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[蓝光原盘] 贼博士/老妇杀手团/贵妇杀手 [蓝光原盘] The Ladykillers 1955 REMASTERED 1080p BluRaycd AVC DTS-HD MA 2.0-TASTED 42.59GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2021-1-9 20:17:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Five oddball criminals planning a bank robbery rent rooms on a cul-de-sac from an octogenarian widow under the pretext that they are classical musicians.
- h6 o0 O5 o$ f1 s5 ^8 n, D; D6 u; A5 ]' H9 E
3 ~; \( X0 v2 ]' ^5 J& t
4 E* ~5 L2 i" ]
◎译  名 贼博士/老妇杀手团/贵妇杀手( }: m# m+ Z6 x% @
◎片  名 The Ladykillers6 W* |; v( ]9 y4 h: o* {; `
◎年  代 1955( |) _( D7 ]; _! o
◎产  地 英国, \/ w$ l- [& f% f7 n
◎类  别 喜剧/惊悚/犯罪1 q1 c4 A5 ~8 Q
◎语  言 英语; h9 U* h# S) p, Y/ X0 Q
◎上映日期 1955-12-01: Z  @2 G) W2 W& @8 p( _/ m4 x
◎IMDb评分  7.7/10 from 26,211 users/ k' R( c. l+ n
◎IMDb链接 N5 _5 g) o- k$ P. v
◎豆瓣评分 7.6/10 from 2,593 users
- T& w$ P; k+ j, l/ v: L' b+ K◎豆瓣链接
) [3 n9 ]8 P' P! b0 G4 t◎文件格式 x264 + DTS
5 r: y6 w1 k5 e: f9 h◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080
4 o. \) U. b* i' P◎文件大小 1DVD 42.59 GiB' q- ^: d* v" q/ p+ {
◎片  长 1:30:41.625 ( * `; Q& n5 H! k( O& [( \( S
◎导  演 亚历山大·麦肯德里克 Alexander Mackendrick; w* j/ r( }. l, x
◎编  剧 威廉·罗斯 William Rose& z. p4 E( N4 T: _& m: m& }/ ?
◎主  演 亚历克·吉尼斯 Alec Guinness- H- A7 _, v" Y' o
       西塞尔·帕克 Cecil Parker8 R9 o) }; s0 ^$ b/ g9 E9 u# x
       赫伯特·罗姆 Herbert Lom
6 Q2 `% f1 O- [( W       彼得·塞勒斯 Peter Sellers
. n- D( `' ^  N/ s       凯蒂·约翰逊 Katie Johnson& B; K: |! e/ C0 g* L
. l5 \2 n/ k/ t6 S
◎标  签 英国 | 喜剧 | 犯罪 | 英国电影 | 黑色幽默 | 1950s | 1955 | AlexanderMackendrick
8 d" _0 M) i" q# u* x
+ N# F& b. x1 k: U0 [: O( ]/ q9 ]◎简  介  
! V* G; P6 y: D2 P6 D, b9 t
. ^' p+ b' H7 A# {/ b  怀博菲丝太太在警察局自称见到不明飞行物被警察赶了出去。4 ], E1 A5 `$ h2 _* Q

