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[欧美剧] 王冠 第二季 [REMUX无损版] The Crown Season 2 2017 1080p BluRaycd REMUX AVC DTS-HD MA 5.1-NOGRP 107.37GB








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mvods 发表于 2021-11-12 03:09:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

, X1 U9 x" n1 C% o/ X$ T
% D  [* X- t6 w◎译  名 王冠 第二季: l, C- I1 a0 k4 b8 B' K# G( p
◎片  名 The Crown Season 2, x/ J1 M" `( A- ?1 k; U
◎年  代 2017
6 d1 H: @* t: i/ y+ T: r◎产  地 美国/英国: R) F; l  K  u  z. y, i
◎类  别 剧情/历史
: d! N2 P9 q1 T7 p( E% j& C. D8 ]( p◎语  言 英语) ^4 h9 ?) s. n: m# N
◎上映日期 2017-12-08(美国)
3 K4 H# q6 X8 W/ M% ?! C) E* x◎IMDb评分  8.3/10 from 3,641 users5 t0 S3 J* ]8 x3 ]8 d4 n# A) i  [
◎IMDb链接 ^" ^/ J1 z# H5 \: y4 C
◎豆瓣评分 9.3/10 from 33,944 users5 z: s& t, C, c& Z
4 X$ y$ `( V- q+ L◎文件格式 x264 + DTS  . \7 s* ]( P. f, m0 c" f" c' B
◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080
. Y9 r( F5 O9 x$ r6 R: i4 W5 d◎文件大小 1DVD 107.37 GiB" x- L# Q' D2 o+ W
◎集  数 10
3 X, m5 U3 Q) J/ u, U) m7 k◎片  长 60分钟5 m9 l, Z9 E/ y% S- f* M+ J- S2 y
◎导  演 本·卡隆 Ben Caron
- Z" ?; H# j3 o       菲利普·马丁 Philip Martin
! f, A  t3 G0 y% b       菲莉帕·洛索普 Philippa Lowthorpe& Q& G0 r( P( I/ D- `& E  `
       史蒂芬·戴德利 Stephen Daldry: N/ y& k5 f# Z
◎主  演 克莱尔·芙伊 Claire Foy8 K, }- U6 a7 v4 p* l2 d
       马特·史密斯 Matt Smith
. G* r* S0 y5 Q2 g       杰瑞米·诺森 Jeremy Northam7 L5 m! O% \' C* [* X+ \: ?
       凡妮莎·柯比 Vanessa Kirby5 c1 p: b# N$ l* x
       安东·莱瑟 Anton Lesser
. t; }8 k$ i0 c       威尔·基恩 Will Keen7 R2 w$ X2 t/ W! d
       丹尼尔·英格斯 Daniel Ings7 Y2 n, |! z/ {6 J0 x9 f  V
       克洛伊·皮里 Chloe Pirrie
* L8 W# ^( b+ w' n; m8 u       皮普·托伦斯 Pip Torrens' r5 Y2 Z$ b4 s' w5 d: r# Q
       格雷·怀斯 Greg Wise0 W" M# l  J" @& v" T
       比利·詹金斯 Billy Jenkins3 [1 P2 _4 b; N
       哈利·海顿-佩顿 Harry Hadden-Paton; A- ?1 q+ h2 Q
       克莱夫·弗朗西斯 Clive Francis0 g) k. e, E% j; e3 ]
       尼古拉斯·本恩斯 Nicholas Burns; E. X. w: ?! J6 u
       马修·古迪 Matthew Goode
& m; k# b" H$ W% G) l& B       迈克尔·C·豪尔 Michael C. Hall
) g, Y" D  k, g+ B' Q$ [2 x       乔迪·巴尔弗 Jodi Balfour
. S5 W& h# W% \2 g       丽丝麦克伦尼 Lizzy McInnerny/ x8 `4 T' }+ m) L% h: W; h' ^8 v
       迈克尔·伯滕肖 Michael Bertenshaw
- y5 e+ L$ M# ^3 m0 O2 x( g       乔纳森纽斯 Jonathan Newth
- l# O+ ~$ A/ a% d9 [4 S9 z. p+ Y0 }       露西·拉塞尔 Lucy Russell" q( q  r  z, a* h7 Z" K
       阿米尔·鲍特罗斯 Amir Boutrous' e# e! h- {: b
       尤兰达·凯罗 Yolanda Kettle' P+ `- Y3 K  K( ^* Y* @# ?1 i
       阿历克斯·杰宁斯 Alex Jennings
6 _- E( o. y) w+ W: P- O3 u. d- P
" c8 ~# A5 R' P5 y  e) F/ I◎简  介   
, t8 X) D& R4 r' U! |" P
: q+ A. s5 B# A, p  《王冠》讲述世界上两个鼎鼎大名的地方(白金汉宫和唐宁街 10 号)的内幕故事,并揭示影响 20 世纪下半叶走向的大事件背后的阴谋、诡计和爱情。两宫两院,一顶王冠。% K$ h$ ~& M) G; {

