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[蓝光原盘] 欢乐满人间/玛丽·波平斯 [欧版原盘] Mary Poppins 1964 1080p EUR BluRaycd AVC DTS-HR 5.1-FGT 42.2

论坛网友  发表于 2019-4-2 03:27:31 |阅读模式
3 ]$ a/ }( E9 X& K0 N
7 K8 t8 \; b2 z; r! t. ?! v◎译  名 欢乐满人间/玛丽·波平斯- D# Y3 L2 P" K2 j8 E
◎片  名 Mary Poppins
" f3 Z, x  p) B( U5 f3 b& }6 y◎年  代 1964
3 e; J! f  Z6 H3 h6 m◎国  家 美国/英国6 L! I7 T9 i' I* O6 D3 ~6 V! p8 Q4 w
◎类  别 喜剧/歌舞/奇幻
3 @+ F7 `/ @3 f0 Q◎语  言 英语0 z. ]* [0 s4 F/ Q/ `2 ^
◎上映日期 1964-08-27(美国)
" f/ C, j' s- a$ s◎IMDb评分  7.8/10 from 140,052 users
. t. K& G- D) }: H) z+ u4 e◎IMDb链接
6 X7 N6 ^  K' ~& D3 J. m4 G% Q◎豆瓣评分 8.2/10 from 5,393 users
) w: f( I1 _3 @" L- q$ c  p◎豆瓣链接 f: |' ?2 g8 g9 T6 g) `" H6 U
◎文件格式 x264 + DTS0 D! f$ O9 s" `" o
◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080; `6 K. `. W; S2 l7 v/ t* ^
◎文件大小 1DVD 42.29 GiB
: l+ q9 q) m$ M6 m  ^, Y- T◎片  长 2:19:06.338 ( `2 l, n" E0 G) ?; X5 I% ~
◎导  演 罗伯特·斯蒂文森 Robert Stevenson% l  _/ ~7 x" T% F% f' I  r
◎编  剧 比尔·沃尔什 Bill Walsh$ v' m! e3 [; \7 e; ]
       多恩·达格雷迪 Don DaGradi7 A' W+ }9 u, |- s0 _( E0 ]2 J; A! y" E
       帕梅拉·林登·特拉弗斯 P.L. Travers
8 L/ s! v/ T% F) o9 I' X$ _◎主  演 朱莉·安德鲁斯 Julie Andrews5 s8 O. _! o& N% m) v! P- d& r$ f
       迪克·范·戴克 Dick Van Dyke
4 _& q7 [+ y) o! T, A; W       大卫·汤姆林森 David Tomlinson/ O) l9 Q! l- P
       格莱妮丝·约翰斯 Glynis Johns6 ?5 m% t: H) N( d( O) V1 C
       赫敏·巴德利 Hermione Baddeley! ^7 ]. Q) I' A6 M; \
       雷塔·肖 Reta Shaw: m2 r2 p: m  v8 j0 n" z9 Q: B/ Z
       卡伦·多里斯 Karen Dotrice
; F! n; K) V# |6 ^( E: q       马修·加伯 Matthew Garber4 q* i1 A- o5 F. L- S
       爱尔莎·兰切斯特 Elsa Lanchester9 K% x8 ]  T8 B! m6 _0 b
       阿瑟·特雷彻 Arthur Treacher5 S0 I8 D% V9 B1 P' f
       雷吉纳德·欧文 Reginald Owen& l4 m+ d: \: J1 e1 }4 ~: j
       埃德·温 Ed Wynn
  c2 H$ x6 F+ G* u& ~6 V+ d0 L       简·达威尔 Jane Darwell
; P3 w; Z8 G8 Q0 G# y       阿瑟·马利特 Arthur Malet
5 T+ g; w3 S' b/ U1 |3 ~* W1 D8 u9 A  k" X6 H- t% F! ?# A1 [. c) C/ H0 x
◎简  介      
  d6 X) S" t7 [' T* F& m; j* k, M+ U0 p- b" C
  In turn of the century London, a magical nanny employs music and adventure to help two neglected children become closer to their father.
5 h# _7 z0 o" J& ?0 H/ }  h+ k  t6 F2 l' f- N$ e5 i3 @) M
  故事发生在1910年的伦敦,班克斯先生(David Tomlinson 饰)是一名银行职员,而班克斯太太(格莱妮丝·约翰斯 Glynis Johns 饰)则醉心于女权运动,公务缠身的两人顾不上照料膝下的一双儿女麦克(Matthew Garber 饰)和珍妮(Karen Dotrice 饰),只有请保姆代劳,可是,夫妻两人并不知道的是,古灵精怪的兄妹两,哪里是普通的保姆能够招架的了的!
1 M9 H, I9 M: W# D4 L; S% s: `" M! d7 |! e) Y" }, A  S- w* N
  一位名叫玛丽(朱丽·安德鲁斯 Julie Andrews 饰)漂亮姑娘来到了班克斯家应聘保姆的职位,她刚刚出场就令麦克和珍妮留下了深刻的印象。原来,玛丽是一位仙女,她的到来让两个孩子重新感受到了亲情和友情,亦让班克斯先生和太太明白了什么才是生命中最终要的东西。4 c% c7 @$ S4 e! `

