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[4K极清电影] 无敌破坏王2 [4K UHD蓝光原盘] Ralph Breaks the Internet 2018 2160p BluRaycd HEVC TrueHD 7.1 Atmos-TERMiNAL 60.57GB








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迅雷电影 发表于 2019-2-28 01:06:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
- k' i. w8 s: e: l6 q9 \3 M
+ B4 I3 j. y; C# \8 R4 c* b+ j2 u◎译  名 无敌破坏王2:大闹互联网/无敌破坏王2/无敌破坏王2:网路大暴走(台)/无敌破坏王2:打爆互联网(港)/无敌破坏王2:破坏王大闹互联网
9 u. T! y: T& S7 L# ]  h- J& x◎片  名 Ralph Breaks the Internet / Wreck-It Ralph 29 p& v# x9 d( v: m) |, S, @
◎年  代 2018
+ c! N( H# q" J* N& C' B◎产  地 美国0 \* T! v( |$ [5 Y) C0 `8 h- V
◎类  别 喜剧/动画/奇幻/冒险
1 J  q1 Z6 ^$ d; {/ x+ `◎语  言 英语5 E$ j3 j9 I( Z  R* ~6 O
◎上映日期 2018-11-23(中国大陆)/2018-11-21(美国)4 @# [, y8 Z' J) |
◎IMDb评分  7.2/10 from 58,025 users0 S3 d3 x" A) N3 i9 b5 g; G0 A! U
% P# q4 K: N) X2 _8 w" `◎豆瓣评分 8.1/10 from 178,288 users- O! e& d7 h, v; K0 k% a: [% `6 H' k
% W# d" E, T3 O' e% o; l. _' E◎文件格式 x265 + TrueHD + E: A% V2 e, h8 a
◎视频尺寸 3840 x 2160
2 b2 p: |0 ^+ U: X8 b! G; q◎文件大小 1DVD 60.57 GiB, e- j& S" |  b1 t1 a3 |4 y6 y
◎片  长 1:52:31.160 (
+ U. Q  C7 @" u. @. o  o" S◎导  演 菲尔·约翰斯顿 Phil Johnston
9 m( K# y9 y  K- B. Y9 [       瑞奇·摩尔 Rich Moore  m- Z) c' G* E8 ?( y) j5 }# I
◎编  剧 菲尔·约翰斯顿 Phil Johnston
# s9 `. @% f/ E1 C0 F# ~( T! w; a/ Y       帕米拉·里本 Pamela Ribon# _& t( u; s# i5 k7 v' G6 o: k
       瑞奇·摩尔 Rich Moore
6 R3 w$ n: Q7 ?% p' |  S7 ~       吉姆·里尔顿 Jim Reardon" n6 n% L5 l! I; R
       乔西·特立尼达 Josie Trinidad7 j: r3 _, ^2 `# d' |
◎主  演 约翰·C·赖利 John C. Reilly6 p! q9 }: Q% U0 r0 J$ g
       萨拉·西尔弗曼 Sarah Silverman
- w# ]8 ^8 ~1 t( b       盖尔·加朵 Gal Gadot- L. [5 @3 @7 a. I
       塔拉吉·P·汉森 Taraji P. Henson
$ a# L* o8 k& B! n8 T* a6 M       杰克·麦克布瑞尔 Jack McBrayer
/ m* {6 X8 r- P( q: x$ S! T       简·林奇 Jane Lynch8 z8 M7 m% X" x) W7 G
       艾伦·图代克 Alan Tudyk
1 X5 }3 X# S. z& T0 ^2 n; b; i       阿尔弗雷德·莫里纳 Alfred Molina/ y6 i+ E1 Y6 N1 [. d" J7 A
       艾德·奥尼尔 Ed O'Neill
9 d! D) }2 [: I. `0 H0 a       肖恩·吉布朗尼 Sean Giambrone9 I/ x4 l5 o5 T! {6 C
       弗卢拉·博格 Flula Borg
. Z/ }$ Z. e  k$ q$ s) J       蒂莫西·西蒙斯 Timothy Simons# @4 [- g# t8 }. Z# d2 W2 }
       黄阿丽 Ali Wong) q3 F1 h9 s0 W+ J
       韩秘书·布雷克 Hamish Blake1 Z7 o  x4 z3 F  G% L5 w. N
