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[动漫动画] 蝙蝠侠无极限:动物本能 Batman Unlimited Animal Instincts 2015 HD720P X264 AAC English CHS-ENG Mp4Ba








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24小时 发表于 2015-5-28 12:04:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
. R3 o# P; D& C( H3 o  ], v

: r* [/ i0 c' S2 a( X9 d% a导演: Butch Lukic7 {: h2 T; u" e( O& c
编剧: 希思•科森
6 j5 ]" W8 t- \0 i- J" L主演: 克里斯•达玛托普拉斯 / 罗杰•克莱格•史密斯 / 特拉维斯•威林厄姆 / Dana Snyder9 w* X  a. W4 a5 V4 ~& F
类型: 动作 / 动画 / 冒险5 a: w: e# z7 H2 ^1 f6 X: A! N- F
制片国家/地区: 美国, z6 U+ N1 X( v# a  X: y0 [
语言: 英语) l# ]) o  E3 Y' t
上映日期: 2015-05-12(美国): B3 O& v+ h0 B/ k5 b% W
IMDb链接: tt4437640, V* r  y+ k- L% d  D9 r
蝙蝠侠无极限:动物本能的剧情简介  •  •  •  •  •  •' I. B1 B+ F+ d

* n9 N% _/ y  p/ I' U6 q  高谭市陆续发生了一系列离奇犯罪案件,只有世界上最伟大的侦探,蝙蝠侠,可以解开谜团!所有线索指向企鹅人和他的动物军团,一个以动物为基础的恶棍团队,包括银背大猩猩,豹女,杀手鳄和人型蝙蝠。这样一个人工动物的发狂团队似乎势不可挡,但蝙蝠侠也有他的队友,如绿箭侠,闪电侠,夜翼,甚至红罗宾加入战斗。因此,准备好,高谭市的水泥丛林里将会有一场激烈的咆哮对决。全新的DC漫画动画冒险,将让你和家人咆哮不已!. F1 C) c. l6 D; m

! y6 ~% X2 ~6 }: G) Y; a6 `6 B       Another storm is brewing in Gotham and it’s not only raining cats and dogs but evil Cyber Animals! When the city is plagued by a slew of bizarre crimes committed by the animal-inspired villain squad, known as the Animilitia – made up of Silverback, Cheetah, Killer Croc and Man-Bat – Batman must swing into action to investigate. These animalistic villains bring new and exciting challenges for the hero of Gotham, and Batman must find a way to bring these criminal creatures to a halt! But could the Animilitia be working for powerful businessman Oswald Cobblepot a.k.a. The Penguin? How does The Penguin’s new invention of robotic Cyber Animals fit into the mix? In the end, it’ll take all the combined forces of Batman, Flash, Green Arrow, Nightwing and Red Robin to fight off these Animal Instincts.7 ^4 f+ Q4 B* a- ?. z% t. Q
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