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[蓝光原盘] 汉斯·季默:布拉格现场 [蓝光原盘] Hans Zimmer Live in Prague 2017 1080p BluRaycd AVC TrueHD 7.1 Atmos-FGT 40.85GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2021-6-8 05:56:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The renowned film score composer leads a concert featuring his cinematic compositions.5 E3 K) o5 V7 [: u2 Q) i4 \
& M& ?9 T3 J, N
6 b) b& S, A+ H4 E" I) r& i
: f: d: X* D2 Z9 \7 n& F0 G
◎译  名 汉斯·季默:布拉格现场/汉斯·季默巡回音乐会/汉斯·季默:布拉格音乐会- V9 |* g2 ], d5 T0 Q6 M
◎片  名 Hans Zimmer: Live in Prague
4 ^! M. L/ {3 g8 b◎年  代 2017
- l( t6 B/ q, [4 c: ^& i7 u1 f0 z◎产  地 英国
$ T5 N( U( E+ l1 k◎类  别 纪录片/音乐
4 P' d9 p3 j4 x+ [; `4 x  W◎语  言 英语0 }0 P$ q- e& a( L! e3 t) Z1 ?# H
◎上映日期 2017-11-03(美国)3 M, ^0 I% M/ s& L. E- _
◎IMDb评分  9.1/10 from 2,416 users) F' k) N$ X1 q7 Q
0 }( c* [$ m1 G" c6 m◎豆瓣评分 9.4/10 from 1,729 users! u" ~* O' O: d0 D/ h
◎豆瓣链接 x! F8 ^. X# U2 I
◎文件格式 x264 + TrueHD
2 z. ~/ A/ A8 S. k4 y; m◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080% d9 a7 t3 `/ T. a' t$ V: B0 _
◎文件大小 1DVD 40.85 GiB
5 k5 p2 h& l1 Y" \  A3 G* A+ Z◎片  长 2:18:31.958 (
/ p+ f9 X# l+ d& _5 u* X◎导  演 提姆·范·索默伦 Tim Van Someren2 b: i- }3 p, Z* i" @$ b  {. M
◎主  演 汉斯·季默 Hans Zimmer2 R  w6 p7 M& |
       约翰尼·玛尔 Johnny Marr! h: j# g" Y- L) {2 D/ ^
       尼克·格伦尼-史密斯 Nick Glennie-Smith% Z! r4 u/ X0 j! I5 L! s* {5 X
       郭婷娜 Tina Guo
  z. W- `/ x- h3 {+ W0 n1 U- H       迈克·艾恩齐格 Mike Einziger
4 r& M' k- a+ A4 s9 N       理查德·哈维 Richard Harvey
! y  [! N' b4 P       李柏·M Lebo M.$ i! k6 ]! I! O8 a7 U1 n' A3 Q/ i
       梅尔·韦森 Mel Wesson
1 u/ F& d, X5 ?$ B1 a) w% q& ^; e8 ]  R( n8 ]
◎标  签 汉斯·季默 | 电影配乐 | 纪录片 | 音乐 | 音乐会 | 现场 | 2017 | 美国/ o* N8 c6 l% e  ?( h
4 L. C" z7 C2 r; ~& ~! S) y5 P) E
◎简  介   + A) O1 |) K4 t" `

" P0 `* y: W: v0 U/ K: K  ★收录【神鬼战士】、【星际效应】、【狮子王】、【黑暗骑士】、【全面启动】之配乐现场演出4 s% r4 Q! F$ F+ t5 S- O

6 I2 y) y! X5 [$ N8 E: k9 O/ j0 T6 s  气势磅礡的交响乐壮阔演奏,千回百转又扣人心弦的旋律铺陈,打造完美贴合电影每分每秒氛围的衬底音乐,Hans Zimmer生涯替超过100部以上的电影谱写配乐,并且让自己成为了众人难以超越的殿堂级巨擘,更立下许多配乐界的全新典范,而我们何其有幸,能与这样的大师共存于当代?9 _5 ^, w. I$ P/ T1 [6 l" t$ i