       葛洛泽尔·格林 GloZell Green
$ J+ ]5 Q  ~7 J       瑞贝卡·薇索基 Rebecca Wisocky' b( O  F5 v9 V; E8 T4 \) n: y
       山姆·理查森 Sam Richardson5 T: W$ _) Z) u' w, ]* f% o
       雅布其·杨-怀特 Jaboukie Young-White
! u; B# J+ ~* A$ h5 d, i+ `       莫里斯·拉马奇 Maurice LaMarche7 h2 p3 Q; n4 l  C$ k  \2 Y/ u7 l: H
       梅丽莎·维拉斯诺 Melissa Villaseñor
. ], c6 n" h8 p       凯蒂·洛斯 Katie Lowes
2 L: ]( S, P- \& v6 `       贾米·埃曼 Jamie Elman5 w1 A1 H1 B2 @& g
       霍拉提奥·桑斯 Horatio Sanz
7 I# {1 S2 ?, m4 u% O4 a( ]# L: _       亚历克斯·莫法特 Alex Moffat
. p9 ]) O4 ~0 m. n# Q3 L$ S       琼·斯奎布 June Squibb5 r9 g1 q+ Y3 A, z1 }
       德拉·萨巴 Della Saba
) w6 v  `) \/ B9 E       菲尔·约翰斯顿 Phil Johnston0 x. b' ?* Z4 A9 K% A" H
       约翰·迪·玛吉欧 John Di Maggio3 m9 S7 Q* J, t7 y( r* L; @
       瑞奇·摩尔 Rich Moore" h! R  x( I5 D# c
       科琳·巴林杰 Colleen Ballinger1 P/ k1 O) j4 _- ]2 D9 t5 I
       达尼·费尔南德斯 Dani Fernandez0 i; q$ l. d- A5 H" d
       蒂芙妮·赫雷拉 Tiffany Herrera& Q4 I$ x( }7 i. o+ o! m
       阿娜·奥缇兹 Ana Ortiz( o' C& _8 a, V- H# K
       迪安娜·阿格隆 Dianna Agron8 k- {- w8 ^: x5 t/ O/ Z, i  y6 D& [
       杰森·曼兹沃克斯 Jason Mantzoukas$ H' U$ R+ |% ^' h! b
       雷蒙德·S·佩尔西 Raymond S. Persi( n% v' L+ m. s* c2 {: `. R
       伏霞 Fuschia!
+ G% J! v- c9 q$ M       罗杰·克莱格·史密斯 Roger Craig Smith
2 c" j2 `# l, F' I, n1 V# `       蒂姆·艾伦 Tim Allen
) ]& k3 Y& X% n. c. U       布拉德·加内特 Brad Garrett
( C, |5 u8 Z- x. O& `       安东尼·丹尼尔斯 Anthony Daniels7 ^, a9 e1 P6 x8 p$ X
       科里·伯顿 Corey Burton
+ F) Q8 s' v' K$ W+ `& G- e, }       范·迪塞尔 Vin Diesel
' T5 T# }0 r5 h6 b       维韦卡·波林 Viveca Paulin
1 W1 \" Q0 G, Z$ S4 x       迈克·吉亚奇诺 Michael Giacchino* f" t# v; z0 e  }
       凯文·迪特斯 Kevin Deters- ~' A" A+ w5 A# x) Y
       尼可·斯彻金格 Nicole Scherzinger
  k: d' u: T3 K" J* r* z       丹·雷诺斯 Dan Reynolds, a+ Q6 `! `  ]% U/ S6 g
       艾琳·贝达 Irene Bedard) v0 U' }1 v: _' o* ?
       克里斯汀·贝尔 Kristen Bell" `7 G. C8 x; ~# A1 V. R
       裘蒂·班森 Jodi Benson
0 B2 Y: z/ ?3 C( X! B. f% k0 @       奥丽伊·卡瓦洛 Auli'i Cravalho
) z) X  X  A' M# _& s1 {. b2 Q; J       詹妮弗·黑尔 Jennifer Hale4 O: O% T/ K+ ~* A
       凯特·希金斯 Kate Higgins8 p1 w2 `2 w) s: ~
       琳达·拉金 Linda Larkin
5 b1 R& T% s( x( |& R% d# a       凯莉·麦克唐纳 Kelly Macdonald
6 q4 o( u+ m4 \' i, K; N- P, g       伊迪娜·门泽尔 Idina Menzel