- j' n" _% Y" l  o  d# c) F5 t  A magical nanny takes the two young children of a wealthy London banker on a journey into playful worlds and eccentric characters, eventually showing them and their cold-hearted father the power of love over money.
) o: ^, `" I4 D) ~) h) V; x
1 u5 ?8 \6 G/ z) o' M◎获奖情况
: i- N* N1 q/ n6 `; G. I  \; ]1 g% T. X1 N- l2 e) D
  第37届奥斯卡金像奖 (1965)
& Z2 Q7 z6 |" G' n3 Z' K  最佳影片(提名) 华特·迪斯尼 比尔·沃尔什
+ X, E0 w3 P7 O$ f; _5 G4 y2 Q) S  最佳导演(提名) 罗伯特·斯蒂文森1 A4 i3 E" `; \2 J
  最佳女主角 朱莉·安德鲁斯7 R; ]% z0 D  M& n' ?$ ~) l8 J3 x
  最佳改编剧本(提名) Don DaGradi 比尔·沃尔什4 f  {7 k! |# ]( K7 ^; W& P
  彩色片最佳摄影(提名) Edward Colman
6 O( V" |6 D* u" a  最佳剪辑 Cotton Warburton
8 d* R) e" d7 d7 B# e6 }& I  最佳视觉效果 Peter Ellenshaw 汉密尔顿·卢斯科 Eustace Lycett
! c3 a' u  ?+ k* u$ K" N- z  最佳音响(提名) Robert O. Cook) N# A; o$ R1 X- n/ L
  彩色片最佳艺术指导和布景(提名) William H. Tuntke Emile Kuri Carroll Clark Hal Gausman! ^/ }  r/ U; _; Y- b& q
  彩色片最佳服装设计(提名) Tony Walton( ^7 q1 X, J+ A' v( Z3 o: I
  最佳配乐 罗伯特·谢尔曼 理查德·谢尔曼* B7 e0 q: Q$ I4 U6 z5 B: p
  最佳改编配乐(提名) Irwin Kostal
% z* t6 i, ]6 u  最佳原创歌曲 理查德·谢尔曼 罗伯特·谢尔曼" u# Z- p- D6 a/ K5 {

$ c) j& A8 z6 k! V( R7 A5 U, yMary Poppins Blu-ray, Video Quality  % {' b' R5 U5 `' V$ [7 @

