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[科教记录] 2010最新《世界上最棒的汽车节目:启示录》BD中字1024分辨率








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24xs 发表于 2010-12-17 04:05:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
' C8 X. u: W: v- w4 _
0 Y0 ~$ ^& i$ k' t5 Z) r◎译  名 世界上最棒的汽车节目:启示录
8 H. A. Z% f" D1 g3 u9 `0 o◎片  名 Top Gear Apocalypse
  e0 i& [; C# m; ]2 {& d- V◎年  代 2010
! Q8 [) h' ^# |+ S/ b◎国  家 英国
; S6 ?$ e! j6 o' V- J& f. h◎类  别 汽车
, s1 p% C- M: Q# l◎语  言 英语1 s/ d: @4 N7 ~6 s+ ?* U
◎字  幕 N/A
- o* g# }; w2 J) q' l, y◎IMDB评分 N/A
; Q- s, h" E8 R9 e2 a/ @8 V; r5 W◎IMDB链接 N/A2 c. U7 O" C/ `
◎文件格式 BD-RMVB
3 l3 `: B- ]7 E+ W- f" E◎视频尺寸 1024 x 576) x& N2 d" G5 q7 M0 i3 J
◎文件大小 1CD 785MB; J7 r$ \) ^3 D, i4 D1 T
◎片  长 73 Min
1 `$ s# R; Y5 i, z# e) b◎导  演 5 V$ l3 |9 I7 H. y  `8 K
◎主  演 Richard Hammond
2 ?; `5 m1 C2 W# ^! X5 m      James May) N6 T* G* O$ `1 B
◎简  介 
3 c2 \5 ]0 `) T6 s3 @1 P; N$ a" r0 p7 D
你有没有想象过在核子爆炸后或是巨型彗星碰撞后的驾车体验?也许没有人认真思考过。本片将告诉你答案。快来加入Richard Hammond和James May一起体验一场惊心动魄的旅程,你将看到如何在核子冬天的永久黑暗中驾车去上班;在只有两名车手的情况下,如何让赛车运动依然保持原有的激烈和刺激;如何让你的爱车突破最后的审判日的野蛮枪林弹雨;当地球上只剩下一罐汽油时,你会如何驾车出行,等等等等。
: g# E: C$ |2 b; T  j/ \7 ~
. d6 R! ^4 f+ X9 P* v. G4 BThe definitive guide to motoring in a post-apocalyptic world.
* B& c, Z3 G' W" T4 P4 Q# T3 U9 x1 Y  B7 F! j
Just what will motoring be like in a post-apocalyptic world that’s been blown to bits by nuclear bombs or a massive comet? It’s a burning question that’s on literally nobody’s mind, and we give you all the answers in this brand new, incredibly cheerful Top Gear DVD Embarking on a terrifying journey into the future, we show you how to drive to work in the perpetual darkness of a Nuclear Winter, how to make motorsport exciting when there’s only two racing drivers left alive, and, in a world where all cars are bristling with weapons, how to survive the savage, explosive fury of a Doomsday M.O.T test.
  s# x8 X7 A% k3 @- T) j* j' M
" y7 j0 C  _) q& P2 u/ KAnd amongst all the nuclear carnage, we also tackle the ultimate petrolhead’s dilemma – what cars would you take for a final drive if there was only one barrel of petrol left on the planet? The explosions are huge, the cars are superb, so relax and enjoy.4 ?. s1 m' C2 q

1 }1 \8 c' s. u$ OPS. This frightening vision of a post-nuclear world is backed up by top scientists, in case you think it’s us just cocking about. James May & Richard Hammond.- T9 U3 y# U6 T; e9 w0 X0 p) x
1 q8 u4 B& y, j5 i, ?
$ D0 {: \' j& D, A1 V% R$ l5 W: G! h) A0 \" m7 s* ~7 Z2 ~2 t0 k

2 _& S: ?. z. E3 ]. D" x' W
2 m% F  K% j" h7 j . ?& V- ]$ b/ h
, I$ F7 ~* a) M1 h

4 P- m" r- N3 a+ j
) A& n* K+ A: o1 G( a' l4 }; j* Q3 p" R

7 t+ Q1 D0 \  l1 i2 ]% F1 F3 e  P
, ]1 x* h& O+ K5 ]$ E
; m$ [6 a3 Z3 G! j4 `6 w+ G
  1. gvod://世界上最棒的汽车节目:启示录BD中字1024高清.rmvb
  1. thunder://QUFmdHA6Ly82Njo2NkA2LjY2eXMub3JnOjEyMjEvWzZWtefTsHd3dy5keTEzMS5jb21dysC958nP1+6w9LXExvuztb3axL+jusb0yr7CvEJE1tDX1jEwMjS438flLnJtdmJaWg==



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