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[蓝光原盘] 喋血双雄 [原盘国粤中字] The Killer 1989 BluRaycd 1080i AVC DD5.1-CHDBits 21.0GiB








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mvods 发表于 2018-1-1 19:42:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
4 k4 s5 p- x. [! @+ b( z$ v

0 y. k( J5 u$ D: K. a# Z$ ^5 Q% T◎译  名 喋血双雄) |% D: X" H7 O! x. l! D  Z5 n
◎片  名 The Killer / Bloodshed of Two Heroes
3 |$ D' V* ~) c! {◎年  代 19898 B' t, |1 D7 ?5 D
◎国  家 香港
; d8 ^' p/ |$ ^/ u$ u◎类  别 动作/犯罪/剧情
3 F  k$ O5 K" A9 x, C8 U# U◎字  幕 英文/中文. ]9 ?, U* g, j
◎IMDB评分 7.9/10 (13,737 votes)3 \1 V8 X6 Z. H5 r
, c( o2 t5 _! y! Q% `◎文件格式 x264 + DTS
. c7 e* b+ M. @◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080% d# e3 m5 y7 k. k
◎文件大小 1DVD 21.10 GiB7 z" }* \+ v* j; u( M) d
◎片  长 107 MiN
7 Y1 N+ s5 F; y3 r9 C◎导  演 吴宇森 John Woo, g% J9 k/ ~+ b: X9 V" K) H
◎主  演 周润发 Yun-Fat Chow .... Ah Jong (as Chow Yun Fat)
2 ^' x% A1 q4 W8 t7 {3 s      李修贤 Danny Lee .... Insp. Li Ying/Little Eagle
% ]! b" k% f0 V8 E- `: V      叶倩文 Sally Yeh .... Jennie
, c3 q" `# w- ~1 i  D! A, L/ l/ J      朱江 Kong Chu .... Fung Sei (as Chu Kong). h( {( r0 [, p% y3 M& X
      曾江 Kenneth Tsang .... Sgt. Tsang Yeh (as Tsang Kong)
0 r1 p% |' Q( E      成奎安 Fui-On Shing .... Wong Hoi (as Shing Fui On)2 J, Q- C/ h' }
      叶荣祖 Wing-Cho Yip .... Wong Dung-Yu
8 C+ m5 q* u+ p* l; t      Fan Wei Yee .... Paul Yau
5 s# k. N$ ~) L& n  d& ]- O/ a7 D      黄炳耀 Barry Wong .... Chief Insp. Dou/Tu
( }5 r1 A+ e- Z& E; V1 B      黄柏文 Parkman Wong .... Insp. Chan Bok! z8 k( X5 V  _* f
       Siu-Hung Ng .... A killer
" h. |6 _. z" r, E! ^0 {' F      Sing Yeung .... Bodyguard A% X3 H! j) ~+ m- O6 M
      Siu Hung Ngan .... Bodyguard B5 {2 t, V; x) b4 Z
      黄光亮 Kwong Leung Wong .... Wong Tong
, M9 w9 J+ E4 B      林聪 Chung Lam .... Jueng Wan/Ah Jong s first victim (uncredited)
- c  r2 ?/ J5 S" J0 @
$ c* @) m# e! O; F* H9 ?. z) P8 T◎简  介 
& ]* a; V' F0 \" [
5 ^  X3 j" ]8 q$ f2 L  ~  香港,杀手小庄在杀人时误伤女歌星珍妮的眼睛。六个月后,他再次出现,警探李鹰紧追不放,遇上小庄的雇主江海要杀他灭口,混战中一个小女孩受伤,小庄冒死送女孩进医院。李鹰由此判断,小庄一定会出现在珍妮身边。8 K$ m, U+ v/ V* Q/ ~9 S

; Z, X/ ?: G6 C1 s' Z# h$ y  在此后展开的一连串斗智斗勇中,警探和杀手渐渐地发现了一个事实:他们非常相似,好像一枚硬币的两个面。  D9 `# B- a7 `6 U

