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[蓝光原盘] A计划 [REMUX无损版] Project A 1983 CHINESE 1080p BluRaycd REMUX AVC DTS-HD MA 5.1-FGT 32.13GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2018-11-8 00:50:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Fighting against pirates in "old Hong Kong". Chinese costume drama with plenty of over-the-top tongue in cheek action and music.
% y" s/ s- K( `) w: U3 h
$ ^9 B8 a) r% q0 o 01.jpg . u' c. E9 W. z( k

7 P' p0 c2 L" A3 x◎译  名 A计划6 Z$ R1 h7 ^4 P! Q# `- f7 q' d
◎片  名 A計劃 / Project A1 P& |) V+ t+ Q" f& V
◎年  代 1983
* C/ x, c6 f' n; N◎国  家 香港
2 _- V; U) H: `( t4 v5 V◎类  别 喜剧/动作$ B$ o$ i1 Z0 y) t3 E+ {
◎语  言 普通话/粤语. t* c. c/ `- t& w5 S+ f
◎字  幕 简体中文
; X6 V4 J. p6 }- B◎上映日期 1983-12-22(香港)/ B  {1 z; ^) t
◎IMDb评分  7.4/10 from 12,672 users4 o0 S9 W% }3 L2 C) _: c$ q, F" q% x
1 F8 ?' q4 E4 u◎豆瓣评分 7.8/10 from 66,987 users* O8 c  R' m: _7 R! u5 [) v
0 x" y2 ?& ]% }6 A( i◎文件格式 x264 + DTS. q' P$ T3 N& g: t. H8 C0 F
◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080
: W; r% v- S; _1 _" K◎文件大小 1DVD 32.13 GiB
3 D  a: _$ K+ Z& |◎片  长 1 h 45 min
! W; x; e7 x8 p# m/ Z# }& k! t◎导  演 成龙 Jackie Chan- h! g9 W% w; E) z% t
◎编  剧 邓景生 Edward Tang3 E# m8 R+ p, C
       成龙 Jackie Chan
1 z: [/ |5 k6 c7 v% [+ g2 c◎主  演 成龙 Jackie Chan' u3 [6 l' C. }& ^; ^* z- \
       洪金宝 Sammo Hung Kam-Bo/ y, C4 Y) y4 S4 Y
       元彪 Biao Yuen
* A) n  ?' g/ q; v5 v  w& C# V9 Y9 B       黄曼凝 Isabella Wong" ]! ~' u2 c% \% h$ c1 }
       狄威 Dick Wei: W# Z3 d, @) B
       太保 Po Tai2 `* W' N7 t+ e: r, u
       午马 Wu Ma
0 m6 ~  _9 k: U8 a5 Q       钱嘉乐 Kar Lok Chin
8 M! A- S0 O% u/ c7 w/ {       火星 Mars# R" J* U! [; @! O" m
       李海生 Hoi Sang Lee
" @* t* ~4 c. |- U* q) F       关海山 Hoi-Shan Kwan0 V2 I4 W8 ~" A5 S+ O; n  h
       王伟 Wai Wong
2 e! R. J, m! m8 R1 @+ T/ }2 A       罗浩楷 Ho Kai Law5 d. y: L6 V$ A: P. [
       刘克宣 Hark-Sun Lau/ p. R) Z7 n3 R/ \! C8 w" k
       韩义生 Yee Sang Hon
* e1 t2 W( L# ]5 Z. I+ G+ O3 r       劳拉·福纳 Lola Forner
" m4 h+ m7 H6 a! T0 _       冯敬文 Ging Man Fung- d# ?, E* n8 B: X2 Z
       李健生 Chris Lee
! ?# j9 d0 k3 X2 ~       吴勉勤 Ng Min Kan
! `! O$ l9 z' _: h7 d1 u/ w
5 R  N/ f1 j- B# y# f◎简  介     + @! f1 F: z, l7 J/ z  k
4 ^; C# `5 W9 l, m3 E
  上世纪初,猖獗的香港海盗屡屡劫持商船,考虑到各国商家的投资信心会因此减少,继尔香港国际贸易中心的地位可能会不保,当局改编水师,成立了一支特警小队负责海上治安。  C$ G, d1 @( K2 d8 ~" I5 ~