5 \  ?; ~' G$ Q  一个乐队跑去了怀博菲丝太太的住所,他们希望能借住在这里创造一首新歌。其实他们正计划抢劫运钞车,他们在怀博菲丝太太的公寓筹备着整个计划,而怀博菲丝太太还蒙在鼓里。5 [! I( h2 q9 ~  F; H8 m  p
; E% m' a; W2 b0 D8 z( C" w
# V, B2 M' F0 ]/ o/ z4 F4 q' ^+ q
2 t7 a+ t: C+ L. X7 b) i7 M9 P8 ~: L$ b% f" y) `8 o0 `
  讲述一群智商不高的盗贼想不到会栽在一个小老太太手里。居住在伦敦的怀博菲丝太太到警察局自称见到不明飞行物,被警察赶了出去。一个乐队来到菲丝太太的住所租房子,说要在这里搞创作。其实他们是一伙窃贼,正计划抢劫运钞车,要在菲丝太太的公寓做准备,而她还蒙在鼓里。当他们抢劫成功后,菲丝太太也终于发现了真相,于是他们决定将菲丝太太灭口,然而这个老太太似乎不是看上去那么好对付,窃贼们全都因为不同的原因相继死去。老太太去警局报案,警察却因为之前的“不明飞行物事件”完全否定菲丝太太的说法,最后那笔钱全成了老太太一个人的。8 ?2 q! W4 M: i+ ~( W9 Q& J' {# q/ ~
0 n  z- y& B# k4 {* P! @
  A gang of thieves rent a room upstairs from an old woman, who thinks they're a musical band. Somehow, the woman inadvertently gets mixed up in their scheme without knowing it and then the gang must debate on whether to kill her or not, especially when they all like the poor old dame.+ f- _2 v7 O4 ?! ~8 j& S

, v2 F9 e3 c3 i3 G: W/ Y+ C/ w: S5 w◎获奖情况  
9 t7 ^/ y* r1 y5 l, \, R% b6 q: ~+ J2 v3 m) X! g/ x
$ P% |  K# ?/ U$ J5 R3 T3 K4 I  最佳原创剧本(提名) 威廉·罗斯
( S7 ]+ f: w6 j% a5 Q0 _8 w0 r  B- m6 A: i% I
    6 W9 \. J: M2 B* q* ^5 w9 I
  2. ) i* U7 W7 K0 a) a
  3. Disc Title:     The.Ladykillers.1955.REMASTERED.OAR.1080p.BluRayCD.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.2.0-TASTED6 _, g4 F! C, c% B( A
  4. Disc Size:      45,726,853,175 bytes) J( Z. f- L: x$ x- U7 n; V( y. d
  5. Protection:     AACS6 j9 A/ D* T& p( j7 u3 H" I3 N
  6. BDInfo: (compatible layout created by DVDFab
    8 o& V  ~) S/ k+ C
  7. 2 c7 s+ p2 o5 Y9 ^' w* ~
  8. PLAYLIST REPORT:: y, s6 D- \7 S* b
  9. + C* e' I0 ^+ n+ t. f
  10. Name:                   00100.MPLS  : }& ]  x& V( ]4 S$ v4 q4 j
  11. Length:                 1:30:41.625 ( D& L! R' D% g
  12. Size:                   21,780,928,512 bytes" g8 ]' }9 T. h8 t0 a0 I! o: _, M
  13. Total Bitrate:          32.02 Mbps
    ( [1 E- [* O7 {
  14. 2 G) y& J( V6 a, L5 G1 F1 b6 C  f% k
  15. Video:
    ( s/ m1 H4 I' A' w% e8 T& S2 o