( B# D% V( A" r; ?, R' N4 l5 ]# [! w$ y! ]
Mary Poppins arrives on Blu-ray with a lovely 1080p/AVC-encoded video presentation that offers a glimpse into what Disney could do if it finally, at long last, began releasing the bulk of its live-action classics canon. Colors are striking but never overbearing, primaries follow suit, skintones are warm and carefully saturated, and black levels are deep and satisfying. Detail is excellent too, with refined, (mostly) clean edges, a nicely preserved grain field, and exacting, altogether filmic textures. There is some softness to be had (particularly in regards to the film's animated sequence), but it's part and parcel of the original source, photography and compositing, nothing more. Eagle-eyed videophiles will also spot a slight bit of ringing here and there; thankfully little more than the product of judiciously implemented restoration and remastering techniques. (Just to be clear, I'm not lumping in the lines that appear around Andrews, Van Dyke, Dotrice or Garber in composite shots, which are a part of the original film elements.) All else is precisely as it should be, without any notable macroblocking, banding, aliasing, errant noise or other uninvited guests. So bring on the live-action classics, Disney. Just be sure to afford them the same treatment and tender, loving care.
# m6 _- k5 [* Q& R) a& S8 P& K2 Q9 ]* V6 n; f
Mary Poppins Blu-ray, Audio Quality  
$ N3 B/ J; m2 @3 S; y" I5 I5 \0 g+ p5 u$ f8 X( h

; m" a& V8 N' J) Q) Z) PDisney's DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 surround track is arguably an exercise in overkill, especially when so much of Mary Poppins' sound design is front and center. But the only real problem I see is that the presence of a 7.1 lossless mix will lead some to expect a more enveloping experience instead of the restrained but sincere track we have here. Otherwise, there's little to criticize. Dialogue is crystal clear and neatly prioritized at all times; effects, though inherently stagy, are crisp and mischievous; and Richard and Robert Sherman's unforgettable songs have quite simply never sounded better, fuller or more engaging. LFE output is entirely commendable, albeit rather reserved -- there aren't many sequences that require low-end muscle anyway -- which could just as well be said of rear speaker activity, although there's enough directional magic and cross-channel pan-play to several scenes to justify the implementation of all eight speakers. Dynamics are a tad thin, sure, but chalk that one up to age too. No, Mary Poppins doesn't sound as if it were shot yesterday, and no, Disney's track isn't what anyone will label groundbreaking or revelatory. What it is, though, is very, very good, and I seriously doubt any other mix could do more with what the studio had to work with. Ideally, I would have liked to have the option to listen to a lossless presentation of the Original Theatrical Mix as well (which is limited to a lossy Dolby Digital 2.0 track), but so it goes. 7 h; |! l! N# v% F! r' R/ U
    4 l  h, p! c6 E

  2. % [( `9 s: _+ t, _" {! t
  3. Disc Title:     Mary.Poppins.1964.1080p.EUR.BluRayCD.AVC.DTS-HR.5.1-FGT4 _  p8 G" Z/ [. Q* V
  4. Disc Size:      45 409 787 723 bytes9 k/ Y6 q7 t: Y1 G, U! O1 e
  5. Protection:     AACS" ?- F  e  y- ~
  6. BD-Java:        Yes# y2 k3 T9 c% r2 V, ^, \8 n+ u7 X
  7. BDInfo:         0.5.8
      s; k) f( B. S" Q+ Q3 ~- t
  8. 1 C1 x& j8 B/ {$ O
  9. PLAYLIST REPORT:- \' p6 j* d& h( Z2 L

