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[蓝光原盘] 日月人鱼:国王的女儿/凡尔赛传奇 [蓝光原盘] The Kings Daughter 2022 1080p BluRaycd AVC DTS-HD MA 5.1-FGT 32.44GB








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24小时 发表于 2022-4-24 06:35:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
01a.jpg , n  W$ z# G, T  ~( G, z1 q/ ^6 f
5 q5 C- W1 V. u9 C$ V0 y
◎译  名 日月人鱼/凡尔赛传奇/日月人鱼:国王的女儿/路易十四与美人鱼
# z! N8 h2 m7 S: B◎片  名 The King's Daughter / Mermaid / The Moon and the Sun
6 {4 }+ Z4 O% X% P% V  m$ Z◎年  代 2022, r, v+ e# @2 |6 B! f/ i) S* c
◎产  地 澳大利亚4 z+ |2 u5 ^& Y# Z: J
◎类  别 动作/家庭/奇幻/冒险* G) I: Y1 D* m0 ^1 l- M' y; A
◎语  言 英语
3 j  I" [5 Y# |& I3 s- J1 V◎上映日期 2022-01-21(美国/加拿大)
  j" G# Y0 i0 O" n6 p◎IMDb评分  5.0/10 from 2,930 users
. \, i/ x$ [8 w# `2 `◎IMDb链接
. y6 r4 {) k7 C- h. k  {2 |◎豆瓣评分 3.8/10 from 721 users8 G7 i1 R  f1 E  o+ c* q
◎豆瓣链接 H! H2 D4 o3 x" Q: C
◎文件格式 x264 + DTS  
" d/ D, F0 B# u* y0 j* V! T◎视频尺寸 1920 x 10800 a5 A+ ^- e4 s/ @% v& y7 m
◎文件大小 1DVD 32.44 GiB4 L) N! s* ]) ?
◎片  长 1:38:19.894 (
1 n' a# I1 R% f0 z" q1 R◎导  演 肖恩·麦克纳马拉 Sean McNamara
4 \6 R+ d7 C4 d. n       Michael McNamara  J, _$ S5 e1 X' z
◎编  剧 巴里·伯曼 Barry Berman+ h/ e. ~) a" G5 u+ }  J9 x0 _
       詹姆斯·夏慕斯 James Schamus2 p0 N1 D7 s; z
       冯达·N·麦金太尔 Vonda N. McIntyre
! U$ j; ?2 L% J: h8 C" `◎主  演 皮尔斯·布鲁斯南 Pierce Brosnan& y$ z) o- I  h! O. d
       威廉·赫特 William Hurt2 G7 D- f, {: D
       本杰明·沃克 Benjamin Walker
( n$ o# N. ~9 y% ^       卡雅·斯考达里奥 Kaya Scodelario
  {( [3 d( }( E* {       朱莉·安德鲁斯 Julie Andrews# T- C. O4 S) x+ D
       范冰冰 Bingbing Fan
* U9 B+ |/ X0 h( j! a       本·劳埃德-休斯 Ben Lloyd-Hughes4 o6 H/ b3 v$ i, c
       保罗·爱尔兰 Paul Ireland
2 {" T2 u& l* K, U       巴勃罗·施瑞博尔 Pablo Schreiber
$ y: _7 P* S1 l; P1 ?; a. z       克里斯塔·克拉克 Crystal Clarke" u: l7 i  k6 m9 Z6 n9 j
       瑞切尔·格里菲斯 Rachel Griffiths
1 a% l0 c" D6 O2 ]9 z+ G       克里斯蒂安·贝德 Kristian Beddow
: y# e3 k( g8 D  o9 ~" L, z       卡雅·布洛克萨奇 Kaya Blocksage% r) _0 M: H7 `3 b
       杰西卡·克拉克 Jessica Clarke
6 n2 u5 D! y+ R- j5 a: S       理查德·阿纳斯塔西奥斯 Richard Anastasios& o/ K9 V  O% g; i/ N. |7 k) u/ n
       汤姆·莫顿 Tom Morton
; \" h& H8 t& t& A, k9 p       肖恩·麦克纳马拉 Sean McNamara# n# j; F; P* c5 D0 X
       比尔·奈伊 Bill Nighy* a6 [' t7 F/ a; i4 y3 `
       劳拉·哈灵顿 Laura Harrington
2 D3 D# b4 h6 B. i, q2 F/ O       韩薇 Wei Han
7 ^. q5 w7 W7 C" B  u% f5 o3 j       丽兹·加德纳 Lizzy Gardiner# s( l- j' E# F0 O# k$ e# R4 a* \
  F! a" F  h: t; w
◎简  介   * g. B% P6 h2 [- _- L& [  ]
( ~7 p6 S% o' s$ A& G/ @% l
  这是一个属于国王和王后的年代, 电影讲述了发生在美人鱼和路易十四国王之间一段独一无二的奇幻故事……法国, 路易十四建立起了强大的太阳帝国, 却只有一个低能儿的王子可以继承他的王位. 对于未来忧心忡忡的他, 经多方探访得知获得美人鱼的力量可以获得生命的永恒,确保王位的稳固。他派出得力干将伊夫斯,带领法国海军出海苦苦搜捕,终于抓得一只美人鱼,并带回凡尔赛宫软禁。与此同时, 美丽天真的女孩子玛丽.约瑟夫, 被人从海边修道院送入了皇宫。她其实是路易十四与最心爱的情妇的私生女,为了解决一笔战争欠款路易十四为她安排了一场联姻。初到皇室的玛丽对一切阴谋一无所知, 却邂逅了被禁皇宫的美人鱼并和她成为了好友,并逐渐爱上了看守美人鱼的军官伊夫斯。随着玛丽和美人鱼之间的关系越来越紧密, 玛丽决定反抗父亲, 冒着失去生命和自由的危险, 救出她的朋友…
7 y& A2 d% U' Q  d5 }: q
( _3 J( O; O# q# ^, n7 C; j  King Louis XIV's quest for immortality leads him to capture and steal a mermaid's life force, a move that is further complicated by his illegitimate daughter's discovery of the creature.
* R: g( ?. F0 ~% E2 u4 T6 i* K, z9 C  V2 S9 o, X
    0 A! T( r  U& h) a
  2. 3 g; h* C2 {0 @% r+ M- D  G
  3. Disc Title:     The.King\'s.Daughter.2022.1080p.BluRayCD.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-FGT
    0 D" ]+ R2 U, }1 L- J8 h
  4. Disc Size:      34,835,562,533 bytes; H  h" p# m2 J% _: r1 L
  5. Protection:     AACS% w( _0 w4 d/ b# e5 B3 e
  6. Extras:         BD-Java
    ' z2 u% x* u6 {$ |
  7. BDInfo: (compatible layout created by DVDFab
    $ X4 X- x3 ^5 [) C5 U. k
  8. 2 d# A+ a  b" z. r  |
    ( p$ W- p* i- B$ E6 H7 b3 y. a! ^
  10. - K- O! g' F9 V* T  k  {
  11. Name:                   00612.MPLS  
    9 D8 x& U. X6 \5 S" a3 y) d1 @
  12. Length:                 1:38:19.894 (" p) n9 z; o& j0 D1 `% I
  13. Size:                   31,322,247,168 bytes5 m* s( G: W0 J( q3 v
  14. Total Bitrate:          42.47 Mbps
    9 n) k0 n. V; f5 \  K( }# k6 ^
  15. % _4 i1 q5 h9 _& g; p3 m1 s( P
  16. Video:% \, ~- u0 T2 b2 m) Z) s
  17. 1 n/ C. E% N; b1 i9 T
  18. Codec                   Bitrate             Description   
    2 i1 ~. c# `! ]2 n2 ]$ r+ T7 x
  19. -----                   -------             -----------   
    9 N0 w  _% A7 P$ M0 o4 o
  20. MPEG-4 AVC Video        36642 kbps          1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1, a3 `# z$ v( |5 u

