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[蓝光原盘] 千年女优 [REMUX无损版] Millennium Actress 2001 JAPANESE 1080p BluRaycd REMUX AVC DTS-HD MA 5.1-FGT 24.71GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2021-2-16 07:58:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A TV interviewer and his cameraman meet a former actress and travel through her memories and career.6 o0 u( k7 O' N( }! X5 K3 d, T

$ j) A  j9 D6 i7 ]2 d( O/ Z2 L# A 01.jpg
) h/ ]1 M; Q6 p: z- L1 k
( g! {$ Q; O4 N& x◎译  名 千年女优
( j1 h0 N" {9 Y) C◎片  名 千年女優 / Millennium Actress / Sennen joyû- I: c+ ~. b. y) M3 U0 r
◎年  代 2001
4 y) G- V; m! C8 D0 n( i% m( W6 {% r◎产  地 日本
: G' \. d* B  \4 w# R$ a◎类  别 剧情/爱情/动画) B9 D( h6 o* m9 B! J+ u" Z+ P' }
◎语  言 日语
. {8 D/ P  X& L4 s; F◎上映日期 2001-07-28(加拿大奇幻电影节)/2002-09-14(日本)
) V0 |9 P* \2 ?◎IMDb评分  7.9/10 from 23,568 users" C0 D  h% F& K/ M7 i
8 q8 _2 F/ f. r7 o4 J- I- {% T; ~◎豆瓣评分 8.8/10 from 180,727 users  e- P1 H' Y; K% [* H- n& n+ R
◎豆瓣链接 l" z6 ?! g- d+ R) ?. v% Y
◎文件格式 x264 + DTS8 K+ ~/ b2 T: S; b
◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080
7 d0 U! \! u* u* u# S◎文件大小 1DVD 24.71 GiB- s* H2 Y. L0 K
◎片  长 1 h 26 min
; z) s% I- P: m◎导  演 今敏 Satoshi Kon
2 z, f1 q7 n6 O. f$ i3 v% o1 X◎编  剧 今敏 Satoshi Kon2 Y" y) Z  m* e4 R/ @
       村井贞之 Sadayuki Murai4 s0 w# C2 Y: N# K' M) ~/ j$ H
◎主  演 庄司美代子 Miyoko Shôji* Z! N9 Q. {, ~& N% ~
       小山茉美 Mami Koyama
. B8 m% R. S7 I- _       折笠富美子 Fumiko Orikasa) Q5 G7 }' m( s7 _& A
       饭塚昭三 Shôzô Îzuka
& J, K- R& y# {7 X! O" ]       小野坂昌也 Masaya Onosaka& L+ d  O4 ]8 e* Q$ k! S* i
       津田匠子 Shouko Tsuda& ]- d: N0 m# }: ~6 n. n: D
       铃置洋孝 Hirotaka Suzuoki9 Q: L* S. i) @: q! M6 |
       京田尚子 Hisako Kyôda4 j; K2 e7 U$ t1 g
       德丸完 Kan Tokumaru
4 E2 o5 m$ Z1 T. F       片冈富枝 Tomie Kataoka
$ t0 B; o2 Y2 h9 Z       石森达幸 Takkô Ishimori
* f- X. ~( b$ R) Q# Y       佐藤政道 Masamichi Satô& V. L; |$ E; b* V+ O" l7 E
       小形满 Mitsuru Ogata
: l, m, p! E" M' _2 O       麻生智久 Asou Tomohisa
6 Y9 @# e; X9 i$ b+ z! u       游佐浩二 Koji Yusa& e! |. `& `9 t0 G# q1 ^9 z
       肥后诚 Makoto Higo" G% h: D7 t- D4 s
       坂口候一 Sakaguchi Kouichi& u/ M' U: D' V7 D6 T
       志村知幸 Tomoyuki Shimura+ ?/ M1 m6 z3 g0 z
       木村亚希子 Akiko Kimura9 E( z: g- H8 L5 ^  c
       佐伯志 Tomo Saeki9 r7 a9 Z5 Q  {/ W7 Q8 N; l
       野岛裕史 Hirofumi Nojima) O. n7 E, c/ j: ]: N) z
       浅野琉璃 Asano Ruri
9 u4 P0 z- p1 I5 w2 Z       大中宽子# ]. z. ^& ^3 X; P
       园部好德 Yoshinori Sonobe7 ~9 v) \0 Q3 ?7 g9 S% B
5 ]% H5 ]6 M4 \7 u4 L       山寺宏一 Kôichi Yamadera2 R9 B2 k$ p; K( [$ U% s
       津嘉山正种 Masane Tsukayama
: Y, d; P# g: [; B( p: B
: ]- ?. O) x( W* i' n◎标  签 今敏 | 动画 | 日本 | 日本动画 | 爱情 | 千年女优 | 动漫 | 日本电影7 c* d2 v7 Q; ^# o: @( u2 c