/ c: N) h1 g6 g       曼迪·摩尔 Mandy Moore% E( ]' l" w% ^
       佩吉·奥哈拉 Paige O'Hara2 L* B- t, T( N" U9 b" }
       帕米拉·里本 Pamela Ribon
" \8 x# o0 u1 P+ }7 x4 Q$ P       阿尼卡·诺尼·罗斯 Anika Noni Rose
2 @+ U  J$ S2 m! v, _# ~4 {* \       温明娜 Ming-Na Wen
8 N/ e6 v# K2 h0 ~2 s+ Z" {       珍妮卡·贝尔格雷 Jenica Bergere
- e- D: Q7 `1 Z" q0 F: h! r       比尔·哈德尔 Bill Hader
- ^4 k8 y4 y# p$ B! m4 k3 K# x  y6 E$ L5 }
◎简  介     
3 j4 |) L/ E+ |
, m8 ]7 p$ \! k- X; |. A8 V  Six years after the events of "Wreck-It Ralph," Ralph and Vanellope, now friends, discover a wi-fi router in their arcade, leading them into a new adventure.
  A9 N6 m3 z! I' O. x$ t0 ?: e' x7 F& O% d4 M% U
  这一次,破坏王拉尔夫(约翰·C·赖利 John C. Reilly 配音)和云妮洛普(萨拉·丝沃曼 Sarah Silverman 配音)又闯祸了,导致了云妮洛普所在的游戏《甜蜜冲刺》的游戏机方向盘遭到了损坏。这是一台非常古老的街机,在整个互联网中,只有一只备用方向盘正在销售,然而它的售价实在是非常昂贵,老板决定放弃这台机器,将它解体变卖。这也就意味着,《甜蜜冲刺》里的角色们将永远失去他们的家园。: Y  W5 T9 y- ~& a. Q  T
; i  l& p# v1 n" T
* t1 x9 _. l% y, i7 L' D; q7 s- M+ _* M, V0 u$ d! d; y* M% Q4 U
◎获奖情况  ' ~; r* i* W4 P8 n7 G
* f5 {! K* m7 p& i
( v( ]) t1 s3 _4 k  最佳动画长片(提名) 克拉克·斯宾塞 / 菲尔·约翰斯顿 / 瑞奇·摩尔/ x5 Y- H9 m$ m, z4 i
! O+ y( |' T. ~" }2 c0 [
) d0 T) w: r! e1 u* e+ \6 P9 b  电影类 最佳动画长片(提名)
, b8 e1 B( Z2 ^2 z. m; e2 `
; O$ k4 w# ~  \+ P8 K; x9 O  第46届动画安妮奖(2019)) J9 r: l/ E0 ]4 l0 ^
  最佳动画长片(提名)% q, j7 S9 F$ i! H" k7 ~
  最佳导演(提名) 菲尔·约翰斯顿 / 瑞奇·摩尔
# c2 G$ E  Q- m, Q7 P  最佳编剧(提名) 帕米拉·里本 / 菲尔·约翰斯顿
( h0 `: ]1 z5 s4 Q  最佳配音(提名) 萨拉·西尔弗曼6 C! n4 j: l& i8 d& v
3 ~( L9 J* L0 t, ?  最佳剪辑(提名)* J9 `/ T7 n' E- c
  最佳分镜(提名)* Y2 ]6 g  A3 e8 s
  最佳动画角色(提名)$ v9 ?: n$ E9 H: R
  o$ ^% c& w' F  p+ B3 f  Q9 C  最佳动画效果0 F& R* D0 _4 D0 x
7 A! R1 n" j4 K9 c  c* m
6 v+ e8 q* G4 Z' G* T( ~  最佳动画片制片人奖(提名)
# J+ {* [* D, U0 @/ D
+ ~" I3 c3 C1 ?( g- d+ C) B" s, z8 _  第23届美国艺术指导工会奖(2019)
1 }3 q& P0 {* g  X6 f  电影奖 最佳动画电影艺术指导(提名) Cory Loftis" `/ D- l, ?* K2 `; i( d( w0 ?0 t
6 \1 d3 ?! u* j( |
9 y/ s" y% \" a8 S$ g  金卷轴奖 最佳动画片音效剪辑(提名)& T/ c# [- Y0 j2 \" c( J5 i4 O
! ^3 m* }7 f2 Z/ G
" O! A; A+ H$ V0 z9 ?: Z  最佳动画电影视觉效果(提名)
) g  ?. n2 i- u% c) A; k  最佳动画电影CG动画角色(提名)- h. E0 F( G; ?7 L8 ?- H; ^9 {5 e
  最佳动画电影CG背景(提名); d8 ~. J0 z8 {: I& ^
  最佳动画电影模拟动画效果(提名)( m7 A1 ^* `9 ?
% _6 @  u$ I6 x; z
, n# _+ R3 ~) L* R1 o, H  动画电影最佳音效(提名)' F; T3 d0 M, q+ \1 Y

