哥顶的不是帖子,是孤独! + ~: C$ a8 {! L( _" }至少是现在,我一天没有访问蓝光电影论坛就不爽!At least now, my day did not visit the Blu-ray Film Forum on unhappy! 7 e7 z/ A2 ^+ b7 p9 M: P# y8 V
姐顶的不是帖子,是寂寞!( @/ }4 |( a5 k( R% V3 e$ R# F( r* b- a
要想蓝光电影论坛发展好,资源多,就靠你我他!To the development of Blu-ray movies forum, resources and more depend on you and me!: d! @* V* Z/ }, S0 q! a