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[蓝光原盘] 招魂2:恩菲尔德吵闹鬼 [蓝光原盘] The Conjuring 2 2016 1080p BluRaycd AVC TrueHD 7.1 Atmos-FGT 35.41GB








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24xs 发表于 2010-3-12 11:01:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Lorraine and Ed Warren travel to north London to help a single mother raising four children alone in a house plagued by malicious spirits.0 \0 w+ M4 C4 ^5 i

3 Z, t3 c6 k/ F
2 f7 N6 a6 K+ B' a
, _7 T8 ^1 \+ r! a6 z9 D◎译  名 招魂2/厉阴宅2(台)/招魂2:恩菲尔德吵闹鬼/诡屋惊凶实录2(港)
; w$ m  r% a  L* O0 K! T◎片  名 The Conjuring 2 / The Conjuring 2: The Enfield Poltergeist : r. V( j$ W9 Y
◎年  代 2016; _3 b7 a  m, Z3 T$ E
◎产  地 加拿大/美国/英国. S0 t6 Y5 q3 x8 E
◎类  别 剧情/悬疑/恐怖
& W4 p) C& O+ x* B8 K! F5 ^◎语  言 英语9 {/ F  g) _& j$ z  p+ x+ D
◎上映日期 2016-06-10(美国)
0 }& W9 ^6 e$ y; `1 X- q7 ?! t◎IMDb评分  7.3/10 from 232,992 users
) f& V( z" f$ F$ `* I& |, o◎IMDb链接
! m: B% b2 ~' k, W! v0 m! V2 C" k◎豆瓣评分 7.9/10 from 147,100 users$ p; o% i+ t7 _9 Z' }9 F2 R
◎豆瓣链接 {1 K, @1 z% |9 p$ G3 ~
◎文件格式 x264 + TrueHD
' o0 ?3 v$ l, H2 ?. c) _◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080
) Z5 f4 E& Q) g◎文件大小 1DVD 35.41 GiB
- S9 d/ t" Q5 B1 I◎片  长 2:13:52.733 (
1 g$ c/ N1 b/ `1 P% H' i◎导  演 温子仁 James Wan9 f% L/ K0 r0 z. _
◎编  剧 凯利·海斯 Carey Hayes ( n3 R/ N# B+ O3 n. I3 r
       查德·海斯 Chad Hayes
& q2 R2 x  _5 c3 ]       温子仁 James Wan ) x  d0 d  `/ H' m, T
       大卫·约翰逊 David Johnson
, `$ _1 U9 g) \& {7 ?) L  j" E# u$ Q◎主  演 帕特里克·威尔森 Patrick Wilson
0 C" M& O8 J3 ^& ]       维拉·法米加 Vera Farmiga
  W3 E8 ~) t, {7 ~       麦迪逊·沃尔夫 Madison Wolfe1 S' p8 M! C% {. U7 D, P4 E
       弗兰西丝·奥康纳 Frances O'Connor
9 A8 ?3 @( d& I2 I; e2 J. [       劳伦·埃斯波西托 Lauren Esposito3 u5 h9 t# L2 n/ d% t
       本杰明·海格 Benjamin Haigh
% m" R( |8 R$ J2 r/ A9 G% {/ J       帕特里克·麦考利 Patrick McAuley
( Q, P. M; U* x, g1 T# d- [       西蒙·迈克伯尼 Simon McBurney& K& r$ ^8 G7 r2 @
       玛利亚·多耶·肯尼迪 Maria Doyle Kennedy3 N; x, `; z+ a3 C+ }& q
       西蒙·德兰尼 Simon Delaney3 Q. Y9 y0 }3 T2 H
       弗朗卡·波滕特 Franka Potente
' u! U8 g" s' c6 K4 j       鲍勃·阿德里安 Bob Adrian
" T2 T, t, \: f- \       罗宾·阿特金·唐斯 Robin Atkin Downes
, H0 z6 t/ u, r       邦妮·阿伦斯 Bonnie Aarons
6 Y% [$ w- d# Z% B; x1 N       哈维尔·博泰特 Javier Botet7 X. r( Q1 W5 x8 v4 T# }( G
       斯蒂芬·考特尔 Steve Coulter
0 @5 O& j( ~0 ?  M# @7 U       艾比·森哈 Abhi Sinha- K1 r0 o; j; o, l7 c
       斯特林·杰里斯 Sterling Jerins
& k& k& A) l7 e0 y- \4 u       约瑟夫·比沙拉 Joseph Bishara$ b4 W- A- j5 v; e
       艾米丽·塔斯克 Emily Tasker7 M  Z: m+ {# S$ K" F9 ?/ z
       凯特·库克 Kate Cook" n$ R6 j- {: _" k, P. i* ~
       山农·库克 Shannon Kook
  ]8 z; F  P4 t
  v" B" T9 B6 Z. j2 V$ [$ i; _◎标  签 恐怖 | 惊悚 | 美国 | 灵异 | 驱魔 | 悬疑 | 实在事务改编 | 2016
+ L6 v# s8 _$ P8 a" T0 I
! u: G5 e) G& r  ^5 r7 z; I3 x1 b◎简  介" ^0 G2 T) G$ q. ~' T  L( \& Z% ^; M2 n