: f; Y6 a6 m2 R( ]  队长马如龙(成龙)执行公务时遭人陷害,愤而辞职。海盗头目罗三炮(狄威)抓走官兵家眷做人质,当局决定利用内线周永龄从中调停。因为早知周永龄与海盗勾结,马如龙自告奋勇拯救人质,他重组水师,制定了A计划,期望通过与上司洪天赐(元彪)及好兄弟卓一飞(洪金宝)作里应外合,将海盗一网打尽。
% P3 l- I- i/ b2 {  z  ~9 A9 e7 |! h: X- P* J$ S
  In late 19th Century Hong Kong the British may rule the land, but the pirates rule the waters. Reluctantly, the Coast Guard is given money to fight these pirates, but the pirates themselves have many contacts (that is, bribed officials) in the government, and seek to thwart the Coast Guard's efforts to eliminate them. One Coast Guard officer is Dragon Ma, who is determined that his beloved Coast Guard will not be made fools of.; B$ u! B, |# s- b4 e1 E
; T5 m& C$ W6 X+ y# y& `# W
; u" ?6 u2 S) Z4 ]" D& Y
$ r8 L& U$ t3 r  ^9 l* @# l( P5 D
6 u4 g, r) g' T  E! q

1 D2 X8 w* {4 T% R  J. j
9 [. K5 g' c! p- a5 {. E9 _Format/Info..............................: Advanced Video Codec
7 h- q. \% [; sFormat profile...........................: High@L4.13 z" g: i! H$ t+ ^2 ~$ z$ O* E
Format settings..........................: CABAC / 3 Ref Frames
3 F$ `5 _7 F, y4 y- q# I4 W0 eFormat settings, ReFrames................: 3 frames
. N- v: P' G2 L5 [Duration.................................: 1 h 45 min  \! O! X) o  l' V$ [6 ^3 t
Bit rate.................................: 32.3 Mb/s* V# X! O& w% p
Maximum bit rate.........................: 35.0 Mb/s
. @; s7 J; r- R. ~Width....................................: 1 920 pixels/ N! \- z$ \9 l) C* d
Height...................................: 1 080 pixels
/ y/ ^1 {" x& `Display aspect ratio.....................: 16:9
: `9 M% w2 ?7 [* gFrame rate...............................: 23.976 (24000/1001) FPS3 j4 i; N9 A4 ]) _
Bits/(Pixel*Frame).......................: 0.6502 _" H: o& v/ V  Z9 h6 N  K) ~
Stream size..............................: 23.8 GiB (74%)( M, F) h0 [9 X
Title....................................: Project.A.1983.CHINESE.1080p.BluRayCD.REMUX.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-FGT
1 Q( K) I$ c. u/ C- |Language.................................: English
2 I% |, S) ]& g6 T$ t2 M1 E; h& x) }
% _1 I7 ]. w- W+ g-----------------Audio #1----------------- XLL
! {# w( J7 {) U1 JFormat/Info..............................: Digital Theater Systems0 z7 `$ C& S( k& t% P& F
Commercial name..........................: DTS-HD Master Audio& I7 S- g2 n5 @2 T0 h" K; U. E. J9 m
Duration.................................: 1 h 45 min
  P3 x- |8 _* _: v4 BBit rate.................................: 3 755 kb/s
' s8 A. q* S* DChannel(s)...............................: 6 channels
* S& z$ h: g+ ]2 kChannel layout...........................: C L R Ls Rs LFE
+ B* l; h$ a- @7 P5 YBit depth................................: 24 bits! i* u2 Z/ h# ?2 v0 l% z% u0 P
Stream size..............................: 2.77 GiB (9%)! M2 N  r. R: V" q$ \
Title....................................: Project.A.1983.CHINESE.1080p.BluRaycd.REMUX.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-FGT
2 J7 l  b* ?; m' SLanguage.................................: Chinese( y) b! b" ?+ A' V& ?; }; n3 m

  e4 a: @) e! H( H) y-----------------Audio #2------------------ r2 s1 K" `6 d8 W0 h& B
Format/Info..............................: Digital Theater Systems
- y1 G- }6 Q) a- nDuration.................................: 1 h 45 min
5 k# p3 t  a$ [Bit rate.................................: 768 kb/s7 j6 ^  L9 ?$ O1 q# x4 ]! P& j2 N
Channel(s)...............................: 6 channels0 l) a' o% @8 K. H
Channel layout...........................: C L R Ls Rs LFE' E" r; q; t+ ?3 l4 w
Bit depth................................: 24 bits6 b7 Z- }6 N4 ]! b/ {4 g1 z
Stream size..............................: 580 MiB (2%)
& `% C% e; h* `7 iTitle....................................: Project.A.1983.CHINESE.1080p.BluRaycd.REMUX.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-FGT8 \) t* q. i  U1 E4 x! K
Language.................................: Chinese
2 o/ X* [% ?! x9 w- L5 s- `) s$ r1 \* ^  J2 Z+ n
-----------------Audio #3----------------- XLL
* X9 w0 ^( q: z9 b- q4 i$ W" BFormat/Info..............................: Digital Theater Systems: D7 f; ?4 A6 m7 S
Commercial name..........................: DTS-HD Master Audio8 C1 N% _" O/ a2 d( q
Duration.................................: 1 h 45 min
; g: @4 h- {( _' a( v8 GBit rate.................................: 3 614 kb/s
. s6 M8 c3 o) j5 @Channel(s)...............................: 6 channels
/ M- W. b' J' {" N/ jChannel layout...........................: C L R Ls Rs LFE/ o/ e+ \# h/ n0 s/ ~, E
Bit depth................................: 24 bits+ [* c7 {8 f/ n; h: h2 b
Stream size..............................: 2.67 GiB (8%)
- v3 x  A+ v3 Q$ G+ {Title....................................: Project.A.1983.CHINESE.1080p.BluRaycd.REMUX.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-FGT' q: ^% f. T) N6 y, N; q
Language.................................: English% y$ _7 ^) g+ M( |2 L3 J/ k

