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[科幻恐怖] 目标 Target 2011 RUSSIAN ENSUBBED 1080p WEBRip AAC2.0 x264-KUCHU 6.46GB








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mvods 发表于 2023-3-16 05:26:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

/ `% N/ ^  a# Q3 @3 \) J1 {  Q
◎译  名 目标- @: C) t4 l! K
◎片  名 Мишень / Mishen / Target
! z/ m8 Y" y( y$ [$ ^◎年  代 2011
  G7 \& m2 p. K$ R; d( [8 L◎产  地 俄罗斯
2 K+ m7 b( h* K7 W2 ^' ^1 U◎类  别 剧情/科幻
) P. r7 [+ ~3 J◎语  言 俄语$ O# j. }: X2 J6 J3 ^4 Z9 u% B0 a  e
◎上映日期 2011-06-30(俄罗斯)
7 ~& T" @8 D, O% w7 a9 j4 ~◎IMDb评分  5.8/10 from 648 users: Z0 c2 b. @: ~1 M4 m) S3 Q
◎IMDb链接; N0 N: l8 ^3 m  X; y. C, h; g5 c
◎豆瓣评分 0/10 from 0 users
0 r$ D! P4 _) }/ g◎豆瓣链接; k  B2 g! U( w9 z% N+ o
◎片  长 2 h 38 min# Q3 A& a0 [# b6 |/ z6 j) G! i3 `
◎导  演 Alexander Zeldovich2 `) |# h' w0 o- |
◎编  剧 弗拉基米尔·索罗金 Vladimir Sorokin$ m( a4 P6 T5 M9 G' h$ j
       Alexander Zeldovich
1 }3 L( `: D# q( A" `◎演  员 Vitaly Kishchenko& {' ]  v/ ~  p( B7 I7 ~
       尼娜·洛什金娜 Nina Loshchinina
$ a; l# z6 _1 Y0 y3 Z! [  q       丹尼拉·科兹洛夫斯基 Danila Kozlovsky
4 N4 h# ?3 S$ w1 o+ K, n/ O! ~# J5 |2 U! c9 V
◎简  介   0 ]& n4 q* t, U1 N7 T/ Z
8 J4 H, v1 x9 w4 E9 K, k& M  O( n
  In the year 2020, six members of Moscow’s wealthy elites travel to astrophysical sights near the boundary of Mongolia, because they were told that if they go there they would stop ageing. The following story examines such profound questions as what makes a man happy, what one needs for happiness, how people would live if they knew that they would never die.8 g1 q% t, e. z1 E9 f8 Y
Target.2011.RUSSIAN.ENSUBBED.1080p.WEBRip.AAC2.0.x264-KUCHU 6.46 GB

/ r9 l6 N2 K1 }- L6 S
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