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[4K极清电影] 星际迷航11/星际旅行11 [4K蓝光原盘] Star Trek 2009 2160p BluRaycd HEVC TrueHD 7.1 Atmos-COASTER 58.77GB








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迅雷电影 发表于 2021-11-19 04:56:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The brash James T. Kirk tries to live up to his father's legacy with Mr. Spock keeping him in check as a vengeful Romulan from the future creates black holes to destroy the Federation one planet at a time.
0 S# H- Y1 W) b. Q5 m
, L. f9 p) E# X  J5 @# o' }& S. \6 ]$ t* G3 t( l

7 g, ~; v- P6 @4 o1 R◎译  名 星际迷航/星空奇遇记(港)/星际争霸战(台)/星舰奇航记11/星舰迷航记11/星际旅行11/星际迷航11/星际迷航11:开启未来. E4 {. O5 P: q$ g, j2 y7 U
◎片  名 Star Trek / Star Trek XI / Star Trek 11
* m- @0 w9 q' z' |) O6 E( i◎年  代 2009
8 ~6 F8 B. |/ F- z◎产  地 美国/德国
1 b) a2 a" F, q" Z, @◎类  别 动作/科幻/冒险
3 \% d" Z7 ?  a  \4 D2 ?6 U6 m* G◎语  言 英语3 ]0 p* v  ~! T
◎上映日期 2009-05-15(中国大陆)/2009-05-08(美国)
" F! C9 j2 U7 d( ?◎IMDb评分  7.9/10 from 591,923 users
6 H2 c# o' j$ a$ v: j6 F3 y' j◎IMDb链接 Y  k6 k$ e$ E. \( h
◎豆瓣评分 8.1/10 from 152,587 users- J0 {; c* `6 ?* {6 k9 E: r* a* r) [# t
◎豆瓣链接 t* c! P* X& \5 X' V: {8 Y5 B
◎文件格式 x265 + TrueHD1 O4 l: _. `  k9 u: ]
◎视频尺寸 3840 x 2160) f1 s4 w" m/ L& H3 M
◎文件大小 1DVD 58.77 GiB
5 p( t* m8 k8 R; R" o. w◎片  长 2:06:50.060 (
* n5 a  v% ?+ F; @  F) I◎导  演 J·J·艾布拉姆斯 J.J. Abrams! w8 ]1 H8 j# Z1 f
◎编  剧 罗伯托·奥奇 Roberto Orci
: |9 h$ J0 ~0 n6 D* b& [# g2 J       艾里克斯·库兹曼 Alex Kurtzman7 d, q) w, k* F0 u* m6 R7 b
       吉恩·罗登贝瑞 Gene Roddenberry- y& U" m1 Q, [) \. F0 V# u, u
◎主  演 克里斯·派恩 Chris Pine3 w- d2 F% J+ v
       扎克瑞·昆图 Zachary Quinto  U3 ], x; w# j: X: M
       伦纳德·尼莫伊 Leonard Nimoy
, p, Q4 U% p+ ?3 [; ?       艾瑞克·巴纳 Eric Bana
6 j1 K! T3 m; u. W% Z       布鲁斯·格林伍德 Bruce Greenwood: }: u9 g; e7 V  K$ y6 c2 U
       卡尔·厄本 Karl Urban# x3 F6 \$ q  A$ Q  g
       佐伊·索尔达娜 Zoe Saldana
3 E$ {0 r- a# v* S/ d% t       西蒙·佩吉 Simon Pegg
% a) O* _) G1 {& q& R       约翰·赵 John Cho
, _' T9 i7 @8 a4 i* Q( @# m' N       安东·尤金 Anton Yelchin
; _+ A1 c& ^6 h; \" O7 \       本·克劳斯 Ben Cross4 Q- ~0 U, x$ R; P- s- _4 F
       薇诺娜·瑞德 Winona Ryder
1 H6 O6 e. W& E: |/ L. R       克里斯·海姆斯沃斯 Chris Hemsworth
. y9 v; {% _4 Y( ~8 Z       詹妮弗·莫里森 Jennifer Morrison$ D) \) l. T1 E7 v( j; h; q7 P
. F9 o: U+ p5 d4 A
◎标  签 科幻 | 美国 | 星际 | 2009 | 冒险 | 动作 | 史诗 | 未来开始了( b3 N! j' g" g
* W8 e0 G- e: E4 P  B0 B
◎简  介   1 l! a% ^; d' t2 k. _

