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[科教记录] 艾尔·杜切录像带 The El Duce Tapes 2019 720p BluRaycd x264-ORBS 4.41GB








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mvods 发表于 2021-4-18 17:14:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
$ B  |* u0 _' m' g/ i; G

3 T$ [7 ^. o, D◎译  名 艾尔·杜切录像带
% N! H! ?: G' F◎片  名 The El Duce Tapes / El Duce!. A6 r; L. `% I+ O  G
◎年  代 2019' c; L( U( C* `) @3 B* V
◎产  地 美国
) `: s& R9 q' Y0 Y◎类  别 纪录片/音乐/传记
3 T9 I* e  z; _! O  q◎语  言 英语$ W6 S! e$ {, w
◎上映日期 2019-04-26(加拿大国际纪录片电影节)/2020-11-02(美国)# z* _% j- J$ H, f& g5 s, z+ o
◎IMDb评分  7.4/10 from 132 users8 p# x) O2 i# \+ {! D: {) A) ~. ^2 [1 N
: H8 d0 j# Q# j/ T◎豆瓣评分 0/10 from 0 users
1 Q! x' {. i" O7 X! S◎豆瓣链接
* L; t+ f& a. l5 u◎片  长 1 h 44 min" |/ r3 l! _2 U
◎导  演 罗德尼·阿谢尔 Rodney Ascher
, w0 W3 v/ [( d  O- U2 i& F/ c◎主  演 艾尔·杜切 El Duce
9 g* D9 l/ q2 s$ R& y# W7 C  x       Gwar
7 @" p  T& F2 h  N; ^% U       比尔·马厄 Bill Maher
# ~+ W/ `. Q* M7 R1 u' {/ \       杰瑞·斯普林格 Jerry Springer
+ R; W. c5 l7 [- y) U8 W  q       罗宾·西克 Robin Thicke
1 d' q# Y* D& k* o4 C! k) \3 M       Milo Yiannopoulos
) m. d1 g$ k' c# f
* ^$ T) G3 `6 [; W; q: B; V◎标  签 [歐美]
+ t# j% f$ F0 ^6 R; Y8 {1 w# ?
: F/ t* T; t1 u  U5 O; l. m◎简  介 2 ?( z+ \. F5 c* j& C
2 D1 v  A/ I! @1 I
  Between appearing in supporting roles in General Hospital and local TV commercials, Ryan Sexton spent the early 90s documenting the life and art of El Duce, lead singer of the notorious shock rock band The Mentors. Famous for taking the stage in black executioner hoods, the band spent a few moments in the national spotlight after some of their most offensive lyrics were denounced on the floor of the US Senate. 25 years later, David Lawrence and Rodney Ascher dive into the long unseen VHS footage searching for clues about who El Duce really was, how much of his disturbing persona was for real, and what an act built around a cartoonish sense of violent misogyny can tell us about our own time and place.8 k. E$ T! Q; Z- ^$ T
8 p7 G8 k  O' q% R4 b( s  I/ J+ D
  L. s$ c7 e: C8 ^" CTitle......: The El Duce Tapes3 v! J4 l# m3 d# O2 N- u2 o* y
Rating.....: 7.4/10 from 131 users* W7 ?0 U( i  w& K
Genre......: Documentary, Biography, Music* U4 j" }. u, r) H& g
* m7 f" t" u0 a& M- I+ {$ {* k& @2 M+ u  W4 m/ _2 x1 G
Video......: CRF 17 (5290 Kbps)# A" e) m# C0 ^0 O! R6 o$ _( X6 ~
Source.....: 32820 Kbps
! p2 {! x) b& UResolution.: 960x720; o+ C# |7 X! o) ]
Frame Rate.: 29.970 fps
* U5 O) l) g6 |  e; R# }Duration...: 1 h 44 min
6 t% @- b% R* C( m* _  v/ R5 y8 [Language...: English* N( H! u2 v' k9 T7 D8 q
Audio......: AC-3 5.1ch (640 Kbps)) u5 i9 z1 M3 x
Subs.......: English6 w; l5 Z% q8 o& J# d: j
Size.......: 4.4 GB
$ [/ J! F9 l; W) A0 G/ G" I
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