% ^( r% E" Q* H$ r3 w-----------------Audio #4-----------------
6 m& L/ X4 ~: Z3 D' U/ b' U& QFormat/Info..............................: Digital Theater Systems
2 a, p2 `: W. a( ]' Q3 QDuration.................................: 1 h 45 min; ~4 i# k6 v, q7 ~
Bit rate.................................: 768 kb/s- |$ u, s* t) [
Channel(s)...............................: 6 channels9 i9 M0 H; l( ^7 x8 @
Channel layout...........................: C L R Ls Rs LFE. F8 d7 d& z$ J, X8 u
Bit depth................................: 24 bits
: m0 H0 X* B2 s$ R+ V2 C( H7 XStream size..............................: 580 MiB (2%)
- [( w2 \+ M# J9 UTitle....................................: Project.A.1983.CHINESE.1080p.BluRaycd.REMUX.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-FGT
9 e$ \3 K2 G: D0 [6 k6 C7 R. {Language.................................: English
+ w. L2 N0 j) W8 A1 u2 x7 q- L' Z. W2 K  o2 k5 ^
-----------------Audio #5-----------------
% R* P# }2 B- w+ Y* WFormat...................................: PCM
: U- a" o' {/ H6 ?Format settings..........................: Little / Signed
5 V' J, D7 U5 L1 t5 I( v" FCodec ID.................................: A_PCM/INT/LIT
* ?: s4 ^8 z. ~# C3 pDuration.................................: 1 h 45 min
% l, X% N/ A3 K0 x% z; u1 GBit rate.................................: 1 152 kb/s
8 _/ `$ `1 b" i5 r$ t7 a- r$ x! RFrame rate...............................: 30.000 FPS (1600 SPF)
, V* C: W: ?8 P4 \. ~2 V3 v; |( mBit depth................................: 24 bits
2 e- P& }" m: H/ d! |' GStream size..............................: 870 MiB (3%)  J) R, H5 c. e
Title....................................: Project.A.1983.CHINESE.1080p.BluRaycd.REMUX.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-FGT
$ ^9 v, I" T- \4 ^; W' Z' fLanguage.................................: Chinese
9 O" Q4 l' G4 i. Y1 k" z& J0 {5 g
& x" d3 y6 m( c$ w% X, {" K- U-----------------Audio #6-----------------
/ W  Y4 ]9 o. H; h6 U) SFormat...................................: PCM9 b( v, ~0 Z) S4 w/ r
Format settings..........................: Little / Signed. I) @+ w) c& d" e: w' s
Codec ID.................................: A_PCM/INT/LIT) L6 g3 ~# h# s! L0 V" A) F# p
Duration.................................: 1 h 45 min
" R1 ]2 X  }9 {' eBit rate.................................: 1 152 kb/s: i) g. h8 @7 W. w& D
Frame rate...............................: 30.000 FPS (1600 SPF)9 Y0 C  d/ g/ g
Bit depth................................: 24 bits7 @0 ]- }: ?' ^! ]6 G
Stream size..............................: 870 MiB (3%)1 a2 Z  M$ _$ {" Q
Title....................................: Project.A.1983.CHINESE.1080p.BluRaycd.REMUX.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-FGT8 y7 E  J# }3 f% A- t
Language.................................: English
3 l: c& ]7 v/ m3 Q' @/ ?: C+ b2 G' g3 {4 I0 ]$ }, v/ [1 X
-----------------Subtitle-----------------: O  J+ ]6 D+ Z- D
Codec ID/Info............................: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs  x  F2 J# k, \$ z  \+ [/ Q( i: V& D
Duration.................................: 1 h 41 min
$ ?$ S6 m4 H# U& m. u# iBit rate.................................: 38.2 kb/s2 d4 Q9 k( n+ _+ ^( V& V- O/ |1 q
Count of elements........................: 28562 C+ ]+ A5 e* w+ r4 ?% N
Stream size..............................: 27.9 MiB (0%)
2 H& ]' }8 V  T. V, mTitle....................................: English-PGS1 I+ V1 c: e% F3 H* M
Language.................................: English/ W4 h( G* U. y
1 d. U- ]9 y/ T) m, F3 ?4 r3 R
/ x! i# P5 F  Y: x00:00:00.000.............................: en:Chapter 010 n( l$ F1 u* `: s0 ^  A
00:08:49.153.............................: en:Chapter 02
  E* e" f5 }8 y, T. y* c00:17:16.076.............................: en:Chapter 03
9 C" Y, A# g/ E2 D) C00:25:52.217.............................: en:Chapter 04: s9 x1 z8 ?: b+ x; K! F
00:35:20.535.............................: en:Chapter 05
) y' W3 v+ H; @! p6 \00:45:12.876.............................: en:Chapter 06$ M- n3 `3 Z, e
00:50:47.252.............................: en:Chapter 07
% h; e8 a) ?" j* f01:02:26.534.............................: en:Chapter 083 w- A8 `, d* P; k) n1 l/ ~& X, j
01:12:04.862.............................: en:Chapter 09
0 {- ^, t7 v  u01:20:03.799.............................: en:Chapter 102 E& N9 R7 \  C! c  [8 I
01:29:03.713.............................: en:Chapter 11& Z) g0 C& r2 A* A- n* P( i
01:36:24.153.............................: en:Chapter 12
Project A Blu-ray, Video Quality
* z- {2 w5 q4 O0 }& B3 s. u7 ~5 R( z7 v4 j
8 `2 w0 Z- U/ r* c7 a- ~$ e/ T
As noted above, and as is the focus of this review, Project A's Blu-ray video quality is nothing short of terrible.  To be sure, there are scenes of general competence, where the image cleans up, offers serviceable detailing and adequate colors with little in terms of wear and other issues, but the vast majority of the transfer is defined by a total lack of effort that's a true disservice to both the film and its fans.  The image suffers most evidently from tremendous wear and tear; scratches, pops, debris, and random vertical lines appear over a vast majority of the print.  There's some overwhelming softness, sometimes through the entire frame and often around its edges.  Colors are sloppy and dim, and there's little color stability or nuance.  Flesh tones are shaky, and black levels fluctuate from overpowering to appearing washed out, and are often noisy to boot. The good news is that grain retention is evident, and the image never really appears smoothed over.  Detailing suffices, whether dirty faces and clothes, building façades, and general elements around the frame.  The film simply holds up better with the boosted resolution of Blu-ray, but otherwise there's almost nothing to like here.  The movie deserves better.
3 _$ F9 f: u- Y# H
  T. v' H$ z/ W2 ^, r* W" {Project A Blu-ray, Audio Quality0 W7 z( [- R  F( f4 l5 q9 C