. |9 N8 M+ t0 @  p5 b/ \3 a6 [  故事发生在的二十三世纪,人类的科技发展已经到达了可以星际旅行的地步。
8 H8 g# {& i% n& X, D& n
* B7 G2 r& u# v- ?% z: m2 v  2230年出生于瓦肯星的男孩史波克(扎克瑞·昆图 Zachary Quinto 饰),因为母亲阿曼达·格雷森(薇诺娜·赖德 Winona Ryder 饰)是人类,经常遭到同僚的嘲笑和欺负。父亲萨瑞克(本·克劳斯 Ben Cross 饰)是瓦肯星的一名外交官,史波克从小就不断地在严肃的瓦肯逻辑教育和他的人类情感之间挣扎。长大后的史波克遇到了同样怀着远大志向的柯克(克里斯·派恩 Chris Pine 饰),两人虽矛盾不断但通过种种任务考验逐渐开始互相理解。5 `, D! X8 `4 @  W; K

7 y- Q' y1 Y, g5 s) j  企业号的老舰长是克里斯托弗·派克(布鲁斯·格林伍德 Bruce Greenwood 饰),舰员则包括医疗官“老骨头”麦考伊(卡尔·厄本 Karl Urban 饰)、总工程师史考特(西蒙·佩吉 Simon Pegg 饰)、通讯官乌瑚拉(佐伊·桑塔纳 Zoe Saldana 饰)、舵手苏鲁(约翰·周 John Cho 饰),以及17岁的领航员——天才少年契柯夫(安东·尤金 Anton Yelchin 饰)。而来自未来的老年史波克(伦纳德·尼莫伊 Leonard Nimoy 饰)因穿越时空,告诉了柯克未来罗慕伦帝国的残余势力尼诺(艾瑞克·巴纳 Eric Bana 饰)也已经回到现在,并率领大队人马进行复仇,尼诺摧毁了史波克的家乡瓦肯星,下一个目标便是地球……! P2 O8 h% }3 j/ F
: M5 ]- {# m  n7 Y
+ f" L1 y, w9 n% U# ^% q. F$ A1 c& B+ h) b% v
  The fate of the galaxy rests in the hands of bitter rivals. One, James Kirk, is a delinquent,thrill-seeking Iowa farm boy. The other, Spock, a Vulcan, was raised in a logic-based society that rejects all emotion. As fiery instinct clashes with calm reason, their unlikely but powerful partnership is the only thing capable of leading their crew through unimaginable danger, boldly going where no one has gone before. The human adventure has begun again.7 T# x3 F: ^; x; E

* k+ p, G) q6 G1 D! Y' ?◎获奖情况  
, X5 F. b$ p# N4 K3 y5 k  }9 O: _' b/ \! u
  第82届奥斯卡金像奖(2010)5 N. n0 A; K! D! A4 [3 p  \
  最佳视觉效果(提名) 罗杰·盖耶特 / 拉塞尔·厄尔 / 保罗·卡凡纳 / 布尔特·达尔顿+ U/ K6 }0 u* u1 r+ n  v( }& w% o
  最佳混音(提名) 安娜·贝尔莫 / 安迪·纳尔逊 / 彼得·J·戴夫林
! q) k+ x0 @; Z. ]  最佳音效剪辑(提名) 艾兰·兰金 / 马克·P·施特金格尔$ s) [- s1 r. ?* [8 ]" X( W
  最佳化妆 巴尼·布尔曼 / 敏迪·霍尔 / 乔尔·哈罗& V: r% }' Q( J& ^
, |; B  d* W8 K  u( _: C. @
  第19届MTV电影奖(2010)( V* C: n4 c( J5 q' W
  MTV电影奖 突破表演奖(提名) 克里斯·派恩& A, A1 ]! T) X

8 b/ u% E- `* ^  第8届华盛顿影评人协会奖(2009)
% p2 \- M8 H8 {) Y9 j  最佳群戏(提名): S) _, H2 P7 p- w
  最佳艺术指导(提名)# o, J4 V7 w+ L  a0 k" B  M
) M+ U9 @$ M3 O2 `& S; T' ~- d
  第9届凤凰城影评人协会奖(2009)' w# [; O  R5 V+ Y+ Q
  最佳特技表演3 }% Y8 K3 _5 U# m
% T0 R' c  G$ _* R+ ^* d& \; O
  第11届美国青少年选择奖(2009): Z' Q4 k" G) q! u' N
/ P, b; c& p3 U' ?' J( {  最佳动作冒险电影女演员(提名) 佐伊·索尔达娜
& O# C- d# r$ D# J/ j3 F  最佳电影反派(提名) 艾瑞克·巴纳" {- A; x8 D  p5 O3 Z$ a3 q7 `
  Choice Movie Fresh Face Male(提名) 克里斯·派恩
& N! E, G) ?. N- p  最佳银幕大战(提名) 扎克瑞·昆图 / 克里斯·派恩9 ]$ x7 L1 X9 w- `( F+ T' Z
  最佳暑期动作冒险电影(提名)1 L6 N) E: j. Z# V+ a7 K3 h  O" _