  16. " D2 J2 j8 m/ U' Z7 x; {9 d3 O7 ~" P
  17. Codec                   Bitrate             Description   
    $ o; I: y- u- R, S# |. K
  18. -----                   -------             -----------   
    / M4 ]0 Q9 k3 w
  19. MPEG-4 AVC Video        26985 kbps          1080p / 24 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1" B2 }/ ^2 ?! f7 c
  20. 0 _! J- I7 e, j
  21. AUDIO:
    9 a) V" p" Z$ Q
  22. - k0 G/ q* e& y
  23. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description    $ N8 f6 y0 G& S
  24. -----                           --------        -------         -----------    0 Z2 {. y2 U/ N
  25. DTS-HD Master Audio             English         1489 kbps       2.0 / 48 kHz / 1489 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 2.0 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 24-bit)
    9 N, E4 r& Q. B3 [* i0 N- u$ X
  26. DTS-HD Master Audio             German          1425 kbps       2.0 / 48 kHz / 1425 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 2.0 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 24-bit)) V9 `( Z" q$ o- Q" E$ u4 c5 [( Z
  27. Dolby Digital Audio             English         192 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps, ^. A% V0 f& F$ ~# f" A1 {+ d& \9 H  `
  28. 8 _$ i9 n" K/ d7 D' I
    , ~. u2 v  t, P' p# `! `3 B
  30. . _$ U: U. p& H) U1 x3 {" d% W
  31. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description   
    " W0 o7 k" _) o; @% x; \& v# v
  32. -----                           --------        -------         -----------   
    ! _, u5 Z4 z# ?+ o# k
  33. Presentation Graphics           English         39.857 kbps                    
    2 t8 L. {8 s" O1 K, O; |- a
  34. Presentation Graphics           English         60.619 kbps                    
    7 v) @* E2 n0 Q
  35. Presentation Graphics           German          0.045 kbps                      * [# D( H: o+ w  L5 t6 \) t
  36. Presentation Graphics           German          30.759 kbps                    
    $ o/ k; ?) C* }3 N8 S4 ~# e. d  [
  37. Presentation Graphics           German          61.478 kbps
  1. DISC INFO:) f. y# t# \, P, x9 q* G
  2. & G+ z7 B. ^( [
  3. Disc Title:     The.Ladykillers.1955.REMASTERED.FS.1080p.BluRaycd.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.2.0-TASTED
    " R: t: U: S5 b9 D3 q) ]$ f0 x
  4. Disc Size:      45,726,853,175 bytes4 g0 W: x! B% {0 u3 p; J
  5. Protection:     AACS. ]" b( x6 G; t7 V& O. B
  6. BDInfo: (compatible layout created by DVDFab" R* S' ]4 Y( }1 r( M: B

  7. 8 {; U" w( [$ F% R% ]9 p8 ?
    & w7 c' }# Z# @( u9 S

  9. % W, K- ]/ w7 ]9 p' w# i
  10. Name:                   00101.MPLS    ^) w' \6 ~) P% S
  11. Length:                 1:30:41.625 ( \6 ?" p* R" t# m' T/ S
  12. Size:                   19,674,869,760 bytes
    8 Z: p. `( \2 ?; V$ ?2 ]
  13. Total Bitrate:          28.92 Mbps4 k/ i) N/ e6 B8 |- S
  14. , F  E6 M- c' {/ U8 E, [' j( G
  15. VIDEO:
    : ~- n$ Y" D9 H; Y0 ~8 Q7 u

  16. 2 h6 M% C6 b& K" @
  17. Codec                   Bitrate             Description    7 ]3 q- Q2 n% t( f- O
  18. -----                   -------             -----------   
    # t, c+ n. v  d/ [6 a' f
  19. MPEG-4 AVC Video        24018 kbps          1080p / 24 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1: z1 d, ~- E" O/ D

  20. 0 z; w# `7 |+ z! b& j
  21. AUDIO:, }0 w& \" l$ q8 y' I! `4 O. V8 Y

  22. . d2 a# m8 ^1 X5 Z2 w0 H( s
  23. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description   
    / J- U( S3 P3 z4 e, M. c# C0 {: V
  24. -----                           --------        -------         -----------   
    & t  Y9 ?7 l6 n) ^7 n8 S4 q" F
  25. DTS-HD Master Audio             English         1489 kbps       2.0 / 48 kHz / 1489 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 2.0 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 24-bit)
    ; S$ f4 t1 B8 _! @; w$ f
  26. DTS-HD Master Audio             German          1425 kbps       2.0 / 48 kHz / 1425 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 2.0 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 24-bit)0 M/ F6 Q9 g0 ]2 u8 K% X1 p: n
  27. Dolby Digital Audio             English         192 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps
    . G: y0 a+ I# m& H! V" T