$ O5 A/ Y! z) S" ?" G  Chow Yun-Fat stars as an assassin with a code of honor, who agrees to one last job before quitting for good. When his bosses double-cross him, he must confront the mob in one of the most explosive showdowns in film history.
; h  E2 @0 d# I6 `! X$ L2 ~. h  ~  v, q2 s$ }) ?
5 ]! d7 X! E( S5 v1 T
0 i- f9 ?' B4 a( ~4 t: l  《喋血双雄》是吴宇森平生最完美的作品,他可能毕生都无法超越这部电影的成就。在当年的香港电影金像奖评选中,《喋血双雄》获得最佳导演、最佳剪接(樊恭荣)两项奖。在刚刚推出的时候,这部电影被视为完美的商业暴力片,此后十年中,人们对它的评价不断改变,1999年,美国《时代周刊》将它列为本世纪亚洲十大影片之一。
8 g6 H1 Z" F7 y  ?# O- ^6 o
: B7 `$ G8 ^! j1 o$ C) ~  周润发在《碟血双雄》中的酷镜头: 岸上的目标已经开始演讲,而在游艇上的小庄也准备就绪,花白头发,唇边须,这已经不是他的真面目。当岸上的鼓声响起,小庄也举起手中的步枪,俨然一个经验富的狩猎者。9 t0 C, q  ]$ v0 y4 q" u  O5 D- C
/ s3 n: d) I- N. y
香港电影金像奖/Hong Kong Film Awards 1990 最佳电影 / Best Picture 提名
' i( H& e( d) P3 K% z: j2 b香港电影金像奖/Hong Kong Film Awards 1990 最佳男配角 / Best Supporting Actor 提名 朱江
# c6 O9 x) e3 Y2 [9 M7 I香港电影金像奖/Hong Kong Film Awards 1990 最佳导演 / Best Director 获奖 吴宇森
) c7 a* O1 f+ W3 w$ u# R香港电影金像奖/Hong Kong Film Awards 1990 最佳编剧 / Best Screenplay 提名 吴宇森1 r) ]* [& D5 a' {$ m
香港电影金像奖/Hong Kong Film Awards 1990 最佳摄影 / Best Cinematography 提名 Wing-Hung Wong- q# e: `# M, C8 G7 t* y7 u
香港电影金像奖/Hong Kong Film Awards 1990 最佳摄影 / Best Cinematography 提名 鲍德熹
7 H2 H6 f- ^9 L香港电影金像奖/Hong Kong Film Awards 1990 最佳剪接 / Best Film Editing 获奖 Kung Wing Fan
8 {* T2 _4 l4 c$ [  N0 E5 x1 _% X3 P6 d" J+ V* Q! d
0 v3 w9 {/ Q& u6 z- c8 X
+ ?$ C& X% f  b9 s7 P. E6 O7 J
A lot of Hong Kong film fans have been salivating over the prospects of Vivendi's new Dragon Dynasty branding which is bringing several long sought after films to Blu-ray.  Unfortunately, as I discussed in my previous review of 36th Chamber of Shaolin, Vivendi's inexplicable decision to author these in 1080i (via an AVC codec in the OAR of 1.85:1) from what appears to be secondary source material (perhaps converted from PAL) is, well, inexplicable.  This Dragon Dynasty is more fragile than a Ming Dynasty vase caressed by a sledgehammer.  If anything, The Killer looks even softer than Shaolin, if that's possible, at times not even as sharp as a decently upconverted SD-DVD.  Colors are decent, but nowhere near high def standards, and the print is reasonably clean and free of damage, but, wow, what a major disappointment.  This is so far from high definition quality that aside from being anamorphically enhanced I can't really say much else recommends it.  I know some are saying this is the best the film has looked on home Video, but if that's the case (and I haven't seen an SD-DVD of The Killer in several years, so I can't reliably recall), it's damning with faint praise.  Haziness and lack of detail make this a murky experience at best.  Contrast is way below average, leaving several darker scenes not just crushed but virtually obliterated.  Conversely, the brightly lit scenes are badly clipped at times with completely indistinguishable elements resulting from something as relatively minor as abundant candlelight in some of the church scenes.  Vivendi really needs to go back to the drawing board on these Dragon Dynasty releases, because the first two have been travesties from an image standpoint.
; C. Y$ D7 \) B4 A; M0 I7 ^8 n2 K: j5 W! d2 l

) P8 @' E! Y5 s9 k0 H: u. h8 @% i) F
, b4 O, T/ @( Z: S& H  O0 G2 ~+ jThings are at least incrementally better in the audio department, but once again far less than we should expect (indeed demand) from a high definition release of such a vaunted film.  We're presented with either a DD 2.0 Cantonese track or a DD 5.1 English dub.  I sampled the 5.1 English track just for comparison purposes, finding the 5.1 repurposing fine, if not outstanding, with at least an attempt at surround activity in the many action sequences.  The 2.0 Cantonese track sounds fine, if on an understandably narrow sound field, but it has decent fidelity, if no thundering low end, something this film cries out for and which a lossless audio track hopefully would have provided.   There are no anomalies of any note in the Cantonese 2.0 track, and I recommend you stick with that one, despite its lack of surround activity.
" i( H+ w- ?2 f2 K8 H: H' t
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