  10. $ N8 q- r( [8 N3 g7 @# ?( P
  11. Name:                   00800.MPLS4 Q- f, u+ t! d2 F1 {
  12. Length:                 2:19:06.338 (
    3 x  ?& }7 ^2 p& q4 P
  13. Size:                   31 515 230 208 bytes5 ^. D7 ?/ y9 O1 {* z5 r
  14. Total Bitrate:          30,21 Mbps
    & I  T: o6 V- c, _/ g8 P  O! q
  15. % E$ J- D% v; m
  16. VIDEO:: J) C% D6 Q  B) W$ e: X; M* o
  17. 7 ?$ v# b3 }! O3 A: Z4 f
  18. Codec                   Bitrate             Description   
    ( G' B' b6 D2 q! [8 J( U! I3 O& h
  19. -----                   -------             -----------   
    ) O# w9 Y! _4 y3 p9 f! F4 L9 k  c
  20. MPEG-4 AVC Video        23059 kbps          1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    " f* h- {/ r$ f6 `
  21. 1 o$ A; D4 M4 }& a: ^$ [
  22. AUDIO:7 Q$ t9 R& l7 L/ D
  23. # V. J' R- B! @1 b! ]& T7 {" ?9 }4 [% B/ P
  24. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description   
    ( V" ?# |, }7 g, P0 V  z. Q4 e
  25. -----                           --------        -------         -----------    6 F' t( x& `1 w2 h8 Z6 _
  26. DTS-HD High-Res Audio           English         2046 kbps       5.1 / 48 kHz / 2046 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)
    7 q: w8 W' }6 `8 @/ B; M/ f
  27. Dolby Digital Audio             German          640 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps
    # C" H5 ~0 J" H  A( C7 c
  28. Dolby Digital Audio             Spanish         640 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps# t  f- Y+ J4 T* G4 X7 Y9 X0 B
  29. Dolby Digital Audio             Portuguese      640 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps
    ' r* F/ E; J1 R) U
  30. Dolby Digital Audio             Russian         640 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps/ C$ R) k+ s/ s4 r
  31. Dolby Digital Audio             English         192 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps) c3 t1 J3 Y+ s& m1 s6 S0 @) N

  32. " i! Z6 y, L- }5 t
  33. SUBTITLES:+ W3 }8 q& D. D
  34. - c8 \$ J5 Y0 F5 _: s; T4 d9 Y* u
  35. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description   
    9 o/ W* u" ]% y2 o% B
  36. -----                           --------        -------         -----------   
    ! g  s8 ~& I/ p, \
  37. Presentation Graphics           English         36,244 kbps                    6 I  B8 _9 D0 y, n
  38. Presentation Graphics           German          34,555 kbps                    
    3 o' V/ v& u% q. b5 w9 i! {
  39. Presentation Graphics           Spanish         33,229 kbps                    
    # M$ z" c+ u2 Z+ \9 y% B  A
  40. Presentation Graphics           Portuguese      39,869 kbps                    
    0 H0 Z/ a7 j* K
  41. Presentation Graphics           Russian         37,095 kbps                    1 T# K$ d; V, {+ z; j9 F, h
  42. Presentation Graphics           English         80,788 kbps                    
    ; t: |( J) g$ [1 H# w
  43. Presentation Graphics           German          63,575 kbps                    
    9 s' \) t/ q2 P/ ?! Y
  44. Presentation Graphics           Spanish         63,911 kbps                    # s7 Q- {, V* Z8 d
  45. Presentation Graphics           Portuguese      69,393 kbps                    4 {7 @0 J* c- P
  46. Presentation Graphics           Russian         64,778 kbps                    * t* O& e! R; j1 g2 o! J/ `. V+ ?
  47. Presentation Graphics           English         11,729 kbps                    
    , q- a  ~! U: w; v5 j* ]9 R. F
  48. Presentation Graphics           German          11,703 kbps                    
    3 Q# d" ^. K* y( o1 A$ D3 m
  49. Presentation Graphics           Spanish         9,304 kbps                     
    8 w: J0 K: _8 v' d5 M/ J
  50. Presentation Graphics           Portuguese      10,355 kbps                    , A) \! W. N* g: g, p
  51. Presentation Graphics           Russian         10,530 kbps                    
    % ~( {: ?, c& ~) q& e( K
  52. Presentation Graphics           German          0,041 kbps                      ( k, v0 m+ k4 {
  53. Presentation Graphics           Portuguese      0,149 kbps                      ' [  O) a$ y; T: P$ [8 z
  54. Presentation Graphics           Russian         0,032 kbps                     
. i  x4 Z2 ]" V2 a; ~4 n4 e, U. ]3 p8 B; V$ h. W; ?0 ^
* ~0 @! ~, A6 |; r
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