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[蓝光原盘] 小男孩 [蓝光原盘] Little Boy 2015 1080p BluRaycd AVC DTS-HD MA 5.1-RARBG 32.55GB








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24小时 发表于 2016-7-14 18:58:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A young American boy struggles to achieve the impossible...bring his father back from World War II." D* b; b0 t3 H/ q9 S0 A$ D
" K, e1 }; e* K1 G

. m; W% n7 b- {/ D
7 n5 e0 t9 ]+ g' n2 Y6 \$ w$ y! n◎译  名 小男孩
" I. N; c: Y  H$ }◎片  名 Little Boy) ^) t. E$ j2 n$ g) x8 K. u
◎年  代 2015
6 P1 W+ H# J; O) ?◎国  家 墨西哥/美国
% D! L7 t/ N6 {. C6 L3 M6 g+ k$ ~◎类  别 剧情/喜剧/战争& ^2 C- I9 K9 L( D8 A
◎语  言 英语6 L3 o" o* l( P) ]. b; c
◎上映日期 2015-04-24(美国)
( p% H% H# i6 S1 Z  T9 k- w% T◎IMDb评分  7.4/10 from 22,271 users: _3 r, R$ R7 ?- m0 B
  x" w, a1 v& P) l& V◎豆瓣评分 8.3/10 from 54,646 users
7 L8 G% V+ H: b) d) N3 [3 c3 x  ^◎豆瓣链接
+ i8 M8 y# G9 C7 S! y; q3 L◎文件格式 x264 + DTS6 V% Y2 U% Y2 A. ]( g! A. w
◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080
9 Q9 g9 T& e% o. N4 ?◎文件大小 1DVD 32.55 GiB% j5 a1 B; L9 x) M  r! a4 J
◎片  长 1:46:53.448 (
; z- a* t( ]- D7 |/ a/ ]! I" c◎导  演 阿加多·蒙特沃德 Alejandro Gomez Monteverde
2 R3 Y2 ], M" t5 `◎主  演 雅各布·萨尔瓦提 Jakob Salvati* m; s% d1 G) X
       凯文·詹姆斯 Kevin James/ B. d7 Y: _' o: ^2 p3 p: A7 R
       迈克尔·拉帕波特 Michael Rapaport/ u* d( N4 H# {2 D- A2 }
       大卫·亨瑞 David Henrie
7 }' i: u% `# N5 A$ r       艾米丽·沃森 Emily Watson4 o% b; K7 ?* D
       埃杜瓦多·维拉斯蒂吉 Eduardo Verástegui6 n+ ~: ^3 ]7 U- _! L
       泰德·拉文 Ted Levine  r. R" h" x4 R2 k6 U* Z# e
       田川洋行 Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa
" d+ B- \) }6 c4 e& O. F% U( k       汤姆·威尔金森 Tom Wilkinson
% [, t' n! N5 H5 B% k$ P5 c/ G% A       本·卓别林 Ben Chaplin( m+ S2 Y3 @7 J: h
       阿丽·兰德里 Ali Landry
+ K8 L5 T' a: y$ ^       亚布拉哈姆·本鲁比 Abraham Benrubi
) y$ A: x/ o! {, f       托比·胡斯 Toby Huss
- G$ Z. Z& o8 H' f       凯莉·格蕾森 Kelly Greyson
, n; X1 [) h7 |" K, z; ~       Candice Azzara9 P5 ~3 F2 \6 S4 |% l5 E

3 B: I: g3 |& w◎简  介   
! {4 u: u3 S5 o. Q0 s; D8 `) }% z$ `) d4 J; d/ {
  故事发生在二战时期的一个美国沿海小镇,八岁小男孩Pepper(雅各布·萨尔瓦提 Jakob Salvati 饰)天生矮小瘦弱,为此没少受同龄人欺负,还被取绰号为“小男孩”(little boy)。他最好的朋友兼搭档,就是自己高大魁梧的父亲詹姆斯(迈克尔·拉帕波特 Michael Rapaport 饰)。在父亲的教导陪伴下,Pepper渡过了一段美好的时光。直到父亲应召入伍,投入到第二次世界大战的战场中去。
- r* D  Q. e9 U, [+ o" L
2 Y$ o  ~* f4 F3 y6 f  就在Pepper期待父亲回家时,噩耗传来,他的父亲在菲律宾被日军虏为战俘,生死未卜。而此同时,Pepper和他哥哥London(大卫·亨瑞 David Henrie 饰)将战争仇恨发泄在镇上的一个日本人桥本身上,为此兄弟俩都接受了相应的惩罚。神父为了教育Pepper,将一个“古老的清单”交给他,只要他把清单上的任务都完成,他就能拥有可以移动大山的信念和力量,从而就能把他的父亲从二战战场中带回来。这个清单的其中一项,就是和日本人桥本成为朋友……
0 ?# ]1 f1 c1 b; {. M6 k: F; W
1 N% J9 Y8 {9 J$ K, R# T; y  An eight-year-old boy is willing to do whatever it takes to end World War II so he can bring his father home. The story reveals the indescribable love a father has for his little boy and the love a son has for his father.6 G0 L, O( H" ^1 t5 o% e
    . W+ A% |% J4 k% K2 z
  2. # W: n/ q6 S0 C' K' q$ l0 ~
  3. Disc Title: Little.Boy.2015.1080p.BluRayCD.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-RARBG
    2 v5 u) K2 {5 k4 p( \  _1 a
  4. Disc Size:  34,950,347,939 bytes
    , u/ H% v& l8 k
  5. Protection: AACS
    ( b9 O1 n$ ^5 X- n, y
  6. BD-Java:  Yes) ~& D; ?) r" x9 v
  7. BDInfo:   0.5.8
    ; y) w" t, Q/ i3 U  x
  8. PLAYLIST REPORT:+ [5 N: c* j8 N( V# ^  A7 e
  9. Name:       00800.MPLS1 J- L! ~+ _2 ]5 O8 o; w
  10. Length:     1:46:53.448 (
    % B* o% M- D% |2 ~+ ~# Z5 n0 X
  11. Size:       29,574,045,696 bytes
    9 P  e  [$ {! f3 [4 s
  12. Total Bitrate:    36.89 Mbps
    5 n  v  N( B) h
  13.   M' v7 K9 p" r9 f
  14. Video:$ Q$ T- Z$ l9 d3 D4 a% Y5 L
  15. ! Y0 a0 _9 n3 _! {/ X; s( e
  16. Codec       Bitrate     Description" E; G- T% p# H' U4 d% e
  17. -----       -------     -----------5 a/ i  Q6 y8 X
  18. MPEG-4 AVC Video  31605 kbps    1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    / R, m  Q8 X% t& [

