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[蓝光原盘] 炸弹之城 [蓝光原盘] Bomb City 2017 1080p BluRaycd AVC DTS-HD MA 5.1-FGT 22.48GB








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24小时 发表于 2018-4-11 06:31:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

  L3 B$ r! K+ _2 v9 M; ^# l; i/ Q8 I9 q5 _* |
◎译  名 炸弹之城
$ K4 S7 w. W# J  Z/ o3 j- s5 L◎片  名 Bomb City/ C! T, m( l2 }
◎年  代 2018) ]6 a( e: F: S8 ]" N# m7 k& R
◎产  地 美国3 z; Z1 K' u2 J% s% g
◎类  别 剧情/动作/犯罪  x2 j+ q& J# m% r
◎上映日期 2018-02-09(美国)
# K9 F' J% C9 u, x) y◎IMDb评分  7.1/10 from 2,266 users
3 \& s9 I# S/ z/ J◎IMDb链接 K4 I$ `4 E6 F- u
◎豆瓣评分 7.1/10 from 458 users' m% j6 q8 _) ^$ v* Y5 B5 J
* r! B% S: f) G' m4 |" h  r◎片  长 1:38:29.028 (
1 i' i, i  E" S( \0 Z) Z0 d◎导  演 Jameson Brooks! L7 L  j; s% f" u' X
◎主  演 Dave Davis
  b. p9 O6 x: [' R: ~, [3 i      格伦·莫肖尔 Glenn Morshower
) N8 L$ O3 ^' {5 n4 D      罗根·霍夫曼 Logan Huffman4 _1 J& g6 z9 S2 h3 G
      罗蕾莱·林克莱特 Lorelei Linklater8 r4 L+ }/ }( O  x7 a
      艾迪·哈塞尔 Eddie Hassell! s; ^' h6 M, W8 }& C& I
      Henry Knotts4 {, d. w" C* n2 |7 \$ ]$ [
      多米尼克·瑞恩 Dominic Ryan2 J9 d' U4 W# _. u
      Luke Shelton- f) }4 [$ l( z% u
      米密·伦弗罗 Maemae Renfrow
4 Z7 b( ~: r3 y" |1 R! a, M! D3 [      Michael Seitz8 c4 n3 H2 m4 T: x
      Lukas Termin
/ Y/ a; A  P/ q  l8 @' C' U; ]      Audrey Gerthoffer* L/ ~5 A; ~  U2 Y9 R0 i% O
      Major Dodge
7 q) v  V6 c! G) N- k7 P5 J      玛丽莲·曼森 Marilyn Manson0 n0 e' N$ Q! b7 E2 E' u  ]

5 x8 I- s0 ?2 A7 S◎简  介
5 P& d' @0 D6 d" d  t1 G( @( ?7 y4 O' z5 |
9 _9 B- D' z% m  Bomb City is a crime-drama about the cultural aversion of a group of punk rockers in a conservative Texas town. Their ongoing battle with a rival more-affluent clique leads to a controversial hate crime that questions the morality of American justice. Based on the true story of Brian Deneke.( g& ]) h. W. L! }

1 z# S+ b$ }3 _8 t/ |& C7 o  Winter 1997. Amarillo, Texas. Brian Deneke is known for his green mohawk and undying passion for punk music. He throws punk shows with his friends at a rundown venue known as “Bomb City.” Brian, along with many of his fellow punks, refuses to conform to the conservative culture that surrounds them. Their radical appearances stir social intolerance within the community, particularly with Cody Cates, a high school jock who assimilates to a pack known as “white-hatters.” After losing a football game, Cody and a few other white-hatters have an altercation with several of the punks. This conflict ignites a series of hostile encounters between the two groups, climaxing one evening with a horrific, violent street fight. The night would soon become notorious for being one of the most controversial hate crimes in modern American culture. Based on a true story.
7 {1 k& H9 b8 n: ?0 F  f
    0 P& e8 K8 g4 c5 ?% X" Z. m$ F' m7 N

  2. . D! q1 x! r# Z( y* o4 k
  3. Disc Title:     Bomb.City.2017.1080p.BluRayCD.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-FGT
    & B% C" a0 Q, `6 B0 h; C% Z
  4. Disc Size:      24,136,393,756 bytes
    0 v3 |7 x5 a. O' O- v
  5. Protection:     AACS& T9 ^) {) j1 t4 N- v
  6. BD-Java:        Yes) v9 l; u. V) h
  7. BDInfo: (compatible layout created by DVDFab
    2 z* J( r5 H2 Z

  8. ( i( H9 Z: i  u9 M5 q9 f
  9. PLAYLIST REPORT:5 @+ J) C8 G0 L: r: A8 P; S& q5 A5 ~* b

  10. 8 ?$ _7 G2 _7 Z/ v! L. Y
  11. Name:                   01002.MPLS  : @5 Y! ]' _, Z
  12. Length:                 1:38:29.028 ( _( c8 _9 s; N$ A- f. l) _
  13. Size:                   17,699,622,912 bytes4 y, O1 f: B( Y5 [4 Z& z
  14. Total Bitrate:          23.96 Mbps
    8 E+ h8 \0 k( q. [  @

  15. + E/ g; {" ^1 [' K
  16. Video:
      `- C6 |' l2 z# g) ^* H
  17. ) H; _3 i$ [- R- |: ?( E. F
  18. Codec                   Bitrate             Description     
    8 L- _& J" L- j( _; C
  19. -----                   -------             -----------     
    5 K7 I! `( w& x/ a, f
  20. MPEG-4 AVC Video        19036 kbps          1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1 /
    $ u8 O* [5 }& ^, G# r0 f
  21. 7 ^+ D, ?  y- V* J
  22. AUDIO:
    $ |4 T1 [/ {4 C- Q

  23. . O4 o/ |* ]2 I$ h( c1 \$ z3 r8 W, f
  24. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description     
    & V+ u6 F0 U5 k% i) Q: o" d
  25. -----                           --------        -------         -----------     / M+ Y4 T6 M0 A* j
  26. DTS-HD Master Audio             English         3514 kbps       5.1 / 48 kHz / 3514 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)3 Z5 f: a" j' l$ R+ j7 I) |: o3 ^
  27. 8 k& d" t3 m& I! }$ M$ F% B
  28. SUBTITLES:! c# K( O7 z& g( B' \

  29. % i! g/ L; w  X. t* f. f$ R
  30. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description     
    " t  U% A4 L7 f' j. O$ k
  31. -----                           --------        -------         -----------       ^, C! x! ~+ y0 u
  32. Presentation Graphics           English         95.44 kbps
Screens:" u/ i5 i/ w$ i% p8 J" i
3 o! S& S3 e6 G) C6 @9 |

* x$ `7 L( A7 r5 i! k" z) p% H. i4 r6 R/ L

  U$ W1 K! U; G0 K- R7 [* y
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; s/ G# A3 I8 I5 a/ X# u3 `1 U* T



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