: t* V1 p. w4 b5 \! c  本名Hans Florian Zimmer的Hans Zimmer,出生于1957年的德国法兰克福,70年代时,Hans Zimmer在乐团Krakatoa中担任键盘手,并与经典New Wave乐团The Buggles展开合作,到了1977年时正式踏乐界。1988年时,在偶然的际遇之下获得电影【雨人】的配乐机会,没想到Hans Zimmer靠着这部电影一战成名,同时震惊了音乐圈和电影圈,从此敲开了他电影配乐之路的大门。之后,Hans Zimmer陆续替【狮子王】、【赤色风暴】、【神鬼战士】、【末代武士】、【黑暗骑士】、【全面启动】、【星际效应】、【敦刻尔克大行动】,以及最新的【银翼杀手2049】等全球知名卖座电影担纲配乐,一路从90年代走红至今,依然维持了他地位不坠的高超实力,并且与时俱进,展现出他一再突破自我的无穷潜力。总计目前为止,Hans Zimmer已获得了4座葛莱美、1座奥斯卡奖、2座金球奖、4座Satellite Award音乐大奖,堪称享誉全球的电影配乐天王。2016年5月7日,Hans Zimmer正在布拉格进行他极为成功的欧洲巡演,他与交响乐团的72名音乐家共同站在舞台上,并且邀请了The Smiths史密斯乐团的吉他手Johnny Marr担任演出嘉宾,谱出了一整晚的美妙音乐,而这场演唱会被全程收录,并发行为此张【Live in Prague】。( ^" M3 Q5 H. W3 w3 w* R1 J9 I! h
7 e1 C& I* n8 O# w
  【Live in Prague】中一共收录了2016年5月7日在布拉格「The O2 Arena」演出的15首歌曲,而曲目可以说是演绎出了Hans Zimmer接近30年来的音乐生涯,除了有【雨人】、【狮子王】、【绝命大煞星】、【红色警戒】、【神鬼战士】、【神鬼奇航】等早期和经典时期的配乐之外,更有【天使与魔鬼】、【福尔摩斯】、【超人:钢铁英雄】、【黑暗骑士三部曲】、【星际效应】、【全面启动】、【达文西密码】等2000年以后的全新典范配乐,聆听这一场由超过72名音乐家与Hans Zimmer的合作演奏,浩大磅礡的音乐场面、聆听起来就像是在进行当代电影配乐的巡礼,一次将所有最值得品味和收藏的作品,全部尽收耳底。
. z$ ]0 \+ }* R; t
, T' y5 s- ~9 I  k- r  r; B  The concert was filmed on 7 May 2016, during a hugely successful European tour. Zimmer was accompanied by a band, orchestra and choir – 72 musicians in total – including guitarist Johnny Marr. The staging included a ground breaking light show, stunning visuals and a state of the art sound system. Zimmer himself performs on multiple instruments and gives introductory insights to many of the pieces during the concert.
9 m4 P! N- v4 h( s4 i) s" e
) o# [2 m+ L, D  曲目列表:
1 F: k; e- z! b: G1 r$ A' a# i( k7 [4 {
  1. Medley: Driving (Driving Miss Daisy) / Discombobulate (Sherlock Holmes) / Zoosters Breakout (Madagascar)
' G; u/ D% S8 f3 W) ^7 L  2. Medley: Crimson Tide / 160 BPM (Angels And Demons)' B3 p8 q+ \5 M- h' j! Y' v) d
  3. Gladiator Medley: The Wheat / The Battle / Elysium / Now We Are Free 4. Chevaliers De Sangreal (The Da Vinci Code): V9 a$ u* [+ W# h- B% r" N
  5. The Lion King Medley: Circle Of Life (Prelude) / King Of Pride Rock (reprise)
2 |3 s' w! Q! n/ I2 ^  6. Pirates Of The Caribbean Medley: Captain Jack Sparrow / One Day / Up Is Down / He‘s A Pirate: D4 e- d. Y7 [* G' ], r
  7. You‘re So Cool (True Romance)
, l* h. B9 P0 h  8. Rain Man: Main Theme
5 p8 l  b* A3 D: U1 I  9. What Are You Going To Do When You Are Not Saving The World (Man Of Steel)/ {: @# O5 y' ?5 k* j1 V. q0 X/ _8 X
  10. Journey To The Line (The Thin Red Line)
, j4 w! B7 _4 D! S* N0 s  11. The Electro Suite (themes from The Amazing Spider-Man 2)9 e: e; x) _( P- {$ k
  12. The Dark Knight Trilogy Medley: Why So Serious? / Like A Dog Chasing Cars / Why Do We Fall? / Introduce A Little Anarchy / The Fire Rises
7 A, W. w% N- L. b9 X  13. Aurora
5 H+ A9 J  O" Z6 P* {( T2 K# p# ]  14. Interstellar Medley: Day One / Cornfield Chase / No Time For Caution / Stay
) Z# h. n0 F- Y' q  15. Inception Medley: Half Remembered Dream / Dream Is Collapsing / Mombasa / Time
4 \! N2 P, s  {4 X. w& n& ^8 w3 a$ `4 u, q* e" X8 s4 W
  1. DISC INFO:& P5 r9 ^$ a3 {/ w3 @# z

  2. 8 r+ I, U- w3 G9 {  ^
  3. Disc Title: }8 @+ z% F' N/ q: V1 X3 N
  4. Disc Size:      43,857,914,510 bytes! Z& x) U5 C( ^4 G
  5. Protection:     AACS
    % D( z% k- Y7 B
  6. BDInfo: (compatible layout created by DVDFab
    . [3 h$ M. z( U( L' f8 d7 O) U! U

