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[蓝光原盘] 斯宾塞/斯潘塞/黛妃/史宾沙/史宾赛 [蓝光原盘] Spencer 2021 1080p BluRaycd AVC DTS-HD MA 5.1-iNTEGRUM 21.62GB








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24小时 发表于 2022-1-14 01:49:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
During her Christmas holidays with the royal family at the Sandringham estate in Norfolk, England, Diana Spencer, struggling with mental health problems, decides to end her decade-long marriage to Prince Charles.2 T1 e; _; m0 p% v. ]7 B- D! q

; F4 c3 {7 Y( ^4 a- n 01a.jpg
9 ~2 h. T) S/ ?  h
2 T& H0 {1 p$ k4 Y- F' c' ^8 X- P- m◎译  名 斯宾塞/斯潘塞/黛妃(台)/史宾沙(港)/史宾赛(台)3 E9 E$ L' j5 n, n! t! p% w
◎片  名 Spencer) L( }* h3 S9 s( z
◎年  代 2021
2 J# d( r5 m9 R6 C◎产  地 德国/智利/英国/美国
. {7 U" x( F% E, o6 a& g◎类  别 剧情/历史
8 k; w) ]/ B' a( [, l◎语  言 英语
" b# _! D3 X% y" `( L◎上映日期 2021-09-03(威尼斯电影节)/2021-11-05(美国): m+ d$ e& @) ^! e7 Y! M3 q
◎IMDb评分  6.8/10 from 28,840 users( N9 p: C' Q) H
2 o5 [% }6 i+ t: {& V◎豆瓣评分 6.6/10 from 15,779 users' ^& w: r9 q* w5 H9 R
- C; D5 T# O# j$ c2 t) Y' @6 Q◎文件格式 x264 + DTS  
! |6 X1 p4 O3 r" R  X◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080) f/ x! s) d1 F6 [" |, [' i8 W4 h
◎文件大小 1DVD 21.62 GiB
: ]! `6 R2 M; |) d; T% B' |◎片  长 1:56:45.373 ( @9 b6 G; N5 [; W# n
◎导  演 帕布罗·拉雷恩 Pablo Larraín
0 K# Z3 E& v" k6 K2 e6 z◎编  剧 斯蒂文·奈特 Steven Knight
1 h/ x" F0 c9 U+ w+ a  s& }% v◎主  演 克里斯汀·斯图尔特 Kristen Stewart
& {, u  B+ X8 M1 f0 G6 C       蒂莫西·斯波 Timothy Spall0 [  N3 B+ }; P, Z4 P. w2 e1 V
       杰克·法辛 Jack Farthing
9 [1 ?% A/ N7 g1 x$ C       西恩·哈里斯 Sean Harris
$ |0 ]/ b8 |; ?8 g" H+ y6 _- h7 |1 C       莎莉·霍金斯 Sally Hawkins
1 I! J( ^& ^& _7 b# S+ u2 [% T) V' g       杰克·尼伦 Jack Nielen
' w9 z3 f+ R/ _4 t9 U       弗雷迪·斯普里 Freddie Spry
; K! A+ ~5 W2 f, g       斯特拉·古奈特 Stella Gonet. I6 u8 ]4 {* u1 j2 j; j
       理查德·塞梅尔 Richard Sammel
) a+ q2 M6 z- Q% a1 I/ {       伊丽莎白·贝林顿 Elizabeth Berrington# A0 a( m5 ~, ^# f
       艾米·曼森 Amy Manson7 {5 o; \+ O3 t
       詹姆斯·哈克尼斯 James Harkness
, |9 T- a2 A" D8 b9 {+ m/ W       劳拉·本森 Laura Benson% b6 S6 n! T9 L& T2 W
       约翰·基奥 John Keogh
9 Y- N1 e* N  _) c* i: e  {       米迦勒·埃普 Michael Epp. q6 Q2 a/ z- e& U' Q
       伊恩·阿什皮特尔 Ian Ashpitel
$ ]% j) Y/ \* @: m' w% q5 A
! ?& u$ e/ k8 h. i1 n0 t4 B% i◎标  签 英国 | 传记 | 女性 | 王室 | 2021 | 剧情 | 历史 | 婚姻0 [" Q9 p0 R5 G3 A2 d5 M% G+ F

