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[科幻恐怖] 约定 The Appointment 1982 1080p BluRaycd x264 DTS-FGT 8.11GB & 7.24GB








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mvods 发表于 2022-8-2 05:14:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
6 r; m, e8 R! F5 E5 r1 i( ^

  Q5 B2 w8 M: {2 V◎译  名 约定7 ]3 K. V" y  L
◎片  名 The Appointment
! W" m8 G! ~& M  E; S; f) W) [◎年  代 1981
' t& q2 W( g( i0 w" `◎产  地 英国! P' Z6 D2 D/ ~- C+ q0 q; r  J# i
◎类  别 恐怖
1 Z8 d" u. u% r◎语  言 英语
- A: ~! I- E1 J5 G/ ~7 T4 }4 B◎上映日期 1981
% Y  ], Z- p3 [. Y- f2 F' s◎IMDb评分  5.8/10 from 434 users
5 G( a6 f0 u+ q◎IMDb链接
  b7 @# z0 q2 C: t# S, b; D) }- ~◎豆瓣评分 0/10 from 0 users
2 L- v8 h6 i8 [( Y& @) k  m) s◎豆瓣链接$ A5 M# {- P. J( D3 E* p
◎片  长 1 h 29 min1 h( q, P, S4 q/ h
◎导  演 Lindsey C. Vickers* M6 y/ q1 J* @/ v) |" [
◎编  剧 Lindsey C. Vickers: x( }0 A5 w/ K- R5 @
◎主  演 爱德华·伍德华德 Edward Woodward
0 c' e& U9 A% a  w9 T5 O" m       珍·美露 Jane Merrow' F' C( I, B9 }8 Q
       Samantha Weysom  & N% p9 @" D2 x* W% X

2 l% E8 D8 n% B' U( e; J) A◎简  介   , a) N7 X! N+ Q4 ?6 [6 s- I

- R& ~1 g, B5 b; n  Walking through some woods a girl is seized by an unseen malevolent force. The authorities erect an iron fence around the woods. Later, another girl and her family are affected by the same force. First in dreams and then in more real ways.
% _% c6 @# [! ~/ }) B) f4 Q
The.Appointment.1982.1080p.BluRayCD.x264.DTS-FGT 8.11 GB
The.Appointment.1982.1080p.BluRaycd.x264-GAZER 7.24 GB" D/ E4 i5 A# O( p; b0 e8 a1 p

. g7 g3 l% v- ?iMDB_______:, z( M1 t2 F, n
RUNTiME____:      1 h 29 min
* D, A+ ~% b# m/ ]+ n7 ZVideo______:      CRF 20 @ 11248 Kbps
$ f: {8 f) O/ P0 P- B- SSOURCE_____:      29990 Kbps
" U( k* v6 [- D) `$ e2 ERESOLUTiON_:      1440x1080$ G0 Y. M/ c7 i- b. r/ R
FPS________:      24 fps
1 s% Q, _7 y' a8 T0 E. q. b, n6 BAUDiO______:      English FLAC 2.0 258 Kbps: y, @# v* t* u1 Y1 t3 [. m
SiZE_______:      7410 MB
. A& q" N& S  ^) i* m% _7 u2 lSUBTiTLES__:      English
9 J$ ~3 s$ \% D
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