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[科幻恐怖] 机器之血 Bleeding.Steel.2017.1080p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H264-FGT 3.80GB








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24小时 发表于 2018-4-21 20:18:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

" ]9 |( F' M4 I2 Q6 Z& k
* k0 @7 b0 T" L" [' C- p◎片  名 机器之血
( h' ]4 U; [, g* f◎译  名 Bleeding Steel/ S) Q7 A+ c9 t3 T
◎年  代 2017% T- ]+ e+ R! u+ u7 Y+ B: t* s
◎产  地 中国大陆
" \3 c5 Z9 a4 h% B◎类  别 剧情/动作/科幻, @- p$ `* ?$ I6 n: ~
◎语  言 汉语普通话) l0 F1 T) c7 {
◎上映日期 2017-12-22(中国大陆)& X# t) U1 C& [* T2 y5 u( d
◎IMDb评分  5.3/10 from 1871 users
# R6 G% L, o* D3 f/ B- B% V+ k$ u◎IMDb链接 S4 I' L2 {0 v/ ]
◎豆瓣评分 5.1/10 from 13,099 users
% q1 G( j" ~- u  I5 q9 i7 i◎豆瓣链接
0 ~; D) W$ J# X( e3 q7 x4 z) y◎片  长 1 h 49 min
; v( n; h* ^; T◎导  演 张立嘉 Leo Zhang2 \/ O$ D7 L- b6 [5 @
◎主  演 成龙 Jackie Chan4 f1 N. A3 O# Q6 v8 B  P
      罗志祥 Show Luo5 V) S0 U3 Z$ N
      欧阳娜娜 Nana Ouyang3 q; l* w3 s% v9 y/ I( D8 E! I
      夏侯琪誉 Qiyu Xiahou
$ A. h; m$ q1 P5 A5 G/ D      卡兰·马尔韦 Callan Mulvey; L  _: ]2 j7 {$ e
      泰丝·哈乌布里奇 Tess Haubrich
' t8 u* {8 |" Z1 I# b4 z; ^      吉娜·卡拉诺 Gina Carano3 J. `0 f! A: N% P

3 [: d+ M9 N6 l& p* I/ t) @; A◎简  介) i; T$ s! C0 f) i( Z) d3 ^

' B) O! O* q+ G) l/ X+ E7 V1 t; {' j  2007年,Dr.James在半岛军火商的支持下研究生化人。研究过程中,生化人安德烈发生基因突变大开杀戒,将半岛军火商杀害,并控制其组织,接管生化人的研究。Dr.James侥幸逃生,只好寻求警方的保护。特工林东(成龙 饰)不得以离开生命垂危的小女儿西西,接受证人保护任务...* Z& E% l* u3 C4 ^8 z

' L* D) V* q& Z' F2 F' _. y  十三年后,一本科幻小说《机器之血》的出版引出了黑衣生化人组织,神秘骇客李森(罗志祥 饰)(被杀害的半岛军火商的儿子),以及隐姓埋名的林东,三股力量都开始接近一个“普通”女孩Nancy(欧阳娜娜 饰)的生活,想要得到她身上的秘密。而黑衣人幕后受伤隐藏多年的安德烈也再次出手,在多次缠斗之后终于抓走Nancy。林东和李森,不得不以身犯险一同前去解救,关键时刻却发现李森竟然是被杀害的半岛军火商的儿子,生化人的实验记录也落入了李森之手......
3 e2 A# M1 W2 w  n( [7 o3 S! n% b- c# c
  A special-force agent/police officer is assigned to protect a young woman involved in a science experiment of longevity from a gangster with an army of advanced technology who desires to obtain her power while also having connections with him., {9 D" }; C# ^$ D, a0 r) @" w* \
! M+ u) W' d( l( QID ......................................: 1
, ^6 ~, a" q' f" Q7 h4 L1 a# q. Z, NFormat ..................................: AVC
* K  a. o/ B2 I: {/ Q. @8 YFormat/Info ............................ : Advanced Video Codec2 i$ x* P8 j5 c7 B# z  g/ x
Format profile ..........................: High@L4
8 B% D% J* u0 |% bFormat settings ........................ : CABAC / 5 Ref Frames! e1 K7 w3 O) b) v( v6 z1 q
Format settings, CABAC ..................: Yes
+ H* O6 d) D& {+ ]1 }Format settings, ReFrames .............. : 5 frames* x6 U, y; d( J+ }) [7 z% K; z
Codec ID ................................: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC7 R% Q  X. s. o% U! f
Duration ................................: 1 h 49 min
) a' e% z2 G' W/ t# r8 cBit rate ................................: 4 575 kb/s
! S4 k$ q+ m" ^$ z. k# aWidth .................................. : 1 912 pixels+ T2 y$ P' Q/ {! k$ x7 _$ i
Height ..................................: 796 pixels
* _1 G4 J* S0 N3 `: |0 ]- s2 W" dDisplay aspect ratio ....................: 2.40:1
9 `- M+ g% U9 H: G0 `Edit website ........................... : & Welcome to0 L/ t/ @4 d5 g* W
Frame rate mode ........................ : Constant3 j1 `. E( j# G
Frame rate ..............................: 23.976 (24000/1001) FPS
7 P9 K" V" [8 ~8 KColor space ............................ : YUV, q( p) Z7 Q' a- \( H/ q: ~9 b4 a
Chroma subsampling ......................: 4:2:0* l* }# b6 T3 g; O- n) |
Bit depth .............................. : 8 bits
' L' N/ P% v, x: n  X7 [8 `+ g  c* E4 [edit ................................... : A big tongue dog
0 i( ^9 O: C6 L% G2 wScan type .............................. : Progressive
; V4 C4 ~/ w( L; {Bits/(Pixel*Frame) ......................: 0.1251 h2 L" ~0 F, x  H8 `9 R8 c
Stream size ............................ : 3.50 GiB (92%)
3 R4 q0 {+ K: S- ~& q5 u2 ]Title .................................. : Bleeding.Steel.2017.1080p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H264-FGT
; U6 Q; g( l% I( c, PLanguage ................................: English
) ]! c1 @$ P! ?. y) M( N/ J' n* DDefault ................................ : Yes" P0 g# ], m: W% H" o+ X/ ^! O
Forced ..................................: No
/ n8 ^7 P$ x$ M! |+ ~7 H- K. wColor range ............................ : Limited" _" @3 k, g& y4 F2 w0 J3 @, ~% U4 e  v
Color primaries ........................ : BT.709& X! Q) b( X; \) k4 {, t& ?
Transfer characteristics ................: BT.709
( E" c: g; {9 Q, jMatrix coefficients .................... : BT.709) p% O# M7 x  U/ c

