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[科幻恐怖] 摧花手/水晶鸟 The Bird with the Crystal Plumage 1970 REMASTERED 720p BluRaycd x264-HD4U








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24小时 发表于 2017-7-18 20:51:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
# G( Q( ?) z9 s2 ]0 }- Z
1 N$ `( m) M4 ^8 K5 v+ y$ E8 \( \: O◎译  名 摧花手/水晶鸟+ I5 S2 [9 x' e" G: P: k
◎片  名 L'uccello dalle piume di cristallo / Bird with the Glass Feathers / The Bird with the Crystal Plumage
+ k$ M( H1 @& f( q◎年  代 19703 |. W2 E2 m$ f% `$ Z% A
◎产  地 意大利/西德
7 ?$ @( ?- _2 D6 o( }◎类  别 恐怖/悬疑/惊悚
2 N' q1 H+ i. \# w" ^% P1 n& [1 d◎语  言 意大利语
( q1 N4 ^2 |+ w: z◎上映日期 1970-02-19. C7 C' `. z' g6 t6 f  Z
◎IMDb评分  7.2/10 from 13,098 users( C% c- y. O& ], C8 b; H% F8 X
/ J& j1 ^7 g* l◎豆瓣评分 6.8/10 from 468 users8 z/ X' p# v+ K4 T9 n
# ?# g8 k( H) t4 z( ]5 Q◎片  长 98 分钟/105 分钟(阿根廷)/101 分钟(德国)/92 分钟(荷兰)/96 分钟(美国)/97 分钟(芬兰)/108 分钟(比利时)) P  J4 Z  I* _7 g
◎导  演 达里奥·阿金托 Dario Argento
  q: K9 x' z7 i) Q) f, t2 b7 a◎主  演 Tony Musante
5 f( }/ M; X) v& w. [/ L      苏茜·肯道尔 Suzy Kendall% i* d6 ^0 Z& c+ Z/ U  e( N2 V
      恩里克·马里亚·萨勒诺 Enrico Maria Salerno$ g  j% b/ J6 l* v& @- L
      Eva Renzi, W& l* |6 ]( ]
      Renato Romano
6 V  J* }9 g4 {# y5 |- P0 ^% y9 T' V2 T" K* ?
◎简  介     
8 D/ D: r8 L8 ?3 f9 k6 K/ ]; s, T0 y' c9 F" ^0 g0 ]
  美国游客山姆隔着美术馆的玻璃窗,瞥见一宗企图谋杀,他的及时出现让凶手逃走了,获救的女子芳名莫尼卡。不久,山姆仿佛受了蛊惑似的对这宗谋杀着了迷,他决定追踪凶手的下落,这自然让他的女友朱丽娅很不快;而同时他和女友也开始接到威胁电话……# D, {# H* b4 h; u/ A
: _4 f6 g% ~7 G1 d1 c6 Q6 B- Q
  In Italy the American writer Sam Dalmas witnesses an attempt of murder of the owner of an art gallery Monica Ranieri a couple of days before returning home. Inspector Morosini who is in charge of investigating the three previous murderers of the serial-killer asks for help to Dalmas and takes his passport. Dalmas decides to stay with his girlfriend Julia and to help the police in the investigation. The killer threatens Dalmas and Julia by phone and the police overhears a strange noise in the tape. Soon the serial killer stalks Julia and Damas. Who might be the killer?
* l; s1 [5 W# t$ R7 h* H5 B) q
  1. Release.....: The.Bird.with.the.Crystal.Plumage.1970.REMASTERED.720p.BluRayCD.x264-HD4U
    + l+ e  f3 Y- z7 y# z; V
  2. Date........: 15.07.20175 l" V; _( \/ @9 e  a! Y
  3. Bitrate...... 2pass @ 6550Kbps6 \+ g1 q+ B% A/ \8 M7 M5 B) C; Y
  4. Resolution..: 1280x544
    ) L2 W  c% N5 j  @) @
  5. Audio.......: Italian DTS 786Kbps 1ch / English DTS 786Kbps 1ch
    7 U( q/ p' g0 Z& x$ J2 T9 m
  6. Subtitles...: English
    % i( `0 G. i4 `' Z/ s5 d
  7. IMDb........:
    ' H; L7 ^3 _7 }# d9 ^

  8. 9 `0 q" i9 p+ M! Y) q  H
  9. Enjoy!
    ( Q. Z: Q/ q, T

  10. # m8 p' J# u. z: T( b9 o, ^
  11. We are currently looking for..
    . u! F0 C" V6 E+ h' O, C9 h9 W

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    & j1 H# C. W# H( ~7 ]) r* j8 B

  14. # v7 {1 Q" i! I- q
  15. Find us.( ^. w9 r! v9 x7 K( K

  16. % u" Z5 h; {. h3 k6 ~5 i5 o
  17. Our dearest associates, you know who you are!
    , A! o0 H5 K& A3 M9 g  i. p! z
  18. pH7        2 0 1 2        0ND7 I3 l: e! D* t/ R5 |$ T) e
  19. 9 j5 M; q9 c5 Z' F- n. \5 g" D8 K) t- u
  20. S i L K
Screenshots:& @1 x; O/ g8 S+ G

9 |* ?" C) P# f' w5 z: D
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