: G$ s5 x" ^5 F# |- h◎简  介2 e& i' x( \; _  Z5 m& Z4 N
2 ~2 N* i# s: D5 N; ?  B
  60岁的立花源也和28岁的摄影师井田恭二不远千里跋山涉水上门去拜访隐居了三十年的一代影星藤原千代子,为了给她拍摄一生自传的纪录片。款款前来的千代子虽然已界75岁高龄,但仍然优雅美丽,左眼下标志性的小痣也仍然俏皮。立花双手递上一把钥匙,千代子深受震动,称这把钥匙是开启一个 秘密的关键,当年她不慎丢失,今日竟还能再回手中。千代子的思绪飞到老远。# \& E3 a3 N1 o: u& \  ?

( H" G6 h. ^- [: h  1926年9月1日,藤原千代子呱呱坠地,水灵清秀的她16岁就被星探发掘,然而直到遇上一个画家,她救他于乱世中,藏于自家仓库内,他赠她一把钥匙,说这是开启秘密的关键,并承诺再与她重逢时带她去看北海道的雪。然而次日千代子放学归家时画家已经因为逃开追捕逃离远去。0 Y# L$ R* V$ M  L/ B

% \; j/ n2 V# t( }  千代子自此进入电影圈,只因为画家最后说他会去满洲作战,而第一部电影承诺会去满洲取景。从此千代子的银幕生涯拉开,拍摄了代表日本战国、幕府、大正及昭和等四个不同时期的大时代爱情故事。在每一个故事里,千代子都在奔跑,追寻着自己的真爱。场景与她本身的故事糅合在一起,虚实难分。立花和井田紧随其后身临其境,时而变成故事中人物。
0 D) q5 d" m- p
7 C; Q- q$ z/ [% l1 v% P/ y  然而千代子丢失了钥匙,心灰意冷的她嫁给了一直追求她的导演大泷。到后来她发现一切是一个精心布下的骗局,千代子认清事实后决意继续找寻自己少女时代的所爱。0 ?9 @. C+ L' D2 q) E
+ k& g8 O. Z# x6 x  z* a
  When Studio Gin'ei commissions filmmaker Gen'ya Tachibana to make a documentary in commemoration of its 70th anniversary, he travels to a secluded mountain lodge to interview the idol of his youth, the enigmatic Chiyoko Fujiwara, who was the studio's leading lady from the 1930s until the 1960s. As Chiyoko reminisces about her life, Tachibana and his cameraman suddenly find themselves on a rich and dazzling journey through time. Chiyoko's films and personal memories intertwine with present events and stretch the boundaries of reality.
, s2 P+ K) }, Q+ X" Z  V  q9 l+ V$ ^5 ^5 L. u7 y
) G; R  F, a) J$ t% r2 W0 x1 g+ ]8 R( k" v4 L
) v/ ]: D+ D; T' X  v- }" U  最佳动画长片(提名)
% {0 N! r; A& S! Z. x" U  最佳导演(提名) 今敏4 K. Q0 B$ {. g' A4 G
  最佳编剧(提名) 村井贞之 / 今敏
; E9 @9 F8 s& k  最佳配音(提名) 庄司美代子$ Q) v! d, U+ L

