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[MTV] 苏格兰老牌前卫摇滚 Fish The Tale Of Weltschmerz 2020 1080p & 720p BluRaycd x264-TREBLE 5.33GB & 2.33GB








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mvods 发表于 2021-12-30 04:27:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
$ P0 @6 [6 x1 K5 {! U

" N- t8 [: J  w6 i0 G评论:
% |7 s! x8 @. i& K: ?
) R$ `" v4 k% ]# T* H2020年9月,我发行了最后一张录音室专辑Weltschmerz。
0 E2 F$ \- p5 R/ }% N. b0 s9 g( r3 s  v" e
+ H5 g7 T) b$ P& x/ W, P$ r$ h6 @当今时代,从未有一张专辑的名字如此贴切。3 \) G. a0 c* u4 ]/ r
8 K  }4 Z3 c& r1 [5 N. }6 q% p
写作的过程是漫长的,要求也很高,在过去的四年里进行了,但我向你保证,最终的结果是非常值得的。1 ]! [6 w( t$ z3 V+ y
( Z* D! T" L$ o* d4 c
3 l6 P7 {& }3 g( y& j) ~2 a! r2 N和我长期合作的首席编剧,才华横溢的多乐器演奏家、工程师和联合制作人史蒂夫·万提斯(Steve Vantsis),他曾与我合作过2007年的第13颗星和广受好评的最后一张专辑《后果盛宴》(A Feast Of Responsions)。- ^' J$ L  h2 r5 V* g, I/ U, {  L! s
& T1 ~) |3 h: d- K6 W& w( v8 L
著名制作人Calum Malcolm(蓝色尼罗河,预制芽,Clannad)再次掌舵,并利用他丰富的专业知识和丰富的音乐知识创作了毫无疑问是我迄今为止最好的专辑。
9 j" i6 \6 j- F8 r# Q
& y, ^2 b& T5 E+ u  i# q$ Z# L2 K, F我们使用了一系列的音乐家,包括苏格兰室内管弦乐团的成员,铜管组,萨克斯和口哨手大卫·杰克逊。
& ~" z; w# ]+ K" M# y; U; X我们的团队成员有:范德格拉夫生成器(Van Der Graaf Generator)、鼓手克雷格·布伦德尔(Steve Hackett,豪猪树)、吉他手约翰·米切尔(John Mitchell)(It Bites、孤独机器人)和罗宾·博尔特(Robin Boult)、键盘手利亚姆·霍姆斯(Liam Holmes)、贝斯伴唱多丽丝·布兰德尔(Doris Brendal),当然还有史蒂夫·凡特西斯(Steve Vantsis)的各种乐器,包括编程,创建了一个非凡的歌曲集合,这些歌曲都适合我的告别专辑。* k* T0 S: i4 s* |5 b% U! B1 d
/ J* q7 b$ I* K9 l
拿着棍子的男人(2019年星球摇滚年度单曲)、小人儿What Now和Waverley Steps(线的尽头)最初出现在2018年9月发行的Parley With Angels EP中,并在2020年发行时进行了混音。$ a  J& g- ]! E# W# R9 B