' |5 _4 f" [, P/ @$ `: Z& o  故事发生在繁华的都市伦敦,佩吉(弗兰西丝·奥康纳 Frances O'Connor 饰)是一名家境十分贫寒的单亲妈妈,住在破旧的老房子里,独自抚养着三个孩子珍妮特(麦迪逊·沃芙 Madison Wolfe 饰)、玛格丽特(劳伦·埃斯波西托 Lauren Esposito 饰)和强尼(Patrick McAuley 饰)。最近,房子里出现的一些灵异现象让一家人陷入了恐惧和绝望之中,更糟糕的是,年纪最小的珍妮特似乎成为了恶灵附身的对象。
$ t8 x3 \! _: z% m2 C% _. y7 f4 |. J1 @$ {& F! B
  教会的驱魔师劳瑞(维拉·法梅加 Vera Farmiga 饰)和艾德(帕特里克·威尔森 Patrick Wilson 饰)介入了此事,尽管他们十分同情这一家人,但两人的首要目的,则是探清此处灵异事件的真实性,然而,除了当事人的一些口述外,并没有确凿的证据证明这里真的发生了灵异事件,两人在无奈之中只有选择离去。7 g) N" Q% `, v; h3 B# |% }

5 Z& w  i0 z: {( o! D/ e& W  Ed and Lorraine Warren travel to North London to help a single mother raising four children alone in a house plagued by a supernatural spirit.
0 k7 m3 [: p9 [7 \" }% G) @5 W9 O: ^" V7 y6 s6 J
0 _7 G. m' ~1 }4 R5 e, X5 ~+ f/ }& s  g6 X6 }( d
  第3届豆瓣电影年度榜单(2016)! w% E) j* w; J! n$ q" b0 Z
  评分最高的可骇片! B/ C% W$ w3 {+ c

: S4 F3 n4 f6 X# _
  1. DISC INFO:% A7 w# R: ?. D+ B

  2. ! P; ~3 O- f/ A& \
  3. Disc Title:     The.Conjuring.2.2016.1080p.BluRayCD.AVC.TrueHD.7.1.Atmos-FGT. K/ @" T9 s) q+ D
  4. Disc Size:      38,021,948,958 bytes
    , G; A- [/ V, H' s3 P" k! A
  5. Protection:     AACS
    + s# n; h$ w: F6 h7 ]) M" [
  6. BD-Java:        No
    / E  U+ X9 D5 l# n$ \" B
  7. BDInfo:         0.5.83 S5 N) |1 \* Y" {1 f
  8. ; T8 _+ H* D: ?
  9. PLAYLIST REPORT:" L$ U3 F+ |- y2 F# x, ^

  10. - o/ x' Y: c1 c8 }
  11. Name:                   00100.MPLS5 L5 V- B/ n4 n) `9 V& ]
  12. Length:                 2:13:52.733 (
    7 h8 ~% e% u7 M+ {/ p
  13. Size:                   31,455,842,304 bytes. @  |3 a9 [% ^
  14. Total Bitrate:          31.33 Mbps
    . @' m8 z* R: |7 g: e7 {

  15. 1 G0 Z5 s& ^* S3 Y( Y: ^2 G! k# H
  16. Video:5 ?7 q& e0 Y! w- K+ S6 s2 A
  17. ; }0 Z; U4 t9 ^" i7 `0 A
  18. Codec                   Bitrate             Description   
    0 ~: g& o% ]3 L' B9 Q( F
  19. -----                   -------             -----------   
    : Y  O' l  w7 a9 T+ I
  20. MPEG-4 AVC Video        22539 kbps          1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.18 g+ h" _; Q8 v' ?

