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[蓝光原盘] 影子大地/幻境/幽谷之旅 [REMUX无损版] Shadowlands 1993 1080p BluRaycd REMUX AVC DTS-HD MA 2.0-FGT 37.99GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2019-4-11 00:15:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 R" }9 r# C+ r1 C; s* K) J* T2 W% V+ B
◎译  名 影子大地/幻境/幽谷之旅/曾经深爱过/荫蔽之地
' G5 J. m/ m9 e◎片  名 Shadowlands2 ^0 t5 i( j6 V1 k, Z
◎年  代 1993( k; Z9 z6 F! p5 q$ |) @* h7 T5 M
◎产  地 英国4 i" \+ \2 t1 W6 i, B" y6 x
◎类  别 剧情/爱情/传记! t' b1 m' g3 y4 V
◎语  言 英语
& C  o# F5 ?$ u0 W◎上映日期 1994-03-04(英国)
+ }7 B4 i% _, c9 E3 s- P5 W/ H, n8 ?◎IMDb评分  7.3/10 from 15,400 users
* x+ c" I" ?8 m7 D, m. Y9 a◎IMDb链接
7 f5 P# d( F% |- f  S# h) m◎豆瓣评分 8.6/10 from 1,878 users
* p* h6 v7 o! D◎豆瓣链接 c9 {# E* v5 d2 v# N. t
◎文件格式 x264 + DTS; g; d0 t3 o$ O9 d
◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080
9 d) {& c' K9 T◎文件大小 1DVD 37.99 GiB) F7 A; b! _; T* S
◎片  长 2h 11mn- S1 P6 S+ |# n5 n3 `* Z1 K
◎导  演 理查德·阿滕伯勒 Richard Attenborough1 s+ J$ U  ?% @* o) c4 u$ t) a
◎编  剧 威廉姆·尼克尔森  William Nicholson2 e0 `6 i/ v. A% a! _' ?
◎主  演 安东尼·霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins
; T% b( `" C3 F9 v       德博拉·温格 Debra Winger1 |. _! o4 S8 b4 Y* s: o# s6 {) M
       朱利安·费罗斯 Julian Fellowes
6 q, h" L8 P5 S; }  L0 R# O! @4 n       约瑟夫·梅泽罗 Joseph Mazzello) E: M/ t& i! m2 _5 n* v8 L
       爱德华·哈德威克 Edward Hardwicke1 C5 Z) }: [4 W3 L
       罗迪·莫德-罗克斯比 Roddy Maude-Roxby
% D; j: J7 g# |" F5 n       迈克尔·丹尼森 Michael Denison
3 {& |8 |9 Y( @- s5 p4 ^( f# J
7 N% w8 D. h( U( @" B) {8 F7 a0 m◎简  介      
/ @4 N+ }- D+ J( p3 I; o! b! t1 {# j* d# U
  C.S. Lewis, a world-renowned Christian theologian, writer and professor, leads a passionless life until he meets a spirited poet from the U.S. 8 P; u  m7 N7 |: R6 f# n' q4 t. r

3 v) _3 B( }3 v7 Q0 i  故事发生在1952年的英国,一次偶然中,作家杰克(安东尼·霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)结识了名为乔伊(德博拉·温格 Debra Winger 饰)的女子和她的儿子道格拉斯(约瑟夫·梅泽罗 Joseph Mazzello 饰),很快,三人便成为了好友。
2 F* \4 \, K/ [6 f4 n6 [8 y4 C( k" S8 v4 k; i) m
  为了能够留在英国,独身多年的乔伊决定和杰克结婚,然而这段婚姻却并没能给乔伊带来幸福,她最终还是选择了离开。经过医生的诊断,乔伊患上了不治之症,得到了这个消息,杰克才猛然醒悟,原来自己的心底一直深爱着这个坚强的女人,杰克找到了乔伊,两人重新走到了一起。在往后的岁月里,杰克一直不离不弃的陪伴在病重的乔伊身边,虽然死亡步步逼近,但两人都找到了一生的挚爱。& m% d: \  _* ]8 q
" ~4 _0 V6 S) Q
  CS Lewis, the author of the Chronicles of Narnia books, teaches at an Oxford College during the 1930s. An American fan, Joy Gresham, arrives to meet him for tea in Oxford. It is the beginning of a love affair.