, O& x' P6 o% I4 F0 m+ N( V
  1. DISC INFO:7 M' @" V& Z% I: G4 t6 I# ^

  2. 0 z0 N2 L( `! y, [1 v2 Z
  3. Disc Title:     Star.Trek.2009.2160p.BluRayCD.HEVC.TrueHD.7.1.Atmos-COASTER9 O+ ]3 H# e* L7 {
  4. Disc Size:      63,099,684,187 bytes
    " g9 `0 _$ Z; T( @" A8 u& Y
  5. Protection:     AACS2+ ^% p' {% S9 k
  6. BD-Java:        Yes
      y3 g2 m8 O1 Z
  7. Extras:         Ultra HD
    ! Q* u4 f; p. K# v+ f
  8. BDInfo: (compatible layout created by DVDFab
    $ g7 v3 w8 I) H0 V8 T7 B# r1 ?

  9. 0 b6 V2 T* p3 _9 b' x- y7 f6 ~- T
  10. PLAYLIST REPORT:- f4 H( H* @: v; J

  11. & l( n# a! W! B9 Y, f& Z
  12. Name:                   00800.MPLS  ; _% _, r* B( j# K
  13. Length:                 2:06:50.060 (
    , B, A- N, r- {0 ]
  14. Size:                   62,551,246,848 bytes% B0 i% t: {3 d9 ^7 ?' d; T
  15. Total Bitrate:          65.76 Mbps, D' N2 R/ G$ c9 y9 W1 ~
  16.   X$ @4 m$ q9 g) N" K1 P; a' |6 J4 v
  17. Video:
    3 q# }7 e: f. ]# ?* x* }
  18. + I6 `, G, F: g( k: [
  19. Codec                   Bitrate             Description   
    , Q& _# G6 I. g% R: _
  20. -----                   -------             -----------    5 e) {' y1 c6 a+ G2 j$ ~
  21. MPEG-H HEVC Video       53000 kbps          2160p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / Main 10 Profile 5.1 High / 4:2:0 / 10 bits / HDR / BT.2020 /
    # I) ^8 S$ O6 L8 d3 k7 X8 u
  22. % a9 e  W5 z( _# v5 _
  23. AUDIO:
    7 }# i$ d# [$ h/ K# m
  24. 1 U& ?+ F, X) T7 w
  25. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description    5 f$ z& J" f# M
  26. -----                           --------        -------         -----------   
    ( T5 d: U9 @1 B0 j3 Q( w
  27. Dolby Atmos/TrueHD Audio        English         5635 kbps       7.1-Atmos / 48 kHz / 5635 kbps / 24-bit (AC3 Core: 5.1-EX / 48 kHz / 640 kbps)2 h; s2 u$ A& P4 [9 a3 _5 Y" h
  28. Dolby Digital Audio             French          640 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps- a8 {/ G) ], ^; H( \
  29. Dolby Digital Audio             Spanish         640 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps% g: b; l- c1 K8 l) x
  30. Dolby Digital Audio             Portuguese      640 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps
    1 O/ P! H" {, y- ^6 e, l. {9 }
  31. Dolby Digital Audio             English         640 kbps        5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps1 y7 ]6 K- V9 j8 r/ n
  32. Dolby Digital Audio             English         224 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz / 224 kbps' m6 l( O# ]" Y" U) h8 }5 h
  33. - e0 X' z' W* b
    3 u) V. P: P: u0 l

  35. & P7 A1 R( H' h$ a) @% v  M  c
  36. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description   
    3 h. H6 O; T' y9 r
  37. -----                           --------        -------         -----------    0 r8 D2 t6 ^6 S; Y! s
  38. Presentation Graphics           English         35.477 kbps                    8 w- O- L6 i: B* \9 i! x: B2 Y
  39. Presentation Graphics           English         40.299 kbps                    
    * z) C( }4 u  \
  40. Presentation Graphics           French          34.789 kbps                    
    # @0 l; V. Z/ J5 L( e1 X- a7 M! B
  41. Presentation Graphics           Spanish         29.283 kbps                    1 e  D  ~' M0 h" e, ^9 x3 v
  42. Presentation Graphics           Portuguese      28.734 kbps                    
    " i+ N- ^' j+ {
  43. Presentation Graphics           French          0.073 kbps                      $ N6 a3 ]: d; y5 M7 \5 i- h
  44. Presentation Graphics           Spanish         0.023 kbps                     
    8 u3 E2 w) Z( _: F0 k8 l9 E2 p  V
  45. Presentation Graphics           Portuguese      0.069 kbps
Star Trek 4K Blu-ray, Video Quality   ; o# U% q1 W( a9 K* ^- `+ {! P

