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[科幻恐怖] 割草者/异度空间/天才除草人 [导演剪辑版] The Lawnmower Man 1992 DC 720p BluRaycd x264-PSYCHD 8.75GB








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24小时 发表于 2017-7-11 04:17:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
, R3 {+ R( l. y% a4 [2 x7 S+ e' G# [$ w
. |0 b% r) a( W4 A* g9 y( W9 }! Z
◎译  名 割草者/异度空间/天才除草人
- R, L" [4 E0 f4 B) G4 E7 G◎片  名 The Lawnmower Man
$ {7 O& `. A$ H6 P$ |( c1 \& G9 }◎年  代 1992' V$ L/ C7 E9 Y# Z( _3 T, Z. e. s
◎产  地 英国/美国/日本; K$ P3 J" n! _( f
◎类  别 动作/恐怖/科幻1 z" w, B7 D3 c" i
◎语  言 英语
/ o& g5 {# r/ _: Y* u% A( n& O◎上映日期 1992-03-06
% p' {$ p, K9 u7 I3 d2 w◎IMDb评分  5.4/10 from 29,093 users& V3 M% c* Z) r( j5 U
◎IMDb链接$ t- h! Z  Z' f1 h
◎豆瓣评分 6.7/10 from 356 users4 c/ i" X2 b) I$ z/ v7 o
◎豆瓣链接 j7 F" l' \' V
◎片  长 107 分钟/USA: 140 分钟(director's cut)
- ~( Q7 m3 U8 z$ [◎导  演 Brett Leonard
! }9 `& J9 _. x4 q8 q- g: e7 F% x/ q◎主  演 皮尔斯·布鲁斯南 Pierce Brosnan
: ], K( A$ v4 x' ^; f' u5 n# g& Z6 N      杰夫·法赫 Jeff Fahey
" n1 S! x, y, H; b" \' ]      珍妮·赖特 Jenny Wright
- P6 ^% N4 X% t! s$ `/ P# B# I7 g1 [9 U/ K; Y
◎简  介
! [- K: i) k$ C; u
6 k3 {/ D8 K" C6 S0 s- L  到千年之交时,一种名为“虚拟现实”的技术将得到广泛应用,它能使人进入一个由电脑创造出来的、如同想象力般无限丰富的虚幻世界,它的创造者预测这种技术将为人类社会的发展发挥无数积极的作用,而有些人则担心它会被一些人利用,成为一种控制人类思想的新方法……! v) M4 t& T: T
* [- z/ q4 C+ M! I4 q8 L
  A scientist performs experiments involving intelligence enhancing drugs and virtual reality on a simple-minded gardener. He puts the gardener on an extensive schedule of learning and quickly he becomes brilliant. But at this point the gardener has a few ideas of his own on how the research should continue and the scientist begins losing control of his experiments.  @0 I. ~4 O/ b* K% `
  1. The.Lawnmower.Man.1992.DC.720p.BluRayCD.x264-PSYCHD
    4 j; k' n# d3 V% G* X. _
  2. Date..............: 07/20178 G2 `8 }4 `1 G. O6 n, Q
  3. IMDB..............: d2 ~( X- Y. z. Z+ x4 ]
  4. Ratings...........: 5.4/10   29,087 votes- D$ b( ^- A; [7 b
  5. Runtime...........: 02:20:53
    1 Q) M4 e2 |/ r5 {5 N
  6. Video.............: 1280x688 / 23.976fps
    : o3 L# {7 y- o" r( y
  7. Audio.............: DTS 5.1 1509kbps' N- W; T6 R- F* j4 E# p
  8.   B5 I- K8 \' w0 v9 ^7 I, {6 L/ b
  9. "Your worst inhibitions tend to psych you out in the end."
8 o. g1 O5 E1 o7 a( C4 `0 q! E
5 ?' v# \9 n* ?8 \7 G" x
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