6 J0 |+ ]* P, G
Video2 w" \/ L, ~/ n& U& I+ A
ID : 1
& l1 {) n; O) s( B% OFormat : AVC
% {4 ]! I/ t: {, aFormat/Info : Advanced Video Codec
# l- H9 \* y& ?/ A$ AFormat profile : High@L4.1
  r' ~3 }0 {9 v* H- yFormat settings : CABAC / 4 Ref Frames0 V* x  l7 S; M) p/ {/ U
Format settings, CABAC : Yes% w9 P/ a* y2 D, I' F/ R
Format settings, Reference frames : 4 frames
% {, o4 A: Q- W; tCodec ID : V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC
9 ^7 z$ q: y6 [. d2 PDuration : 1 h 26 min8 P+ w* B" F2 G1 n
Bit rate mode : Variable
* ^/ r9 p! a1 P* y1 V, ^Bit rate : 33.8 Mb/s$ ~, a6 U9 ]1 ]$ I& d
Maximum bit rate : 35.0 Mb/s
, s# Y' |% x6 S# _+ J7 OWidth : 1 920 pixels
3 e. P  _7 `- i/ \+ S: g8 H' AHeight : 1 080 pixels
. l; {, o4 W: D! {% m  IDisplay aspect ratio : 16:9
% p' D  e  Y% q. f) q2 X: rFrame rate mode : Constant
2 y# v# E) w+ M# g7 \2 t8 [Frame rate : 24.000 FPS
2 @' @# H, p" a& f' VColor space : YUV
% j$ U3 ?, G/ d+ U+ ]7 QChroma subsampling : 4:2:0
3 C% l7 i2 y/ e, }; ~* t; }Bit depth : 8 bits
: H6 e( J! e7 n; J& b; ]Scan type : Progressive0 U6 \8 R( J( G4 C, Q7 K8 w
Bits/(Pixel*Frame) : 0.678; `# i9 a2 j& D' d, l
Stream size : 20.4 GiB (82%)
) n$ J0 S' `0 L& e0 |; G3 M% z: mTitle : Millennium.Actress.2001.JAPANESE.1080p.BluRayCD.REMUX.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-FGT
0 o3 Y( o5 B# T1 b% Z/ k& N) uLanguage : English
' u! E% A4 U! b( g/ h6 uDefault : No: @% G: R* G# H2 ^
Forced : No
$ u5 C; t4 f+ y; D: o& |# I& X- e$ s( c
Audio #1- Q8 \4 ]- m+ ?9 t
ID : 2% f  `% k/ R- t( Y- N, T
Format : DTS XLL" k5 [0 B& a5 B& z
Format/Info : Digital Theater Systems
$ G% C: @( h! h: ?, j. MCommercial name : DTS-HD Master Audio
( h( I# p2 G5 a9 @3 UCodec ID : A_DTS
- j$ l: m& |' B$ I1 fDuration : 1 h 26 min
2 X9 i. H' b% `& uBit rate mode : Variable. R- A$ L2 {1 I/ [6 K8 M5 A- g2 l
Bit rate : 3 780 kb/s
! n2 z6 V* T* B) uChannel(s) : 6 channels6 I; V+ {9 _3 s2 x6 t, K
Channel layout : C L R Ls Rs LFE& |; W% d0 }/ G) s0 X  w1 |% I0 z
Sampling rate : 48.0 kHz
  d2 }+ T2 c9 b  CFrame rate : 93.750 FPS (512 SPF)
0 K$ S+ p# u" {8 i) k- \) m2 t2 xBit depth : 24 bits