- R! N3 [% z7 ~9 u) N" s: W+ N  z* K  R/ l& O$ X% {' W
Project A arrives on Blu-ray with a DTS-HD MA 2.0 lossless soundtrack that fares almost no better than its video counterpart. This is a dubbed track, presented in English only, and the dub is rather poor at that.  Dialogue is listless and sounds fairly detached.  It's audible and intelligible, but doesn't offer that same crispness and natural presence that's usually found on the finer lossless presentations.  The various fight scenes, from a rowdy barroom confrontation on through the rest of the movie, lack stature and clarity.  The general din of chaos -- landing punches, shattering glass, crashing bodies, screaming fighters -- is audible, but with no precision or sonic authority.  It's a jumble of definable but hardly life-accurate sound effects.  Gunfire does manage adequate crispness and the track delivers a few hefty explosions that give a cursory effort, but these hardly match what may be found on even mediocre tracks.  Ambient noise is limited, but chapter eight does offer some spacious crowd elements.  Music is dull and, as with the rest of the presentation, just "there" and nothing more.  In total, this is a disappointing, lackluster, no-effort soundtrack that, sadly, fits right in with the quality of every other aspect of this release. 1 e- X  I9 w3 M6 v+ L* G
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myg0123 发表于 2018-11-8 15:44:02 | 显示全部楼层
蓝光论坛里 ...







VIP advanced

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ytweb 发表于 2018-11-9 14:09:18 | 显示全部楼层
楼主发贴辛苦了,I*老*虎*U!: G% @. H  U: w8 e
要想蓝光电影论坛发展好,资源多,就靠你我他!To the development of Blu-ray movies forum, resources and more depend on you and me!0 E& e% z. i/ V* x# T# R. O
做人厚道些吧!我想还是好的……就是爱看美女的回复下 ...








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cs147369 发表于 2022-5-8 18:19:46 | 显示全部楼层








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sawas 发表于 2022-5-17 02:04:59 | 显示全部楼层
That's awesome!



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