! q% A* d6 d' N0 {( }; z  As Philip leaves for a long tour, Elizabeth makes an upsetting discovery. Prime Minister Eden wants to strike back after Egypt seizes the Suez Canal.' i% }8 I6 Y$ I" Y7 z
3 P- C9 d3 |/ y, }# Y
◎获奖情况   $ d7 e2 r" K$ y, M. {3 z

, }" N, _+ \: X$ \7 k. P: A  第42届美国电影学会奖  (2017)
2 X3 L1 ]& g* b  M5 w9 p  年度剧集
" V7 w& s1 M9 c) A1 G+ ~7 g( B9 n/ g
9 f. q9 K) Q% c1 C: l9 A% n4 r/ Z% H
The.Crown.S02.1080p.BluRayCD.REMUX.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-NOGRP 107.37 GB
The Crown: The Complete Second Season Blu-ray, Video Quality   
3 W; W% C. E( g6 m9 b8 j4 n- C+ Z5 x/ a/ i! c- i1 u* M; p

1 f" ?7 H# U% N1 TThe Crown: Season Two's 1080p transfer approaches format royalty, particularly if considering a contemporary, digitally shot television program. The setting, the stylings, the density allow the material to shine. The clean, smooth image façade renders the show a touch flat and artificial, as was the case with season one, but it's very polished and refined within its visual constructs. Noise is visible but usually kept in check, rarely spiking to any egregious level of distraction. Banding or other source or encode artifacts are barely an issue. Detailing is superb. The clarity of period attire offers viewers a tangible insight into the styles of the day. Skin tones are near perfect, and viewers can see the fine definition on every of the queen's freckles, pores, and hairs. Environments are tack-sharp with the resplendent royal and governmental interiors a highlight. Well manicured grasses, clean city streets, and any number of external locations beyond the core set pieces deliver very impressive definition. Colors are carefully rendered. There's a very mild desaturation to the image, an extremely slight airiness to the picture. Within that context, the queen's blue eyes sparkle. Natural greens liven every shot in which they appear. Clothes are bold and precise. Black level depth is nearly flawless. Skin tones are beautiful. Sony has once again delivered a practically flawless Blu-ray image for one of the most visually arresting shows airing today.
9 L9 v0 H4 a0 N7 B$ o3 P1 \
% p/ I4 p$ U: Y/ x3 g" D( }$ fThe Crown: The Complete Second Season Blu-ray, Audio Quality   ' K; o  b/ {- e# I; I) A9 q

, u" j3 f# P6 D' d! ]* R: X
% E+ J5 r% `5 ]4 T. k8 @9 ]: V* ?; [The Crown: Season Two's DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 lossless soundtrack delivers a consistent, even listening experience that's nicely complimentary to the show's style and well-versed in the delivery of its needs. The track exudes sonic excellence without ever overplaying its hand. Musical presentation is a fine example. It's precise, wide along the front, modestly immersive, and bass never oversteps its boundaries. Atmospherics are nicely integrated. There's a fine sense of place, even with more reserved sonic characteristics in various locales throughout the season, whether light environmental supports on city streets, typewriter and telephone din in offices, machinery, automobile engines, or reverberating gunshots heard during a hunting expedition after the opening titles in the season's final episode. A few more prominent sonic elements are handled with equal care and balance, always finding the appropriate sonic posture for the scene in question and within the show's larger, arcing context. Dialogue is the primary audio propellant and delivery is without flaw. It's center positioned, perfectly prioritized alongside any competing effects, and lifelike in clarity of delivery./ Y" k6 o+ y3 N* f8 {) e
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bxzwymr 发表于 2022-6-25 21:35:56 | 显示全部楼层
王冠 第二季



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