4 R; t- ^: r. x2 i3 dAudio1 R) W7 z1 O( x+ Q9 Y9 J
ID ......................................: 2% J9 ~7 H* e5 b" K
Format ..................................: AC-3
% a# m- i* O, KFormat/Info ............................ : Audio Coding 3
" `2 a7 f% o  H5 f4 O; RCodec ID ................................: A_AC3
! l7 p9 b( w6 C6 w; ?Duration ................................: 1 h 49 min' ]: D/ @* M$ N8 v: X& ~: C
Bit rate mode .......................... : Constant9 N2 R: |; I- n( {9 r
Bit rate ................................: 384 kb/s
) f5 m: p( E9 p/ S9 o" Y4 e8 ?Channel(s) ..............................: 6 channels- n, c0 ?* _- l$ P
Channel positions ...................... : Front: L C R, Side: L R, LFE
. W: o/ r3 `* ?( nSampling rate .......................... : 48.0 kHz
) u2 u! V' @( ^. E$ h9 E/ L1 u: UFrame rate ..............................: 31.250 FPS (1536 SPF)4 ~( k. R7 B: p
Bit depth .............................. : 16 bits
9 k# m0 C# E. h! e5 G) _6 ]Compression mode ........................: Lossy
9 P/ n; S/ j3 X: FStream size ............................ : 300 MiB (8%)
# t- ^) n2 ]1 F7 T; y) LTitle .................................. : Bleeding.Steel.2017.1080p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H264-FGT7 ^5 k/ v  _6 P/ I1 H0 d
Language ................................: English
9 w4 K0 j# a8 v9 w; o* oService kind ............................: Complete Main
- `3 z: m; s& i) Q' w8 nDefault ................................ : Yes1 a" e. t- k2 B+ t: ?
Forced ..................................: No
3 U4 F+ E) L8 V% b% l. |4 |4 a
( E- W7 s) K/ L8 _& g8 A6 G4 {+ |Text( l" [$ ]( M; u5 ?+ \( W
ID ......................................: 3% h0 p0 r2 n& x5 z
Format ..................................: UTF-8' ]7 j' R2 M5 L
Codec ID ................................: S_TEXT/UTF8
; y. s* X8 K; U0 l) {' ^- Q9 v" e( }Codec ID/Info .......................... : UTF-8 Plain Text6 w' ^) j% Q0 t! [
Duration ................................: 1 h 44 min
; t& [1 K; b3 F/ ZBit rate ................................: 14 b/s- [$ G! A' F/ |4 B! n4 B% X3 W
Count of elements ...................... : 417  T; I& E, I& E, Z& A
Stream size ............................ : 11.3 KiB (0%)
0 z+ }! K8 D: B1 nLanguage ................................: English1 C: ]$ @8 Z' n/ H
Default ................................ : Yes% v. \/ s7 v' J5 {6 ^# Z
Forced ..................................: No* C; g6 P# Z7 d, |8 u! R8 H5 j

2 H: D0 j! h# y7 d3 u- b: m% `Menu( C; U( F9 X  w* J
00:00:00.000 ............................: en:Chapter 01
0 ^2 U) b& `& g( C( ~00:15:00.000 ............................: en:Chapter 02. K/ D4 @  S" B4 \
00:30:00.000 ............................: en:Chapter 03" h7 L0 ^1 n; G: U; d1 |8 w
00:43:00.000 ............................: en:Chapter 04
! U) T5 u+ q  H( n6 |01:00:00.000 ............................: en:Chapter 05
! ^' L! K6 Y( ?" `7 T01:15:00.000 ............................: en:Chapter 060 ?1 G8 p( X. \5 k
01:30:00.000 ............................: en:Chapter 07

% R) a8 n- g: z# V- T8 z' [& E, T& C1 S- L9 a- I* l8 V
6 D7 T# e# Z+ O1 ?3 r% c% w
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