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[蓝光原盘] 国家公敌/全民公敌 [蓝光原盘] Enemy of the State 1998 1080p BluRaycd MPEG-2 LPCM 5.1-FGT 36.55GB








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247 枚
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kmvodys 发表于 2010-10-26 21:24:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A lawyer becomes targeted by a corrupt politician and his N.S.A. goons when he accidentally receives key evidence to a politically motivated crime./ p, R4 d; `8 {8 V0 l1 E/ i5 ^
" u2 h7 W9 K, c; Z2 q+ o. u+ d
( }3 Y( ^! R6 e. ^

  {0 ?4 ?) q9 r7 j+ W◎译  名 国家公敌/全民公敌(台)/国家的敌人/高度戒备/高速反击(港)& Z( z- B% C$ L9 j, @4 u/ g
◎片  名 Enemy of the State
' x4 S9 W1 a* e$ f% }* s% \◎年  代 1998
6 G( \4 G% D- ~5 U9 f9 r' h◎产  地 美国
. D# h; d- Z& k0 l3 k◎类  别 剧情/动作/惊悚
, t6 n5 U. v0 C: r% p; b◎语  言 英语  W; t/ X) w" U7 \  O+ H; h
◎上映日期 1998-11-20(美国)
( d1 R# a4 O* M. k; L- `◎IMDb评分  7.3/10 from 234,456 users
, ^5 B; T9 @& z, I) S2 S- _  e◎IMDb链接 Y2 ?/ i* T+ ^1 x" L
◎豆瓣评分 8.2/10 from 101,818 users7 ~# a5 h: ]4 ^+ T, W, L9 Y/ o
/ o. N& a/ r1 {# Y◎文件格式 x264 + LPCM
6 Z4 c' H1 p9 V, |0 s◎视频尺寸 1920 x 10803 r$ o3 d7 o8 {' `: N8 h: v
◎文件大小 1DVD 36.55 GiB# {- r0 c  f% a6 n6 c/ M
◎片  长 2:12:11.006 (' r  d2 F  e& k5 D! z
◎导  演 托尼·斯科特 Tony Scott
- M0 Q- _; ~' O& Z9 ~◎编  剧 大卫·马可尼 David Marconi' v' M9 C/ j2 Y$ W+ C' W
◎主  演 威尔·史密斯 Will Smith
  X# k& F. ]* k# A6 M' R       吉恩·哈克曼 Gene Hackman
) [2 }3 v7 C- V% r1 o/ T4 y       强·沃特 Jon Voight
/ H4 {  u2 R9 q5 ]) n       莉莎·博内特 Lisa Bonet9 Y* ]7 ]4 g* m# s( a
       雷吉娜·金 Regina King3 y) N! [2 e  k) N9 K+ l
       斯图亚特·维尔森 Stuart Wilson4 N4 N& ?: d1 \% B# z
       劳拉·凯洛蒂 Laura Cayouette
6 t1 i; r* K+ [* }( G       劳恩·迪恩 Loren Dean
- U6 w* B: Q/ ~+ ~, J$ c       巴里·佩珀 Barry Pepper
3 m) z! t' V' G! d+ S: C       伊恩·哈特 Ian Hart
4 ]+ Q5 _4 m; S7 d: z       杰克·布塞 Jake Busey
3 L" ^  N9 D( [# {       斯科特·凯恩 Scott Caan5 P+ p& ]7 M" g2 F7 [
       杰森·李 Jason Lee# }0 z* O% P6 S' [* f6 A* M
       加布里埃尔·伯恩 Gabriel Byrne
" G% ]* w0 Z+ P( `8 n# I, f       詹姆斯·勒格罗 James LeGros6 L/ ]7 _9 h# f* i9 m4 D% z( Y1 ?6 c
       丹·巴特勒 Dan Butler
) Q# y( |  z6 q( }6 h5 K       杰克·布莱克 Jack Black
. v+ V. s0 \7 Z* z       杰米·肯尼迪 Jamie Kennedy- H) \2 q- K) K8 }. F! q
       博德希·埃夫曼 Bodhi Elfman. H( }- }5 [) ^$ J9 W# p
       安娜·冈 Anna Gunn
6 V, a- F/ X. s/ ?. G       加斯查·华盛顿 Jascha Washington
& L% T. Q$ D6 m5 X. B* Q7 [       汤姆·塞兹摩尔 Tom Sizemore1 o6 h' S+ c3 i1 O  x+ U
       Joshua Ward
2 X0 ^6 R( ^; O+ V% ~       Tom Quinn
2 \# |, b+ v/ ~       Jacob Chambers
$ A, ?% @6 q9 C% p) |       Pete Sutton- p8 O4 d  t5 f0 m) `
       Eric Olson
* W/ {9 [, s; J/ h" Q       伊莉卡·帕米尔坦 Angelica Pamintuan; z  Q0 `* K4 G3 Z
       Paul Majors
- Y2 ?* M) I$ a" s. \5 T       沈晓谦 Xiaoqian Shen
. v. z! d# X) F5 [( N       童自荣 Zirong Tong5 z0 X8 s4 c- u1 P% d: n3 _
       Alexis McCombs
4 o, Q0 h) U3 `/ p+ V! E       Philip Stamper
' A9 s- n/ D3 k" b       拉里·金 Larry King
" f6 q# _" s1 S" Y; g+ z4 N       Eddie Hargitay9 J  U4 G  j" |$ c+ J1 l
       武玉 Jade Wu8 l4 m/ Z/ X' Y5 U3 @
       James Hunter9 i# F# Q8 t3 [) O4 r
       菲尔霍恩 Phil Hawn( E; }  p5 j$ E
       阿瑟·J·纳斯加勒拉 Arthur J. Nascarella+ {/ {( F* v, y" r% t
       杰森·罗巴兹 Jason Robards9 K. s; f* v( y. g0 Y9 I+ u
       李洛·布兰卡托 Lillo Brancato
( |$ S6 K4 @! Q7 H+ F" Z       赛斯·格林 Seth Green+ R: `# ?; D! Z, \5 Q9 m" U8 A1 A
       弗兰克·梅德拉诺 Frank Medrano+ a! U' \; j. L' o8 C
       伊万娜·米利塞维奇 Ivana Milicevic6 H- F1 L4 E9 {/ m1 u* b- T) _; B- V
       卡洛斯·戈麦斯 Carlos Gómez
5 p3 a4 T! P$ K# R$ ?) @" a( o       约翰·塞纳迭姆博 John Cenatiempo
- t- c1 e8 A. E" b       Paul M. Clary7 {) U7 Y1 F% F* S7 o3 N& K
       Lennox Brown9 P+ j9 \6 N+ k! {% C, w
       格雷格·科林斯 Greg Collins
7 ~% w; ?! \  G# i2 p       约翰·卡波迪斯 John Capodice% t- v; M. `7 D" j% ]1 `9 [, z
       Jim Beatty
( z( ~' }2 Z; I3 L- x2 |       菲利普·贝克·霍尔 Philip Baker Hall
! g6 j1 K  s* B* d  ~) l) P9 D       格兰特·赫斯洛夫 Grant Heslov
5 S3 \& \3 {1 D" {! M+ W% M       保罗·赫尔曼 Paul Herman
8 V8 r1 F& V0 V/ @$ N# F0 O! A9 p3 @, ?2 w
◎标  签 WillSmith | 美国 | 动作 | 政治 | 剧情 | 美国电影 | 国家公敌 | 1998
6 b8 D5 d& L, m3 |5 P: x
1 T' F: k$ a! [5 v+ D◎简  介   
. `) N* o3 X- B& n; }, _* S- |
9 g/ [8 k) G" A: n5 z  迪恩(威尔 史密斯 Will Smith 饰)是一个家庭生活和美、前途一片光明的黑人执业律师。圣诞节前夕,迪恩遇到了一位久未谋面的朋友。从此,迪恩的生活发生了天翻地覆的变化。2 H; N7 c4 p, _9 K. p" N

