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[蓝光原盘] 疾速追杀2:疾速特攻/杀神2 [蓝光原盘] John Wick Chapter 2 2017 1080p BluRaycd AVC TrueHD 7.1 Atmos-FGT 46.45GB








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迅雷电影 发表于 2017-6-3 17:30:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

/ @/ [+ O2 P+ I& g
; d9 c0 r6 z4 F4 M6 H◎译  名 疾速特攻/杀神John Wick 2(港)/捍卫任务2(台)/疾速追杀2/极速追杀:第二章/约翰·威克2& U. Y) T$ S6 i% N6 Q) ~0 C& c
◎片  名 John Wick: Chapter Two
; F. K2 W7 G! z- O. r, \◎年  代 2017# D3 [# ]4 t! I$ _) b( x2 \5 [
◎产  地 美国/香港/意大利/加拿大: J. a6 E% L% o# x( _7 n0 A4 |
◎类  别 动作/犯罪/惊悚# b6 e/ R; r- B3 Y% e% T; x
◎语  言 英语/意大利语0 \% \+ I/ b* r( n8 Y: J
◎上映日期 2017-02-10(美国)
2 K# A- V- [9 `  i( \- n- \3 |5 J◎IMDb评分  7.9/10 from 104,802 users
% [2 [1 R' M' a; k; a◎IMDb链接 S; I* s$ u4 s8 j: J
◎豆瓣评分 7.5/10 from 12,490 users6 \! C. X0 P0 l4 `( c, M
◎豆瓣链接 d9 B4 s9 S6 ^8 E: ~9 A4 i
◎文件格式 x264 + TrueHD7.1
: L' Q; T- e3 i, K# H9 T& ^3 ]% h◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080( W, `4 f' X% g: }6 b
◎文件大小 1DVD 46.45 GiB
' w+ v& d, U$ }4 O% Y◎片  长 2:02:22.376 (
2 Q; i4 F1 ^4 K$ g8 W2 x◎导  演 查德·史塔赫斯基 Chad Stahelski" `$ W/ R, B+ c) \* K+ m3 _
◎主  演 基努·里维斯 Keanu Reeves5 T. M. s. o) R% E. P2 k$ k" R
      里卡多·斯卡马里奥 Riccardo Scamarcio( V& U5 `( y( Y
      伊恩·麦柯肖恩 Ian McShane
) ?" d% b" Y) A2 n9 g      鲁比·罗丝 Ruby Rose: B! B" x5 i" t/ u. t5 q
      科曼 Common
7 P+ |' [$ v2 g/ n* J8 u, a      克劳迪娅·吉里妮 Claudia Gerini
6 H, D3 O6 O! f- T      兰斯·莱迪克 Lance Reddick
, g0 q6 |7 I# }7 s" ^8 D8 O      劳伦斯·菲什伯恩 Laurence Fishburne% d4 [+ c3 o5 A4 s6 w( H
      托拜厄斯·西格尔 Tobias Segal4 x, t* a/ I1 a5 _/ @
      约翰·雷吉扎莫 John Leguizamo
% l' s# n$ f5 M% g8 f/ R( g      布丽姬·穆娜 Bridget Moynahan
# @7 T3 v" M! A# T/ g$ y; d! ^2 y      托马斯·萨多斯基 Thomas Sadoski
* k; i8 a9 Q' C4 e9 x9 [      大卫·帕特里克·凯利 David Patrick Kelly* L9 C, W: ~! ?: z  q
      杨佩里 Perry Yung
. E* M. G5 A, o* }      弗兰科·尼罗 Franco Nero2 L* _# g; k5 ?+ X3 ?, [3 F
      彼得·塞拉菲诺威茨 Peter Serafinowicz
9 [. Z  Y7 d9 [4 a, r2 l8 {+ c      马里奥·多纳托内 Mario Donatone
  d0 I2 V0 k! g! u! Q. {5 J6 i9 Q- D      彼得·斯特曼 Peter Stormare% `0 ]7 g! D/ r' V
      克里斯·勒潘塔 Chris LaPanta
, x1 t* e" B5 L& b5 F( a      沃斯·史蒂文斯 Wass Stevens, y9 c4 a- g9 s, r
      海蒂·玛尼梅可 Heidi Moneymaker
# b+ A/ [( h& I  g6 U      克里斯塔尔·伦伯格 Crystal Lonneberg
# |0 ]' ~/ Y8 b* t" E      提姆·康纳利 Tim Connolly
2 K4 @1 o1 \) R& R5 H& [: L( j9 H6 k! H$ J+ H/ a; h8 M3 D; h
◎简  介  V9 _8 }" x% C( C9 C- f
$ ~  ~# b) k  W9 t8 y- L
  After returning to the criminal underworld to repay a debt John Wick discovers that a large bounty has been put on his life., w" r1 `$ y% F  K

  f9 _1 r# G% O& v  在经历过一系列风波后,约翰·威克(基努·里维斯饰)也重新养了一只健康的狗狗。一心想要退休的约翰·威克再度被自己之前的事业所困扰,他此前的雇主现在正在被追杀,受困于自己之前的承诺,约翰·威克只能飞去罗马帮助他脱围。在罗马这个古老的城市里,约翰·威克遇见了全世界最强的杀手,于是乎他只能拿起枪来保护自己。
, _3 m& H: r; H" L2 E! _5 f% V( c0 L6 g8 R, _

