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[蓝光原盘] 制片人/制作人/金牌制作人/发财妙计 [REMUX原盘重制版] The Producers 1967 REMASTERED 1080p BluRaycd REM








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24小时 发表于 2018-9-16 19:07:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
01.jpg 8 C, l" ?  E- X; _/ Q' o' L+ p' B
  j/ n$ `+ G8 M
◎译  名 制片人/制作人/金牌制作人/发财妙计' a- e! R2 k  A
◎片  名 The Producers
8 v, K  M6 ]) ]# d  [! ]! s◎年  代 1968( ]7 D" _, z$ l  F
◎产  地 美国
" F$ X* a" Z0 H' q% D◎类  别 喜剧# }$ ~* [4 V4 ]( y$ }
◎语  言 英语/德语$ A- ~% A- a# G0 Y8 s7 M3 c5 o! i/ Z$ o
◎上映日期 1968-11-10(美国)  k! I$ E0 R+ _& m" J. f
◎IMDb评分  7.7/10 from 44,881 users
) v: i$ v: V# d* M! f◎IMDb链接
" }0 G3 y6 m% m  z◎豆瓣评分 7.6/10 from 484 users
# Z9 H$ T; T( a$ Q◎豆瓣链接 R6 D/ S: B3 B# P3 c) {
◎文件格式 x264 + DTS. n4 |- j% w+ @) Z1 c( _; f
◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080
( V: V3 ^: A/ f◎文件大小 1DVD 20.66 GiB$ g% W5 o9 C9 _$ ~# q8 Q! X$ A
◎片  长 1 h 29 min
) h+ K: r7 `/ q0 H◎导  演 梅尔·布鲁克斯 Mel Brooks9 t' c# G; t# w  F. Z; ?
◎主  演 泽罗·莫斯苔 Zero Mostel
0 d  v+ Z* a; H5 A. F4 b      吉恩·怀尔德 Gene Wilder2 D/ v' _8 O) U* P! N3 L3 Q
      迪克·肖恩 Dick Shawn
/ g9 U, J1 @- @3 @) m5 n+ l      肯尼思·马尔斯 Kenneth Mars
% U( J/ x, k9 k  n2 J- T" d4 i      李·梅雷迪思 Lee Meredith/ i0 H/ R( X! S  V
      梅尔·布鲁克斯 Mel Brooks
" o: Y9 m+ D" t      埃斯特尔温伍德 Estelle Winwood
$ ]$ S: S  C0 \4 {' q# ?% n      蕾妮·泰勒 Renée Taylor
3 y& y$ c- a- T( i! N# v! L6 i$ K      威廉·赫基 William Hickey
: {" i( \! k7 x: R      Barney Martin! w$ x1 h3 Y7 @2 Y6 P9 l. _
      Shimen Ruskin
+ X( P2 m2 X/ \$ ~      Frank Campanella8 d/ Z6 ~% N0 b' J
      乔西普·艾利克 Josip Elic  [; U' f2 p  d' B
      Madelyn Cates
8 C5 x9 ?# U* a8 u0 W% J. s      John Zoller5 p: O+ k, C4 u2 ?$ O, I( K
      Brutus Peck
  B! S: S# @. i$ S2 |) r7 X      Anne Ives
1 n9 j6 G$ f  }/ ~4 E1 l      Amelie Barleon8 ], h' s. v! c9 w0 b& N8 [
      Lisa Kirk, r% e$ N7 Q. P: b
      Nell Harrison
- D- I# z  n8 b6 D* s8 ~: `6 R      Christopher Hewett
5 ^- |7 q3 @. X3 B, G" K8 ]$ S      Andréas Voutsinas
( k% c. @. w' _$ I3 M      Bernie Allen; P7 b" K7 p9 T& F9 g8 j6 B. d5 @( ^7 h
      Robert Dahdah3 E- V. ]6 w6 S8 r5 X
      Michael Davis
$ g; |- H- ?9 F      Diana Eden
) W1 D; N) k* i) w1 {8 X      Linda Gillen5 @$ s/ u; A5 D9 ^1 {  A
      Trent Gough+ [: y3 a' S& L7 M, T, N: g; l
      Zale Kessler
8 E  z$ F' C- W' w: L$ A1 ^8 x      Bill Macy7 x9 ^, S. |$ y; P2 q8 q, A/ B
      Lore Noto. k- N7 r/ m/ D& C5 m
      Robert Paget
8 S9 f# G: S2 z0 a  h7 J  h      Tucker Smith  g& I% x& o: M6 B7 X! Z$ p
3 E" {- w: `* u( Q# L( o% p' s
◎简  介   
+ s1 g. z% n4 W# A$ @7 F5 B3 C6 Z: \6 _" w; |$ k/ V. V
  Producers Max Bialystock and Leo Bloom make money by producing a sure-fire flop.