5 |4 }4 U+ ^3 r5 mCompression mode : Lossless. G+ k3 J- Y! S8 W( m
Stream size : 2.28 GiB (9%)
: e2 u- E/ {% r. N1 u( ATitle : Millennium.Actress.2001.JAPANESE.1080p.BluRaycd.REMUX.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-FGT# Z4 i% `' k# X" |" p
Language : Japanese
/ v% o: E) W% g, X- R) T; G' v* GDefault : Yes
+ J& J7 |1 ]' _7 G" I. n2 |Forced : No
" [+ U$ Q' A: ?% e& o8 y) B1 {" p1 S+ u: Q6 a
Audio #2
  f; F; _! F* ]5 pID : 3
$ t& y+ K' E( k6 T6 g9 MFormat : DTS XLL9 m( H- b" @2 p0 k7 f
Format/Info : Digital Theater Systems
; M: c/ y1 R3 s5 U7 M5 h! B/ tCommercial name : DTS-HD Master Audio' N9 t& _' y! M- I. }+ Q+ e
Codec ID : A_DTS+ L! A$ Q. m4 s' {% Q
Duration : 1 h 26 min
2 m8 p, \+ ?+ M, [3 c2 v0 GBit rate mode : Variable, q9 s, R/ q3 l4 f! s/ C$ X
Bit rate : 3 393 kb/s) b: H/ @5 E9 Z& D/ n0 f
Channel(s) : 6 channels$ L6 F5 ?. x- [2 x1 X9 ~9 @* @
Channel layout : C L R Ls Rs LFE' u1 S, i' ~9 O
Sampling rate : 48.0 kHz
8 e/ @9 S  P( B' O) B1 f; _: r* ?Frame rate : 93.750 FPS (512 SPF)
3 Y' w- M" q6 pBit depth : 24 bits
+ u6 ]6 q! k# b$ e, Z% wCompression mode : Lossless
; g1 m" ~2 f4 i! d  @; BStream size : 2.05 GiB (8%)
% Q; D! G6 B* I- G9 }Title : Millennium.Actress.2001.JAPANESE.1080p.BluRaycd.REMUX.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-FGT# h. C7 A' X0 V8 H; x: D
Language : English
, I+ j& o) e! l3 c+ E8 _: YDefault : No4 v! ^* [6 Y2 v. a! X
Forced : No
/ ]" k  Y- u$ O, n
; T( i' p) O( E2 r5 P0 J  QText #1
6 t% V+ e( s: G; \+ gID : 4
2 O* A2 O( y* R4 V* T# t6 s7 pFormat : PGS
3 f! Z, K# x, j8 z0 Y! f8 K$ EMuxing mode : zlib
# `2 i! c0 ]7 {1 xCodec ID : S_HDMV/PGS7 h( j5 P6 P3 _. z  A
Codec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs' G& v3 B' d- S/ u, F  z( Z* t
Duration : 1 h 21 min& {! m7 D6 T( D
Bit rate : 30.9 kb/s% o% Q  o3 `% F9 b- I  R! @* M
Count of elements : 1510, e/ d6 y  ^6 ~" Y1 N% \+ q
Stream size : 18.0 MiB (0%)  u& Q4 z  H: r- J3 z1 G
Title : English-PGS4 e) R9 H; `' |! ]" l0 z& s
Language : English
7 s2 _1 T% s/ n+ _/ a% k8 H% |; PDefault : Yes
9 `; m5 m; x* F, BForced : No0 Y" i: a6 T* u8 M4 y) L9 n7 z% r4 a