$ T# {( ^5 G' Z) _9 i* B  原来这位友人将一张记录了某个位高权重的人谋杀国会议员整个过程的光盘放进了迪恩的袋子!可怜的迪恩在毫不知情的情况下,被NSA中的害群之马严密监视,并被施加了各种各样的压力,甚至无端遭到了谋杀前女友雷切尔的起诉。
4 J/ u  A9 f7 |$ G% P* Y
) o, g# F, B( r: _8 {* G: a" t  迪恩迫于无奈之下,只得只身展开了逃亡、追查幕后真凶之路。
; R0 ]- V3 d/ D/ O5 z% C, a% ^
+ R! H" C0 ^+ t8 M, u7 x* w% A  Robert Clayton Dean is a lawyer whose life is turned upside down after a chance meeting with a friend. Robert has just been burdened with a Videotape of a congressman's assassination. Hot on the tail of this tape is a ruthless group of National Security Agents commanded by a belligerently ambitious fed named Reynolds. Using surveillance from satellites, bugs and other sophisticated snooping devices, the NSA infiltrates every facet of Dean's existence, tracing each physical and digital footprint he leaves.0 i, q1 e4 O1 z% L" M
  {! s+ @0 Z, y6 ?- r
    % ^" r, q' q- @5 ~  t5 p6 Z- \
  2. 3 [7 `3 A/ A8 k2 u$ u! E
  3. Disc Title:     Enemy.of.the.State.1998.1080p.BluRayCD.MPEG-2.LPCM.5.1.-FGT
    . ^/ z8 z* f, K) m
  4. Disc Size:      39 241 932 704 bytes
    4 l& W3 Q5 ~# C: Y  l. S
  5. Protection:     AACS
    ) x" t  y; i# l- [
  6. BD-Java:        No
    / \: o: B( S% _8 o9 z# I! i
  7. BDInfo:         0.5.8
    " F' u2 r# i5 Y2 v8 D
  8. + d: t; S4 w2 h/ v- i& p% Z
    3 b' \( ^6 y5 P  P, |8 D2 k