* Y4 b" A5 J1 f
1 X5 C9 }. h0 A' f& O0 t' p  一位落魄的原百老汇制片人跟一个“高级经济师”联手,吸引风险投资来排戏,以及如何搞砸这部叫《希特勒的春天》的戏,好让投资都进他们两个人的腰包。未曾想,那部“大话希特勒”版的闹剧大受欢迎,他们的计划也因此暴露,双双上了法庭。* K4 V- ~  a. p
1 @% U  X; q! k/ U( B/ q+ J! ~' E
◎获奖情况! ^8 l- i* K2 T: R  @4 F6 n
3 h3 O/ P. l& a5 [; l& b/ M/ [, a
  第41届奥斯卡金像奖  (1969)
& e  Y% |$ F4 I  最佳男配角(提名) 吉恩·怀尔德
; D/ t8 v1 r: j: H  最佳原创剧本 梅尔·布鲁克斯
  e, z, f0 ~) G- l
7 E0 ~8 R1 ]4 r- X3 O2 R. SThe Producers Blu-ray, Video Quality
. Q  N8 A6 a' e- x: s5 q
* ~2 G* K- Q. Z/ w6 L, L7 L9 e8 x! C) T. X
The Producers is presented on Blu-ray courtesy of Shout! Factory with an AVC encoded 1080p transfer in 1.85:1.  Shout!'s press materials accompanying this release state that this was sourced from a new HD master, and the results are often spectacular.  The elements are in fantastic condition, and no aggressive digital tweaking seems to have been done to them (if these were scrubbed of damage, it's been done very well indeed, with no loss of detail that I could discern.)  Colors have a whole new life to them (Estelle Winwood's dress is blue, baby!), and fine detail really pops, especially since Brooks loves to shoot both Mostel and Wilder, as well as several supporting players, in extreme close-ups a lot of the time.  There are a few niggling anomalies, however, including some very minor density fluctuations that give the appearance of negligible flicker now and again.  Also a couple of scenes which have always looked soft continue to, including the romp around Lincoln Center.  I don't think I've ever noticed this before, and I'm still not entirely positive, but it seems like the film utilizes rear projections when Bialystock and Bloom get out of the car to arrive at DeBris' apartment.( G" I/ z0 {3 n: m% n0 l4 _
1 ]' a' e& s& U' N  e/ d( y# X  a
The Producers Blu-ray, Audio Quality
6 {! l# [  j8 G: D
4 `0 C4 |. J% c2 b1 k1 e( e) {
6 I) u' @/ Q2 K. b: [' B+ CThe Producers features its original mono track via an uncompressed LPCM Mono (2.0) mix, as well as a lossless rendering of the repurposed (Dolby Digital) 5.1 soundtrack done for the Special Edition DVD, now delivered via DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 mix.  Purists will no doubt want to stick with the original mono track, which is quite spry and delivers dialogue, music and effects quite effectively.  I have a somewhat ambivalent reaction to the 5.1 mix.  It's a bit more aggressive than I typically like in situations like this, with foley effects deliberately panned to achieve a faux surround ambience (you'll note this especially in some of the outdoor Manhattan sequences).  On the other hand, the incredible music, courtesy of John Morris and Brooks himself, sounds fantastic in the surround mix.  One way or the other, it's nice to have a choice, and kudos to Shout! for providing fans with one.