7 ^. Z6 z$ s* L* T6 F◎简  介   
7 j/ h3 ^0 p( i# x5 O% J$ s
- f9 L; v5 C3 z( D  讲述1990年代早期关键性的一个周末,戴安娜下了决心:她跟查尔斯王子的婚姻不会有好结果,必须背离那条“皇后预备役”的道路。影片故事发生在3天内,圣诞假日期间的桑德灵汉姆庄园。
8 T& q3 L8 G+ y3 m+ W8 C. T6 e. p4 x. ]( |( e: S3 ^- V/ M: H
  The marriage of Princess Diana and Prince Charles has long since grown cold. Though rumors of affairs and a divorce abound, peace is ordained for the Christmas festivities at the Queen's Sandringham Estate. There's eating and drinking, shooting and hunting. Diana knows the game. But this year, things will be profoundly different.
* B1 r2 c, L! t, N/ b+ [' ^* d4 p( ]  }: ?
◎获奖情况   / x& x' a& U, G8 l
" F7 ^; o2 K. T3 B, c7 q
  第78届威尼斯电影节 (2021)$ Q' D/ N5 n; J; n& Y9 Y
  主竞赛单元金狮奖(提名) 帕布罗·拉雷恩6 e  \1 y) T1 v
9 J: l+ s. ]1 X  |
  1. DISC INFO:( I. _* |' L, X, E

  2. , t! q$ }. x" A
  3. Disc Title:     Spencer.2021.1080p.BluRayCD.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-iNTEGRUM
    . a6 s8 Z; b' V  B& x: U9 ]  h
  4. Disc Size:      23,215,519,618 bytes
    ( R4 n( q6 F9 T- S( M. T
  5. Protection:     AACS! h. V( L, W- a
  6. BDInfo: (compatible layout created by DVDFab
    3 o! {; i4 \( n) C$ B4 f& Z

  7. + Z! I: ?0 E* ?/ ^- B# |
  8. PLAYLIST REPORT:4 G7 `/ D! X9 M/ N! k
  9. * D$ C& }% O! e2 Y# b
  10. Name:                   00020.MPLS  3 [* m; ]+ d+ r* l2 E9 A% n
  11. Length:                 1:56:45.373 (
    " O7 g0 y) J" Q4 E0 s4 }2 b% Z5 b
  12. Size:                   20,609,224,704 bytes. z, p, G9 I5 [7 o5 ~
  13. Total Bitrate:          23.54 Mbps
    # ]8 Q! F% @' r, M7 x. g- q6 `

  14. 4 G+ L& J8 k( A+ S
  15. Video:; F: @# v0 [, V& }8 ]8 j, s

  16. 9 g; k& \# |" r+ `' c+ W- S" x
  17. Codec                   Bitrate             Description    3 Z& P4 t; y, F* c
  18. -----                   -------             -----------    : A3 Q  P) ^# u3 b+ F0 ]( @
  19. MPEG-4 AVC Video        18989 kbps          1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.17 }6 H( Z) Y( Q( z$ Z2 d) b
  20. / S- L8 Q- T6 j- n. S
  21. AUDIO:
    2 F& R) P5 o4 Y

  22. : ]- d+ _) q2 G" w
  23. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description    0 F. v( o4 ^. v+ i  Z
  24. -----                           --------        -------         -----------    " p# y. f2 Q+ n. K
  25. DTS-HD Master Audio             English         3243 kbps       5.1 / 48 kHz / 3243 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)( V$ L4 c7 |5 v  @
  26. ! R/ m- n3 x3 z, f
    # v; X+ `; C- e" @% _! F3 a% i, ^! g
  28. ( _0 L7 ]6 `! g' y: N3 `
  29. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description    $ |# h6 U; H( ]  f7 J
  30. -----                           --------        -------         -----------   
    ; E% F# U6 w9 D. ^6 p; O: c- a
  31. Presentation Graphics           English         21.668 kbps
Spencer Blu-ray, Video Quality   
4 R( ?6 Z' F) j7 p( Q) K7 g# m( P' ]. w$ G

% y8 {3 K- x4 y4 PThere's inherent softness to the AVC encoded image (1.67:1 aspect ratio) presentation for "Spencer," but encoding issues are present during the viewing experience. Fine detail doesn't have a distinct presence outside of the basics in texture and depth, and blockiness is periodic. Colors favor a warmer, buttery appearance, with sunlit glow and clear greenery. Interiors are a bit colder, but gaming tables and paintings bring out decent primaries. Fashion choices are equally distinct. Skintones are natural.0 `# W1 S" \. t: I9 ~
+ G" ~" _8 v' K7 B: T
Spencer Blu-ray, Audio Quality   
" L1 @; T2 m" C# Y6 V5 @! p/ v: F6 }4 ?$ o/ n  N4 S" j8 {% y
0 Z9 o. r7 P5 H: c$ k" i
The 5.1 DTS-HD MA mix is largely a frontal affair, favoring dialogue exchanges. Juggling accents and hushed confessions, performances come through with clarity, capturing delicate emotionality. Scoring cues are supportive with crisp orchestral instrumentation, including sharp strings. And there's a jazz element to the music, which also registers cleanly. Surrounds are modest at best, dealing with scoring expanse and some atmospherics as characters move around Sandringham Estate and work their way outside. Low-end isn't challenged, with only a mild response to more active movement.
. ]% m3 y4 N. L1 T1 q
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