$ f0 v6 d( g1 Q
1 e! a1 M6 U( o◎获奖情况  
5 G5 x6 L: O. a, P: l) z* w% A# b0 r) h1 D! T
( q3 w* }6 K" |7 h  最佳女主角(提名) 德博拉·温格, Q- r5 n: Q+ R, y. |" @! g* {
  最佳改编剧本(提名) 威廉姆·尼克尔森
, K8 ?! K* n, T& D; K/ C; s
8 p! C" B" J& E& @& p! F  第47届英国电影学院奖(1994)% `; x4 j/ T. k; W$ i% o0 j
  电影奖 最佳影片(提名) 理查德·阿滕伯勒 / 布莱恩·伊斯特曼
7 f4 {$ k/ L' j, m/ K- \. ~$ s+ [  电影奖 最佳英国影片 理查德·阿滕伯勒 / 布莱恩·伊斯特曼, T4 [5 S. ^/ t' L: }; o" E9 w
  电影奖 最佳导演(提名) 理查德·阿滕伯勒
1 B/ n) M( L( K  |, J2 Y1 u; j: Y  电影奖 最佳男主角(提名) 安东尼·霍普金斯6 E  s  O. R4 [
  电影奖 最佳女主角(提名) 德博拉·温格+ T3 n( p; M1 N* @; H, h; K6 s" G
  电影奖 最佳改编剧本(提名) 威廉姆·尼克尔森
: R, I( a2 U9 L1 ~
* e# e1 n! w# \- p1 mShadowlands Bluray, Video Quality  
1 L2 k, }3 M0 W: i3 n8 ]! B/ u9 q+ L0 |0 v7 Q" j+ i! G

- N5 @1 I: x$ @: uPresented in its original 2.39:1 aspect ratio, this new 1080p transfer of Shadowlands is a fine representation of the source material.  It's a wonderfully natural-looking film with fine cinematography by Roger Pratt, who's worked on an extremely varied collection of films including Brazil, Batman (1989), 12 Monkeys, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, and Chocolat.  Filmed on location in and around Oxfordshire, London, and the surrounding areas, the large majority of Shadowlands looks to have been shot in natural light, both indoors and out.  This is a carefully composed production with no shortage of terrific framing techniques, stylish in its own right without feeling showy or distracting in the process.  Although I noticed one or two minor defects along the way including a few speckles of dirt and slight telecine wobble during a few short sequences, the majority of Shadowlands looks absolutely terrific with a healthy overall appearance and plenty of room to breathe on this dual-layered disc.  Without question, this is easily the film's best appearance on home video to date and, in all likelihood, it will never look better.6 T, L  ?9 F; g- o, w: z' ~
1 J+ Y7 ^9 x/ X* S# ]: p3 P/ U
Shadowlands Blu-ray, Audio Quality  # C# z3 L" f/ C8 x
1 q9 F) V! |$ J7 s( T
4 R  G: R/ [4 g; B: n- i
Likewise, the default DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 (Stereo) mix makes the most of Shadowlands' simple but effective soundtrack. Dialogue is given the lion's share of attention and sounds perfectly crisp whether we're at a crowded social gathering, spacious church sanctuary, cramped interior, or more expansive outdoor setting.  Weather-related events, such as the occasional rainstorm, also add to the drama without overpowering. Channel separation is minimal but most obvious during layered conversations and one of many music cues by George Fenton, whether arranged or original.  While the original format of this audio mix all but limits everything to the front channels -- and let's face it, even the quietest drama often sounds more natural with a full-fledged 5.1 track -- it's probably good that a faux surround remix wasn't attempted here. Optional subtitles, accessible via the subtitle button or pop-up menu button on your remote, are available in English SDH and placed within the image frame.  5 c- p. m& ~9 K* G
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