; l* G3 \$ [9 r3 e  第24届美国评论家选择电影奖(2019)
; H$ y. Y( K# S6 G6 W/ j  最佳动画片(提名)( r% q; ~% B0 [1 c" F
5 l. \( I" X; C% a( u* m2 ]$ X' ^0 @
  第23届金卫星奖(2019)/ p6 z' w: o5 z% p
  电影部门 最佳动画片(提名). c8 J$ k! _  B, {" \: v

, j, n5 r! o4 J- o) {5 J6 K  第17届华盛顿影评人协会奖(2018)+ H' V9 o! t/ H2 s9 b3 B5 E
  最佳动画片(提名)# q4 x( G1 Y0 p- J2 B
  最佳配音(提名) 萨拉·西尔弗曼
& X% y& j4 k" V3 _
) ?5 J2 k7 r) X+ m  第39届波士顿影评人协会奖(2018)
% I2 _& L% y/ T% O0 p( p  最佳动画片(提名)
- g% y+ L" c6 ^7 f. b" d  Q5 _
: p% c4 ^' _9 }+ D4 d  }+ t  第31届芝加哥影评人协会奖(2018)
% |( A6 C* D2 ?' u6 o4 {; s7 D  最佳动画片(提名). [2 U% l, d/ I: ~2 @

: v. k$ u5 `- b; i1 u  N2 @  第17届旧金山影评人协会奖(2018)6 t0 {( n* ^! @2 ^9 q8 l5 c
" f9 w1 k/ }- U) ]7 Y% Z* u; S- w) R2 U$ I9 M1 W
  第52届堪萨斯影评人协会奖(2018)$ R: R9 }2 ?$ Z2 O3 d
  最佳动画片(提名)' ]2 m8 M  f* a* J: [2 ?. k' Z

/ ~2 G8 W$ c* h# D3 l2 O  第22届美国在线影评人协会奖(2019)
. p/ @- |% W6 H0 f/ u! }  最佳动画片(提名)
% W+ B) Z7 o1 p+ t$ |0 g: r$ v, ~- b& v; B
  第5届豆瓣电影年度榜单(2018)6 U2 a" k+ Z/ |
  评分最高的动画片(提名)* m4 U/ C8 c, z4 k

! \! h- \) z& {, v4 y7 V
/ {( }6 ?( p5 `" |7 R, H
  1. DISC INFO:& y/ \, Y: m6 L. x! s
  2. " F% M, Y7 v: ]1 s+ g) v2 y4 x
  3. Disc Title:     Ralph.Breaks.the.Internet.2018.2160p.BluRayCD.HEVC.TrueHD.7.1.Atmos-TERMiNAL* b/ m) W% a2 P0 W; ~
  4. Disc Size:      65,040,526,200 bytes1 b2 X$ n% q$ f+ i
  5. Protection:     AACS2
    , g/ f  {' ^  s1 G
  6. Extras:         Ultra HD, BD-Java
    4 I& c1 A+ h; C: O, |+ Q
  7. BDInfo: (compatible layout created by DVDFab h$ s4 z# d* h

