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[动画剧] 降世神通:科拉传奇 第三季 [REMUX无损版] The Legend of Korra Season 3 2014 1080p BluRaycd REMUX AVC DTS-HD MA 5.1-NOGRP 76.27GB








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mvods 发表于 2022-1-18 13:54:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
As Korra tries to restore the streets of Republic city, she learns that her decision to keep the spirit portals open has created a new conflict between humans and spirits, and triggered the emerging of new Airbenders.
+ }9 U" R/ a: s) U. \) ]% L/ r/ T+ e2 M: C
0 {  i* ~9 K% u
$ w  n; X8 Z2 L# d  ^  z3 r& Y◎译  名 降世神通:科拉传奇 第三季/科拉传奇 第三卷:易4 H' R  T* O; D1 q
◎片  名 The Legend of Korra Season 3 / The Legend of Korra: Book 3 Change / The Last Airbender: The Legend of Korra
# W6 a4 H0 m0 c. [0 M  E6 ]◎年  代 2014
6 ]5 c+ ]* s2 _◎国  家 美国
7 j" L4 |% K  g. a8 m* K◎类  别 剧情/动画/奇幻
9 _4 q( L! V: R. ]6 N: y◎语  言 英语( I$ z  W1 i3 P- W
◎上映日期 2014-06-27(美国). P: f# x; q4 _6 R5 g, v7 @
◎IMDb评分  8.5/10 from 1,991 users- n# |5 _7 t( }) u1 |+ z
) i  N9 }1 B. I+ z0 q" n◎豆瓣评分 9.0/10 from 1,460 users: e% ]( r, B7 z7 i5 U
' V# E4 J2 x% I1 K% e( i◎文件格式 x264 + DTS  " @; Z! x: [8 s9 U; [
◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080
) h. ~, C" p0 u, P% X4 K( G◎文件大小 1DVD 76.27 GiB
  k) s4 {2 `6 v◎季  数 3
; E4 r( q' p0 ~◎集  数 13
  T, Y! e8 |) Z! ]◎片  长 24分钟
/ c+ |  ?+ K! _◎导  演 梅尔基奥尔·祖耶 Melchior Zwyer3 j0 @" N: g" Z& `0 g* F
◎编  剧 迈克尔·但丁·迪马蒂诺 Michael Dante DiMartino+ O2 v! I, ?! @* _
       布莱恩·科尼祖克 Bryan Konietzko: c) s: m" g' \, Q! |- q: `; a
◎主  演 珍妮特·瓦尼 Janet Varney
7 A8 {3 h* @$ Y- l; p9 W" x       大卫·福斯蒂诺 David Faustino
1 V, V8 r9 |* U6 x2 P# l       P·J·伯恩 P.J. Byrne3 {6 Q& G  f4 i+ K  g* \! f% C# W
       J·K·西蒙斯 J.K. Simmons
' i. ?5 H8 h- E3 f       亨利·罗林斯 Henry Rollins  N" z) Q* X( V7 e5 W, O
       赛切儿·加布埃尔 Seychelle Gabriel5 |* @2 e7 {/ [6 M
       杰夫·贝内特 Jeff Bennett1 M& m, L4 h( H2 d1 f  a
       迪·布拉雷·贝克尔 Dee Bradley Baker
# V( Y0 w8 ^) N6 D. L       丽莎·艾德尔斯汀 Lisa Edelstein* u9 [% x  n# l7 A/ ~
       理查德·雷西尔 Richard Riehle  Z% F0 Z, u  e, o6 m" x
       明迪·斯特林 Mindy Sterling
( U: S) f8 H& k+ a* I       黛西·罗斯·布莱内斯 Darcy Rose Byrnes: j' K8 U5 M( O" G. ?# j1 [( G
       琪兰·席普卡 Kiernan Shipka
  E' r2 P! S) ^) n- S, z; T       斯宾塞·加雷特 Spencer Garrett; N2 e# M- X- Y) P1 C