4 h' B$ B1 @. {. Q0 b
Video) D' {7 e/ m' n0 S% W: ~8 m0 Y
ID : 18 _1 x8 v% O# \! M* c. z
Format : AVC
' S9 a" X" z& i- J2 V, m( t/ b: bFormat/Info : Advanced Video Codec0 o3 m! J+ u; i! n5 V% C" N$ l2 V: d
Format profile : High@L4.1  X. `+ V- _8 _2 Z5 I6 c" b
Format settings : CABAC / 3 Ref Frames
1 K  t) n8 f, n8 L1 F, r% R) yFormat settings, CABAC : Yes
! H5 N/ \" x- a+ U9 t, S7 yFormat settings, ReFrames : 3 frames
0 F# k1 L: Q# _1 \# BFormat settings, GOP : M=4, N=24  m7 V. s9 j+ c# N' d
- I" `2 r* ~+ u) c0 rDuration : 1 h 29 min. i+ z8 w9 w/ h) f' X) R
Bit rate mode : Variable
# |' c# o+ n3 k" n- \Bit rate : 24.0 Mb/s$ L- a/ W4 I9 W' j% I+ o. U) I( k
Maximum bit rate : 30.0 Mb/s) a3 |0 d; @3 u6 h+ M  |5 c$ R
Width : 1 920 pixels. e/ m1 V: s7 R& Q- M' d
Height : 1 080 pixels( O' Z6 s  l  f! J
Display aspect ratio : 16:9% j* T+ F( c2 n" t" u5 P3 t) O
Frame rate mode : Constant6 t( ~0 x( j2 i; O; e' b. C* x1 m
Frame rate : 24.000 FPS0 d7 r6 i  R& M+ r
Standard : NTSC
# k  h" {+ Q$ ^& h# \# {: fColor space : YUV
$ C$ a7 ]6 l6 e7 z% Z) W0 C& [Chroma subsampling : 4:2:0
! y7 B7 W, x3 E/ fBit depth : 8 bits
* D  g+ S4 [) r* ^Scan type : Progressive: O4 r) T; j  P
Bits/(Pixel*Frame) : 0.482
3 ]0 q; C9 M; z4 O% g/ t. f/ h6 n6 AStream size : 15.0 GiB (73%)
6 ^  Z( G7 Y; R0 ^+ DTitle : The.Producers.1967.REMASTERED.1080p.BluRayCD.REMUX.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-FGT
4 z1 e0 R' s& x6 L1 r$ _Language : English! l( s& W2 {5 d# z/ j% A+ o
Default : No
( ?& ?/ m. A! }) D' hForced : No
: W& a' N8 E% `, nColor range : Limited3 N$ D) U" v5 n
Color primaries : BT.709
' m/ l# X( \5 x# S* N* Y2 M$ E2 gTransfer characteristics : BT.7099 ]" g2 }2 C) U
Matrix coefficients : BT.709
# N1 d% Y, E. o. [
: k3 q5 ?# S  z+ [* m# CAudio #1/ l# r& V" G1 z) f7 R8 J
ID : 2( R6 m/ _" s) y9 T% r, J! K2 _
Format : DTS( {) d) p. k6 `. `
Format/Info : Digital Theater Systems
" m8 z4 z  a* H/ E1 `: O7 G: [0 @Format profile : MA / Core8 n5 y) _) I8 @0 V
Codec ID : A_DTS
, O% T4 G# @9 M: n6 zDuration : 1 h 29 min( o" a! @6 s" P) h& C
Bit rate mode : Variable / Constant- R) E* @' l8 E: B3 }( J# j
Bit rate : 3 624 kb/s / 768 kb/s
+ O! d/ c/ F. o' p, _  G5 pChannel(s) : 6 channels
" h6 C" \# p; \+ W5 U& k" m+ s$ ^Channel positions : Front: L C R, Side: L R, LFE
9 H  @( z! ?* r( v2 a/ y/ s; \, ESampling rate : 48.0 kHz
! H8 V% d5 S1 q5 }4 JFrame rate : 93.750 FPS (512 SPF)+ e2 {- ~! ]4 W7 J, u/ v) u: w: o. W
