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[科幻恐怖] 复仇之溪/血溪/复仇溪/噬血魔煞 Blood Creek 2009 720p BluRay x264-UNKNOWN








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迅雷电影 发表于 2014-6-13 15:55:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

& ^7 ]) ?2 l$ X" O1 S' l
9 G  ^9 \$ j. p7 k◎译  名 复仇之溪/血溪/复仇溪/噬血魔煞
! Z( b; U$ P, A% F: b' {◎片  名 Blood Creek/Town Creek
# c- y& ]: N# X◎年  代 2009& W; G9 T; R7 C2 C1 j
◎国  家 美国
& ^; _6 y7 l1 n$ |◎类  别 剧情/恐怖/惊悚
! u& R! ~9 `% H) j& ~6 x◎语  言 英语2 Q3 Q& L4 d8 ?, f7 c+ c
◎字  幕 英文
: @. P# I4 ~+ E3 ^' n◎IMDB评分  7.5/10 (178 votes)
7 R8 ]$ r. V9 `+ Q$ L◎文件格式 X264 +DTS8 r+ z9 q$ G3 W1 y
◎视频尺寸 1280 x 544
5 E5 k# X7 C  o/ i& t◎文件大小 1CD # h2 y( m; D) l
◎片  长 95 mins
. L5 O, p. |& ?1 [* f& d7 m6 b2 g◎导  演 乔·舒马赫 Joel Schumacher; D5 X5 Y- D/ B( t
◎主  演 多米尼克·珀塞尔 Dominic Purcell ....Victor Marshall
. x) {0 l6 O& ~3 d* |# W5 e* U      亨利·卡维尔 Henry Cavill ....Evan Marshall. W  J( Q. l- w1 ^4 t) x/ v
      迈克尔·法斯宾德 Michael Fassbender ....Wirth. p$ u  y6 s* u' n! g
      艾玛·布斯 Emma Booth ....Liese& ~$ A6 J0 t8 v& E2 t
      Rainer Winkelvoss ....Otto$ ^9 M$ f2 W5 S* I8 ?/ }2 j
      Shea Whigham ....Luke
/ i0 h/ ?/ p6 R, K. _0 M! z      雯特·艾娃·佐莉 Winter Ave Zoli ....Barb
- L  ^; C; b5 j# ?6 P5 C+ d4 K* E      Gerard McSorley ....Mr. Marshall. k  `* s7 H3 p" n/ h
      Florin Piersic Jr. ....Meth Freak5 z9 u6 @9 |1 ~# G( \( c
      Tony Barger ....Larry# U0 C  e/ n3 g4 v$ P
      拉茨洛·马特雷 László Mátray ....Karl
  n7 c7 o) {7 t. q+ m% Y      Joy McBrinn ....Mrs. Wollner# D& Y. M. b" X) N' {5 y9 F, x7 i
      Matthew Benson ....Store Owner
! v& X( F& {8 T, Z0 @      Vlad Voda ....Vic Jr.
# }+ n" Z* Y0 U      Albert Gherasim ....Owen# o$ h4 m5 E" K
◎简  介 % ?, l( R$ ~6 H
- P( k0 \% k" b5 |) q. ^; s9 e
    1936年,德裔的沃倫斯一家人住在美國馬里蘭州的Town Creek小鎮裡。某日,祖國希特勒的第三帝國核心成員與他們接觸,他們負責接待一位來自德國的訪問學者Wirth教授。時卟粷奈謧愃辜胰耍丛诮疱X份上,便答應接納了生性殘暴的Wirth教授一起同住。自此,沃倫斯一家人便在Wirth教授神秘的研究計劃下,陷入一場恐怖邪惡的生存遊戲中,全然與世隔絕。。。
4 ~% C8 N1 Q# t" J0 `2 a+ E% {( C8 v; P# E5 K( R0 [
事隔七十多年後,2007年,22歲的年輕人伊凡,也陷入同樣的離奇驚悚的恐懼中。某日,伊凡的哥哥維多在Town Creek小鎮附近露營時,離奇失蹤。正當伊凡長期尋找不到生死未卜的維多,幾乎要放棄時,某夜,維多竟活生生地回來,然而其精神狀態與復仇的意念,彷如從地獄歷刧歸來般,令人不寒而憟。
: j8 n1 T0 ~* ^# m+ G0 P& V1 R) c; X# m# J4 i, C$ k% O
經過骨肉重逢的慰藉後,維多才娓娓道出他是被神祕家族擄獲,並利用祕教邪術,長期囚禁虐待的他經過。於是,伊凡帶著上膛的長槍與充足的裝備,駕著小船,在維多帶領下回到神秘的Town Creek小鎮,誓言為世人除去這恐怖冷血的納粹邪教餘孽。
& ]+ a! ^0 P$ `9 k# @- ~
" b$ z( Q( [4 p0 s% t* HIn 1936, the Wollners - a German family living in rural Morgan County, West Virginia - are contacted by the Third Reich to host a visiting scholar, Professor Richard Wirth. In need of money, they accept Wirth into their home. Wirth's grand occult project seals the Wollners off from the rest of the world and makes them players in a horrifying game of survival. After 71 years, in 2007, Evan Marshall's life has stalled at twenty-five years old. Left without answers after his older brother Victor's disappearance from a camping trip near Town Creek, he has tried to move on. But when Victor returns one night, very much alive and having escaped his captors, Evan asks no questions - at his brother's request, he loads their rifles, packs up their boat and follows him back to Town Creek on a mission of revenge that will test them in every possible way...* M6 k4 [5 c0 @, d6 D  z
; }. }# H' \5 q' u3 G& t

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