  8. 3 ?$ ]1 f0 y3 D9 C
  9. PLAYLIST REPORT:% d0 p9 r7 {( c0 |  y, H3 g
  10. 3 }! r! }0 H) v& Y% R8 R7 q3 f
  11. Name:                   00800.MPLS  
    . |$ H) U2 Y. K, F, G! T
  12. Length:                 1:52:31.160 (
    ! }+ u% c, _) v; H  ]
  13. Size:                   50,109,794,304 bytes' A  C: s9 |! G" J' z
  14. Total Bitrate:          59.38 Mbps0 ]" x6 ~( B2 r8 P+ c

  15. . b) ]2 P! C1 h0 R: @: R0 J" }
  16. Video:
    # D( Q! Q/ ~4 X) P6 ^4 _
  17. % A3 y/ _! m+ N* l
  18. Codec                   Bitrate             Description     $ Q7 {5 ?, E1 W8 @
  19. -----                   -------             -----------     
    * R" a- ^, f5 I0 t
  20. MPEG-H HEVC Video       47792 kbps          2160p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / Main 10 @ Level 5.1 @ High / 4:2:0 / 10 bits / HDR10 / BT.2020 / 9 n* ]/ d, _+ ~9 v# |1 E  V
  21. ' F5 d1 d0 Q# M2 l0 ^. j: `
  22. AUDIO:
    ' ~4 r% t' s' d& y
  23. ; L& j( E7 d$ I' Y( E/ `+ y1 y7 d
  24. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description     
    1 Y' g9 \; g5 E! M' M  A
  25. -----                           --------        -------         -----------     ! K# f2 W7 p$ c7 D9 A5 y6 B
  26. Dolby TrueHD/Atmos Audio        English         5273 kbps       7.1-Atmos / 48 kHz / 5273 kbps / 16-bit (AC3 Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps)  N' L6 \* N# [3 r8 {0 q
  27. Dolby Digital Audio             English         320 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz / 320 kbps
    ! |. h( D, g1 w5 @" b1 O
  28. Dolby Digital Plus Audio        French          1024 kbps       7.1 / 48 kHz / 1024 kbps (AC3 Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 576 kbps ( Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 576 kbps))
    & ^7 l+ B; s$ P, v5 Y6 K" i, z4 [
  29. Dolby Digital Plus Audio        Spanish         1024 kbps       7.1 / 48 kHz / 1024 kbps (AC3 Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 576 kbps ( Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 576 kbps))
    9 k& u5 ?1 f* \" a$ k: ^

  30. + W' \# K5 A% }5 W  j' x
    . J8 A; j; s# G& W" u2 y

  32. & N+ s9 D0 B8 n/ c
  33. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description     
    1 n! b- r3 P$ q9 v8 x; f
  34. -----                           --------        -------         -----------     6 m8 A5 h# }; H. Z0 z: r5 ~
  35. Presentation Graphics           English         57.217 kbps                     
    / P3 K3 v- u" v; i/ }
  36. Presentation Graphics           French          48.647 kbps                     1 G! l$ e- Z- h9 O0 K
  37. Presentation Graphics           Spanish         47.059 kbps                     
    1 S6 J3 I5 x" h* `" f6 o, K
  38. Presentation Graphics           French          1.197 kbps                      : Z6 ]; e8 x# [; r( i
  39. Presentation Graphics           Spanish         0.15 kbps
Ralph Breaks the Internet 4K Blu-ray, Video Quality  $ V, F! M  W' [) O; i1 f- ^/ s
0 z9 G  G/ j8 f1 p# ~
0 H) r; L0 ?% E$ V" _) N
The included screenshots are sourced from a 1080p Blu-ray disc. Watch for 4K screenshots at a later date.
- O1 G" A' c( Z+ m" e# M/ J& R( ^; I, |: E1 f1 i- V
Ralph Breaks the Internet arrives on 4K UHD with an upscaled 2160p/HDR-enhanced presentation. The source animation is appreciably, but not significantly, sharper and crisper on the UHD. Character renderings enjoy a little more clarity, environments a slight bit more sharpness, but nothing that really sets the presentation apart in terms of the uptick in available resolution. Small textural nuances, some wear on surfaces, frays along the edge of Ralph's sleeves, the fine fabric lines on his shirt's neckline, the glitter on Cinderella's dress, and the like are where one will find many of the more "significant" upgrade cues and adds to sharpness. But in terms of raw, readily visible, large-scale, and screen commanding increases in detail, there just aren't many.  
: T8 `  i9 |9 H" p! H
% D6 t- S7 F% CWhile it's difficult to discern much in the way of a significant textural upgrade for the UHD release of Ralph Breaks the Internet, the HDR color palette is certainly the source for the most obvious benefits. The film's opening act in particular bears much fruit under the HDR parameters, intensifying colors, solidifying depth, and helping to put a halt on some of the lighter, brighter, less dynamic contrast evident on the Blu-ray, particularly an early scene featuring Ralph and Vanellope on a rooftop in chapter three which finds more natural dark background depth, a more prominent selection of oranges on Ralph's shirt, and a deeper black color defining Vanellope's hair. Where the scene looks washed out and flat on the Blu-ray, there's a greater visual dynamic, a sense of shape and depth on the UHD. The colorful Internet worlds find another gear of gorgeous, with every color more intense, deeper, and more dramatic. One of the most impressive stretches comes in the room where the Disney Princesses hang out while on break from their Internet quiz duties. The colorful clothes, hair, and accents find much more life on UHD under the HDR color parameters, with each shade -- critical and support -- enjoying a greatly increased sense of accuracy and intensity. Cinderella breaks her glass slipper to use as a weapon against Vanellope at the 54:25 mark. It looks like plastic on the Blu-ray and glass on the UHD. Whites are brighter and crisper as well; take a look at the "open sesabees" text that appears in large lettering on the screen at the 58:23 mark; it's a great example of how much punch and brilliance HDR adds to whites. While textural ups are more on the "nice to have" end of the spectrum, HDR adds an arguably critical brilliance to the film that the Blu-ray simply cannot find.+ W  }0 P9 t# J* M- V8 |