Bit depth : 24 bits
  R* c; e( r# D0 oCompression mode : Lossless / Lossy1 |4 c4 D  t! T. i
Stream size : 2.27 GiB (11%)
( Y- m  W5 C2 vTitle : The.Producers.1967.REMASTERED.1080p.BluRaycd.REMUX.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-FGT  t- W% _0 h, D* A/ @/ l
Language : English8 ]$ s! z  g! `. E& o& b% `# f3 s
Default : Yes) C9 C$ C% p# ^/ `5 w1 M  z
Forced : No
% A, c6 n) u6 Q2 c1 D3 |( }
' p# `+ m" X; k) D4 d! TAudio #2
2 J1 p. V3 ~- ]1 O, ^" uID : 3
3 F  T9 l" C+ [5 k0 wFormat : DTS
7 I/ Y% G* N6 H9 b0 p. k3 ~( ]( f$ SFormat/Info : Digital Theater Systems( i; {# h0 s' y* j5 `
Codec ID : A_DTS
* D& z0 k$ q7 }- r2 [1 w! Y+ oDuration : 1 h 29 min; N6 Z( g" ]. v* T' s# E) y
Bit rate mode : Constant
. X- T# V  _! I3 {5 eBit rate : 768 kb/s0 S! M" c1 p0 a& z- B
Channel(s) : 6 channels
9 H4 C* `/ [7 XChannel positions : Front: L C R, Side: L R, LFE$ _8 ]* H. a  D
Sampling rate : 48.0 kHz  N( B- B. b5 O( y- ~  J
Frame rate : 93.750 FPS (512 SPF)
' s$ b9 r- L+ I! xBit depth : 24 bits. m$ K4 f% K' d/ U
Compression mode : Lossy
! l* N* l& m5 FStream size : 492 MiB (2%)
8 O. g6 t/ y' f! x$ \Title : The.Producers.1967.REMASTERED.1080p.BluRaycd.REMUX.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-FGT
1 Z2 N" j6 n9 Q2 [! R, }Language : English1 V0 N' [8 v! P# [6 L
Default : No+ Q: B# o0 \, q8 b" M* m6 Y
Forced : No6 }1 x: Z  @2 {+ v
2 i+ o( T: L" X; l
Audio #3
0 t& P8 Y; f& N, ]' S4 ]" j  _5 YID : 4
/ k$ H3 e4 b/ A) i/ y( SFormat : PCM
1 K, n$ J$ j; k2 Z) K  O% j+ W0 ~Format settings : Little / Signed' j7 i. J. K* p- g$ Y
3 P8 ]0 t; R9 tDuration : 1 h 29 min3 Q; @# Z. v$ m
Bit rate mode : Constant* U* |/ N! p* x' e
Bit rate : 2 304 kb/s7 c- M) T1 W. ~; F) x
Channel(s) : 2 channels
4 N% n* ^( c# b3 |! k2 `Sampling rate : 48.0 kHz
: Q8 E* R& a8 P' F$ RFrame rate : 30.000 FPS (1600 SPF)
6 D- b6 j. b! `; F- |Bit depth : 24 bits
8 p2 i2 y  i$ @! Z9 BStream size : 1.44 GiB (7%)
9 a$ T) w4 S' v# ~, sTitle : The.Producers.1967.REMASTERED.1080p.BluRaycd.REMUX.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-FGT4 ~  C9 U  ?! B- g
Language : French
. E! O- N+ p# nDefault : No. F. X3 ?" U8 ^4 K$ u' i- T
Forced : No
' {2 n/ m) U$ v9 g, I
2 u. E6 a( j% M5 H. }Audio #4
. [. _, ^: O0 t! z8 l2 BID : 50 ~. u8 J7 e7 l3 x* m2 |  |+ ^- E
Format : PCM0 a. Z. D/ [3 C' E; r. L
Format settings : Little / Signed- S% h5 s, {' u