  21. 5 M: X/ g; p0 L( C# r0 l
  22. AUDIO:
    ! A; k: o* B5 T  s# G
  23. / O3 h3 r5 T9 i9 b. D
  24. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description   
      |  D1 |1 E) R5 {
  25. -----                           --------        -------         -----------   
    2 v9 ~0 Z8 R: W5 U6 @. A: d
  26. Dolby TrueHD Audio              English         3987 kbps       7.1 / 48 kHz / 3987 kbps / 24-bit (AC3 Embedded: 5.1-EX / 48 kHz / 384 kbps / DN -4dB)
    ( l* R9 I/ _6 a1 i' U& [
  27. Dolby Digital Audio             English         448 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps / DN -4dB
    7 o; ]& U( ?0 z' g( x$ G3 Q8 A
  28. Dolby Digital Audio             French          448 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps / DN -4dB* n- g( y5 f& P; F: X4 r) s
  29. Dolby Digital Audio             Spanish         448 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps / DN -4dB2 I2 J- K" l  C, p! U
  30. Dolby Digital Audio             Portuguese      448 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps / DN -4dB9 n$ s2 g* k+ s) T. |% W

  31. 3 j" f8 A1 a/ d, V
  32. SUBTITLES:, P9 d+ u5 R0 K" R: D9 F- ?
  33.   L, P+ A; V& l+ i6 O3 N- c
  34. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description   
    & O- |8 J8 Y* a
  35. -----                           --------        -------         -----------   
    + A, [, _4 Y9 b  {
  36. Presentation Graphics           English         31.552 kbps                    
    % Q1 j. o; m5 i1 Z  ^
  37. Presentation Graphics           French          23.304 kbps                    & U8 B) |$ d8 }: ]7 ~  G9 z
  38. Presentation Graphics           Spanish         24.713 kbps                    9 f& [6 V; M& s8 U9 i: b. }
  39. Presentation Graphics           Portuguese      24.048 kbps                    
    9 {4 K9 w( N" L8 r2 W, q
  40. Presentation Graphics           French          1.397 kbps                     
    ) s# y; v5 I* ?+ r: U
  41. Presentation Graphics           Spanish         1.428 kbps                      9 ~- g$ W( G% O5 I+ N8 B' s3 L) E8 _" J
  42. Presentation Graphics           Portuguese      1.149 kbps
The Conjuring 2 Blu-ray, Video Quality   & l- d1 j5 i+ X
9 h" w" B0 a, p8 U/ J* [

5 y. l( C  ?% [9 ]Oscar-nominated cinematographer Don Burgess (Forrest Gump) took over as director of photography on The Conjuring 2, which was digitally shot on Alexa and finished on a digital intermediate. As Burgess notes in the Blu-ray extras, what's hidden in Wan's carefully composed frames is just as important as what's seen. Many of Conjuring 2's scares derive from filling the screen with areas of indistinctness where a threat may or may not be lurking. Warner's 1080p, AVC-encoded Blu-ray faithfully reproduces these effects, deploying deep blacks and artfully obscuring shadows in service of Wan's and Burgess' visual strategy. The American scenes generally feature a rich and warm color palette, which contrasts with the dull and desaturated hues of the English settings, reflecting the poverty of the locale, the wintry season and the emotional drain caused by the demonic attack on the Hodgson family. (Note, though, how often a touch of red appears in the English scenes, a Wan trademark that is remarked upon in the extras.) The image is copiously detailed where it should be and conspicuously lacking in detail where little or none belongs. Noise, aliasing or other artifacts were nowhere to be seen. Warner has mastered The Conjuring 2 at an average bitrate of 22.54 Mbps, leaving 11 GB of unused space on the BD-50.
: j. @" z, W1 s% u; E& l/ s$ Z2 Y; P9 @; x( `
The Conjuring 2 Blu-ray, Audio Quality   ; j+ |5 f# {/ A+ z
, ?5 N/ A+ j- f% b$ w& n( w

. c8 r# v. n7 `& a7 lThe Conjuring 2 arrives with a Dolby Atmos track that effectively deploys the sounds of a haunting—or it is just an old house?—throughout the listening room. Creaks, moans, dripping water and abrupt knocking and pounding occur all around and also overhead. Deep bass extension emphasizes the low rumbling tones that sometimes (but not always) signal the approach of danger. Small but critical sounds—e.g., the pop of curtain rings as they are pulled, one by one, from their supporting rod—punch through the mix. The film's conclusion is a cacophony of lightning, wind, breaking glass and screaming cries for help. The dialogue is always clear, even when spoken by ghostly voices with distorted harmonics. Composer Joseph Bishara continues his scoring duties; his style and technique are the subject of a separate Blu-ray extra.
0 k  e7 \7 R7 _* |
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