. ]5 z# |( n; H8 f% d9 S蓝光光盘只有豪华版,将有艾薇尔·麦金托什(Avril Mackintosh)和安迪·布拉德菲尔德(Andy Bradfield)制作的My First 5-1 Mix(抓着稻草,杰斯特眼泪的剧本),为Man With a Stick,Weltschmerz和其他两个人制作的宣传视频,现场录音的Man With a Stick,Little Man What Now(与大卫·杰克逊),C Song和Waverley Steps从2018年演出,Weltschmerz的现场演唱会镜头。2018/19年的演示和威尔·史密斯(Will Smith)进行的90分钟采访,讲述了由大卫·巴拉斯(David Barras)和斯科特·麦凯(Scott Mackay)在演播室拍摄的Weltschmerz专辑的历史和内容,他们为主打歌创作了令人惊叹的新视频。
) q# E7 y" O6 I' ]9 z. y+ h# ?1 q4 j; v6 R" @1 f4 i4 x
01.。上帝的恩典。$ o  t& k1 _8 I, P. J/ i
01.。一个拿着棍子的男人。& z8 d6 s' P; p: q4 P
3 P/ D3 A$ s, M( D$ J# O! M01.。派对结束了。/ B+ }2 h  m: K( f6 C
01.。大马士革的玫瑰。( W# T3 a& ]: q9 q, |" z( x* y9 H
01.。纪念花园。4 W9 [9 K% K5 H4 a: F4 l
01.。C歌(特隆赫姆华尔兹)。! {; Y8 e; h5 ?
01.。小家伙,现在怎么办?  S1 E4 g7 y& |! l
01.。韦弗利台阶(行尾)。5 g  ]: o+ Z+ x6 i. L
10.韦尔特施默茨(Weltschmerz)) Q) m4 t# w' [
# r: M# K% m. l
! l% D" R' d$ ]  \) Q" A2 ^9 B, i% b, ?1 q8 o) ]1 ]
In September 2020, I released my final studio album   Weltschmerz  .
7 u8 \+ r" u) {- E1 j" l
0 k9 Z  P  K$ FIt  s been over 5 years since I first came up with the title which is a German word that translates to   world weariness   or   world pain  . In this+ E8 F' l* M8 f  k
present day and age never has an album title become so apt.+ v% B$ b; J2 Y; c2 h% B9 W, G
9 Y! x7 t7 h. B! j4 |
The writing process has been prolonged and demanding, taking place over the last 4 years, but the end results I promise you are more than worth * X, c9 b" n. h( ^+ y: Q/ G$ x+ d
the wait.
. U! Z6 c: G  x, b
# \, I0 C+ R: C: L( n# O) vTogether with my long term principal co-writer, the talented multi instrumentalist,engineer and co producer Steve Vantsis who worked with me on 2007  s   13th Star   and the acclaimed last album   A Feast of Consequences  .8 d9 X7 G6 X- z( E5 x. Z# S* @: L

( S; z. B8 d( @3 C$ Z; l% x7 NRenowned producer Calum Malcolm (Blue Nile, Prefab Sprout, Clannad) is again at the helm and has brought his wealth of expertise and immense musical knowledge to create what is without doubt my finest album to date.
7 p4 V" B9 j% E2 v# U* x  k
; H& l+ V# C# ]' YWe have utilised an array of musicians including elements of the Scottish Chamber Orchestra, a brass section, sax and whistle player David Jackson! e) }- F) h- G. l, y
(Van Der Graaf Generator), drummer Craig Blundell (Steve Hackett, Porcupine Tree) guitarists John Mitchell (It Bites, Lonely Robot) and Robin Boult, keyboard player Liam Holmes, backing vocalist Doris Brendal and of course Steve Vantsis on bass and various other instruments including programming, to create an exceptional collection of songs that are befitting of my farewell album.2 W0 z4 [% X4 @, p6 g8 S, l( }, U