Codec ID : A_PCM/INT/LIT* G- ^4 {7 t7 j3 L, O+ n
Duration : 1 h 29 min
+ p7 c" `. a8 F- ZBit rate mode : Constant! \% _! _" |/ m* n9 Q6 U$ {
Bit rate : 2 304 kb/s: ~3 b+ \0 V8 E1 Z7 t1 |' G' D+ `
Channel(s) : 2 channels, U1 w4 [( u% F$ e: Q" R$ ~
Sampling rate : 48.0 kHz1 u& D! k) t8 B2 t7 M) T9 W' B
Frame rate : 30.000 FPS (1600 SPF)
7 e1 d# L* u, S/ QBit depth : 24 bits8 l% A) B! ]' C
Stream size : 1.44 GiB (7%)
3 t( [% L2 ^$ \Title : The.Producers.1967.REMASTERED.1080p.BluRaycd.REMUX.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-FGT
# D( q1 O; |7 p" f- qLanguage : German( L3 l' h$ {7 O  n7 {  C- ~
Default : No( w( g7 f' s. h# K2 z$ F
Forced : No  Y5 \" {6 O0 w3 q/ t' R
8 m7 ~' }+ D: x! J8 _0 i" y' d& a
Text #14 d! e  S# d2 b0 e( t
ID : 6
2 j" o; K5 G/ Y) f( K& h  PFormat : PGS
# R+ P  D# I9 \( B& N; f9 y. nMuxing mode : zlib, c# A8 ?9 e$ g
! E( g' U4 r: |/ k- L4 \, r( K  n$ L" HCodec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
7 G% ?5 S7 V. h/ q" _0 c) c- HDuration : 1 h 28 min5 h2 S  {9 _' r+ z. z
Bit rate : 38.8 kb/s& E, C5 K: ^7 E1 w. O- d
Count of elements : 2800
/ g' q* x. V5 y3 TStream size : 24.6 MiB (0%)
  v7 b4 d% `9 P' l( M1 H3 OTitle : English-PGS
/ O* M3 j" r& G- V9 @Language : English
) i* z! o' w$ v/ ]# G$ a1 aDefault : Yes; _) {) g+ W; J; K
Forced : No
, y: `, w8 ?0 g6 ?) A! n
6 X% V" ]0 b# i" W- vText #2
! s6 a+ s6 x% j( q4 nID : 7) Q! @& @* G* \5 y5 N3 K0 t
Format : PGS
4 h+ ^6 T6 G# p( |9 v2 {: |% gMuxing mode : zlib
: u7 G$ a5 O/ `% g5 y, TCodec ID : S_HDMV/PGS* Y" {9 E0 c; V1 A
Codec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
5 b* P' Q  y' K4 T8 {6 mDuration : 1 h 27 min2 B& y" L' c' E
Bit rate : 26.8 kb/s
# o3 N: v; T1 ?Count of elements : 1968
- U  U) n6 {; d% n& p. c$ o4 tStream size : 16.8 MiB (0%)
) k9 X9 Y8 D* B3 \3 w1 XTitle : French-PGS, [" L& q9 y/ n# I6 T/ F: \* p
Language : French; Q" ?3 _8 W% {+ Q$ f0 v
Default : No5 Y1 a6 {/ p" ?  |0 }/ u
Forced : No. A' e9 Q/ W  a2 s! o# W
1 m" G  R; d  h8 E( Y
Text #32 y) b1 A4 e5 c5 r% n% p3 T  H
ID : 8( L, Z/ ?7 x6 J) F. Z4 z' J9 V7 }
Format : PGS
1 A: S: D1 E! T" XMuxing mode : zlib
9 H1 e- i' G" t+ x) gCodec ID : S_HDMV/PGS
) F7 o! ^8 J* s3 |! v3 BCodec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs, @5 N3 |8 x; w' \: Z/ K
Duration : 1 h 28 min
4 m6 S# v* }: P+ x- vBit rate : 31.2 kb/s
! y: Y, x! t& `' t" ]5 t2 KCount of elements : 1802