  7. - c/ P$ O# J1 I6 k( O
    9 z" _# M3 ?5 Y1 q# i" g

  9. . C; J9 `' n0 F8 ~
  10. Name:                   00011.MPLS  
    / t) k) w" R. s% j( ^( S5 V
  11. Length:                 2:18:31.958 (
    ! A# I2 u0 x. e4 ]5 K) S% z" c! ]
  12. Size:                   42,959,732,736 bytes8 i$ F: X+ V- J; X
  13. Total Bitrate:          41.35 Mbps
    ! d; N5 P* r2 X4 v9 R

  14. " c5 p% G: K6 k& I$ ]7 J
  15. Video:
    8 M5 U+ ^$ @2 v

  16. , X- j. z3 E( U3 j# f& Y% ]- k
  17. Codec                   Bitrate             Description    , A: ?$ W7 ?! Y6 G! q; N/ p. k
  18. -----                   -------             -----------   
    5 H5 P0 e& ~0 w9 f. b( G
  19. MPEG-4 AVC Video        29987 kbps          1080p / 24 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    # @: O  ~( w# P, a. E# I1 N' O
  20. 8 [0 A# i/ L, r, b6 j# t2 V8 t
  21. AUDIO:5 Y$ k- ?: `9 ~' n3 q, @) i( d! d- y, ~
  22. : e4 J4 L, F& r5 h* M6 k  S
  23. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description      t/ E, p3 V9 h( z7 h
  24. -----                           --------        -------         -----------   
    * `+ p( p5 \1 m; E' D$ s) J  r
  25. LPCM Audio                      English         1536 kbps       2.0 / 48 kHz / 1536 kbps / 16-bit% C7 N( w2 A2 `: t0 D
  26. Dolby TrueHD/Atmos Audio        English         6710 kbps       7.1+11 objects / 48 kHz / 6070 kbps / 24-bit (AC3 Core: 5.1-EX / 48 kHz / 640 kbps)
    6 W3 A8 Y8 o3 ]; h1 _( Q
  27. - {+ U! k9 _7 i9 L: K, Q
    * \, A3 a' h3 L$ f6 N# J
  29. ! N. [. @" G4 D$ h  I
  30. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description    8 z" v& ?9 f8 _' F# e; U' m
  31. -----                           --------        -------         -----------    ! r1 G+ l4 J& ^
  32. Presentation Graphics           English         6.175 kbps                      ! f) `# M" {, k* q
  33. Presentation Graphics           German          6.759 kbps                      8 f- O' \6 b! z% r/ ~* c1 L$ g
  34. Presentation Graphics           Spanish         5.631 kbps                      ( }0 t8 q7 R; z2 d' f
  35. Presentation Graphics           French          5.792 kbps
Hans Zimmer: Live in Prague Blu-ray, Video Quality   
/ D: }% E6 t) k6 i! ~! S) }+ f8 i( E" j4 f& N
$ p6 z2 c: p% g' _) G0 @% F
Hans Zimmer Live in Prague is presented on Blu-ray courtesy of Eagle Vision, an imprint of Eagle Rock Entertainment, and Universal Music Group with an AVC encoded 1080p transfer in 1.78:1. This is a somewhat odd looking transfer at times, and I'm frankly not sure whether some of what is on display is intentional tweaking of the image or some compression issues. Take a look at screenshots 6 and 10, for example, to see some odd grittiness that almost does look intentional at some times, though that said, there are "instant" changes in clarity with a resultant lack of "splotchiness" when cameras are changed that may argue toward the other possibility. Detail levels are typically quite high throughout this presentation, though the director opts for a number of "arty" shots (like overhead placement of cameras), where the vantage point doesn't really support that much in the way of fine detail. The palette looks good throughout, though the concert is often bathed in deep, cobalt blue lighting regimens.
- P& i- ]8 C4 @  v7 k* }! Z$ m' l# r9 w, a- y& n7 u( g
Hans Zimmer: Live in Prague Blu-ray, Audio Quality   
; s6 H+ k, V: B1 U1 B7 [6 z5 V2 x1 `4 x: J8 h9 J2 W* a7 j1 F3 r
7 i  W$ m- N  T& m
Hans Zimmer Live in Prague is at least one of the first, and to my recollection maybe the first ever, concert I've reviewed with Dolby Atmos sound. While the actual concert sounds absolutely fantastic, with an almost palpable difference in amplitude and spaciousness noticeable between the Atmos track and the also included LPCM 2.0 track, I have to say that for the most part the Atmos channels tend to offer the spill of crowd noise more than any other single element. Zimmer's sometimes unusual orchestrations are presented with brilliant precision and clarity throughout this presentation, though, and the mix is extremely winning, offering both clear separation but also an organic wholeness in tutti passages.- w* W6 P: |3 U1 K4 ~* Y+ @
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