  28. # C' s: R: U) g) M, F" D
  29. SUBTITLES:- p/ T$ _( P0 k. W. {" M5 a! r- d+ b
  30. " a. F! `) k- o4 ]9 q
  31. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description   
    ; I# m+ h$ j$ `
  32. -----                           --------        -------         -----------   
    8 r2 U, ^2 u! F7 r% b: g
  33. Presentation Graphics           English         39.857 kbps                    9 c' }: _9 z3 |' |- |2 r) V
  34. Presentation Graphics           English         60.619 kbps                    / s: Y% }! I% ~! `8 ]6 a( `
  35. Presentation Graphics           German          0.045 kbps                      2 i: Y- h0 n4 I+ _& p$ A$ K
  36. Presentation Graphics           German          30.759 kbps                    & G7 z% R8 S8 M0 O) H% O, B6 q, l  m
  37. Presentation Graphics           German          61.478 kbps
The Ladykillers Blu-ray, Video Quality   3 Z8 N+ B: f* _3 `; p, N
7 r- X! l6 ?* G' g# {" x  @
! Z5 N- g. s1 [- Z; e+ T
Presented in 1080p utilizing the AVC codec (at an average bitrate of 27Mbps), The Ladykillers offers a knockout transfer for a film of this vintage. In case there are lingering concerns over the proper aspect ratio of the film, I've been informed by my fellow reviewer, Dr. Svet Atanasov, that the included 1.37:1 ratio is in fact the correct presentation of the source material. It seems the prior DVD implemented a degree of cropping (top and bottom) to generate an image capable of filling a greater portion of our widescreen displays. This new release adds that information back in (with wider black bars to each side), and accurately displays the restored negatives in the manner they were originally shot. Speaking of restoration, this is a fine effort by MTI Film, as documented in the disc's supplemental split-screen analysis of the cleaned image. Using digital techniques to remove scratches, dirt, burn marks, and other degradations, the team deserves credit for cleaning each frame but not tampering with Mackendrick's artistic intent. Unfortunately, despite their best efforts to restore/re-align the primary colors onto one central point, you'll notice the unfortunate presence of chromatic distortion, which lead to color fringing around the occasional dark border. In layman's terms, your attention could be drawn to a subtle line of red along the right outline of a character's black suit, as if the rendering of a specific color has shifted slightly within the shot.9 Y7 _  O2 z9 P! S1 [2 ?, F

+ a8 S) h' B6 X# yAside from the cleaning of the source material (and failed attempts to generate precise color convergence), the transfer looks exactly as you'd expect for its age. Fine object detail won't come close to the clarity of a modern production, but the presence of film grain throughout the feature suggests this isn't a result of any post-production manipulation. Rather, it's a natural element of the period in which the classic film was shot. Regarding black levels, contrast, and coloring, the film has never looked better. Some might complain that the image is too bright to reflect an accurate representation of the source material (the prior DVD was much darker), but given the depth of the color palette and black levels, I quickly passed off that assessment.% C+ T7 D# O- r" K) h$ U: }9 u
) N  L- S# F" |6 B# O: @; [
In the end, fans of The Ladykillers and classic cinema in general will be quite pleased with visual upgrade on this Blu-ray release.
7 l* g7 R7 ]  D6 p/ g: d( W
0 Q+ m" Z  z$ Y/ G  r4 Q  H/ h1 v0 [The Ladykillers Blu-ray, Audio Quality   $ W) l. l2 e7 \9 `
8 A4 E* b7 [3 g5 I& |  \+ V3 h
9 ]- ]8 M4 _! a; b* @+ q
Despite the welcomed addition of a lossless upgrade, the 2.0 track merely offers a subtle increase in clarity and modest gains in balance. As I've stated before, we can't expect to turn apples into oranges, so asking for a monumental difference in a 55 year-old recording is simply not going to happen. Listening to the dialog-heavy track, I never noticed a shred of distortion, hiss, or dropout, and the vocal nuances of each character were reproduced with a high level of accuracy. Environmental sound effects are well-balance with the rest of the elements in the mix without coming across overbearing, and the whimsical musical score by first-time composer Tristram Cary adds a touch of character to the overall track. In my assessment, this is a perfectly capable audio experience that remains true to the nature of the original sound recording.& H* ]/ U" {! i" Y
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