, N2 k6 o8 I" t  F" B2 {5 kStream size : 19.8 MiB (0%)
& B( t/ ~/ K* ~0 U5 H/ M8 I; OTitle : German-PGS
, A+ c& P8 L% E5 M! sLanguage : German
  @( N7 [2 ?" ]6 u1 HDefault : No( a" M4 L, @" L- D" t! F+ l/ z
Forced : No
7 L; M2 A* S+ M! A! Z/ ^5 {" N8 y& @, `5 K+ \; T" S- u) m
Text #4
% B) U+ D7 w. m# }. V) c4 aID : 99 m5 n+ V3 B" N. E, ]0 g  C
Format : PGS( s- N' O, n* e* v5 J  [
Muxing mode : zlib
. G8 G( A  d( _Codec ID : S_HDMV/PGS
& |' }+ J" c+ F6 Q; n7 Z/ gCodec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
) b" Q: q" d% X! L0 M5 {: t6 CDuration : 1 h 6 min6 O& Q, G+ [0 Z4 `# t
Bit rate : 378 b/s9 j; R$ [4 A" O) o: u/ W
Count of elements : 26
7 |% E) R8 @4 r1 @$ Z8 HStream size : 184 KiB (0%)0 Z% C5 q) I" m
Title : French-FORCED-PGS
7 s2 |$ Y! F1 ?: sLanguage : French
3 u& F1 H: X" K) q8 b; l6 _! rDefault : No; C$ D. Y; v0 y7 I) q% ~, M+ ^
Forced : No3 i1 q8 Z! a) V* `* [
, G( k3 N/ Z/ X/ Z
Text #5
) b) K, E& E9 `! K3 G$ n1 bID : 10
1 `5 Z0 S8 o* O9 r4 J7 F, \, W, CFormat : PGS
% t1 G# x; x% r  M! ^  _0 DMuxing mode : zlib
- W. ?8 V3 M$ RCodec ID : S_HDMV/PGS
1 s9 B% X& S" N6 @% p1 I3 {" VCodec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
/ D9 Y" x, F! ~, D3 p% oDuration : 1 h 26 min
4 s8 T% X/ D7 LBit rate : 1 340 b/s8 |3 x! H1 i; E/ T! _3 ~" ~, c& g
Count of elements : 849 `6 n, w; h: C+ I* |9 f$ v
Stream size : 852 KiB (0%). Q& M9 c* r! b3 V2 a3 x) r# o
Title : German-FORCED-PGS
) |( B! p1 z. q2 a1 d8 H/ CLanguage : German
, n' H, K! m) QDefault : No$ m, L- I9 Z# U" T5 U
Forced : No
  o5 A% m4 |  o8 W1 I6 B
$ ?  p- U8 }' D( u7 x; _( R2 C9 CMenu
9 y- X( y9 f1 |8 e2 X. }0 J00:00:00.000 : en:Chapter 01- _" H- {/ m( L1 b+ g; n# ^
00:07:59.291 : en:Chapter 02# Y3 S; @# r) H7 ]; m
00:14:48.708 : en:Chapter 03
1 M  F9 @& y$ d& C6 p: I/ q00:22:04.250 : en:Chapter 04
* w& }* U& E5 a2 w+ ]0 I00:29:41.375 : en:Chapter 058 X6 r, b% w2 f  n& b' l( D
00:36:45.708 : en:Chapter 06
# v8 P6 w: c  d- p' B  F% n00:43:25.833 : en:Chapter 07
1 M! I  w( W& a: Y7 \5 V; [00:49:55.833 : en:Chapter 085 ]% M5 G$ P) I+ k. k
00:57:27.666 : en:Chapter 09
1 }1 p. E: [! o- d2 A# ?01:05:40.333 : en:Chapter 10# q- a7 d4 g$ q2 |) b9 E# ^5 F
01:12:55.166 : en:Chapter 11  c( o& ^: I" B' b  r
01:20:39.666 : en:Chapter 12
# H* M# C3 ]% t0 l% T

$ \$ h! z8 m0 V3 U1 K; r. K! h
! I3 s- Y- ^. k6 q8 Z; ^
# y  D; R' @: a- p( ^
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