6 c: z) F0 b% tRalph Breaks the Internet 4K Blu-ray, Audio Quality  ; @. O7 Y; z& R8 L

/ h2 f7 v0 h. s$ S# r8 Q
6 [+ \2 q5 W5 s6 W2 ORalph Breaks the Internet surfs onto Blu-ray with a Dolby Atmos soundtrack (the Blu-ray offers a DTS-HD MA 7.1 lossless audio presentation). This track yields the same volume characteristic as most recent Disney audio presentations, playing low at calibrated reference volume and requiring an upward adjustment to more fully enjoy. Once there, the track proves quite hearty and a somewhat better listening experience than the DTS track. Bass sounds more solidified, more pronounced, more regularly indulging the subwoofer not with occasional bursts of depth but rather impressive forcefulness that gets to the bottom of many of the film's more prominent low end effects. The track additionally offers a steady diet of fluid, seamlessly integrated surround effects, including a fun scene that introduces Vanellope to the OhMyDisney website, where Tie Fighters and X-Wings swoop around and environmental din completely immerses the listener into the location. The track extends its presence with frequency, including even brief explosions of sound, such as when Ralph lets loose a box full of bees that buzz in a sharp-edged swarm throughout, and above, the listener for a brief moment of bee bliss in chapter 10. Chapter 11 is home to a high yield uptempo musical interlude that is awash in big musical envelopment, impressive surround integration, and a healthy low end support. Surrounds carry well defined lighter environmental pieces as well, with no scene left wanting for an appropriately immersive sensation. Dialogue is clear and well defined with a natural front-center position; a few scenes of reverb encircle the listener with some top end support.   B- ^. x: E5 i" ~) c' \
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21cn 发表于 2019-3-17 05:18:44 | 显示全部楼层
啥也不说了,楼主就是给力!) b& d) G- x3 B$ g: P
The decisive Replies sink is I get the sinking feeling great sense of accomplishment!9 _( ?& T4 Z" M5 C








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1663778853 发表于 2019-3-25 00:13:35 | 显示全部楼层








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3947203 发表于 2019-5-5 17:23:49 | 显示全部楼层








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平常心001 发表于 2019-6-3 17:46:07 | 显示全部楼层
感谢楼主分享, M6 u" k$ X  x! N3 H








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sx592061922 发表于 2019-10-17 09:07:01 | 显示全部楼层








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livenchen 发表于 2021-6-9 12:03:16 | 显示全部楼层
: P* w3 K5 R- ~- [$ T' H



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