+ I* i  r. A8 [- UText #2
' K+ E* U" A# z1 F& r! t. x% TID : 5' Z. m/ ^- O7 C# U
Format : PGS
% J+ |& Q, u; Z. \Muxing mode : zlib; q4 j! y1 Y" C+ g7 h7 ?, g9 F9 S& z
Codec ID : S_HDMV/PGS: E2 w6 U+ E( M- V+ ]* Z1 M
Codec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
& O( ^6 h: S% hDuration : 1 h 21 min) Z0 @7 J7 U/ c- j9 @4 {
Bit rate : 44.2 kb/s5 z# B; V3 k, j( o3 h
Count of elements : 2418
) N9 t- w& h4 a3 bStream size : 25.8 MiB (0%)" Z- D' w9 t6 E
Title : English-PGS
% u2 }- c" M* r5 Z9 SLanguage : English
+ ~+ V, W6 }) {# L* m4 g. gDefault : No
6 \0 u8 L1 h' G6 K; _& }( JForced : No
3 T- f0 z, d& Z
! m. A( ?) |# I4 KText #3) b! ?9 I& T" u7 E, O1 W0 b
ID : 6
, k& x  G2 f# m; G7 D% m/ rFormat : PGS2 |! W1 i* j% P# n0 t' |5 g- z
Muxing mode : zlib" k/ v: x# i8 M6 x
Codec ID : S_HDMV/PGS* V4 d" j0 n; r. J+ r1 W
Codec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs+ Y) z0 y+ p! n4 l1 _
Duration : 1 h 14 min7 p* j# K: Q3 l+ s9 N+ C; R. Y
Bit rate : 448 b/s
2 Z) o# J' z) `. W' WCount of elements : 203 {9 s5 Y3 [; w8 E' b. U1 x3 U' U
Stream size : 244 KiB (0%)- U& G5 c6 T* T2 \8 T
Title : English-PGS' A! {% R4 B2 S3 c- }
Language : English
% y: u& B( x" _* V+ e  V9 T  j3 h$ V. LDefault : No/ b! Q' d" t  c
Forced : No( Q' H. I& j' a2 Q$ E! k
% S  x8 Q2 ^- O2 y8 v+ F
Menu- b! p4 D0 n) h$ L$ s
00:00:00.000 : en:Chapter 019 L1 H% N; @( z/ N! o+ q  V
00:05:36.375 : en:Chapter 02
8 `& q5 y2 G- z  a00:11:41.458 : en:Chapter 03! F6 |. X$ ^5 t
00:17:14.250 : en:Chapter 04
2 Q  l9 Z9 T. n. }00:24:59.500 : en:Chapter 05+ U) \) q7 E1 \2 {7 @1 D6 n
00:32:25.166 : en:Chapter 06
$ N- J! k0 u4 L- u$ V9 g' h, Y! Q4 C00:37:46.541 : en:Chapter 07: F# L: R4 y# L' k3 R: l
00:44:14.708 : en:Chapter 08
) _* t) Y3 J& Z* Y00:54:37.208 : en:Chapter 096 y  [5 A' h3 o0 V
01:03:39.791 : en:Chapter 107 y) o* D' T" n% {
01:12:44.083 : en:Chapter 11+ B( Z, |% x$ Y) S8 Q; L6 q- Z
01:19:08.625 : en:Chapter 12
Millennium Actress Blu-ray, Video Quality   
# y7 l; e. [$ W6 {
' Y, T5 E- @) L/ b3 q; A( n, ~5 z
" l8 H4 E5 A7 ?! Z) {) VFans of Satoshi Kon can rejoice with the arrival of Millennium Actress on Blu-ray from Shout Factory and Eleven Arts Anime Studio. The film has become something of a cult favorite with it's gorgeous animation and the newly restored Blu-ray release captures the magic of the production in all of its glory. The 1080p MPEG-4 AVC encoded high definition presentation is in the original 1.85:1 widescreen theatrical aspect ratio.The film has received a robust new 4K restoration which is downright stunning to behold. The leap in quality from the comparatively-mediocre DVD is a tremendous one with the rich colors giving each frame in the film an added boost. The film has breathtaking art from start to finish and there are many moments where a single still can seem as impeccable as a piece of art worthy of framing. The filmic presentation will bring viewers even closer to the story.
: O9 R. Z( E) W8 W- r* }
; G) O" ?5 ~1 l/ HMillennium Actress Blu-ray, Audio Quality   
4 U; t, M7 Y- R( l5 _& m# E. j( }. A% |# G
' ]$ S7 v% R' Q  [' W6 u$ n% _
There is nothing ordinary about the lossless audio mix on this top-notch release. The film has received a stunning 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio surround sound presentation (provided in both the original Japanese language version and with an English dubbed production). The 24 bit audio is superb. It features stunning clarity and detail. Dialogue reproduction is exceptional. The music score is as evocative as one would hope to find. The amazingly detailed and highly immersive sound design utilizes all of the speakers to great effect. There is something to be said about a high-end sound mix. Millennium Actress can proudly stand besides the likes of Akira as a first-rate sound design for a anime film.. H0 s+ Q7 J$ L; Z
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davidqin 发表于 2021-2-16 09:31:06 | 显示全部楼层
5 v( z% u/ u2 _* i4 xThank you for sharing such a good resource polite reply, very sorry for myself!
& R" K, K! j# p0 Q; s$ C








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lanpanshuma 发表于 2021-2-16 12:26:47 | 显示全部楼层
0 e7 S  L/ `% N' U" m5 d+ i: BBlu-ray movies Community: my favorite!
5 v1 o' S4 m/ V- M$ r1 g








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sunday_119 发表于 2021-2-18 11:34:57 | 显示全部楼层
5 b8 O3 T8 B, t% l( h: V1 v4 ?Blu-ray Film Forum: I will always support you!
* p; I9 ^4 F) [0 w" r- Z



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