7 V7 I7 o6 R$ O3 f2 z
. K. a' H: M( X7 V! CJohn Wick:  Chapter 2 is presented on Blu-ray courtesy of Lionsgate Films with an AVC encoded 1080p transfer in 2.40:1.  As with the first film, this outing was "captured by Alexa", as the closing credits helpfully inform.  This is one stunning looking transfer, one that has little to none of the severe green color grading that did admittedly make the first film's appearance so striking but which also tended to rob at least some scenes of fine detail.  There is still grading going on here, often quite aggressively, but detail levels are uniformly high and absolutely exceptional when lighting regimens allow and especially when close-ups are employed.  When not overtly graded, the palette looks natural and quite vivid.  Some of the scenes have a near psychedelic quality, including the great showdown in the "hall of mirrors", and the palette offers really impressive saturation in these moments.  Despite long stretches of relatively dark material, there are no real problems with inherent Video noise or any compression anomalies.
0 h0 x7 g" a7 ]8 S" p6 _, {
- x4 U* r$ n+ G4 U) y2 z
$ w: V% A  A  ?5 M+ p9 f
9 R2 V9 a' r; |9 W0 qJohn Wick:  Chapter 2 continues the first film's overwhelming sonic tendencies with another blisteringly effective Dolby Atmos track.  From the first seconds of the movie, when an incredible chase between Wick and a motorcyclist offers a near riot of panning sounds and LFE, it's clear this film is going for the gusto in a major way with respect to sound design.  There are moments of relative calm here, as in John's brief moment of peace at his house with his new (nameless) dog, but even here there's nice pinpoint placement of ambient environmental effects.  Both in the hand to hand combat scenes as well as tangential elements like the explosion that takes out John's house, the mix offers constant immersion, top notch fidelity and impressive dynamic range.+ k) ^  w& U3 w+ P2 Z

+ M2 C* f  x, c" s) Q2 {3 v
DISC INFO:( }; \4 R, f- I2 g. M( H
3 c6 U5 d" f! B: F  {. U# N1 z4 K7 [
Disc Title:     John.Wick.Chapter.2.2017.1080p.BluRayCD.AVC.TrueHD.7.1.Atmos-FGT
( ~# I4 B' W/ O. ?' @Disc Size:      49,872,767,526 bytes# X( \1 b; V$ r; `$ \! h0 E0 i9 m
Protection:     AACS
" N7 D/ I& A% x% b2 ?BD-Java:        Yes% u4 [4 e5 |* i1 W
BDInfo:         0.5.8, p) j  a0 n. H( }
/ V8 h2 l( b7 ~+ \6 q2 i7 i
6 X' u, q  ?; F# _, }' F6 N6 b! Y; f9 _3 j. ^+ |- S$ p
Name:                   00440.MPLS% ?) C( J6 p, U. |- G) x
Length:                 2:02:22.376 (
9 V5 {2 \( O( qSize:                   36,369,334,272 bytes. O- r' f+ c/ P: l. k
Total Bitrate:          39.63 Mbps
, r, T2 K" n3 c- z0 {7 d" }) z# }5 I( A0 g
VIDEO:2 ^: k  |( Z2 d, o' f5 i- i2 }! c
5 m% W, z0 ?5 d& N+ m
Codec                   Bitrate             Description     - @$ b' r* @5 p1 B
-----                   -------             -----------     / v8 C  @0 j" I% V8 R3 U( t  L
MPEG-4 AVC Video        29500 kbps          1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
/ F7 \, H- W4 c7 E4 h/ U% j: D) N5 H( t0 L  V, _, c' {
AUDIO:- K6 R3 O2 ^  S0 D8 y% q
. z2 z4 d* ?/ G; q; g* o
Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description     ! s! ~) Y7 n2 n8 I; A8 Z) g$ O
-----                           --------        -------         -----------     0 _7 L5 {& g9 q$ R- n
Dolby TrueHD Audio              English         5863 kbps       7.1 / 48 kHz / 5863 kbps / 24-bit
* |! }/ ?0 {5 M1 M/ w$ zDolby Digital Audio             English         224 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz / 224 kbps / Dolby Surround
2 C6 f% f4 k. p" W# m" _7 }  Z' BDolby Digital Audio             Spanish         640 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps
% E+ N; Y; o/ E  V1 ]Dolby Digital Audio             English         192 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / Dolby Surround+ [# b" \! n5 |! Z/ S% R6 n
Dolby Digital Audio             English         224 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz / 224 kbps / Dolby Surround
. r+ v) b: v: ~- o* z2 ?  v+ f5 W, h, W' l- v. n6 l, `
% x3 [! V, T, @9 W% B
5 {* w/ V( h8 H# i) L8 QCodec                           Language        Bitrate         Description     4 \* O$ G; b, W9 {  d
-----                           --------        -------         -----------     ! F+ e0 w5 T9 @9 D  I) i1 n! B0 Z
Presentation Graphics           English         12.053 kbps                     
2 x% ^) R5 n  U; ]$ D- J( ePresentation Graphics           English         15.963 kbps                     
+ p+ G: Z3 G/ h* lPresentation Graphics           Spanish         12.880 kbps
Screens:8 K3 U* ~6 ]! A- V1 m% \
' R  f& i6 w# w/ z# a3 q
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