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[喜剧爱情] 五子棋的终点 Futtocks End 1970 720p BluRaycd x264-ORBS 2.02GB








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mvods 发表于 2021-7-21 21:05:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
7 p! e7 D; O: i2 y" `: J3 h) p; G" j
7 F" \/ u7 P: O- ]7 h. ?
◎译  名 五子棋的终点
; S' a/ r7 k. \  Y◎片  名 Futtocks End
4 \  Y$ d. E/ Z◎年  代 1970
  ]" p+ J2 w; n5 i: @$ s◎产  地 英国
# {. Q1 P) I6 T# p7 O0 q◎类  别 喜剧/短片
. Z( n6 G& ~- M◎语  言 英语
1 U. P4 e9 B8 }2 {4 D◎上映日期 1970-02(英国)
9 j" [6 d& {) A2 y; u3 E' g◎IMDb评分  6.5/10 from 153 users; B& {7 S2 i( O8 |  F
◎IMDb链接 N4 N0 {' b9 C7 y+ P5 E
◎片  长 49 min
2 d8 @* h0 {. c◎导  演 Bob Kellett; O$ M, X( [: o, p/ U8 r" `
◎编  剧 Ronnie Barker4 a7 K9 W9 F. Y
◎主  演 Michael Hordern" d0 ?+ M# [: Z: Z* w5 j1 v2 g
       Ronnie Barker
2 A% T4 i/ r% d( h& E* _! H# j       Roger Livesey) f4 d, h, N' o5 h8 h

0 X" l* g4 q  z1 k◎简  介     4 J# @. z3 W# s% i4 r+ v  |% M) V
5 r. ]4 @9 B% e' R) n  p4 L8 c
  In this "silent" sound effect comedy, Ronnie Barker stars as General Futtock, who has a motley group of guests stay at his country estate for the weekend. Chaos ensues between the butler (Sir Michael Hordern) trying to catch glimpses of the good-looking young guest, rum accidentally falling into the punch bowl, and the lost Japanese tourist.
6 T* O% u. w2 {* n9 z
Futtocks.End.1970.720p.BluRayCD.x264-ORBS4 ^7 x* J1 }1 [+ i& a  x0 B
2 x% x: C7 G; p! C1 C: X
Title......: Futtocks End
! Z5 t: j: u/ t! WRating.....: 6.6/10 from 145 users
" `9 a0 H$ X- XGenre......: Comedy- }, s- b4 Z: ]" z" \9 H' {
. D* F7 u, f( x7 [( T3 m; P# Z
; G4 N! R- ?' y# U* a) cVideo......: CRF 19 (5416 Kbps)
( ~4 n. w; G9 g4 lSource.....: 24498 Kbps3 O8 f# w- o, K1 K
Resolution.: 1194x720! p# d" |) f# i: q
Frame Rate.: 24 fps
5 d( N4 }5 F" }6 ~Duration...: 49 min 2 s* p2 V: L3 U- K, Q/ j
Language...: English9 V8 d9 }7 ~- I  ?; M9 X- Z3 ]! V8 ~
Audio......: FLAC 2ch (387 Kbps). c* g1 I( i* W3 L! ?
Subs.......: None# e# Z5 @; g3 c9 A4 _( W! B
Size.......: 2 GB
5 u! @! l( ~8 m" `2 F
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