, J5 k: K3 f( w
8 m, H$ t5 b3 k: e" f
* ^8 @: _: \4 w: r) f3 V
% [2 Z8 q* F$ w4 Y3 OAs with most IFC releases, Ain't Them Bodies Saints features two audio options, the default lossless DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 surround track and an uncompressed Linear PCM 2.0 mix. The multi-channel track is subtle but well-engineered, putting us in the middle of lots of breezy outdoor ambienceind and insect sounds, mostlynd occasionally livening up with the pop, pop, ping of cross-channel gunshots. Composer Daniel Hart's score complements the film's changing moods with handclaps, guitar, and ominous strings, and the music sounds full and expressive throughout. There are a few patches where the dialogue sounds a bit thicker than usualot to the extent that I could use muffled, but noticeably rounderlthough this is an exception to the general rule of clear, easily understandable voices. The disc includes optional English SDH and Spanish subtitles, which appear in bright yellow lettering. 2 N$ G/ l- h' K( }

/ h! @6 ^, v5 D, N7 S9 Y! }: V& @3 A  h4 L! d4 o" ?3 E
' T2 w' L. l  x& q

6 V) x' v5 f  N
0 \) }& C' V9 w" N8 ~3 B! d' ?# ~; h
  1. Aint.Them.Bodies.Saints.2013.1080p.BluRayCD.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-PublicHD
      Z2 l% l1 O* D

  2. ) G4 r( M/ H+ _' e8 K- j2 c
  3. {7 P/ a. b) g: p4 k4 r9 e
  4. 7 \: ?& B  F; X& h) p
  5. Disc Size: 41,312,688,299 bytes' _$ I+ U0 O7 W# u. Z: N
  6. Protection: AACS
    # [! ]8 h9 h' [9 v( P4 ~# s2 I
  7. BD-Java: No  e( D, j" m& H! K( E3 Z6 z9 a2 `3 T
  8. Playlist: 00000.MPLS
    0 s$ O% X1 m: z! G9 w
  9. * W* {8 _4 B6 \/ d- J
  10. Size: 21,475,811,328 bytes
    - d* H" K# d# L8 A  R
  11. Length: 1:36:00.4634 l9 D5 |0 ?4 T, x2 i
  12. Total Bitrate: 29.83 Mbps
    , L0 \/ ?* t- e8 m2 C" e

  13. 2 O$ V6 v$ J& G$ ?4 t
  14. Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 24024 kbps / 1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1  }! y7 x, p! `" M' b  A

  15. - @3 r! I+ Q- J# n/ T* f
  16. Audio: English / DTS-HD Master Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1835 kbps / 16-bit
    " I: x/ J$ A. e
  17.        (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 16-bit)7 Y# d; l! U$ k" f% Z
  18. Audio: English / LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit7 P8 W7 J1 \: |, u3 P
  19. : Y$ t( E( d' d$ a2 a$ n
  20. Subtitle: English / 40.813 kbps  o5 s6 ]9 O3 B7 W/ E
  21. Subtitle: Spanish / 33.387 kbps
1 |+ J5 f9 |6 ^: t

' h3 B1 i) P  I3 ^7 w9 H  G9 ?1 k3 m0 o2 g; k4 k/ c
/ R: M( s0 G0 ?, ?: a
DISC INFO:. O  E) D8 U# D1 C- ], c" |
7 N$ O% I* j% @' z5 ]/ i/ W  b
Disc Title:     Aint.Them.Bodies.Saints.2013.1080p.BluRaycd.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-PublicHD
$ Q  m, T* f8 ]8 V' h3 l3 p: WDisc Size:      41,312,688,299 bytes7 g( m) k, u! @3 p5 z  b
Protection:     AACS
' m! I  _2 O/ uBD-Java:        No
0 o* D- N& L5 @: t# FBDInfo:         0.5.8
; [; c1 z. x. X4 }  w. [- x1 P) F2 Z  B3 Z9 R6 `
: D% o- j- S0 _% }- o: v! q
. D: f8 ?- x: G( Y# j3 IName:                   00000.MPLS2 ~, ^+ l0 S6 p' W
Length:                 1:36:00.463 ( e6 [; q. d% c: z, _3 n. a
Size:                   21,475,811,328 bytes
! x0 S+ w( [' wTotal Bitrate:          29.83 Mbps- w0 b0 G2 h4 |: V4 q6 Q6 _; k
2 ~2 B9 Q" r# z4 J
$ i$ ]  Y0 c4 b( O& e( Q5 B. [% c0 v% x
1 E9 o# `; m$ i: O/ ~Codec                   Bitrate             Description     
5 z/ ^9 @: ^" N" i8 @/ Q-----                   -------             -----------     
1 n5 e1 t: K; U" h% }MPEG-4 AVC Video        24024 kbps          1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
5 ~& V# O2 r9 S5 ^3 f+ Y$ j. y5 q6 `2 F# ~5 d
AUDIO:) ?3 c1 h( w7 l0 i$ V8 }

/ [& p1 b" V% {; F3 K* c: ZCodec                           Language        Bitrate         Description     
6 n5 q% e3 y; H2 A1 B$ s0 O-----                           --------        -------         -----------     . l5 z& S- A* F" r- p( Y9 n' G
DTS-HD Master Audio             English         1835 kbps       5.1 / 48 kHz / 1835 kbps / 16-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 16-bit)
& r% v) [% b0 qLPCM Audio                      English         2304 kbps       2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit
8 U, I+ n0 @; E3 A$ u) {( x
  F8 M0 {- b& a4 t/ K6 k2 ^9 TSUBTITLES:# a' F! R$ E2 a7 g
& L& n: v9 b% d, b8 N9 o
Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description     - y3 N( N) w& y" x7 k
-----                           --------        -------         -----------     
  ?, b* u0 W0 ^+ _6 d( E2 o0 N  RPresentation Graphics           English         40.813 kbps                     9 O1 k; L+ Q1 s( y/ U- j
Presentation Graphics           Spanish         33.387 kbps
" U5 V8 ~' Y/ n9 K7 v$ H, P" Q, r
( A$ l9 u5 |4 D* R
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