  10. . R( M" n, }1 \; ~- v
  11. Name:                   00045.MPLS3 u4 R& y4 v! [% O/ K
  12. Length:                 2:12:11.006 ( g& w. w" H0 V& Z; g, e9 ]
  13. Size:                   31 691 556 864 bytes
    4 k% T" J3 J# k( L" H0 W: F$ [7 d
  14. Total Bitrate:          31,97 Mbps
    + I. G' B% ?. X0 c
  15. 1 L8 \- @- I; P9 |& H1 S
  16. VIDEO:  ^' \6 w) |7 B0 \( E

  17. " Y+ ^1 t' y( |  A1 f7 f/ j
  18. Codec                   Bitrate             Description   
    0 j% {4 O( U0 n* E
  19. -----                   -------             -----------    ( [; W, a( d$ g
  20. MPEG-2 Video            19602 kbps          1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9
    ! I  H; u$ r* K  s+ b' T; l, A6 z
  21. 6 X, }- u9 H4 o; f
  22. AUDIO:  c0 j/ ]8 ]5 Y/ ~
  23. 6 b. b% z1 A9 z7 t0 F, y/ \1 j; n% r
  24. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description   
    % P/ `0 F4 J( Q2 Y3 V9 H
  25. -----                           --------        -------         -----------   
    / l" s$ c2 y) K. O: X8 \( V
  26. LPCM Audio                      English         4608 kbps       5.1 / 48 kHz / 4608 kbps / 16-bit0 V4 q( [4 e, o
  27. Dolby Digital Audio             English         640 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB% T# v# {* \' D' J
  28. Dolby Digital Audio             French          640 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB7 _# K* o& p  i: @& N
  29. DTS Audio                       Italian         1509 kbps       5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit / DN -4dB, O; a( x& `! K" O2 R1 k4 F" R
  30. Dolby Digital Audio             Italian         640 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB
    + k3 x$ s! y  D
  31. DTS Audio                       German          1509 kbps       5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit / DN -1dB/ g9 G9 f8 K6 L. x# [1 W
  32. Dolby Digital Audio             German          640 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -1dB
    ! m8 E; R+ Y4 y1 H$ [' J
  33. ) a+ G+ ~+ W: {# L# M* _0 b
    2 O" e" [$ K, H3 |; J9 [3 R5 m

  35. ! q$ J, \0 Q# d0 o- G; [
  36. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description   
    # w3 x9 W6 {1 C2 a# _$ X: A
  37. -----                           --------        -------         -----------   
    - ?  E7 U* U/ T# }4 i$ T6 u
  38. Presentation Graphics           English         39,915 kbps                    
    : B- D" b# u/ Q# }6 C/ E
  39. Presentation Graphics           English         41,767 kbps                    
    & A1 X" L: T; w1 Q& u( }: c
  40. Presentation Graphics           French          26,956 kbps                    
    3 p3 r1 E0 {3 B+ _& @4 @* ]% C
  41. Presentation Graphics           Italian         28,978 kbps                    4 z$ Y: b3 `# Q+ }
  42. Presentation Graphics           German          31,186 kbps                    3 ~1 f" W8 o* T: \
  43. Presentation Graphics           French          0,600 kbps                      - j  Y+ F, [) e9 L; F0 p  K
  44. Presentation Graphics           Italian         0,606 kbps                      7 K/ x+ Y, F) y/ W& f+ w, g" G
  45. Presentation Graphics           German          0,604 kbps
Enemy of the State Blu-ray, Video Quality   
1 y0 P$ D* h9 T* r/ z0 E9 G+ O2 P* \