% S, z* J' w# @! D9 Y. C/ AMan with a Stick   (Single of the Year on Planet Rock 2019) ,  Little Man What Now and   Waverley Steps (End of the Line) were originally on the   Parley with Angels EP released in September 2018 and have been remixed for the 2020 release.
9 U' T7 I( q2 ]6 a' j& V$ ~! _! R& ?% Q1 A0 e. ?
The Blu ray disc, only available in the deluxe version, will have a my first ever 5-1 mix produced by Avril Mackintosh and Andy Bradfield (  Clutching at Straws  ,Script for a Jester  s Tear  ), the promo Videos for   Man With a Stick  ,   Weltschmerz and 2 others, live audio recordings of   Man with a Stick  ,   Little Man What Now (with David Jackson) ,   C Song   and   Waverley Steps   from the 2018 shows, live concert footage of   Weltschmerz   songs from Edinburgh Queens Hall March 2020, demos from 2018/19 and a 90 minute interview conducted by Will Smith of the history and content of the Weltschmerz   album  filmed here at the Studio by David Barras and Scott Mackay who have created the amazing new video for the title track.1 w6 `( O  ^7 ?2 c+ Q8 T
# b' m' n( h8 }# t% g; t/ N8 Q" i; O
01. The Grace Of God6 X- ^8 _1 G) v$ b& p( n5 q
01. Man With A Stick" f$ _8 D: b, K3 w7 g4 f# F
01. Walking On Eggshells" }  t7 I, {  A: \0 h! p
01. The Party\'s Over( u7 r: R0 k  w
01. Rose Of Damascus8 R5 r# f: [) z  g/ E
01. Garden Of Remembrance" [  f9 a: H$ z3 e& j" u' B, }0 a
01. C Song (The Trondheim Waltz)
8 z: V0 n8 V+ D" Z$ W4 ?01. Little Man What Now?
1 w  S, l  e$ m5 j1 o5 L01. Waverley Steps (End Of The Line)
( T9 D5 S# [( }5 ~+ e10. Weltschmerz
; i4 b6 ~- k  ?* o9 w9 P
RELEASE         : Fish.The.Tale.Of.Weltschmerz.2020.1080p.BluRayCD.x264-TREBLE 5.33 GB/ @" u% D# ^9 f0 Z0 ~% E0 d
, \; @; `$ W: ~, E& h# \
DATE            : 2021/12/29. w2 n8 r& I, N' U3 K  n

" Z1 k4 |  _8 V3 wRUNTIME         : 1h19m1 b$ T) p$ H2 L( _  B

, h* Y% P, ~5 z1 `0 G% jAUDIO           : [AC3          2.0] [192Kbps]+ V& F8 q0 E7 b0 r0 l, g2 S+ E
VIDEO           : [1920x1080]
8 @9 H0 N: ?5 [2 k/ Y, R# \' }$ |SUBS            : [n/a]: O1 n& i; R* z4 b$ L

" k5 ?4 ^8 S- k' j$ c7 v- Z8 y5 Y6 qCRF             : 184 i1 E  ~! M. z& {0 D# c& @" ~' Q
BITRATE         :  9.361 Kb/s, T: I8 Y: q0 {( f
SOURCE          : 16.864 Kb/s0 O/ A' U6 v( U; ^1 s6 Q

) n: ]) i9 z4 z' P- Y: ~; xGENRE           : Rock
! p  D$ |( m" b: mIMDB            : n/a
0 f: |- e9 Q2 }* y1 H1 N1 FRATING          : n/a
RELEASE         : Fish.The.Tale.Of.Weltschmerz.2020.720p.BluRaycd.x264-TREBLE 2.33 GB
4 r* U: |/ J+ ^! U* r
2 J! R/ e8 h6 E/ w+ j. G- jDATE            : 2021/12/29
, l: p& v* Y3 x# ?5 I" d7 D& e, `$ p+ @* _: U# ]/ [+ T+ H
RUNTIME         : 1h19m
! J7 ?' u% ~) \/ m' \2 g3 J& y
0 G* c5 E' b! @: }6 }; |8 }AUDIO           : [AC3         2.0] [192Kbps]
( [& o$ F1 T/ L. f: ?VIDEO           : [1280x720]
5 S! |, J6 u' a; H5 D7 G3 G/ E& \SUBS            : [n/a]
5 L6 r0 y9 D' p: n  L
) Q; A9 a1 I  a' TCRF             : 18/ n% Q$ a8 v' ^
BITRATE         :  3.986 Kb/s( j9 G/ q0 b. o& ~0 J0 g( q8 Y. }/ Q
SOURCE          : 16.864 Kb/s6 u: _2 S2 D) a, i) B; |5 U7 Y& T+ ~

& R" Y. U; R/ h! G: IGENRE           : Rock
4 B! P  y. T% N$ X1 G4 z  ^, QIMDB            : n/a
# p) ?7 c+ D" G: O. a) Y+ XRATING          : n/a

$ s6 K7 `' B) `2 |
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