  21. * n. ^6 z9 \: r  v
  22. AUDIO:
    . G7 y+ O1 ^& i( S) l* \
  23. ; _  _6 s. G8 g. D- w  D
  24. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description    7 C: `5 w8 u9 V7 q
  25. -----                           --------        -------         -----------    # v$ O+ B6 v+ R7 S: N" Y- A
  26. DTS-HD Master Audio             English         3665 kbps       5.1 / 48 kHz / 3665 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)
    * k* A/ j8 U" G+ x

  27. ( F8 t2 k) ]/ @4 U
    8 t3 |8 a6 w* Z9 G0 Y: z  [

  29. & J* b; S  S  _" P7 J4 M7 P: a( W, W
  30. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description    - S* N, S& v6 M/ y0 x
  31. -----                           --------        -------         -----------    ' u7 m& ]# v2 Z6 b- W# f
  32. Presentation Graphics           English         34.76 kbps                     
    0 R- ]8 t; x6 [2 X
  33. Presentation Graphics           Spanish         26.646 kbps                    * J/ N" o2 F% f* x- P3 \
  34. Presentation Graphics           French          29.36 kbps
The King's Daughter Blu-ray, Video Quality   " X; L+ S, A; l
. s  t/ \5 X# X+ }

. g  `, T- I7 f  A: GThe King's Daughter arrives on Blu-ray with a 1080p transfer. The image is unremarkable but generally effective for essential clarity and color yield. The picture shows good detailing but never capable of revealing the regal Versailles appointments or the period clothing fabric density with the high-definition muscle expected and desired. Faces are decently complex but lack that laser precision Blu-ray and digital can provide. Core textural elements are in fine working order, but viewers should not expect to be dazzled or delighted by the image as a whole. Color yield fares similarly, offering solid enough depth and vividness but lacking that absolute color explosion and life found on the best period pieces. There is enough vibrance to natural greens and bright clothing colors but not enough raw saturation and lifelike brilliance to really make a striking impact. Black level depth is OK if not a little murky. Skin tones have a mildly pasty look about them. Whites are a little more creamy than they are crisp. The image does struggle through some light banding and moderate noise.+ D) j2 M, V8 V- d

( b; Q0 [9 Q3 Z1 |; [The King's Daughter Blu-ray, Audio Quality   3 B. ]  l/ w5 o. p0 U

" X" a+ v- c2 j
- G5 v2 I. P: k9 G1 D$ LThe King's Daughter sounds pretty good. The DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 lossless soundtrack is the only audio presentation on the disc. It offers everything a track of modern engineering and conveniences should, boasting prominent music with impressive clarity and large pronouncement across the front stage. Surrounds are folded into the experience as well to create a fuller and more immersive and dynamic posture which, combined with a decent subwoofer output, creates a pleasing aural envelope. Support elements, such as gusty winds, splashing waves, and surrounding underwater depth, are all presented with fine clarity and location stability. Dialogue drives the experience and is presented with commanding clarity in a natural front-center position. It is well prioritized for the duration.. V: R8 S: N2 l0 K5 O2 ~, q1 j8 }
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lfvvzc 发表于 2022-4-24 09:01:33 | 显示全部楼层
- Z: j. t8 o  [, gIn fact, I have always felt that the landlord of good taste! Ha ha!
- Q6 n% ^/ D) y: R* c* A3 u! `



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