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[蓝光原盘] 谋杀博士 [REMUX无损版] The Green Man 1956 1080p BluRaycd REMUX AVC DTS-HD MA 2.0-FGT 17.64GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2020-8-5 17:00:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
An assassin is annoyed by a vacuum cleaner salesman determined to stop him.
! v# `* l; h6 r8 ~0 _3 m1 F; X* y2 x$ }
9 [, B( u$ B2 K2 w  V5 E; y( C8 f- h' E) Q
◎译  名 谋杀博士
$ F1 f* J3 D! Y- S' p' Y◎片  名 The Green Man4 T) n/ T- ^6 V0 y% K' F5 k9 {
◎年  代 1956
# P; \3 \7 s3 a$ F7 ^◎产  地 英国3 p7 \; H1 J5 B+ S, Z4 H1 q
◎类  别 喜剧* V; e$ B, Q8 M6 O' o4 i) _; z/ f
◎语  言 英语
7 _4 ~7 q% j) c" u0 k◎上映日期 1956-09-18; i( R+ @0 @2 e* Q. P
◎IMDb评分  7.2/10 from 1,357 users3 \, O/ M/ J( i2 F. p8 ~/ r$ t2 B" I: y
◎IMDb链接 q7 z9 Z6 ^# H2 z7 X
◎豆瓣评分 0/10 from 0 users
" a8 }! P  w1 `9 v( P) A. R/ G◎豆瓣链接
: j. s  M- }7 v, b* |# c0 y◎文件格式 x264 + DTS; g. e, L' V5 @. N, ~2 ~
◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080
8 q7 G7 t  H0 g. M9 L+ I5 A) }  X% v◎文件大小 1DVD 17.64 GiB
4 F. ^) P- ]$ {/ d& l: m- |◎片  长 1 h 20 min) V( M5 G6 Q3 c' j
◎导  演 罗伯特·戴 Robert Day
8 {( {! G( S% {; G9 d2 j5 M       巴兹尔·迪尔登 Basil Dearden
5 M( z( [( ^$ z: K# e◎编  剧 西德尼·吉里亚特 Sidney Gilliat# B& Q) X1 v! ~+ X% }; z
       弗兰克·劳恩德 Frank Launder
/ j$ A- o" m5 x* e* q◎主  演 阿拉斯塔尔·西姆 Alastair Sim" j% q3 `$ f' ]% t
       乔治·科尔 George Cole( E7 Z! d9 v5 m) l% y: \
       特里-托马斯 Terry-Thomas. R9 {# W& J, n2 i( @: p- P/ H) E
       吉尔·亚当斯 Jill Adams
+ L# L. u5 e! E8 ~' v6 h# i4 D8 o% a& i7 A# L# T1 W- c
◎简  介  
* o$ V; Y& N: G: C0 R
5 l2 M, }8 L& I3 Q  一个刺客被一个决心阻止他的吸尘器推销员惹恼了。
' ^! R: j  Q1 }) @& r
% s# V% y, T: D2 Y3 Y5 C2 q# d  Work has been going with a bang for freelance assassin Hawkins but a job in England just after the war is a different matter. His apparently easy target, a pompous government minister, is off for some hanky-panky at the Green Man on the south coast, where Hawkins is planning to retire him for good. But before he can get on with this the hit-man has a procession of unwanted visitors at home to dispose of - one way or another.
& q0 h% h# P* j5 U* t* U1 Q' D' b' q  z! E" B
  Alistair Sim plays a mild, innocuous little watchmaker who spends his off-hours as a professional assassin. His present target is windbag cabinet member Raymond Huntley. After various misfire attempts, Sim plants a bomb in a small radio and waits for the tube to warm up--but the authorities by now are on to him. The Green Man has some excellent setpieces, notably a droll snatch of black humor involving a body stuffed in a piano.
* R9 g& U" G5 D" r7 V& U
$ \+ q5 W  @( J! h6 y# }! J+ ]4 j% \
1 Y1 w* b; Y3 a" Z8 f: \0 J8 H
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21cn 发表于 2020-8-12 01:24:24 | 显示全部楼层
3 J3 r3 ^: N) @Blu-ray Film Forum is now my home!$ ?; Q0 b. r. v  L2 P



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