$ ^, Z3 b  D0 E0 l+ b6 C! h+ B# N' T
Paramount makes the jump up to speed with its UHD debut, and it's a fitting one at that. 2009's Star Trek revitalized a beloved franchise and it's a slick, fun, very well made, and perfectly complimentary entry into the expanding Trek canon. There's also a new film on the way, all reasons why Paramount couldn't get this, and Star Trek Into Darkness, out the door fast enough. The studio's debut UHD/HDR 2160p disc doesn't disappoint. The presentation improves upon the movie's excellent, though slightly aged (is it really going on seven years since the movie's Blu-ray debut? Time truly does fly at warp speed) 1080p transfer. The UHD release retains a gorgeous cinematic texturing, boasting a refined and complimentary grain structure that accentuates every detail and visual effect. The image is otherwise clean and sharp, beyond a few soft shots that remain (Spock at film's end being the most obvious example). Skin textures are remarkable. Close-ups are so intimately complex as to astound; whether Romulan tattoos or fine pores and facial hair, any viewer would be hard-pressed to find a home video image -- 1080p or 2160p -- that can match this one's level of revealing intimacy. Clothing fabrics, whether civilian garb, the more complex and mesh-y Starfleet uniform tops, or the more rugged (and darkly colored) Romulan attire are beautifully complex. The many industrial interiors have plenty to reveal, from the murky and messy Romulan vessel interiors to the beer plant Star Fleet engineering areas, and the transfer never fails to find the smallest scuff or structural nuance. HDR-enhanced colors are vivid and alive, particularly as complimentary pops against the Enterprise's brightly white interior set pieces. The red, blue, and mustard-colored Starfleet uniforms offer plenty of punch, while any number of complimentary shades, like a red sports car or a green alien's skin, impress. Black levels are tight and flesh tones refined. Direct comparisons with the previous release produce a tangible increase in fine grain structure and presentation, enhanced details -- particularly faces and those Starfleet uniform fabrics -- and a more refined color palette that favors a more neutral presentation rather than a slightly more punchy flair." R# t7 q% m! G. Q2 ^) y; [

0 X9 @2 T$ n- w, l6 HStar Trek 4K Blu-ray, Audio Quality   3 d3 t' x4 g& |0 N  G

1 q; h8 N; c) e* }$ h7 D: o
9 w4 P; \4 P- E6 dStar Trek warps onto Blu-ray with an excellent, but not quite wholly satisfying, Dolby Atmos (Dolby TrueHD 7.1 core) track that adds overhead channels to the traditional configuration. The previous release's Dolby TrueHD 5.1 track was a standard-bearer of its time. The added back surround channels add quite a bit of room for expansion, maneuverability, and fullness to the track. Raw sound detail is exquisite, from the hum of the ship to background ambience at a bar, from pitch battles to supportive bleeps and bloops heard from consoles scattered all around the bridge. Indeed, the track frequently transforms the listening area into the Enterprise bridge. The listener can pinpoint sound location with ease along the traditional two dimensional sound field. Music is likewise organic in its placement. Clarity is remarkable as Michael Giacchino's score saturates the stage with perfect execution. Action scenes are revealing. Whether pulsing phaser blasts, heavier torpedo launches, or the general mayhem of battle and all that entails the track never falters in delivering a realistic, immersive experience. Except overhead. Beyond a couple of fair overhead moments, such as when a shuttlecraft flies above when the cadets are being assigned to their ships, there's not much in the way of obvious and discrete top layer detailing. There's clearly some subtly interwoven and organic support details during battle scenes, but the lack of a fuller height presence is a bit disappointing, particularly when the track is practically screaming for it, such as when the elder Spock mind melds with Kirk and his voice scatters all over the listening area. Otherwise, the track is exquisite in execution and detail, including refined and natural dialogue that's always perfectly prioritized and center placed, beyond the few moments of natural extension beyond. The 4.5 audio score is more reflective of the Atmos track's inability to more richly and fully utilize the overheads, but the track is otherwise stellar.' M# O* u! d" w5 w6 c1 I2 n
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