" p, Y% C1 }" a& ]: d/ o◎简  介   6 S) I% j$ U- v! W4 p9 n$ f
* J+ b: o, A' B- r
  距离寇拉和瓦图大战后已经过了几个星期了,那场大战对世界造成了改变,有一些无宗术者因那场大战后,意外成为了气宗,寇拉和坦辛认为应该要引导他们成为真正的气宗,所以寇拉一行人前往出现了许多气宗的地方 土强国,决定把那些成为气宗的人集合起来带到北方大气寺去训练他们, 重振气和族,但这时有四位身手高强的人出现并以绑架神通为目标,寇拉又再度面临新的危机。
8 w! G- b# ^; ^# |$ m8 d! R4 }5 {4 i, ?  {% z" q. j9 b
  It's the return of the Airbenders! Korra discovers that new Airbenders are popping up all over the Earth Kingdom. While she tries to find these Airbenders and rebuild the Air Nation, a group of dangerous criminals embark on a mission of their own.
3 W: I; q  P3 y, v& V! a
' i( Q3 v  z# r0 _4 H
The.Legend.of.Korra.S03.1080p.BluRayCD.REMUX.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-NOGRP 76.27GB
The Legend of Korra - Book Three: Change Blu-ray, Video Quality   
6 W1 R3 F% z9 \" F/ U. T" }- m$ a% V6 Q3 ^% @) P& i

4 j& `7 h+ m8 A$ @" ]So how does Book Three's AVC MPEG-4 video presentation fare? Unfortunately a bit worse than Book Two's decent but problematic 1080i presentation. Though encoded at 1080p via what appears to be inverse telecine processing (click here for further explanation), the most recent Korra release suffers from several issues; some familiar and not so surprising, some not-so-familiar and slightly irritating. First the familiar. Banding and macroblocking are back, and back with a vengeance, plaguing the series from start to finish and appearing everywhere from dark, moonlit environments to vibrant, warmly lit close-ups of our heroes. Neither is terribly debilitating, but each one is so prevalent that it's hard to ignore. The macroblocking is generally coupled with the banding too, which tends to exacerbate the unsightliness of it all. As to the more surprising anomalies, prepare to contend with pulldown lines, ghosting, and intermittent aliasing (most, if not all of which are consequences of the shift from 1080i/29.97fps to 1080p/23.98fps). The good news is that it's not that hard to get past all these nagging little mishaps. Taken on its own, each eyesore is rather easy to overlook. The bad news is that, together, those single eyesores amount to a collective distraction, and in an absorbing animated series like The Legend of Korra, being distracted is the last thing anyone needs, particularly in the midst of a climactic battle or as characters reach emotional crossroads.
6 j- [( k; Q! r
+ y- q% x+ V8 @Thankfully, other aspects of the presentation are spot on; to the point some will complain about my video score being too low. Color and contrast are bold, vivid and dazzling, boasting lovely hues, explosive primaries and satisfying black levels. Clarity is excellent as well, with crisp lines and well-resolved background textures and brushstrokes. Softness creeps in, but really only as the dynamic, often cinematic animation dictates. And quick comparisons reveal the differences between the Blu-ray and DVD presentations of Book Three are significant. Bottom line? It's worth admitting that most viewers won't notice 80% of the video issues mentioned above. Banding is apparent, but only those sensitive to ghosting and what not will be yanked out of the experience (and even then, only occasionally). That doesn't make the results any less disappointing, or the sting any less annoying, but the various issues also aren't crippling enough to suggest avoiding the release completely or holding out too much hope for an alternative. Proceed accordingly.  T+ p. M4 s. N
4 b- B, q. J% U% l
The Legend of Korra - Book Three: Change Blu-ray, Audio Quality   1 u" R4 W2 [2 S/ [3 E( j2 p) ~. C: ^

9 ~  `- w- ~& ^8 d3 _7 k' \; Z( u, `# `/ _. ^5 _6 M0 ^
Like Book Two, Book Three's DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 surround track is terrific, packing enough punch and power to convert the skeptical and impress the uninitiated. Dialogue is intelligible, carefully prioritized and neatly grounded in the soundscape. The LFE channel, meanwhile, grabs hold of every fight, battle and action scene, flexing its muscle at every opportunity. Fire erupts, the earth rumbles, wind thunders and water surges, all to outstanding effect. Not to be outdone, the rear speakers help create immersive environment after immersive environment, from the bustling streets of Republic City to the impoverished lower level of Ba Sing Se, the barren deserts of the Earth Kingdom, the serene peaks of the Northern Air Temple, the valleys of the air bison, and the vast mountains and canyons that serve as the stage for Korra's final battle with Zaheer. Directionality is precise, cross-channel pans are smooth and the entire experience delivers. Add to that the series' music, which ebbs and flows beautifully across scenes of peace and war alike, and you have a lossless track worthy of praise.
3 I( M" D8 f1 `: R6 [' x% j
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