) M" b* x$ F/ g9 j, ?: _1 c4 U" sEnemy of the State has seen its fair share of releases on standard definition DVD and none have been particularly impressive. Disney has really risen to the challenge of presenting this film in a way that has never been seen before in the home video realm, as the film looks spectacular on Blu-ray. Colors are appropriately vivid, grain structure has been nicely preserved and black levels are excellent in this transfer. I was very impressed with the amount of fine detail present in Enemy of the State as well. Skin details and textural backgrounds are very clearly defined and are a clear upgrade from the previous DVD versions of the film. The one nitpick I do have with this Blu-ray edition, is in the quality of the master. There are numerous examples of defects present in this transfer including source print scratches and what appeared to be a bad splice in the film. Perhaps this was sourced from an older master that was created when these sorts of details were masked by the lower resolution of DVD. Regardless, it is a distraction for the first 15 or so minutes of the film. Thankfully, the problems seem to clear up from there on out.1 [" k+ G. F3 D; o5 q: d' z
2 z! h4 l0 e8 O) O1 X
Enemy of the State Blu-ray, Audio Quality   # s. Z( p: [. B# V8 y

) E3 i9 l5 q! M. G1 U( _8 S
  `0 {! D9 N! s3 m. Y& ]8 v7 BDisney, much like Sony, have been big supporters of utilizing uncompressed PCM audio on all of their Blu-ray releases and Enemy of the State features a fine PCM track that is a huge improvement over previous Dolby Digital versions of the film. I was very impressed with the large amount of intense directional sound in this film. There are many scenes where we are treated to visuals of orbiting satellites zooming in on action on the ground. During these sequences, the surround channels light up dramatically with fantastic whooshing sounds that spiral around the room. The film's multiple chase sequences are also terrifically directional with ample surround usage and an abundance of deep bass action. Dialog is always crisp and perfectly intelligible and I never had any trouble understanding any of the characters, even in the most dramatic and noisy scenes. All in all, Enemy of the State in PCM offers a tremendous upgrade over the previous DVD versions of the film and is a very involving surround experience.2 H7 q% n7 R6 H/ n
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56 枚
1143 点
wyhappybj 发表于 2021-9-26 09:06:16 | 显示全部楼层
  N3 T# \) b: @: H0 w2 j0 abluraycd forum, a lot of Blu-ray movies!
# d$ ]8 z1 Z2 U* J% }" G. l0 E6 g








2535 枚
6464 点


lanpanshuma 发表于 2021-9-26 13:53:05 | 显示全部楼层
# n9 E% S* Z1 ~至少是现在,我一天没有访问蓝光电影论坛就不爽!At least now, my day did not visit the Blu-ray Film Forum on unhappy!
9 t2 l0 T! U: y








1 枚
3835 点
szlj74 发表于 2021-9-28 22:40:00 | 显示全部楼层








82 枚
1821 点
sebarstean 发表于 2021-9-29 18:54:30 | 显示全部楼层
啥也不说了,楼主就是给力!7 Y1 P8 p4 I% v  k
Thank you for sharing such a good resource polite reply, very sorry for myself!/ c0 r  C$ o+ g" A: F3 S- @








240 枚
4056 点
fangfang789 发表于 2023-7-11 11:02:10 | 显示全部楼层
8 e2 S* A- x& `! R  I8 @& r# movie updates really fast, also did not release issued, whether you believe it or not, anyway, I believed!








30 枚
2856 点
sclzywxl 发表于 2023-7-11 11:51:27 | 显示全部楼层
啥也不说了,楼主就是给力!/ P' V# g  M  R7 |
至少是现在,我一天没有访问蓝光电影论坛就不爽!At least now, my day did not visit the Blu-ray Film Forum on unhappy!0 c4 {" X  v. l) u








578 枚
1737 点
sawas 发表于 2023-7-12 19:37:27 | 显示全部楼层
That was awesome!



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