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[蓝光原盘] 马斯顿教授与神奇女侠/神力女超人的秘密/占·诱 神奇女侠 Professor Marston and the Wonder Women 2017 NORDiC 1080p BluRaycd x264-RAPiDCOWS 7.65GB








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迅雷电影 发表于 2018-1-22 23:55:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
) \1 J6 P* k1 F# a9 T

" R+ ?: ]6 a1 R8 `3 q$ H! f* R& _◎译  名 马斯顿教授与神奇女侠/神力女超人的秘密(台)/占·诱 神奇女侠(港)/马斯顿教授和神奇女侠
3 V; Q6 I! L0 `. E& T" o  d◎片  名 Professor Marston & the Wonder Women  a# z  l- R; E/ _* w
◎年  代 2017
7 i* L% u' ]9 ]$ Z7 d◎产  地 美国4 ]2 L2 a5 Q% x* Y7 Z  c) v$ o( g
◎类  别 剧情/传记/爱情/同性
+ _  L0 w7 h# Y7 L◎语  言 英语7 z  h- h% `0 W; f) y: c
◎上映日期 2017-09-09(多伦多电影节)/2017-10-13(美国)
8 y$ R; r' N' s0 p4 X+ U◎IMDb评分  7.2/10 from 2,050 users6 t. W! C4 ~$ H3 Y6 Z
◎IMDb链接 u$ r2 ~( Z0 ~; \% U/ D
◎豆瓣评分 8.1/10 from 168 users
. d* n! S2 b' h* ]7 {1 L- q& Q. u◎豆瓣链接
! b) M- K0 }/ U# ~" {◎片  长 108 min6 Y+ e9 y0 m) j5 Y7 g6 M- z/ S1 x
◎导  演 安吉拉·罗宾森 Angela Robinson
* A* E% h) {' A; q# a4 y2 s, [◎主  演 卢克·伊万斯 Luke Evans1 K1 y$ M+ f- Y/ d5 y" K6 J
      丽贝卡·豪尔 Rebecca Hall
" ~+ M6 C  O3 C  K      贝拉·希思科特 Bella Heathcote
- x" @: i) j- B9 N- L/ K      康妮·布里登 Connie Britton
+ _$ E! x0 ?, F: r4 p      莫妮卡·乔达诺 Monica Giordano8 F9 R8 D" U4 V) A2 n; a0 w
      约翰·约瑟夫·菲尔德 JJ Feild
6 A3 H, @4 p1 j. {" {' B2 h      克里斯·康罗伊 Chris Conroy
- ~2 R% E9 `9 d8 s' ^" t# e: [; \      奥利弗·普莱特 Oliver Platt0 ^9 t, O4 m# k/ A( k$ w
      玛吉·卡斯特 Maggie Castle( e1 y& L1 y  J+ s7 H9 N
      阿莱克斯·哈维斯 Alexa Havins
5 y0 B' B) K. {# N8 G+ K      莎伦·库珀 Sharon Kubo
/ ~& i3 }9 x, f- q5 u# W4 C: u      阿莉·加莱拉尼 Allie Gallerani
) d1 k$ F; w% C% X. S+ q/ P, w      克里斯托弗·乔恩·贡博什 Christopher Jon Gombos6 U# F: |0 y! J9 t6 v

9 A3 O7 Z0 N6 `; }5 l◎简  介
, i" V! R, {0 T3 T: ]( r, a. e* h
6 A3 X3 W8 |  \" `  ^  神奇女侠创造者、著名心理学家威廉·马斯顿博士是位拥有两位长期伴侣的BDSM爱好者,一位是同为心理学家的妻子,另一位是他从前的学生。这一段关系是马斯顿博士创造神奇女侠的关键原因,神奇女侠也注入了两位女性的形象。三人关系和睦,甚至在他去世后,两位女性还在一块抚养孩子。# G. u; g& O  m7 C

4 G+ i3 q9 K* z/ _7 K9 B  Details the unconventional life of Dr. William Marston the Harvard psychologist and inventor who helped invent the modern lie detector test and created Wonder Woman in 1941. Marston was in a polyamorous relationship with his wife Elizabeth a psychologist and inventor in her own right and Olive Byrne a former student who became an academic. This relationship was key to the creation of Wonder Woman as Elizabeth and Olive's feminist ideals were ingrained in the character from her creation. Marston died of skin cancer in 1947 but Elizabeth and Olive remained a couple and raised their and Marston's children together. The film is said to focus on how Marston dealt with the controversy surrounding Wonder Woman's creation.; M8 ]& j$ V+ {' q
  1. Description:
    - i, g6 k7 Q* L- ^( |9 r
  2. NAME.........: Professor Marston and the Wonder Women
    1 i/ E' ]4 V5 O! `) z; u! J6 i
  3. 5 B, r4 D( z7 m! V1 v
  4. IMDb.........:
    : p& d* ]. c. |6 d
  5. RATiNG.......: 7.1/10 from 9332 users
    ! h2 F4 P/ [  v
  6. RELEASE YEAR.: 2017
    8 ^1 G* W0 D9 l9 q8 ?; B
  7. GENRE........: Biography Drama
    2 v: z$ P1 N4 i* {- t6 t( N
  8. DURATiON.....: 108 min
    5 C0 ?. i" a! f
  9. SiZE.........: 7.65 GB
    & k: o* S. |3 t0 {" N
  10. " S& G% m( [* Z, w
  11. LANGUAGE.....: English
    - H( q6 w( d* C/ ^4 K$ [- _
  12. SUB-LANGUAGE.: Danish Swedish Norwegian Finnish
    1 c+ @* S5 T2 S+ J" ?- N- B/ J
  13. SUB-TYPE.....: Retail - Rippet og tilpasset af RAPiDCOWS
    ' \( g1 X4 H3 ~
  14. . _# x8 A7 Z  O; j
  15. Video CODEC..: AVC at 8591 Kbps 1920 x 808 2.376 at 23.976 fps( Q" W) n; h& k: O- x9 Z
  16. AUDiO CODEC..: DTS 5.1 at 1509 Kbps
    7 q% {1 p# I" G6 h9 R- G
  17. SOURCE.......: Professor.Marston.A.T.W.W.2017.1080p.BluRayCD.x264-DRONES
% \6 B& k6 a1 c$ f# c+ @" e! A' e7 t! o

" i% ~, Z1 q3 S
4 ?0 R' E: o& ~$ d' ~% F# u
( O& v7 O  t7 k+ e- [6 N1 x
9 R( p4 L! y4 t0 l: L$ c$ I5 A+ O' L3 @7 _) F5 ]
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