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[蓝光原盘] 今宵难忘/记住今晚 [REMUX无损版] Remember the Night 1940 1080p BluRaycd REMUX AVC DTS-HD MA

论坛网友  发表于 2019-3-28 02:17:14 |阅读模式
01.jpg $ F# w' Z2 t  t+ S/ F
7 j1 v4 m% }/ r' S
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◎译  名 今宵难忘/记住今晚8 M7 i9 I; T, ^" S  y4 t6 e
◎片  名 Remember the Night
1 o; u; T) \: r. ^; O6 A3 N/ n0 ?◎年  代 19403 o; B) A* ^) |6 P
◎产  地 美国
" V0 @, D5 l) b1 K◎类  别 剧情/喜剧/爱情
8 c% K; `: m+ _5 V# v' @6 e◎语  言 英语
+ F, O; t4 f3 ]9 j◎上映日期 1940-01-19! t5 e9 y7 e! s9 \, m# z( O
◎IMDb评分  7.7/10 from 3,929 users) G6 \! r( h* q2 W* k: @' O
  V& G7 X7 E" I1 g' @$ n) d& V◎豆瓣评分 0/10 from 0 users
$ j3 W) q8 A0 r# `/ Q◎豆瓣链接 ^$ R7 ]7 l1 ^2 X7 ?& Q; ^0 I
◎文件格式 x264 + DTS
& t' w/ i. q( g0 M5 y◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080
/ k- r; i3 x& r: U1 o+ v& K; j◎文件大小 1DVD 25.03 GiB$ f+ C' b0 ?- f9 ?1 h8 x: `- d
◎片  长 94 分钟
4 l2 n: m! @! l" C$ N◎导  演 米切尔·莱森 Mitchell Leisen' J1 |9 W2 |* p" r4 f
◎编  剧 普莱斯顿·斯特奇斯 Preston Sturges
* T8 ], w9 _8 }7 L) T  d% \! j. o# o◎主  演 芭芭拉·斯坦威克 Barbara Stanwyck
7 k2 N+ G; M% [1 I- Y$ d/ D# V       弗莱德·麦克莫瑞 Fred MacMurray
6 T8 q# F6 d- j& d4 j9 b       比尤拉·邦蒂 Beulah Bondi* X" D( h( t7 h( m. ^

! U4 x% t7 _8 b8 m- r◎简  介      
7 c7 |) |- g8 ~" N1 k  @5 q) ]  J6 \. r3 }3 ]( [% k* Z& h; W
  A shoplifter and her prosecuter fall in love, creating tensions in their family lives.
2 p/ H9 ]5 N) ]: M' r( b
: u1 D/ }5 d& b/ g1 _; c    一名扒手和她的起诉者坠入爱河,在他们的家庭生活中造成紧张。' f+ U6 {- c. y+ }$ T2 L( {

1 b- s4 }6 V6 j4 ?- }   Just before Christmas, Lee Leander is caught shoplifting. It is her third offense. She is prosecuted by John Sargent. He postpones the trial because it is hard to get a conviction at Christmas time. But he feels sorry for her and arranges for her bail, and ends up taking her home to his mother for Christmas. Surrounded by a loving family (in stark contrast to Lee's own family background) they fall in love. This creates a new problem: how do they handle the upcoming trial? $ d6 i9 D4 n! L- O+ T# A; [

: N* e1 Y, a* L" x: g: U6 k3 w: c" J
: j* e, _1 o/ G) z3 M3 j4 V2 T/ D- T' ^
Remember the Night Blu-ray, Video Quality  ; J+ h2 Z3 O) L5 z! {% O
- M9 |4 [, b5 M8 g% |- y
  F9 j, B5 Q* a  W% I
Remember the Night is presented on Blu-ray courtesy of the TCM Vault Collection with an AVC encoded 1080p transfer in 1.35:1.  Despite this being a Paramount film, that "presented by Universal" may give deep catalog lovers pause, especially when added to Robert Osborne's comment that Universal supervised the restoration of the film, but this is by and large a good looking transfer, albeit with some anomalies.  The typical barb aimed at Universal's treatment of a lot of catalog material, the over aggressive use of digital noise reduction, is not as prevalent here as in some other releases, though there has apparently been both digital clean up and noise reduction applied.  While grain is evident (spiking appreciably in things like dissolves), there's a just slightly digital look to this presentation, though it should be stated that there is still some noticeable damage as well that wasn't just obliterated willy-nilly with a preset digital paintbrush.  For example, a small but recurrent (and at times persistent) scratch toward the center of the frame is still evident throughout much of what would have been the first reel.  Contrast and clarity are both excellent, and in fact blacks are really luscious throughout the presentation (take a gander at MacMurray's jet black hair in some of the early courtroom shots, where it looks like it must be shellacked under a pound of Pomade).  On the whole this is a pleasingly if not spectacularly sharp looking transfer, with some midrange shots lacking a wealth of detail (see screenshot 19).  
6 c3 T9 `/ a% P4 i5 V1 P
" f+ T. S/ z# R% @. Z& GRemember the Night Blu-ray, Audio Quality  
2 H$ b* }4 e8 V7 v+ V4 a" L
& \1 a  V0 x7 {# A& A& A
) M+ ~4 Y6 |7 V. ]; [& }- b3 ?* uRemember the Night's lossless DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 mono track is a bit shallow sounding, especially with regard to some of the music, but dialogue comes through just fine.  There's light but noticeable hiss in evidence, especially in quieter moments, and an occasional pop, but nothing very dramatic.  Fidelity is very good, though dynamic range is quite limited.
+ ^. ]. x6 l1 y) Q- p" ~
8 r5 X! g! d2 S" D1 m2 \' h7 W& f2 U
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