  19. / N. _5 A- n/ m  }! D# H1 i
  20. AUDIO:
    0 n2 c; X: x. ^" K  k7 j& f& ~
  21. 2 Y- {$ @: n  }0 O9 S
  22. Codec         Language  Bitrate   Description  p: C$ F8 `! ^" M7 L
  23. -----         --------  -------   ------------ y& X+ e0 Y: v, n/ d: j3 |) E6 I
  24. DTS-HD Master Audio     English   3378 kbps   5.1 / 48 kHz / 3378 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)* w8 B" ]0 c& D# \7 q+ Q' j) ?  A
  25. 6 F) ^- |( @5 A$ J
  26. SUBTITLES:  V5 o: j0 b3 c, M6 g( P$ j, d  u0 {# N
  27. 0 O) k' Y( S" Z; P
  28. Codec         Language  Bitrate   Description, ]# Z# T' t; n; m- U
  29. -----         --------  -------   -----------
    . a  [( p1 b/ ^
  30. Presentation Graphics   English   25.197 kbps      
    4 d# I! F! K4 \0 \) b
  31. Presentation Graphics   Spanish   20.541 kbps      3 ~5 Q, E2 Y: G3 g
  32. Presentation Graphics   French    20.949 kbps
Little Boy Bluraycd, Video Quality   
4 x( N9 Z1 [- A7 L& U1 i6 ^
2 b" W  q7 e1 ?6 @  h/ K
/ Y/ l9 s$ C: W- G, y3 G' Z4 YLittle Boy is part of an increasingly rare breed these days: a movie shot on film. The Blu-ray results are expectedly spectacular. Light grain retention is constant and pleasant, not only providing an attractive and organic film-like sheen (as opposed to flat digital) but also helping to accentuate the film's large assortment of heavily textured elements, including period clothes, wrinkled and worn faces, and 1940s wood and brick structures and accents. Image clarity is outstanding and sharpness is constant. Colors are attractive and vibrant with a noticeably warm push that hints at sepia. Blown out backgrounds -- brighter elements in particular -- in a few scenes help further shape an almost dreamlike and vintage visual flavor. One or two pops and speckles appear but are in no way troublesome. The image appears free of any anomalies in the way of blocking, banding, aliasing, etc. It's a shame more new movies aren't shot on film, because Blu-ray really does such movies right. Little Boy is a breath of fresh air in a stuffy digital age.
. B9 S6 f( s) k- b5 m7 H$ C3 ^
, X. l% S' G: W+ XLittle Boy Blu-ray, Audio Quality   9 d0 P& t- X/ f1 J/ E2 [# Y. p! x
! i6 C) s/ T- B* P2 R

1 K8 M$ g# v9 KLittle Boy's DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 lossless soundtrack is pleasing and engaging. The track features a wide spectrum of sound elements, from hushed environmental ambience to heavy rattles and booms. Minor exterior details like chirping birds or passing background traffic are effortlessly immersive and gently pull the listener into the film's small-town California location. A few action scenes overseas yield hefty gunfire and a few prominent explosions, with the latter sending a good bit debris around the stage. Another large rumble at a key point in the movie sends a positive and extended rattle through the listing area to good quality effect. Midrange sound effects like chugging machinery or rolling ocean waves enjoy precisely detailed elements and realistic placement. Music is well spaced and clarity is high, whether light, airy notes or deeper, more involved beats. Dialogue delivery is satisfyingly clear, robust, and center-focused. This is a highly enjoyable track from Universal that supports the film very well.
; Y8 ~2 w8 T  A. @4 Y- U5 j* E3 r% p
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